// // DestinationsView.swift // ListenerGS // // Created by Jeremy Rand on 2021-10-26. // import SwiftUI struct DestinationsView: View { @State private var editMode = EditMode.inactive @State private var showPopover = false @State private var newDestination = "" @StateObject private var destinations = GSDestinations() var body: some View { List { ForEach(destinations.dests) { destination in NavigationLink(destination: GSView(ipAddress: destination.ipAddress)) { Text(destination.ipAddress) } } .onDelete(perform: onDelete) .onMove(perform: onMove) } .navigationBarTitle("GS Destinations") .navigationBarItems(leading: EditButton(), trailing: addButton) .environment(\.editMode, $editMode) } private var addButton: some View { switch editMode { case .inactive: return AnyView(Button(action: showAdd) { Image(systemName: "plus") } .popover( isPresented: self.$showPopover, arrowEdge: .bottom ) { addPopover } ) default: return AnyView(EmptyView()) } } private var addPopover: some View { VStack { Text("Enter the hostname or IP address of your GS:") .font(.title2) TextField("New destination", text: self.$newDestination) { isEditing in } onCommit: { onAdd() } .padding() HStack { Button("Cancel") { self.showPopover = false editMode = EditMode.inactive } .padding() Button("Add") { onAdd() } .padding() } }.padding() } private func onDelete(offsets: IndexSet) { destinations.onDelete(offsets: offsets) } private func onMove(source: IndexSet, destination: Int) { destinations.onMove(source: source, destination: destination) } func showAdd() { self.showPopover = true; } func onAdd() { destinations.onAdd(ipAddress: self.newDestination) newDestination = "" showPopover = false; } } struct DestinationsView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { DestinationsView() } }