#!/usr/bin/perl -w package ProDOS; use strict; use PO; use Exporter::Auto; my $debug = 0; # ProDOS file types my %ftype = ( # 00 Typeless file 0x00 => ' ', # 01 BAD Bad block(s) file 0x01 => 'BAD', # 04 TXT Text file (ASCII text, msb off) 0x04 => 'TXT', # 06 BIN Binary file (8-bit binary image) 0x06 => 'BIN', # 0f DIR Directory file 0x0f => 'DIR', # 19 ADB AppleWorks data base file 0x19 => 'ADB', # 1a AWP AppleWorks word processing file 0x1a => 'AWP', # 1b ASP AppleWorks spreadsheet file 0x1b => 'ASP', # ef PAS ProDOS PASCAL file 0xef => 'PAS', # f0 CMD ProDOS added command file 0xf0 => 'CMD', # f1-f8 User defined file types 1 through 8 0xf1 => 'UD1', 0xf2 => 'UD2', 0xf3 => 'UD3', 0xf4 => 'UD4', 0xf5 => 'UD5', 0xf6 => 'UD6', 0xf7 => 'UD7', 0xf8 => 'UD8', 0xfa => 'INT', 0xfb => 'IVR', # fc BAS Applesoft BASIC program file 0xfc => 'BAS', # fd VAR Applesoft stored variables file 0xfd => 'VAR', # fe REL Relocatable object module file (EDASM) 0xfe => 'REL', # ff SYS ProDOS system file 0xff => 'SYS', ); my %months = ( 1, 'JAN', 2, 'FEB', 3, 'MAR', 4, 'APR', 5, 'MAY', 6, 'JUN', 7, 'JUL', 8, 'AUG', 9, 'SEP', 10, 'OCT', 11, 'NOV', 12, 'DEC', ); my $key_vol_dir_blk = 2; # # Key Volume Directory Block # # 00-01 Previous Volume Directory Block # 02-03 Next Volume Directory Block # # Volumne Directory Header # # 04 STORAGE_TYPE/NAME_LENGTH # fx where x is length of VOLUME_NAME # 05-13 VOLUME_NAME # 14-1b Not used # 1c-1f CREATION # 0-1 yyyyyyymmmmddddd year/month/day # 2-3 000hhhhh00mmmmmm hours/minues # 20 VERSION # 21 MIN_VERSION # 22 ACCESS # 23 ENTRY_LENGTH # 24 ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK # 25-26 FILE_COUNT # 27-28 BIT_MAP_POINTER # 29-2a TOTAL_BLOCKS # my $key_vol_dir_blk_tmpl = 'vvCa15x8vvCCCCCvvva470'; my $vol_dir_blk_tmpl = 'vva504'; # # Volume Bit Map # my $vol_bit_map_tmpl = 'C*'; # # File Descriptive Entries # # 00 STORAGE_TYPE/NAME_LENGTH # 0x Deleted entry. Available for reuse. # 1x File is a seedling file (only one block) # 2x File is a sapling file (2-256 blocks) # 3x File is a tree file (257-32768 blocks) # dx File is a subdirectory # ex Reserved for Subdirectory Header entry # fx Reserved for Volume Directory Header entry # x is the length of FILE_NAME # 01-0f FILE_NAME # 10 FILE_TYPE # 00 Typeless file # 01 BAD Bad block(s) file # 04 TXT Text file (ASCII text, msb off) # 06 BIN Binary file (8-bit binary image) # 0f DIR Directory file # 19 ADB AppleWorks data base file # 1a AWP AppleWorks word processing file # 1b ASP AppleWorks spreadsheet file # ef PAS ProDOS PASCAL file # f0 CMD ProDOS added command file # f1-f8 User defined file types 1 through 8 # fc BAS Applesoft BASIC program file # fd VAR Applesoft stored variables file # fe REL Relocatable object module file (EDASM) # ff SYS ProDOS system file # 11-12 KEY_POINTER # 13-14 BLOCKS_USED # 15-17 EOF # 18-1b CREATION # 0-1 yyyyyyymmmmddddd year/month/day # 2-3 000hhhhh00mmmmmm hours/minues # 1c VERSION # 1d MIN_VERSION # 1e ACCESS # 80 File may be destroyed # 40 File may be renamed # 20 File has changed since last backup # 02 File may be written to # 01 File may be read # 1f-20 AUX_TYPE # TXT Random access record length (L from OPEN) # BIN Load address for binary image (A from BSAVE) # BAS Load address for program image (when SAVEd) # VAR Address of compressed variables inmage (when STOREd) # SYS Load address for system program (usually $2000) # 21-24 LAST_MOD # 25-26 HEADER_POINTER # my $file_desc_ent_tmpl = 'Ca15Cvva3vvCCCvvvv'; my $key_dir_file_desc_ent_tmpl = ''; for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $key_dir_file_desc_ent_tmpl .