/* class A2Computer (category UserInterface) Methods having to do with user interaction: keypresses, the joystick/paddle values and button states, states of the indicator lights, etc. */ #import "LibAppleII-Priv.h" #import "A2DiskDrive.h" @implementation A2Computer (UserInterface) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static NSRect gMouseRange; static NSString* gNameOfModel[] = { @"??", // code 0 is invalid @"][", @"][+", @"//e", @"//c", @"//c+", }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (IBAction)SignalReset:(id)sender {/* Informs this Apple II that the user invoked RESET. The Apple II will respond to it at a later time. */ mHalts |= kfHaltReset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (IBAction)SignalReboot:(id)sender {/* Informs this Apple II that the user invoked a reboot (a "cold reset"). The Apple II will respond to it at a later time. */ mMemory->RAM[0][0][1012] = mMemory->RAM[0][0][1011] = 0; // sabotages the "power-up" byte mHalts |= kfHaltReset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL)InputChar:(unichar)ch {/* Informs this Apple II of a character typed on the keyboard. Returns whether the character was successfully queued. The character code must be plain ASCII (range 0-127), as that's all the Apple II ever supported. Also, this method turns on the "power" if it isn't already on. */ if ( (uint8_t)(mKeyQ.tail - mKeyQ.head) > 250 or ch > 127 ) return NO; if (mModel < kA2ModelIIe) ch = toupper(ch); mKeyQ.buf[mKeyQ.tail++] = ch; // enqueue the character mKeyQ.hitRecently = YES; mHalts &= ~kfHaltNoPower; return YES; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void)InputChars:(NSString*)str {/* Puts the given string of characters into the Apple II's keyboard queue, as if they had all been typed -- really really quickly. */ int len = [str length]; if (len > 250) len = 250; mKeyQ.head = mKeyQ.tail = 0; [str getCString:(char*)(mKeyQ.buf) maxLength:len]; mKeyQ.tail = len; mKeyQ.hitRecently = YES; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + (void)InputPaddlesByKeypad:(char)ch {/* Sets the paddle values (and joystick position) according to a digit key on the numeric keypad. */ div_t d = div((ch - 1) & 15, 3); A2G.paddle[0] = (kA2PaddleRange/2) * d.rem; A2G.paddle[1] = (kA2PaddleRange/2) * (2 - d.quot); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + (void)InputPaddlesByMouse {/* Sets the paddle values (also joystick position) by the current coordinates of the host machine's mouse. Only paddles #0 and #1 are affected. */ NSPoint mloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; int p0, p1; p0 = (mloc.x - gMouseRange.origin.x) * gMouseRange.size.width; p1 = kA2PaddleRange - (mloc.y - gMouseRange.origin.y) * gMouseRange.size.height; if (p0 < 0) p0 = 0; A2G.paddle[0] = p0; if (p1 < 0) p1 = 0; A2G.paddle[1] = p1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + (void)SetMouseRangeTo:(NSRect)r {/* Informs the library of the extent rectangle over which the mouse's coordinates may roam. Affects the future behavior of +InputPaddlesByMouse. */ gMouseRange.origin = r.origin; gMouseRange.size.width = kA2PaddleRange / r.size.width; gMouseRange.size.height = kA2PaddleRange / r.size.height; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (void)_RespondToReset { #if 0 strcpy(((char*)mMemory->RAM[0][0]) + 0x309, //!! "\xA9\xA\x20\xA8\xFC\xAD\x30\xC0\x4C\x09\3"); #endif mFlags = kfTEXT | kfLCWRThi | kfLCBANK2 | kfC3ROM; if (mModel < kA2ModelIIc) mFlags |= 3UL << ksHotSlot; memset(mVideoFlags, mFlags, sizeof(mVideoFlags)); mKeyQ.tail = mKeyQ.head = 0; mPC = mMemory->ROM[0][0x3FFD] << 8 // load PC from $FFFC-D in ROM | mMemory->ROM[0][0x3FFC]; mPrinter.reg[0xA] = 0; // command reg mPrinter.reg[0xB] = 0x3E; // control reg mPrinter.lights = 0; mIWM[0].flags = mIWM[1].flags = 0; mIWM[0].lights = mIWM[1].lights = 0; mIWM[0].modeReg = mIWM[1].modeReg = 0; // Does mode-reg reset?? // mSlinky.pos = 0; // Does this reset?? } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (unsigned)Lights {/* Returns the status of the Apple II's indicator lights as a bit vector. Should be called about 3 to 4 times per second from the client application. */ if (mHalts & kfHaltReset) // then RESET was raised earlier { [self _RespondToReset]; mHalts &= ~kfHaltReset; return 0; } unsigned lights = 0; for (int i = 2; --i >= 0;) { A2IWM* iwm = mIWM + i; unsigned lt = iwm->lights; if (lt >= 16) iwm->lights -= 16, lights |= (lt&3) << (2*i); } if (mPrinter.lights >= 16) mPrinter.lights -= 16, lights |= kfA2LightPrinter; if (not mKeyQ.hitRecently and mKeyQ.tail != mKeyQ.head) mKeyQ.head++; mKeyQ.hitRecently = NO; return lights; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline uint8_t ASCIIfy(int charset, uint8_t ch) {/* Returns the ASCII equivalent of an Apple II character screen code (0-255), or a space character if there is no such thing. */ static uint8_t flip[3][8] = { 0x40,0x00,0x00,0x40, 0xC0,0x80,0x80,0x80, // IIe std charset 0x40,0x00,0x40,0x00, 0xC0,0x80,0x80,0x80, // IIe alt (MouseText) 0x40,0x00,0x00,0x40, 0xC0,0x80,0x80,0xA0, // IIo and IIp }; ch ^= flip[charset][ch >> 5]; return (ch < 32 or ch > 126)? 32 : ch; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSString*)TextScreenAsString:(BOOL)newLines {/* Returns the content of the Apple II's text screen as a giant string of characters. Optionally puts newline characters at the end of each screen line. Returns nil if no text is visible. */ unsigned f = mFlags; if ((f & (kfTEXT | kfMIXED)) == 0) // then in full-graphics mode return nil; char cstr[24*81 + 1], *pout = cstr; uint8_t* dispPage = mMemory->RAM[0][0] + 0x400; int charset; // 0-2 charset = (mModel < kA2ModelIIe)? 2 : (f >> ksALTCHAR & 1); if ((f & (kf80STOREv | kfPAGE2v)) == kfPAGE2v) dispPage += 0x400; for (int v = (f & kfTEXT)? 0 : 20; v < 24; ++v) { uint8_t *pin = dispPage + 128*(v&7) + 5*(v&~7); for (int h = 0; h < 40; ++h) { if (f & kf80COL) *pout++ = ASCIIfy(charset, pin[0x2000+h]); *pout++ = ASCIIfy(charset, pin[h]); } if (newLines) *pout++ = '\n'; } return [NSString stringWithCString:cstr length:(pout-cstr)]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + (void)_UpdateClock:(NSTimer*)timer {/* Called approximately once per second, from an NSTimer, to update the date and time. Apple II clock cards read the data computed here. */ static struct { char hi[100], lo[100]; } digit = { "00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444" "55555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999", "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" }; static time_t tPrev; // = 0 time_t t; struct tm tm; if (tPrev == time(&t)) return; // NSLog(@"Clock time being updated."); tPrev = t; A2G.timeInGMT? gmtime_r(&t, &tm) : localtime_r(&t, &tm); tm.tm_mon += 1; if (tm.tm_year >= 100) tm.tm_year -= 100; uint8_t str[32] = { tm.tm_mon << 5 | tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_year << 1 | tm.tm_mon >> 3, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_hour, digit.hi[tm.tm_mon ], digit.lo[tm.tm_mon ], ',', '0', digit.lo[tm.tm_wday], ',', digit.hi[tm.tm_mday], digit.lo[tm.tm_mday], ',', digit.hi[tm.tm_hour], digit.lo[tm.tm_hour], ',', digit.hi[tm.tm_min ], digit.lo[tm.tm_min ], ',', digit.hi[tm.tm_sec ], digit.lo[tm.tm_sec ], 13, }; QCOPY(A2T.curTime, str, 32); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (id)DiskDrive:(unsigned)index {/* Returns the disk drive object identified by the given index (0-3). */ return (index > 3)? nil : mIWM[index >> 1].drive[index & 1]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - (NSString*)ModelName { return gNameOfModel[mModel]; } // Returns a short name for this Apple II's model. - (unsigned)ModelCode { return mModel; } // Returns the numeric code for this Apple II's model. - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } + (BOOL)ShouldShowDiskFilename:(NSString*)path { return [A2DiskDrive ShouldShowFilename:path]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @end