/* class AppController A dispatcher for many high-level application events. Only one instance exists at runtime. */ #import "Catakig-Cocoa.h" #import "AppController.h" #import "ScreenView.h" @implementation AppController //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + (void)initialize { OSStatus sts; // Need these retains?? G.bundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] retain]; G.docMgr = [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] retain]; G.fileMgr = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] retain]; G.helpMgr = [[NSHelpManager sharedHelpManager] retain]; // G.null = [[NSNull null] retain]; G.pboard = [[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] retain]; G.workspace = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] retain]; SetMouseRange(); if (noErr != (sts = AU_Open(&G.audioUnit))) { FatalErrorAlert(@"Cannot initialize audio", @"Error from AU_Open."); } if (NO) //!! { NSArray* arr; arr = [G.fileMgr directoryContentsAtPath:@"/System/Library/Sounds"]; NSLog(@"Found sounds: %@", arr); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)note {/* "Sent by the default notification center after the application has been launched and initialized but before it has received its first event." */ } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)app { AU_Close(&G.audioUnit); [ScreenView FullScreenOff]; return NSTerminateNow; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL)applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile:(NSApplication*)sender {/* Returns whether the application should automatically create a new document after launching. (Default behavior is YES.) */ return NO; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void)applicationDidChangeScreenParameters:(NSNotification*)note {/* Responds to changes in screen configuration: either resolutions, or relative positions of multiple screens. */ SetMouseRange(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (IBAction)newDocument:(id)sender {/* Called when the user invokes the "New" menu command. (Normally the global DocumentController gets this message first.) */ NSEnumerator* e = [[mNewA2Model cells] objectEnumerator]; NSColor* warnColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceHue:0. saturation:0.4 brightness:1. alpha:1.]; // Scan for Apple II ROMs. [A2Computer ScanDirectoryForROM:nil]; for (NSButtonCell* cell; (cell = [e nextObject]);) { BOOL hasROM = [A2Computer ModelHasROM:[cell tag]]; [cell setBackgroundColor:(hasROM? nil : warnColor)]; // 10.4 only!! } // Run the "New Apple II" dialog. if ([mNewA2Panel RunModal]) { A2G.defaultModel = [mNewA2Model selectedTag]; A2G.defaultExtraRAM = [mNewA2ExtraRAM selectedTag]; [G.docMgr newDocument:sender]; // [G.docMgr openUntitledDocumentOfType ... ]; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @end