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2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
/* class A2Computer
An object representing an Apple II computer. Methods in this source
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
file do object allocation, initialization, deallocation, and
(eventually) serialization.
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
#import "LibAppleII-Priv.h"
#import "A2DiskDrive.h"
@implementation A2Computer
+ (void)initialize
if (self != [A2Computer class])
return; // ensures this routine executes no more than once
[A2Computer _InitAudio];
[A2Computer _InitVideo];
[A2Computer _InitCPU];
[A2Computer _InitROM];
[A2Computer _InitPrinting];
[A2Computer SetMouseRangeTo:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 640, 480)];
[A2Computer setVersion:1]; //??
mlock(&A2T, sizeof(A2T));
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.45
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
target: [A2Computer class]
selector: @selector(_UpdateClock:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: YES ];
if (NSPageSize() > 0x2000)
NSLog(@"Warning: VM page size = %ld (> 0x2000)", NSPageSize());
#if 0
NSLog(@"A2Computer size = %lu", sizeof(struct{@defs(A2Computer)}));
NSLog(@"VM page size = 0x%X", NSPageSize());
NSLog(@"A2T size = %lu", sizeof(A2T));
- (id)init
"Add your subclass-specific initialization here. If an error occurs,
send a [self release] message and return nil."
Not robust enough against failures!!
if (nil == (self = [super init]))
return nil;
mModel = A2G.defaultModel;
mFlags = kfTEXT;
mHalts = kfHaltNoPower | kfHaltReset;
mMemorySize = sizeof(A2Memory);
mPrinter.session = tmpfile();
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
mSlinky.mask = (1UL << A2G.defaultExtraRAM) - 1;
mSlinky.rNowhere = 0xA0;
mSlinky.rBase = &mSlinky.rNowhere;
mSlinky.wBase = &mSlinky.wNowhere;
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
if (mSlinky.mask != 0)
mMemorySize += (mSlinky.mask + 1);
mMemory = NSAllocateMemoryPages(mMemorySize);
if (not mMemory or not mPrinter.session)
return [self Release];
if (mSlinky.mask != 0)
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
mSlinky.rBase = mSlinky.wBase =
(uint8_t*)mMemory + sizeof(A2Memory);
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
// Create the disk drives, and give every one a track buffer to
// work with.
for (int dd = 4; --dd >= 0;)
mIWM[dd>>1].drive[dd&1] = [[A2DiskDrive alloc]
InitUsingBuffer: mMemory->diskBuffers[dd] ];
// Initialize video memory with random bytes (a theatrical effect).
for (int i = 0x6000; --i >= 0;)
((uint16_t*)(mMemory->RAM))[i] = A2Random16();
madvise(mMemory, mMemorySize, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);
[self _PrepareModel];
return self;
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
- (void)_TestThePrinter:(BOOL)sampleOutput
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
// Called only for debugging!!
if (sampleOutput)
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\r\n"
"\x1B\x34Hello world!\x1B@\r\n", mPrinter.session);
"\x1BK\x07%c\1\2\3\4\5\6\7 |\r\n", 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
fprintf(mPrinter.session, "%d\t%d\r\n", i, i*i);
[self SavePrintSessionAs:kA2PFVerbatim
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
[self SavePrintSessionAs:kA2PFPlain
[self SavePrintSessionAs:kA2PFEpsonToPS
- (void)dealloc
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
// [self _TestThePrinter:NO];
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
for (int dd = 4; --dd >= 0;)
[mIWM[dd>>1].drive[dd&1] release];
if (mMemory != nil)
NSDeallocateMemoryPages(mMemory, mMemorySize);
[super dealloc];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)enc // experimental!!
[enc encodeArrayOfObjCType:@encode(uint8_t) count:7 at:&mA];
[enc encodeArrayOfObjCType:@encode(uint16_t) count:2 at:&mPC];
[enc encodeArrayOfObjCType:@encode(uint32_t) count:4 at:&mFlags];
[enc encodeBytes:mMemory->RAM length:2*k64KB];
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
A2IWM* iwm = mIWM + i;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)dec // experimental!!
if (nil == (self = [super init]))
return nil;
void* ptr;
unsigned len;
[dec decodeArrayOfObjCType:@encode(uint8_t) count:7 at:&mA];
[dec decodeArrayOfObjCType:@encode(uint16_t) count:2 at:&mPC];
[dec decodeArrayOfObjCType:@encode(uint32_t) count:4 at:&mFlags];
ptr = [dec decodeBytesWithReturnedLength:&len];
memcpy(mMemory->RAM, ptr, len);
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
A2IWM* iwm = mIWM + i;
return self;