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2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
/* Globals.l (.m)
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
Generally useful functions and data structures residing in the global
scope. Everything except 'A2G' however is considered private to the
LibAppleII library.
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
%option 8bit never-interactive noyywrap prefix="A2Globals_"
#import "LibAppleII-Priv.h"
#import "A2DiskDrive.h"
int yylex(void);
ANY [\0-\xFF]
BSC [^F]*FiLeStArTfIlEsTaRt[ \t]*[\r\n]
NIB [\x96-\xFF]+
DiskCopy4 [\0-\x3F]{ANY}{79}[\0-\3][\x12\x22\x24]\1\0
_2IMG 2IMG{ANY}{4}\x40\0[\0\1]\0
_2IMG_PO {_2IMG}\1{ANY}{7}(\x18\1|\0\0)\0\0
_2IMG_HDV {_2IMG}\1{ANY}{7}([\x19-\xFF]\1|{ANY}[\2-\xFF])\0\0
{_2IMG}\0 return kFmt2IMG_DO;
{_2IMG}\2 return kFmt2IMG_NIB;
{_2IMG_PO} return kFmt2IMG_PO;
{_2IMG_HDV} return kFmt2IMG_HDV;
N\xF5F\xE9l\xE5 return kFmtSHK;
\x1F\x8B[\0-\x9] return kFmtGZip;
BZh return kFmtBZip;
{DiskCopy4} return kFmtDiskCopy4;
{BSC} return kFmtBSC;
\x0A\x47\x4C return kFmtBinaryII;
{NIB} return kFmtNIB;
{ANY} return kFmtUnknown;
struct A2Globals A2G =
.defaultModel = kA2ModelIIp,
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
.defaultExtraRAM = 0, // sensible values: 0, 20 (1 MB)
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
.standardColors = // ... in a 12-bit RGB format
0x000, 0xC03, 0x00A, 0xB0F,
0x060, 0x666, 0x06C, 0x0CF,
0x630, 0xF60, 0x666, 0xF9F,
0x0F0, 0xFF0, 0x3F9, 0xFFF,
.flagsSSC1 = 0xED78,
.flagsSSC2 = 0xED78,
.flagsEpsonRX80 = 0,
.printerDataMask = 0x7F,
struct A2PrivateTables A2T =
#include "A2T.h"
unsigned A2GleanFileFormat(const void* header, size_t size)
Infers a file's format from its header bytes.
YY_BUFFER_STATE bufState = yy_scan_bytes(header, size);
unsigned format = yylex();
return format;
unsigned A2Random16(void)
Returns a pseudo-random 16-bit integer. The algorithm here is an
embellishment of one described in:
"Efficient and Portable Combined Random Number Generators"
by Pierre L'Ecuyer
Communications of the ACM
Vol 31, #6, June 1988
enum {
m = 2147483563, a = 40014, q = 53668, r = 12211,
// m = 2147483399, a = 40692, q = 52774, r = 3791,
static long v = 1;
ldiv_t d = ldiv(v, q);
if ((v = d.rem * a - d.quot * r) <= 0)
v += m;
return (v ^ v>>16) & 0xFFFF;
void* A2MemoryMap(void* addr, size_t size, fd_t fd, off_t foff)
Maps or re-maps a range of the process address space to a range within
an open file, or to new memory if no file is given. If passed a file,
we assume the file was opened for both reading and writing.
Returns the same results as 'mmap'.
int flags = MAP_SHARED // or MAP_PRIVATE??
| (fd < 0? MAP_ANON : MAP_FILE);
if (addr != nil)
flags |= MAP_FIXED;
// msync(addr, size, MS_SYNC + MS_INVALIDATE); // need??
munmap(addr, size);
return mmap(addr, size, PROT_READ + PROT_WRITE, flags, fd, foff);
fd_t A2OpenTempFile(size_t size)
Creates and opens a temporary file for reading and writing. Also sets
the file's size fo _size_, if non-zero. Returns a valid file descriptor
on success, or an invalid one (< 0) on failure.
