mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 05:29:49 +00:00
Add putallrecursive
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func main() {
var auxType int
flag.StringVar(&fileName, "d", "", "A ProDOS format drive image")
flag.StringVar(&pathName, "p", "", "Path name in ProDOS drive image (default is root of volume)")
flag.StringVar(&command, "c", "ls", "Command to execute: ls, get, put, rm, mkdir, readblock, writeblock, create, putall")
flag.StringVar(&command, "c", "ls", "Command to execute: ls, get, put, rm, mkdir, readblock, writeblock, create, putall, putallrecursive")
flag.StringVar(&outFileName, "o", "", "Name of file to write")
flag.StringVar(&inFileName, "i", "", "Name of file to read")
flag.IntVar(&volumeSize, "s", 65535, "Number of blocks to create the volume with (default 65535, 64 to 65535, 0x0040 to 0xFFFF hex input accepted)")
@ -62,13 +62,17 @@ func main() {
case "create":
create(fileName, volumeName, volumeSize)
case "putall":
putall(fileName, inFileName)
putall(fileName, inFileName, pathName, false)
case "putallrecursive":
putall(fileName, inFileName, pathName, true)
case "rm":
rm(fileName, pathName)
case "mkdir":
mkdir(fileName, pathName)
case "dumpfile":
dumpFile(fileName, pathName)
case "dumpdirectory":
dumpDirectory(fileName, pathName)
fmt.Printf("Invalid command: %s\n\n", command)
@ -88,6 +92,18 @@ func dumpFile(fileName string, pathName string) {
func dumpDirectory(fileName string, pathName string) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_RDWR, 0755)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to open drive image %s:\n %s", fileName, err)
defer file.Close()
_, directoryheader, _, err := prodos.ReadDirectory(file, pathName)
func mkdir(fileName string, pathName string) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_RDWR, 0755)
@ -114,7 +130,7 @@ func rm(fileName string, pathName string) {
prodos.DeleteFile(file, pathName)
func putall(fileName string, inFileName string) {
func putall(fileName string, inFileName string, pathName string, recursive bool) {
if len(inFileName) == 0 {
inFileName = "."
@ -124,7 +140,7 @@ func putall(fileName string, inFileName string) {
defer file.Close()
err = prodos.AddFilesFromHostDirectory(file, inFileName)
err = prodos.AddFilesFromHostDirectory(file, inFileName, pathName, recursive)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to add host files: %s\n", err)
@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ func createVolumeBitmap(numberOfBlocks int) []byte {
markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, i)
return volumeBitmap
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type VolumeHeader struct {
type DirectoryHeader struct {
PreviousBlock int
NextBlock int
IsSubDirectory bool
Name string
CreationTime time.Time
Version int
@ -64,19 +65,20 @@ const (
// FileEntry from ProDOS
type FileEntry struct {
StorageType int
FileName string
FileType int
CreationTime time.Time
KeyPointer int
Version int
MinVersion int
BlocksUsed int
EndOfFile int
Access int
AuxType int
ModifiedTime time.Time
HeaderPointer int
StorageType int
FileName string
FileType int
CreationTime time.Time
KeyPointer int
Version int
MinVersion int
BlocksUsed int
EndOfFile int
Access int
AuxType int
ModifiedTime time.Time
HeaderPointer int
DirectoryBlock int
DirectoryOffset int
@ -95,6 +97,11 @@ func ReadDirectory(reader io.ReaderAt, path string) (VolumeHeader, DirectoryHead
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", volumeHeader.VolumeName)
// add volume name if not full path
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", volumeHeader.VolumeName, path)
path = strings.ToUpper(path)
paths := strings.Split(path, "/")
@ -106,12 +113,23 @@ func ReadDirectory(reader io.ReaderAt, path string) (VolumeHeader, DirectoryHead
return volumeHeader, directoryHeader, fileEntries, nil
// CreateDirectory creates a directory information of a specified path
// on a ProDOS image
func CreateDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string) error {
if len(path) == 0 {
return errors.New("cannot create directory with path")
// add volume name if not full path
path, err := makeFullPath(path, readerWriter)
if err != nil {
return err
parentPath, newDirectory := GetDirectoryAndFileNameFromPath(path)
existingFileEntry, _ := GetFileEntry(readerWriter, path)
if existingFileEntry.StorageType != StorageDeleted {
//DeleteFile(readerWriter, path)
return errors.New("directory already exists")
@ -140,6 +158,8 @@ func CreateDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string) error {
fileEntry.KeyPointer = blockList[0]
fileEntry.Access = 0b11100011
fileEntry.StorageType = StorageDirectory
fileEntry.Version = 0x24
fileEntry.MinVersion = 0x00
writeFileEntry(readerWriter, fileEntry)
@ -152,6 +172,7 @@ func CreateDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string) error {
directoryEntry := DirectoryHeader{
PreviousBlock: 0,
NextBlock: 0,
IsSubDirectory: true,
Name: newDirectory,
CreationTime: time.Now(),
Version: 0x24,
@ -162,7 +183,7 @@ func CreateDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string) error {
ActiveFileCount: 0,
StartingBlock: blockList[0],
ParentBlock: fileEntry.DirectoryBlock,
ParentEntry: fileEntry.DirectoryOffset,
ParentEntry: (fileEntry.DirectoryOffset - 0x04) / 0x27,
ParentEntryLength: 0x27,
@ -175,14 +196,26 @@ func CreateDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string) error {
return nil
func getFreeFileEntryInDirectory(reader io.ReaderAt, directory string) (FileEntry, error) {
_, directoryHeader, _, err := ReadDirectory(reader, directory)
func makeFullPath(path string, reader io.ReaderAt) (string, error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
buffer, err := ReadBlock(reader, 0x0002)
if err != nil {
return "", err
volumeHeader := parseVolumeHeader(buffer)
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", volumeHeader.VolumeName, path)
return path, nil
func getFreeFileEntryInDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, directory string) (FileEntry, error) {
_, directoryHeader, _, err := ReadDirectory(readerWriter, directory)
if err != nil {
return FileEntry{}, err
blockNumber := directoryHeader.StartingBlock
buffer, err := ReadBlock(reader, blockNumber)
buffer, err := ReadBlock(readerWriter, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return FileEntry{}, err
@ -191,21 +224,28 @@ func getFreeFileEntryInDirectory(reader io.ReaderAt, directory string) (FileEntr
for {
if entryNumber > 13 {
blockNumber = int(buffer[2]) + int(buffer[3])*256
// if we ran out of blocks in the directory, return empty
// TODO: expand the directory to add more entries
if blockNumber == 0 {
return FileEntry{}, errors.New("no free file entries found")
nextBlockNumber := int(buffer[2]) + int(buffer[3])*256
// if we ran out of blocks in the directory, expand directory or fail
if nextBlockNumber == 0 {
if !directoryHeader.IsSubDirectory {
return FileEntry{}, errors.New("no free file entries found")
nextBlockNumber, err = expandDirectory(readerWriter, nextBlockNumber, buffer, blockNumber, directoryHeader)
if err != nil {
return FileEntry{}, err
blockNumber = nextBlockNumber
// else read the next block in the directory
buffer, err = ReadBlock(reader, blockNumber)
buffer, err = ReadBlock(readerWriter, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return FileEntry{}, nil
entryOffset = 4
entryNumber = 1
fileEntry := parseFileEntry(buffer[entryOffset:entryOffset+40], blockNumber, entryOffset)
fileEntry := parseFileEntry(buffer[entryOffset:entryOffset+0x28], blockNumber, entryOffset)
if fileEntry.StorageType == StorageDeleted {
fileEntry.DirectoryBlock = blockNumber
@ -219,6 +259,51 @@ func getFreeFileEntryInDirectory(reader io.ReaderAt, directory string) (FileEntr
func expandDirectory(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, nextBlockNumber int, buffer []byte, blockNumber int, directoryHeader DirectoryHeader) (int, error) {
volumeBitMap, err := ReadVolumeBitmap(readerWriter)
if err != nil {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("failed to get volume bitmap to expand directory: %s", err)
return 0, errors.New(errString)
blockList := findFreeBlocks(volumeBitMap, 1)
if len(blockList) != 1 {
return 0, errors.New("failed to get free block to expand directory")
nextBlockNumber = blockList[0]
buffer[0x02] = byte(nextBlockNumber & 0x00FF)
buffer[0x03] = byte(nextBlockNumber >> 8)
WriteBlock(readerWriter, blockNumber, buffer)
if err != nil {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("failed to write block to expand directory: %s", err)
return 0, errors.New(errString)
buffer = make([]byte, 0x200)
buffer[0x00] = byte(blockNumber & 0x00FF)
buffer[0x01] = byte(blockNumber >> 8)
err = WriteBlock(readerWriter, nextBlockNumber, buffer)
if err != nil {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("failed to write new block to expand directory: %s", err)
return 0, errors.New(errString)
updateVolumeBitmap(readerWriter, blockList)
buffer, err = ReadBlock(readerWriter, directoryHeader.ParentBlock)
if err != nil {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("failed to read parent block to expand directory: %s", err)
return 0, errors.New(errString)
directoryEntryOffset := directoryHeader.ParentEntry*directoryHeader.EntryLength + 0x04
directoryFileEntry := parseFileEntry(buffer[directoryEntryOffset:directoryEntryOffset+0x28], directoryHeader.ParentBlock, directoryHeader.ParentEntry*directoryHeader.EntryLength+0x04)
directoryFileEntry.EndOfFile += 0x200
writeFileEntry(readerWriter, directoryFileEntry)
return nextBlockNumber, nil
func getFileEntriesInDirectory(reader io.ReaderAt, blockNumber int, currentPath int, paths []string) (DirectoryHeader, []FileEntry, error) {
buffer, err := ReadBlock(reader, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
@ -333,13 +418,14 @@ func writeFileEntry(writer io.WriterAt, fileEntry FileEntry) {
buffer[0x1E] = byte(fileEntry.Access)
buffer[0x1F] = byte(fileEntry.AuxType & 0x00FF)
buffer[0x20] = byte(fileEntry.AuxType >> 8)
modifiedTime := DateTimeToProDOS(fileEntry.CreationTime)
modifiedTime := DateTimeToProDOS(fileEntry.ModifiedTime)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
buffer[0x21+i] = modifiedTime[i]
buffer[0x25] = byte(fileEntry.HeaderPointer & 0x00FF)
buffer[0x26] = byte(fileEntry.HeaderPointer >> 8)
//fmt.Printf("Writing file entry at block: %04X offset: %04X\n", fileEntry.DirectoryBlock, fileEntry.DirectoryOffset)
_, err := writer.WriteAt(buffer, int64(fileEntry.DirectoryBlock*512+fileEntry.DirectoryOffset))
if err != nil {
@ -381,7 +467,8 @@ func parseVolumeHeader(buffer []byte) VolumeHeader {
func parseDirectoryHeader(buffer []byte, blockNumber int) DirectoryHeader {
previousBlock := int(buffer[0x00]) + int(buffer[0x01])*256
nextBlock := int(buffer[0x02]) + int(buffer[0x03])*256
filenameLength := buffer[0x04] & 15
isSubDirectory := (buffer[0x04] & 0xF0) == 0xE0
filenameLength := buffer[0x04] & 0x0F
name := string(buffer[0x05 : filenameLength+0x05])
creationTime := DateTimeFromProDOS(buffer[0x1C:0x20])
version := int(buffer[0x20])
@ -398,6 +485,7 @@ func parseDirectoryHeader(buffer []byte, blockNumber int) DirectoryHeader {
PreviousBlock: previousBlock,
NextBlock: nextBlock,
StartingBlock: blockNumber,
IsSubDirectory: isSubDirectory,
Name: name,
CreationTime: creationTime,
Version: version,
@ -415,6 +503,7 @@ func parseDirectoryHeader(buffer []byte, blockNumber int) DirectoryHeader {
func writeDirectoryHeader(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, directoryHeader DirectoryHeader) error {
// Reading back the block preserves values including reserved fields
buffer, err := ReadBlock(readerWriter, directoryHeader.StartingBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -423,6 +512,11 @@ func writeDirectoryHeader(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, directoryHeader Directory
buffer[0x01] = byte(directoryHeader.PreviousBlock >> 8)
buffer[0x02] = byte(directoryHeader.NextBlock & 0x00FF)
buffer[0x03] = byte(directoryHeader.NextBlock >> 8)
if directoryHeader.IsSubDirectory {
buffer[0x04] = 0xE0
} else {
buffer[0x04] = 0xF0
buffer[0x04] = buffer[0x04] | byte(len(directoryHeader.Name))
for i := 0; i < len(directoryHeader.Name); i++ {
buffer[0x05+i] = directoryHeader.Name[i]
@ -431,6 +525,16 @@ func writeDirectoryHeader(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, directoryHeader Directory
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
buffer[0x1C+i] = creationTime[i]
