/* Prefix.pch A pre-compiled header implicitly included by all source files of this project. */ #ifndef __OBJC__ #error This project must be compiled as Objective-C/C++ ! #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Platform-dependent includes. #if defined(GNUSTEP) // then platform is GNUStep on generic Unix // (This port is hardly started yet!!) #import #import #import #import #import // #import #elif defined(__APPLE__) // then platform is Cocoa on MacOS X #import #import #import #import #import // #import #import // #import #import // #import // #import // #import // #import #if 0 #import #else #import #import #endif #else #error Target platform is neither Cocoa nor GNUStep. Can't continue. #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Platform-neutral includes. #import #import #import //mport #import //mport #import #import #import #import #import //mport #import #import #import #import #import #import #import //mport #import //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscellany. #if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(and) #define and && #define or || #define not ! #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------