FILE* fptr;
fd_t fd;
if (NULL == (fptr = tmpfile())) // then failed to create file
return kBadFD;
fd = dup(fileno(fptr));
if (fd < 0 or size < 1 or ftruncate(fd, size) == 0)
return fd;
// Reaching here: file was created successfully, but the resize failed.
return CLOSE(fd);
void A2WriteFiller(fd_t fout, char fillValue, size_t reps)
Writes fill bytes to the given file.
enum { kChunk = 1<<9 };
char buf[kChunk];
memset(buf, fillValue, kChunk);
for (; reps >= kChunk; reps -= kChunk)
write(fout, buf, kChunk);
if (reps > 0)
write(fout, buf, reps);
void A2WriteEntireFile(fd_t fout, fd_t fin)
Writes all the remaining bytes from one open file to another.
char buf[1<<9];
for (int n; (n = read(fin, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0;)
write(fout, buf, n);
BOOL A2AppendResourceFile(fd_t fout, NSString* resName)
Searches the application bundle for a given resource file, then
appends its content to the given destination file.
2006-10-27 23:03:01 +00:00
NSString* fpath = [resName PathForResource];
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
fd_t fin;
if (fpath == nil)
return NO;
2006-10-27 23:03:01 +00:00
fin = open([fpath fileSystemRepresentation], O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
if (fin < 0)
return NO;
A2WriteEntireFile(fout, fin);
return YES;
void A2DumpArray(const char* name, const void* arr, size_t sz, int type)
2006-10-20 05:41:32 +00:00
Dumps an array of integers to a text file, in the form of C static
2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
static FILE* fout = NULL;
char* p = (char*)arr;
int esz = abs(type);
if (fout == NULL)
fout = fopen(
[[@"~/Desktop/A2T.h" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]
fileSystemRepresentation], "w");
fprintf(fout, ".%s = { ", name);
for (long n = sz/esz; --n >= 0; p += esz)
switch (type)
case 1: fprintf(fout, "%u," , *(uint8_t *)p); break;
case -1: fprintf(fout, "%d," , *(int8_t *)p); break;
case 2: fprintf(fout, "%u," , *(uint16_t*)p); break;
case -2: fprintf(fout, "%d," , *(int16_t *)p); break;
case 4: fprintf(fout, "%lu,", *(uint32_t*)p); break;
case -4: fprintf(fout, "%ld,", *(int32_t *)p); break;
fprintf(fout, " },\n");
unsigned A2HitIWM(A2IWM* iwm, unsigned ea, unsigned d)
#define INC_THETA \
if ((dr->mTheta += 1) >= dr->mTrackSize) \
dr->mTheta = 0
#define WRITING (ea & 32)
DFLAG(0, CA0) DFLAG(4, Spinning)
DFLAG(1, CA1) DFLAG(5, ActiveDrive)
DFLAG(2, CA2) DFLAG(6, Q6)
kfQ67 = kfQ6 | kfQ7,
unsigned f = iwm->flags;
A2DiskDrive* dr = iwm->drive[f>>ksActiveDrive & 1];
if (ea & 1) // we're hitting an odd address
f |= 1U << (ea >> 1 & 7);
if ((ea & 8) == 0) // then stepper motor moves, maybe
int ti = dr->mTrackIndex,
tiDelta = "=<><>=<>"[ea&6 | ti&1] - '=';
if (tiDelta != 0)
[dr SeekTrack:(ti + tiDelta)];
if (WRITING and (f & kfQ67) == kfQ67)
if (not (f & kfSpinning))
iwm->modeReg = d;
else if (dr->mContent == kA2DiskReadWrite)
dr->mDiskModified = YES;
dr->mTrackBase[dr->mTheta] = d | 0x80;
else // we're hitting an even address
f &= ~(1U << (ea >> 1 & 7));
if (not WRITING)
if ((f & kfQ67) == 0) // return disk data
d = dr->mTrackBase[dr->mTheta];
else if (f & kfQ6) // return status reg
d = (dr->mContent == kA2DiskReadOnly)<<7
| (f&kfSpinning)<<1
| (iwm->modeReg & 0x1F);
else // return handshake reg
d = 0xC0;
if (f & kfSpinning)
iwm->lights = kLightSustain | (1 + (f>>ksActiveDrive & 1));
iwm->flags = f;
return d;
#undef INC_THETA
#undef WRITING