Christophe Meneboeuf 3e0174c142 Live Preview
2021-02-13 17:59:57 +01:00

275 lines
7.7 KiB

#include <filesystem>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <SDL.h>
#include "Picture.h"
#include "Display.h"
using namespace std;
namespace RgbToHires
namespace Display
//! @brief Output the colors from a 14-dot block
void UpdateHiResRGBCell(const int x, const uint8_t* pLineAddr, rgba8Bits_t* pOut);
std::unique_ptr<Screen> ComputeRgbBuffer(const uint8_t* hires);
Window* Window::S_pInstance = nullptr;
if (_pTexture != nullptr) {
if (_pRenderer != nullptr) {
if (_pWindow != nullptr) {
Window* Window::GetInstance()
if (S_pInstance == nullptr) {
S_pInstance = new Window;
return S_pInstance;
bool Window::init()
// init
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) {
sdlError("cannot initialise the preview window.");
SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); // nearest neighbor
// window
_pWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("Preview", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,
560 * SCALE,
384 * SCALE,
if (_pWindow == nullptr) {
sdlError("cannot initialise the preview window.");
// renderer
if (_pRenderer == nullptr) {
sdlError("cannot initialise the preview window.");
// texture
_pTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(_pRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC, 560, 384);
if (_pTexture == nullptr) {
sdlError("cannot initialise the preview window.");
return true;
void Window::sdlError(const std::string& msg)
throw std::runtime_error{ "Error: " + msg };
void Window::display(const std::string& path, const uint8_t* hiresblob)
bool isImgModified = false;
auto timeModified = std::filesystem::last_write_time(path);
auto pViewport = ComputeRgbBuffer(hiresblob);
SDL_UpdateTexture(_pTexture, nullptr, pViewport->data(), sizeof(rgba8Bits_t) * 560);
SDL_RenderCopy(_pRenderer, _pTexture, NULL, NULL);
// event loop
SDL_Event e;
while (true)
if (isImgModified)
// new modification time
timeModified = std::filesystem::last_write_time(path);
// update hires image
const auto imageRgb = Magick::Image{ path };
auto imageQuantized = ImageQuantized{ imageRgb };
const auto imageHiRes = Picture{ imageQuantized };
// rgb conversion from hires data
auto pViewport = ComputeRgbBuffer(imageHiRes.getBlob()->data());
// update the display with rgb data
SDL_UpdateTexture(_pTexture, nullptr, pViewport->data(), sizeof(rgba8Bits_t) * 560);
SDL_RenderCopy(_pRenderer, _pTexture, NULL, NULL);
if (SDL_WaitEventTimeout(&e, 250))
if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) { break; }
isImgModified = (timeModified != std::filesystem::last_write_time(path));
void SdlError(const std::string& error,
SDL_Window* const pWindow = nullptr,
SDL_Renderer* const pRenderer = nullptr
std::cout << "Error: " << error << '\n';
if (pRenderer != nullptr) {
if (pWindow != nullptr) {
constexpr std::array<rgba8Bits_t, 7> Palette = {
rgba8Bits_t{0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xFF}, // black
rgba8Bits_t{0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, 0xFF}, // white
rgba8Bits_t{0x07,0xA8,0xE0, 0xFF}, // blue
rgba8Bits_t{0xF9,0x56,0x1D, 0xFF}, // orange
rgba8Bits_t{0x43,0xC8,0x00, 0xFF}, // green
rgba8Bits_t{0xBB,0x36,0xFF, 0xFF}, // black
rgba8Bits_t{0x80,0x80,0x80, 0xFF} // dummy as AppleWin's code can overflow :( (no time to correct it)
// RGB videocards HGR
//! @details Adapted from AppleWin: https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin
//! A 14-dot block is used to draw a 7-pixel block (2 * 3.5-pixel blocks)
//! Each dot of a 3.5-pixel block can be delayed so we draw on 2 subdots.
//! 28 subdots = 14 dots = 7 pixels (in 2 * 3.5-pixel blocks)
//! @param x Vertical position of the 14-dot block
//! @param pLineAddr pointer to the start of the line
//! @param pOut pointer to the 28-subdot block to draw
void UpdateHiResRGBCell(const int x, const uint8_t* pLineAddr, rgba8Bits_t* pOut)
const int xpixel = x * 14;
int xoffset = x & 1; // offset to start of the 2 bytes
pLineAddr -= xoffset;
// We need all 28 bits because each pixel needs a three bit evaluation
uint8_t byteval1 = (x < 2 ? 0 : *(pLineAddr - 1));
uint8_t byteval2 = *pLineAddr;
uint8_t byteval3 = *(pLineAddr + 1);
uint8_t byteval4 = (x >= 38 ? 0 : *(pLineAddr + 2));
// all 28 bits chained
uint32_t dwordval = (byteval1 & 0x7F) | ((byteval2 & 0x7F) << 7) | ((byteval3 & 0x7F) << 14) | ((byteval4 & 0x7F) << 21);
// Extraction of 14 color pixels
rgba8Bits_t colors[14];
int idxColor = 0;
uint32_t dwordval_tmp = dwordval;
dwordval_tmp = dwordval_tmp >> 7;
bool offset = (byteval2 & 0x80) ? true : false;
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)
if (i == 7) offset = (byteval3 & 0x80) ? true : false;
idxColor = dwordval_tmp & 0x3;
// Two cases because AppleWin's palette is in a strange order
if (offset)
colors[i] = Palette[1 + idxColor];
colors[i] = Palette[6 - idxColor];
if (i % 2) dwordval_tmp >>= 2;
// Black and White
rgba8Bits_t bw[2];
bw[0] = Palette[0];
bw[1] = Palette[1];
constexpr uint32_t mask = 0x01C0; // 00|000001 1|1000000
constexpr uint32_t chck1 = 0x0140; // 00|000001 0|1000000
constexpr uint32_t chck2 = 0x0080; // 00|000000 1|0000000
// HIRES render in RGB works on a pixel-basis (1-bit data in framebuffer)
// The pixel can be 'color', if it makes a 101 or 010 pattern with the two neighbour bits
// In all other cases, it's black if 0 and white if 1
// The value of 'color' is defined on a 2-bits basis
if (xoffset)
// Second byte of the 14 pixels block
dwordval = dwordval >> 7;
xoffset = 7;
for (int i = xoffset; i < xoffset + 7; i++)
if (((dwordval & mask) == chck1) || ((dwordval & mask) == chck2))
// Color pixel
*(pOut) = colors[i];
*(pOut + 1) = *(pOut);
pOut += 2;
// B&W pixel
*(pOut) = bw[(dwordval & chck2 ? 1 : 0)];
*(pOut + 1) = *(pOut);
pOut += 2;
// Next pixel
dwordval = dwordval >> 1;
std::unique_ptr<Screen> ComputeRgbBuffer(const uint8_t* hires)
// Getting a RGB framebuffer
// Converting line per line, pixel-block per pixel-block
auto pViewport = make_unique<Screen>();
auto itLine = std::begin(*pViewport);
for (const auto lineBlockOffset : LineAdresses)
for (const auto lineOffset : LineOffsets)
const uint8_t* pHires = hires + lineBlockOffset + lineOffset; // interleaved HIRES source line
for (std::size_t x = 0; x < itLine->size(); ++x)
auto& block = (*itLine)[x];
UpdateHiResRGBCell(static_cast<int>(x), pHires++, block.data());
*(itLine + 1) = *itLine; // Doubling the destination lines
itLine += 2; // Next dest line
return pViewport;