/* epple2 Copyright (C) 2008 by Christopher A. Mosher This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "emulator.h" #include "E2wxApp.h" #include "e2config.h" #include "e2command.h" #include "e2const.h" #include "KeyRepeatHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include Emulator::Emulator() : display(screenImage), videoStatic(display), apple2(keypresses, paddleButtonStates, display, buffered, screenImage), keyEventHandler(keypresses, apple2.keyrepeater), timable(nullptr), // No ticked object (NULL pointer) prev_ms(SDL_GetTicks()) { } Emulator::~Emulator() { } void Emulator::config(E2Config& cfg) { cfg.parse(this->apple2.ram, this->apple2.rom, this->apple2.slts, this->apple2.revision, this->screenImage, this->apple2.cassetteIn, this->apple2.cassetteOut, &this->apple2); this->apple2.ram.dump_config(); powerOffComputer(); this->display.powerOn(true); } void Emulator::handleAnyPendingEvents() { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: // If SDL is going away... // could be due to user closing the SDL window, pressing cmd-Q on Mac, // ctrl-C from the command line on Linux, process being killed, etc. wxGetApp().CloseMainFrame(); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: // we're collecting keypresses for the keyboard // emulation (and thus the Apple ][ emulation itself) this->keyEventHandler.dispatchKeyDown(event.key); // People who have too many press-releases should be referred to as "keyboards" break; case SDL_KEYUP: this->keyEventHandler.dispatchKeyUp(event.key); break; } } } // How many emulation ticks between asking SDL if there is any new input // from the user or other GUI events. // This is also how often we shall update the estimate of the emulator's // actual speed performance // When the CPU is the object being ticked (each tick is a CPU cycle), then // this is 20.04378892 Hz in emulated seconds time #define CHECK_EVERY_CYCLE 51024 // The core of this Apple void Emulator::tick50ms() { if (this->timable) { for (int i = 0; i < CHECK_EVERY_CYCLE; ++i) { this->timable->tick(); // this runs the emulator! } } handleAnyPendingEvents(); this->screenImage.displayHz((1000*CHECK_EVERY_CYCLE)/(SDL_GetTicks() - this->prev_ms)); this->prev_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); } void Emulator::cmd(const wxString& c) { if (c.empty()) { return; } E2Command{}.parseLine( c.c_str().AsChar(), this->apple2.ram, this->apple2.rom, this->apple2.slts, this->apple2.revision, this->screenImage, this->apple2.cassetteIn, this->apple2.cassetteOut, nullptr); } static int askSave() { wxMessageDialog *dlg = new wxMessageDialog{ nullptr, "You have unsaved changes to your floppy disk images.\nDo you want to SAVE them?", "Save changes", (long)(wxYES_NO|wxCANCEL|wxCANCEL_DEFAULT)}; return dlg->ShowModal(); } bool Emulator::isSafeToQuit() { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Checking for any unsaved changes..."; this->screenImage.exitFullScreen(); if (!this->apple2.cassetteOut.eject()) { // TODO does this handle the case where we fail to save? return false; } if (!this->apple2.slts.isDirty()) { return true; } const int resp = askSave(); if (resp == wxID_CANCEL) { return false; } if (resp == wxID_YES) { this->apple2.slts.save(0); this->apple2.slts.save(1); // TODO handle case where we fail to save, // in which case we should alert the user, // and return false } return true; } void Emulator::toggleComputerPower() { if (this->timable == &this->videoStatic) { powerOnComputer(); } else { powerOffComputer(); } } void Emulator::powerOnComputer() { this->apple2.powerOn(); this->screenImage.drawPower(true); this->display.setNoise(false); // The apple2 becomes the ticked object this->timable = &this->apple2; } void Emulator::powerOffComputer() { this->apple2.powerOff(); this->screenImage.drawPower(false); this->display.setNoise(true); this->videoStatic.powerOn(); // The video static becomes the ticked object this->timable = &this->videoStatic; } void Emulator::paste() { // Feed input from the clipboard to the Apple keyboard wxString s = this->clip.getText(); s.Replace("\n\r", "\r\n"); s.Replace("\r\n", "\r"); s.Replace("\n", "\r"); s.MakeUpper(); for (auto c : s) { this->keypresses.push(c); } } void Emulator::monitorCycle() { this->display.cycleType(); this->screenImage.cycleDisplayLabel(); } void Emulator::reset() { this->apple2.reset(); } void Emulator::toggleBuffered() { this->buffered.toggleBuffered(); this->screenImage.toggleKdbBufferLabel(); } void Emulator::toggleFullScreen() { this->screenImage.toggleFullScreen(); this->screenImage.drawPower(this->timable == &this->apple2); } void Emulator::screenshot() { this->screenImage.saveBMP(); }