#Rgb2Hires This program converts an RGB image to the Apple II's "HiRes" format. Provided it complies with this format's constraints:
- Source image must be 140x192. Pixels are anamorphic: twice wider than tall.
- Source image must contains six colors : BLACK, WHITE, ORANGE, GREEN, BLUE and PURPLE
For more information about the "Hires" format and its limitations, please refer to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_II_graphics#High-Resolution_.28Hi-Res.29_graphics
This repository contains two projects:
- Rgb2Hires, the conversion programm running on a PC
- Loader, for testing purposes. This program runs on Apple II hardware and displays an HiRes binary file named test.picture and located on the same disk.
The source is provided as a Visual Studio project. Howerver, it is standard C++11 without any Windows dependency, so it should compile on Linux and macOs without any modification.
- Magick++
- On Windows, you have provide an environment variable called MAGICK_HOME and pointing to the ImageMagick folder.
- On Linux, install libmagick++-dev
Loader (for Apple II)
This program will compile as an Apple II executable that you can run on the actual hardware. It is a Makefile project and must be crosscompiled using CC65
- CC65: The crosscompiler suit. Please provide an environment variable, CC65_HOME pointing to your CC65 folder.
A correct source image, test.png, is provided as an example. Convert it into a file named test.picture and copy it along the Apple II Loader, then execute on the actual hardware ;)