// Without these reserved bytes, reading the directory causes I/O ERROR
buffer[0x14] = 0x75
buffer[0x15] = byte(directoryHeader.Version)
buffer[0x16] = byte(directoryHeader.MinVersion)
buffer[0x17] = 0xC3
buffer[0x18] = 0x0D
buffer[0x19] = 0x27
buffer[0x1A] = 0x00
buffer[0x1B] = 0x00
buffer[0x20] = byte(directoryHeader.Version)
buffer[0x21] = byte(directoryHeader.MinVersion)
buffer[0x22] = byte(directoryHeader.Access)
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ func LoadFile(reader io.ReaderAt, path string) ([]byte, error) {
func WriteFile(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string, fileType int, auxType int, createdTime time.Time, modifiedTime time.Time, buffer []byte) error {
directory, fileName := GetDirectoryAndFileNameFromPath(path)
if len(fileName) > 15 {
return errors.New("filename too long")
existingFileEntry, _ := GetFileEntry(readerWriter, path)
if existingFileEntry.StorageType != StorageDeleted {
DeleteFile(readerWriter, path)
@ -91,6 +95,8 @@ func WriteFile(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string, fileType int, auxType i
fileEntry.EndOfFile = len(buffer)
fileEntry.FileType = fileType
fileEntry.KeyPointer = blockList[0]
fileEntry.Version = 0x24
fileEntry.MinVersion = 0x00
fileEntry.Access = 0b11100011
if len(blockList) == 1 {
fileEntry.StorageType = StorageSeedling
@ -135,6 +141,7 @@ func DeleteFile(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, path string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
volumeBitmap, err := ReadVolumeBitmap(readerWriter)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -307,26 +314,27 @@ func getBlocklist(reader io.ReaderAt, fileEntry FileEntry, dataOnly bool) ([]int
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockOffset := 0
if !dataOnly {
blocks[0] = fileEntry.KeyPointer
blockOffset = 1
blockOffset := 1
blocks[0] = fileEntry.KeyPointer
for i := 0; i < fileEntry.BlocksUsed-1; i++ {
blocks[i+blockOffset] = int(index[i]) + int(index[i+256])*256
if dataOnly {
return blocks[1:], nil
return blocks, nil
case StorageTree:
// this is actually too large
dataBlocks := make([]int, fileEntry.BlocksUsed)
numberOfIndexBlocks := fileEntry.BlocksUsed/256 + 1
if fileEntry.BlocksUsed%256 != 0 {
// this is also actually too large
numberOfIndexBlocks := fileEntry.BlocksUsed/256 + 2
indexBlocks := make([]int, numberOfIndexBlocks)
masterIndex, err := ReadBlock(reader, fileEntry.KeyPointer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
numberOfDataBlocks := 0
indexBlocks[0] = fileEntry.KeyPointer
indexBlockCount := 1
@ -345,6 +353,7 @@ func getBlocklist(reader io.ReaderAt, fileEntry FileEntry, dataOnly bool) ([]int
if (int(index[j]) + int(index[j+256])*256) == 0 {
dataBlocks[i*256+j] = int(index[j]) + int(index[j+256])*256
@ -353,7 +362,7 @@ func getBlocklist(reader io.ReaderAt, fileEntry FileEntry, dataOnly bool) ([]int
return dataBlocks, nil
blocks = append(indexBlocks, dataBlocks...)
blocks = append(indexBlocks[0:numberOfIndexBlocks], dataBlocks[0:numberOfDataBlocks]...)
return blocks, nil
@ -392,7 +401,7 @@ func createBlockList(reader io.ReaderAt, fileSize int) ([]int, error) {
blockList := findFreeBlocks(volumeBitmap, numberOfBlocks)
return blockList, nil
return blockList[0:numberOfBlocks], nil
// GetFileEntry returns a file entry for the given path
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
func TestCreatBlocklist(t *testing.T) {
func TestCreateBlocklist(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
fileSize int
wantBlocks int
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ package prodos
import (
@ -19,7 +20,15 @@ import (
// from the specified host directory
func AddFilesFromHostDirectory(
readerWriter ReaderWriterAt,
directory string) error {
directory string,
path string,
recursive bool) error {
path, err := makeFullPath(path, readerWriter)
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
path = path + "/"
files, err := os.ReadDir(directory)
if err != nil {
@ -33,37 +42,67 @@ func AddFilesFromHostDirectory(
if file.Name()[0] != '.' && !file.IsDir() && info.Size() > 0 && info.Size() <= 0x1000000 {
err = WriteFileFromFile(readerWriter, "", 0, 0, info.ModTime(), filepath.Join(directory, file.Name()))
