#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # zap.pl: # # Utility to edit a DOS 3.3 sector (.DSK or .DO disk image). # # 20190115 LSH # use strict; use DSK; my $debug = 0; my $trk = -1; my $sec = -1; my $dst_trk = -1; my $dst_sec = -1; my $write = 0; my @mods = (); while (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { # Debug if ($ARGV[0] eq '-d') { $debug = 1; shift; # Track } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-t' && defined $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/) { $trk = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; # Sector } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-s' && defined $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/) { $sec = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; # Destination track } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-dt' && defined $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/) { $dst_trk = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; # Destination sector } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-ds' && defined $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/) { $dst_sec = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; # Allow modifying data. } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-m([ahA])/ && defined $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1] ne '') { my $typ = $1; print "$ARGV[1] typ=$typ\n" if $debug; if ($ARGV[1] =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+):\s*(.+)$/) { print "1=$1 2=$2\n" if $debug; push @mods, { 'typ' => $typ, 'addr' => $1, 'vals' => $2 }; } shift; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-w") { $write = 1; shift; } } my $dskfile = shift or die "Must supply .dsk filename\n"; die "Must supply track number 0-35\n" unless $trk >= 0 && $trk <= 35; die "Must supply sector number 0-16\n" unless $sec >= 0 && $sec <= 16; $dst_trk = $trk unless $dst_trk >= 0; $dst_sec = $sec unless $dst_sec >= 0; my $buf; if (rts($dskfile, $trk, $sec, \$buf)) { # Display the data in the sector. dump_sec($buf); # Allow modifying data. if ($write) { print "WRITING $dst_trk $dst_sec\n" if $debug; # Unpack the data in the sector. my @bytes = unpack "C256", $buf; foreach my $mod (@mods) { my @mbytes = (); if ($mod->{'typ'} eq 'a') { print "ASCII vals=$mod->{'vals'}\n" if $debug; # Normal ASCII @mbytes = map { pack('C', ord($_)) } ($mod->{'vals'} =~ /(.)/g); } elsif ($mod->{'typ'} eq 'A') { print "HEX vals=$mod->{'vals'}\n" if $debug; # Apple II ASCII @mbytes = map { pack('C', ord($_) | 0x80) } ($mod->{'vals'} =~ /(.)/g); } elsif ($mod->{'typ'} eq 'h') { print "A2 ASCII vals=$mod->{'vals'}\n" if $debug; # HEX @mbytes = map { pack('C', hex(lc($_))) } ($mod->{'vals'} =~ /(..)/g); } my $addr = hex($mod->{'addr'}); print "addr=$addr\n" if $debug; foreach my $byte (@mbytes) { print sprintf("byte=%02x\n", ord($byte)) if $debug; $bytes[$addr++] = ord($byte); } } # Re-pack the data in the sector. $buf = pack "C*", @bytes; # Write the sector. if (wts($dskfile, $dst_trk, $dst_sec, $buf)) { # Read the sector back in. if (rts($dskfile, $dst_trk, $dst_sec, \$buf)) { # Display the data in the modified sector. dump_sec($buf); } else { print "Failed final read!\n"; } } else { print "Failed write!\n"; } } } else { print "Failed initial read!\n"; } 1;