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AS65 Assembler for R6502 [1.42]. Copyright 1994-2007, Frank A. Kingswood Page 1
---------------------------------------------------- 6502_functional_test.a65 ----------------------------------------------------
6104 lines read, no errors in pass 1.
; 6 5 0 2 F U N C T I O N A L T E S T
; Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Klaus Dormann
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; This program is designed to test all opcodes of a 6502 emulator using all
; addressing modes with focus on propper setting of the processor status
; register bits.
; version 04-dec-2017
; contact info at http://2m5.de or email K@2m5.de
; assembled with AS65 from http://www.kingswood-consulting.co.uk/assemblers/
; command line switches: -l -m -s2 -w -h0
; | | | | no page headers in listing
; | | | wide listing (133 char/col)
; | | write intel hex file instead of binary
; | expand macros in listing
; generate pass2 listing
; No IO - should be run from a monitor with access to registers.
; To run load intel hex image with a load command, than alter PC to 400 hex
; (code_segment) and enter a go command.
; Loop on program counter determines error or successful completion of test.
; Check listing for relevant traps (jump/branch *).
; Please note that in early tests some instructions will have to be used before
; they are actually tested!
; RESET, NMI or IRQ should not occur and will be trapped if vectors are enabled.
; Tests documented behavior of the original NMOS 6502 only! No unofficial
; opcodes. Additional opcodes of newer versions of the CPU (65C02, 65816) will
; not be tested. Decimal ops will only be tested with valid BCD operands and
; N V Z flags will be ignored.
; Debugging hints:
; Most of the code is written sequentially. if you hit a trap, check the
; immediately preceeding code for the instruction to be tested. Results are
; tested first, flags are checked second by pushing them onto the stack and
; pulling them to the accumulator after the result was checked. The "real"
; flags are no longer valid for the tested instruction at this time!
; If the tested instruction was indexed, the relevant index (X or Y) must
; also be checked. Opposed to the flags, X and Y registers are still valid.
; versions:
; 28-jul-2012 1st version distributed for testing
; 29-jul-2012 fixed references to location 0, now #0
; added license - GPLv3
; 30-jul-2012 added configuration options
; 01-aug-2012 added trap macro to allow user to change error handling
; 01-dec-2012 fixed trap in branch field must be a branch
; 02-mar-2013 fixed PLA flags not tested
; 19-jul-2013 allowed ROM vectors to be loaded when load_data_direct = 0
; added test sequence check to detect if tests jump their fence
; 23-jul-2013 added RAM integrity check option
; 16-aug-2013 added error report to standard output option
; 13-dec-2014 added binary/decimal opcode table switch test
; 14-dec-2014 improved relative address test
; 23-aug-2015 added option to disable self modifying tests
; 24-aug-2015 all self modifying immediate opcodes now execute in data RAM
; added small branch offset pretest
; 21-oct-2015 added option to disable decimal mode ADC & SBC tests
; 04-dec-2017 fixed BRK only tested with interrupts enabled
; added option to skip the remainder of a failing test
; in report.i65
; C O N F I G U R A T I O N
;ROM_vectors writable (0=no, 1=yes)
;if ROM vectors can not be used interrupts will not be trapped
;as a consequence BRK can not be tested but will be emulated to test RTI
0001 = ROM_vectors = 1
;load_data_direct (0=move from code segment, 1=load directly)
;loading directly is preferred but may not be supported by your platform
;0 produces only consecutive object code, 1 is not suitable for a binary image
0001 = load_data_direct = 1
;I_flag behavior (0=force enabled, 1=force disabled, 2=prohibit change, 3=allow
;change) 2 requires extra code and is not recommended. SEI & CLI can only be
;tested if you allow changing the interrupt status (I_flag = 3)
0003 = I_flag = 3
;configure memory - try to stay away from memory used by the system
;zero_page memory start address, $50 (80) consecutive Bytes required
; add 2 if I_flag = 2
000a = zero_page = $a
;data_segment memory start address, $6A (106) consecutive Bytes required
0200 = data_segment = $200
if (data_segment & $ff) != 0
ERROR ERROR ERROR low byte of data_segment MUST be $00 !!