err = WriteFileFromFile(readerWriter, path, 0, 0, info.ModTime(), filepath.Join(directory, file.Name()))
if err != nil {
return err
if file.Name()[0] != '.' && recursive && file.IsDir() {
newPath := file.Name()
if len(newPath) > 15 {
newPath = newPath[0:15]
newFullPath := strings.ToUpper(path + newPath)
newHostDirectory := filepath.Join(directory, file.Name())
CreateDirectory(readerWriter, newFullPath)
AddFilesFromHostDirectory(readerWriter, newHostDirectory, newFullPath+"/", recursive)
return nil
// WriteFileFromFile writes a file to a ProDOS volume from a host file
func WriteFileFromFile(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, pathName string, fileType int, auxType int, modifiedTime time.Time, inFileName string) error {
fmt.Printf("WriteFileFromFile: %s\n", inFileName)
func WriteFileFromFile(
readerWriter ReaderWriterAt,
pathName string,
fileType int,
auxType int,
modifiedTime time.Time,
inFileName string) error {
inFile, err := os.ReadFile(inFileName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("failed to read file")
return err
errString := fmt.Sprintf("write from file failed: %s", err)
return errors.New(errString)
if auxType == 0 && fileType == 0 {
auxType, fileType, inFile, err = convertFileByType(inFileName, inFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("failed to convert file")
return err
errString := fmt.Sprintf("failed to convert file: %s", err)
return errors.New(errString)
trimExtensions := false
if len(pathName) == 0 {
_, pathName = filepath.Split(inFileName)
pathName = strings.ToUpper(pathName)
trimExtensions = true
if strings.HasSuffix(pathName, "/") {
trimExtensions = true
_, fileName := filepath.Split(inFileName)
pathName = strings.ToUpper(pathName + fileName)
if trimExtensions {
ext := filepath.Ext(pathName)
if len(ext) > 0 {
switch ext {
case ".SYS", ".TXT", ".BAS", ".BIN":
@ -72,6 +111,13 @@ func WriteFileFromFile(readerWriter ReaderWriterAt, pathName string, fileType in
paths := strings.SplitAfter(pathName, "/")
if len(paths[len(paths)-1]) > 15 {
paths[len(paths)-1] = paths[len(paths)-1][0:15]
pathName = strings.Join(paths, "")
fmt.Printf("Source: %s Destination: %s\n", inFileName, pathName)
return WriteFile(readerWriter, pathName, fileType, auxType, time.Now(), modifiedTime, inFile)
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ func DumpFileEntry(fileEntry FileEntry) {
fmt.Printf("Storage type: %02X\n", fileEntry.StorageType)
fmt.Printf("Header pointer: %04X\n", fileEntry.HeaderPointer)
fmt.Printf("Access: %04X\n", fileEntry.Access)
fmt.Printf("Directory block: %04X\n", fileEntry.DirectoryBlock)
fmt.Printf("Directory offset: %04X\n", fileEntry.DirectoryOffset)
@ -119,11 +121,22 @@ func DumpVolumeHeader(volumeHeader VolumeHeader) {
// DumpDirectoryHeader dumps the directory header as text
func DumpDirectoryHeader(directoryHeader DirectoryHeader) {
fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", directoryHeader.Name)
fmt.Printf("File count: %d\n", directoryHeader.ActiveFileCount)
fmt.Printf("Starting block: %04X\n", directoryHeader.StartingBlock)
fmt.Printf("Previous block: %04X\n", directoryHeader.PreviousBlock)
fmt.Printf("Next block: %04X\n", directoryHeader.NextBlock)
fmt.Printf("Is subdirectory: %t\n", directoryHeader.IsSubDirectory)
fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", directoryHeader.Name)
fmt.Printf("Creation time: %s\n", TimeToString(directoryHeader.CreationTime))
fmt.Printf("Version: %02X\n", directoryHeader.Version)
fmt.Printf("MinVersion: %02X\n", directoryHeader.MinVersion)
fmt.Printf("Access: %02X\n", directoryHeader.Access)
fmt.Printf("Entry length: %02X\n", directoryHeader.EntryLength)
fmt.Printf("Entries per block: %02X\n", directoryHeader.EntriesPerBlock)
fmt.Printf("File count: %d\n", directoryHeader.ActiveFileCount)
fmt.Printf("Active file count: %04X\n", directoryHeader.ActiveFileCount)
fmt.Printf("Parent block: %04X\n", directoryHeader.ParentBlock)
fmt.Printf("Parent entry: %02X\n", directoryHeader.ParentEntry)
fmt.Printf("Parent entry length: %02X\n", directoryHeader.ParentEntryLength)
// DumpBlock dumps the block as hexadecimal and text
Reference in New Issue
Block a user