= $file_desc_ent_tmpl; } my $dir_file_desc_ent_tmpl = ''; for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $dir_file_desc_ent_tmpl .= $file_desc_ent_tmpl; } sub date_convert { my ($ymd, $hm) = @_; #my ($ymd1, $ymd2) = unpack "CC", $ymd; #my ($hm1, $hm2) = unpack "CC", $hm; #print sprintf("ymd=%02x%02s\n", $ymd1, $ymd2); #print sprintf("hm%02x%02s\n", $hm, $hm); return "" unless (defined $ymd && defined $hm && $ymd != 0); my $year = ($ymd & 0xfe00) >> 9; # bits 9-15 #print "year=$year\n"; my $mon = ($ymd & 0x01e0) >> 5; # bits 5-8 #print "mon=$mon\n"; my $day = $ymd & 0x001f; # bits 0-4 #print "day=$day\n"; my $hour = ($hm & 0x1f00) >> 8; # bits 8-12 #print "hour=$hour\n"; my $min = $hm & 0x003f; # bits 0-5 #print "min=$min\n"; $mon = 0 if $mon > 12; return "" if $mon < 1; return sprintf("%2d-%s-%02d %2d:%02d", $day, $months{$mon}, $year, $hour, $min); } # Parse Key Volume Directory Block sub parse_key_vol_dir_blk { my ($buf, $dbg) = @_; $debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg; my ($prv_vol_dir_blk, $nxt_vol_dir_blk, $storage_type_name_length, $volume_name, $creation_ymd, $creation_hm, $version, $min_version, $access, $entry_length, $entries_per_block, $file_count, $bit_map_pointer, $total_blocks, $dir_ents) = unpack $key_vol_dir_blk_tmpl, $buf; my $storage_type = $storage_type_name_length & 0xf0; print sprintf("storage_type=%02x\n", $storage_type) if $debug; my $name_length = $storage_type_name_length & 0x0f; print sprintf("name_length=%02x\n", $name_length) if $debug; my $volname = substr($volume_name, 0, $name_length); if ($debug) { print sprintf("prv_vol_dir_blk=%04x\n", $prv_vol_dir_blk); print sprintf("nxt_vol_dir_blk=%04x\n", $nxt_vol_dir_blk); print sprintf("storage_type_name_length=%02x\n", $storage_type_name_length); print sprintf("name_length=%02x\n", $name_length); print sprintf("volume_name=%s\n", $volume_name); print sprintf("volume_name=%s\n", substr($volume_name, 0, $name_length)); print sprintf("creation=%04x %04x\n", $creation_ymd, $creation_hm); print"\n"; print sprintf("create_date=%s\n", date_convert($creation_ymd, $creation_hm)); print"\n"; print sprintf("version=%02x\n", $version); print sprintf("min_version=%02x\n", $min_version); print sprintf("access=%02x\n", $access); print sprintf("entry_length=%02x\n", $entry_length); print sprintf("entries_per_block=%02x\n", $entries_per_block); print sprintf("file_count=%04x\n", $file_count); print sprintf("bit_map_pointer=%04x\n", $bit_map_pointer); print sprintf("total_blocks=%02x\n", $total_blocks); } my @flds = unpack $key_dir_file_desc_ent_tmpl, $dir_ents; my @files = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { my $storage_type_name_length = shift @flds; print sprintf("storage_type_name_length=%02x\n", $storage_type_name_length) if $debug; my $storage_type = $storage_type_name_length & 0xf0; print sprintf("storage_type=%02x\n", $storage_type) if $debug; my $name_length = $storage_type_name_length & 0x0f; print sprintf("name_length=%02x\n", $name_length) if $debug; my $file_name = shift @flds; print sprintf("file_name=%s\n", $file_name) if $debug; my $fname = substr($file_name, 0, $name_length); print sprintf("fname=%s\n", $fname) if $debug; my $file_type = shift @flds; print sprintf("file_type=%02x\n", $file_type) if $debug; my $key_pointer = shift @flds; print sprintf("key_pointer=%04x\n", $key_pointer) if $debug; my $blocks_used = shift @flds; print sprintf("blocks_used=%04x\n", $blocks_used) if $debug; my $eof = shift @flds; #print sprintf("eof=%04x\n", $eof); my ($e1, $e2, $e3) = unpack "C*", $eof; my $endfile = (($e3 << 16) + ($e2 << 8) + $e1); print sprintf("eof=%06x\n", $endfile) if $debug; my $creation_ymd = shift @flds; print sprintf("creation_ymd=%04x\n", $creation_ymd) if $debug; my $creation_hm = shift @flds; print sprintf("creation_hm=%04x\n", $creation_hm) if $debug; my $cdate = date_convert($creation_ymd, $creation_hm); print sprintf("create_date=%s\n", $cdate) if $debug; my $version = shift @flds; print sprintf("version=%02x\n", $version) if $debug; my $min_version = shift @flds; print sprintf("min_version=%02x\n", $min_version) if $debug; my $access = shift @flds; print sprintf("access=%02x\n", $access) if $debug; my $aux_type = shift @flds; print sprintf("aux_type=%02x\n", $aux_type) if $debug; my $atype = ''; if ($file_type == 0x06) { $atype = sprintf("A=\$%04X", $aux_type); } my $last_mod_ymd = shift @flds; print sprintf("last_mod_ymd=%04x\n", $last_mod_ymd) if $debug; my $last_mod_hm = shift @flds; my $mdate = date_convert($last_mod_ymd, $last_mod_hm); print sprintf("last_mod_hm=%04x\n", $last_mod_hm) if $debug; my $header_pointer = shift @flds; print sprintf("header_pointer=%04x\n", $header_pointer) if $debug; if ($storage_type != 0) { #print "pushing $file_name\n"; my $f_type = $ftype{$file_type}; $f_type = sprintf("\$%02x", $file_type) unless defined $f_type; push @files, { 'filename' => $fname, 'ftype' => $f_type, 'used' => $blocks_used, 'mdate' => $mdate, 'cdate' => $cdate, 'atype' => $aux_type, 'atype' => $atype, 'access' => $access, 'eof' => $endfile }; } } if ($debug) { foreach my $file (@files) { print "file=$file->{'filename'}\n"; } } return $prv_vol_dir_blk, $nxt_vol_dir_blk, $storage_type_name_length, $volname, $creation_ymd, $creation_hm, $version, $min_version, $access, $entry_length, $entries_per_block, $file_count, $bit_map_pointer, $total_blocks, @files; } # # Get Key Volume Directory Block # sub get_key_vol_dir_blk { my ($pofile, $dbg) = @_; $debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg; my $buf; if (read_blk($pofile, $key_vol_dir_blk, \$buf)) { dump_blk($buf) if $debug; return parse_key_vol_dir_blk($buf, $debug); } return 0; } # Parse Volume Directory Block sub parse_vol_dir_blk { my ($buf, $dbg) = @_; $debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg; my ($prv_vol_dir_blk, $nxt_vol_dir_blk, $dir_ents) = unpack $vol_dir_blk_tmpl, $buf; if ($debug) { print sprintf("prv_vol_dir_blk=%04x\n", $prv_vol_dir_blk); print sprintf("nxt_vol_dir_blk=%04x\n", $nxt_vol_dir_blk); } my @flds = unpack $dir_file_desc_ent_tmpl, $dir_ents; my @files = (); for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { my $storage_type_name_length = shift @flds; print sprintf("storage_type_name_length=%02x\n", $storage_type_name_length) if $debug; my $file_name = shift @flds; print sprintf("file_name=%s\n", $file_name) if $debug; my $storage_type = $storage_type_name_length & 0xf0; my $name_length = $storage_type_name_length & 0x0f; my $fname = substr($file_name, 0, $name_length); print sprintf("fname=%s\n", $fname) if $debug; my $file_type = shift @flds; print sprintf("file_type=%02x\n", $file_type) if $debug; my $key_pointer = shift @flds; print sprintf("key_pointer=%04x\n", $key_pointer) if $debug; my $blocks_used = shift @flds; print sprintf("blocks_used=%04x\n", $blocks_used) if $debug; my $eof = shift @flds; #print sprintf("eof=%04x\n", $eof); my ($e1, $e2, $e3) = unpack "C*", $eof; my $endfile = (($e3 << 16) + ($e2 << 8) + $e1); print sprintf("eof=%06x\n", $endfile) if $debug; my $creation_ymd = shift @flds; print sprintf("creation_ymd=%04x\n", $creation_ymd) if $debug; my $creation_hm = shift @flds; print sprintf("creation_hm=%04x\n", $creation_hm) if $debug; my $cdate = date_convert($creation_ymd, $creation_hm); print sprintf("create_date=%s\n", $cdate) if $debug; my $version = shift @flds; print sprintf("version=%02x\n", $version) if $debug; my $min_version = shift @flds; print sprintf("min_version=%02x\n", $min_version) if $debug; my $access = shift @flds; print sprintf("access=%02x\n", $access) if $debug; my $aux_type = shift @flds; print sprintf("aux_type=%02x\n", $aux_type) if $debug; my $atype = ''; if ($file_type == 0x06) { $atype = sprintf("A=\$%04X", $aux_type); } my $last_mod_ymd = shift @flds; print sprintf("last_mod_ymd=%04x\n", $last_mod_ymd) if $debug; my $last_mod_hm = shift @flds; print sprintf("last_mod_hm=%04x\n", $last_mod_hm) if $debug; my $mdate = date_convert($last_mod_ymd, $last_mod_hm); my $header_pointer = shift @flds; print sprintf("header_pointer=%04x\n", $header_pointer) if $debug; if ($storage_type != 0) { #print "pushing $file_name\n"; my $f_type = $ftype{$file_type}; $f_type = sprintf("\$%02x", $file_type) unless defined $f_type; push @files, { 'filename' => $fname, 'ftype' => $f_type, 'used' => $blocks_used, 'mdate' => $mdate, 'cdate' => $cdate, 'atype' => $aux_type, 'atype' => $atype, 'access' => $access, 'eof' => $endfile }; } } if ($debug) { foreach my $file (@files) { print "file=$file->{'filename'}\n"; } } return $prv_vol_dir_blk, $nxt_vol_dir_blk, @files; } # # Get Volume Directory Block # sub get_vol_dir_blk { my ($pofile, $vol_dir_blk, $dbg) = @_; $debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg; my $buf; if (read_blk($pofile, $vol_dir_blk, \$buf)) { dump_blk($buf) if $debug; return parse_vol_dir_blk($buf, $debug); } return 0; } # # Get disk catalog. # sub cat { my ($pofile, $dbg) = @_; $debug = 1 if defined $dbg && $dbg; my ($prv_vol_dir_blk, $nxt_vol_dir_blk, $storage_type_name_length, $volume_name, $creation_ymd, $creation_hm, $version, $min_version, $access, $entry_length, $entries_per_block, $file_count, $bit_map_pointer, $total_blocks, @files) = get_key_vol_dir_blk($pofile, $debug); print "/$volume_name\n\n"; print " NAME TYPE BLOCKS MODIFIED CREATED ENDFILE SUBTYPE\n\n"; foreach my $file (@files) { my $lck = ' '; #print printf("access=%02x\n", $file->{'access'}); if ($file->{'access'} == 0x01) { $lck = '*'; } print sprintf("%s%-15s %3s %7d %16s %16s %7s %s\n", $lck, $file->{'filename'}, $file->{'ftype'}, $file->{'used'}, $file->{'mdate'}, $file->{'cdate'}, $file->{'eof'}, $file->{'atype'}); } my $vol_dir_blk = $nxt_vol_dir_blk; while ($vol_dir_blk) { my ($prv_vol_dir_blk, $nxt_vol_dir_blk, @files) = get_vol_dir_blk($pofile, $vol_dir_blk, $debug); foreach my $file (@files) { my $lck = ' '; #print printf("access=%02x\n", $file->{'access'}); if ($file->{'access'} == 0x01) { $lck = '*'; } print sprintf("%s%-15s %3s %7d %16s %16s %7s %s\n", $lck, $file->{'filename'}, $file->{'ftype'}, $file->{'used'}, $file->{'mdate'}, $file->{'cdate'}, $file->{'eof'}, $file->{'atype'}); } $vol_dir_blk = $nxt_vol_dir_blk; } } 1;