;code_segment memory start address, 13kB of consecutive space required
; add 2.5 kB if I_flag = 2
0400 = code_segment = $400
;self modifying code may be disabled to allow running in ROM
;0=part of the code is self modifying and must reside in RAM
;1=tests disabled: branch range
0000 = disable_selfmod = 0
;report errors through I/O channel (0=use standard self trap loops, 1=include
;report.i65 as I/O channel, add 3.5 kB)
0000 = report = 0
;RAM integrity test option. Checks for undesired RAM writes.
;set lowest non RAM or RAM mirror address page (-1=disable, 0=64k, $40=16k)
;leave disabled if a monitor, OS or background interrupt is allowed to alter RAM
ffff = ram_top = -1
;disable test decimal mode ADC & SBC, 0=enable, 1=disable,
;2=disable including decimal flag in processor status
0000 = disable_decimal = 0
noopt ;do not take shortcuts
;macros for error & success traps to allow user modification
;trap macro
; jsr my_error_handler
; endm
;trap_eq macro
; bne skip\?
; trap ;failed equal (zero)
; endm
; my_error_handler should pop the calling address from the stack and report it.
; putting larger portions of code (more than 3 bytes) inside the trap macro
; may lead to branch range problems for some tests.
if report = 0
trap macro
jmp * ;failed anyway
trap_eq macro
beq * ;failed equal (zero)
trap_ne macro
bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
trap_cs macro
bcs * ;failed carry set
trap_cc macro
bcc * ;failed carry clear
trap_mi macro
bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
trap_pl macro
bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
trap_vs macro
bvs * ;failed overflow set
trap_vc macro
bvc * ;failed overflow clear
; please observe that during the test the stack gets invalidated
; therefore a RTS inside the success macro is not possible
success macro
jmp * ;test passed, no errors
if report = 1
trap macro
jsr report_error
trap_eq macro
bne skip\?
trap ;failed equal (zero)
trap_ne macro
beq skip\?
trap ;failed not equal (non zero)
trap_cs macro
bcc skip\?
trap ;failed carry set
trap_cc macro
bcs skip\?
trap ;failed carry clear
trap_mi macro
bpl skip\?
trap ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
trap_pl macro
bmi skip\?
trap ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
trap_vs macro
bvc skip\?
trap ;failed overflow set
trap_vc macro
bvs skip\?
trap ;failed overflow clear
; please observe that during the test the stack gets invalidated
; therefore a RTS inside the success macro is not possible
success macro
jsr report_success
0001 = carry equ %00000001 ;flag bits in status
0002 = zero equ %00000010
0004 = intdis equ %00000100
0008 = decmode equ %00001000
0010 = break equ %00010000
0020 = reserv equ %00100000
0040 = overfl equ %01000000
0080 = minus equ %10000000
0001 = fc equ carry
0002 = fz equ zero
0003 = fzc equ carry+zero
0040 = fv equ overfl
0042 = fvz equ overfl+zero
0080 = fn equ minus
0081 = fnc equ minus+carry
0082 = fnz equ minus+zero
0083 = fnzc equ minus+zero+carry
00c0 = fnv equ minus+overfl
0030 = fao equ break+reserv ;bits always on after PHP, BRK
0034 = fai equ fao+intdis ;+ forced interrupt disable
0038 = faod equ fao+decmode ;+ ignore decimal
003c = faid equ fai+decmode ;+ ignore decimal
00ff = m8 equ $ff ;8 bit mask
00fb = m8i equ $ff&~intdis ;8 bit mask - interrupt disable
;macros to allow masking of status bits.
;masking test of decimal bit
;masking of interrupt enable/disable on load and compare
;masking of always on bits after PHP or BRK (unused & break) on compare
if disable_decimal < 2
if I_flag = 0
load_flag macro
lda #\1&m8i ;force enable interrupts (mask I)
cmp_flag macro
cmp #(\1|fao)&m8i ;I_flag is always enabled + always on bits
eor_flag macro
eor #(\1&m8i|fao) ;mask I, invert expected flags + always on bits
if I_flag = 1
load_flag macro
lda #\1|intdis ;force disable interrupts
cmp_flag macro
cmp #(\1|fai)&m8 ;I_flag is always disabled + always on bits
eor_flag macro
eor #(\1|fai) ;invert expected flags + always on bits + I
if I_flag = 2
load_flag macro
lda #\1
ora flag_I_on ;restore I-flag
and flag_I_off
cmp_flag macro
eor flag_I_on ;I_flag is never changed
cmp #(\1|fao)&m8i ;expected flags + always on bits, mask I
eor_flag macro
eor flag_I_on ;I_flag is never changed
eor #(\1&m8i|fao) ;mask I, invert expected flags + always on bits
if I_flag = 3
load_flag macro
lda #\1 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
cmp_flag macro
cmp #(\1|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
eor_flag macro
eor #\1|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
if I_flag = 0
load_flag macro
lda #\1&m8i ;force enable interrupts (mask I)
cmp_flag macro
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
cmp #(\1|faod)&m8i ;I_flag is always enabled + always on bits
eor_flag macro
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
eor #(\1&m8i|faod) ;mask I, invert expected flags + always on bits
if I_flag = 1
load_flag macro
lda #\1|intdis ;force disable interrupts
cmp_flag macro
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
cmp #(\1|faid)&m8 ;I_flag is always disabled + always on bits
eor_flag macro
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
eor #(\1|faid) ;invert expected flags + always on bits + I
if I_flag = 2
load_flag macro
lda #\1
ora flag_I_on ;restore I-flag
and flag_I_off
cmp_flag macro
eor flag_I_on ;I_flag is never changed
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
cmp #(\1|faod)&m8i ;expected flags + always on bits, mask I
eor_flag macro
eor flag_I_on ;I_flag is never changed
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
eor #(\1&m8i|faod) ;mask I, invert expected flags + always on bits
if I_flag = 3
load_flag macro
lda #\1 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
cmp_flag macro
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
cmp #(\1|faod)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
eor_flag macro
ora #decmode ;ignore decimal mode bit
eor #\1|faod ;invert expected flags + always on bits
;macros to set (register|memory|zeropage) & status
set_stat macro ;setting flags in the processor status register
load_flag \1
pha ;use stack to load status
set_a macro ;precharging accu & status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda #\1 ;precharge accu
set_x macro ;precharging index & status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
ldx #\1 ;precharge index x
set_y macro ;precharging index & status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
ldy #\1 ;precharge index y
set_ax macro ;precharging indexed accu & immediate status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda \1,x ;precharge accu
set_ay macro ;precharging indexed accu & immediate status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda \1,y ;precharge accu
set_z macro ;precharging indexed zp & immediate status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda \1,x ;load to zeropage
sta zpt
set_zx macro ;precharging zp,x & immediate status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda \1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
sta zpt,x
set_abs macro ;precharging indexed memory & immediate status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda \1,x ;load to memory
sta abst
set_absx macro ;precharging abs,x & immediate status
load_flag \2
pha ;use stack to load status
lda \1,x ;load to indexed memory
sta abst,x
;macros to test (register|memory|zeropage) & status & (mask)
tst_stat macro ;testing flags in the processor status register
php ;save status
pla ;use stack to retrieve status
cmp_flag \1
plp ;restore status
tst_a macro ;testing result in accu & flags
php ;save flags
cmp #\1 ;test result
pla ;load status
cmp_flag \2
plp ;restore status
tst_x macro ;testing result in x index & flags
php ;save flags
cpx #\1 ;test result
pla ;load status
cmp_flag \2
plp ;restore status
tst_y macro ;testing result in y index & flags
php ;save flags
cpy #\1 ;test result
pla ;load status
cmp_flag \2
plp ;restore status
tst_ax macro ;indexed testing result in accu & flags
php ;save flags
cmp \1,x ;test result
pla ;load status
eor_flag \3
cmp \2,x ;test flags
trap_ne ;
tst_ay macro ;indexed testing result in accu & flags
php ;save flags
cmp \1,y ;test result
trap_ne ;
pla ;load status
eor_flag \3
cmp \2,y ;test flags
tst_z macro ;indexed testing result in zp & flags
php ;save flags
lda zpt
cmp \1,x ;test result
pla ;load status
eor_flag \3
cmp \2,x ;test flags
tst_zx macro ;testing result in zp,x & flags
php ;save flags
lda zpt,x
cmp \1,x ;test result
pla ;load status
eor_flag \3
cmp \2,x ;test flags
tst_abs macro ;indexed testing result in memory & flags
php ;save flags
lda abst
cmp \1,x ;test result
pla ;load status
eor_flag \3
cmp \2,x ;test flags
tst_absx macro ;testing result in abs,x & flags
php ;save flags
lda abst,x
cmp \1,x ;test result
pla ;load status
eor_flag \3
cmp \2,x ;test flags
; RAM integrity test
; verifies that none of the previous tests has altered RAM outside of the
; designated write areas.
; uses zpt word as indirect pointer, zpt+2 word as checksum
if ram_top > -1
check_ram macro
lda #0
sta zpt ;set low byte of indirect pointer
sta zpt+3 ;checksum high byte
if disable_selfmod = 0
sta range_adr ;reset self modifying code
ldx #zp_bss-zero_page ;zeropage - write test area
ccs3\? adc zero_page,x
bcc ccs2\?
inc zpt+3 ;carry to high byte
ccs2\? inx
bne ccs3\?
ldx #hi(abs1) ;set high byte of indirect pointer
stx zpt+1
ldy #lo(abs1) ;data after write & execute test area
ccs5\? adc (zpt),y
bcc ccs4\?
inc zpt+3 ;carry to high byte
ccs4\? iny
bne ccs5\?
inx ;advance RAM high address
stx zpt+1
cpx #ram_top
bne ccs5\?
sta zpt+2 ;checksum low is
cmp ram_chksm ;checksum low expected
trap_ne ;checksum mismatch
lda zpt+3 ;checksum high is
cmp ram_chksm+1 ;checksum high expected
trap_ne ;checksum mismatch
check_ram macro
;RAM check disabled - RAM size not set
next_test macro ;make sure, tests don't jump the fence
lda test_case ;previous test
cmp #test_num
trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
test_num = test_num + 1
lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
sta test_case
;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
if load_data_direct = 1
bss ;uninitialized segment, copy of data at end of code!
; org zero_page
0000 = org 0 ;edited to provide binaries loading from 0
0000 : 00000000000000.. ds zero_page
;break test interrupt save
000a : 00 irq_a ds 1 ;a register
000b : 00 irq_x ds 1 ;x register
if I_flag = 2
;masking for I bit in status
flag_I_on ds 1 ;or mask to load flags
flag_I_off ds 1 ;and mask to load flags
000c : zpt ;5 bytes store/modify test area
;add/subtract operand generation and result/flag prediction
000c : 00 adfc ds 1 ;carry flag before op
000d : 00 ad1 ds 1 ;operand 1 - accumulator
000e : 00 ad2 ds 1 ;operand 2 - memory / immediate
000f : 00 adrl ds 1 ;expected result bits 0-7
0010 : 00 adrh ds 1 ;expected result bit 8 (carry)
0011 : 00 adrf ds 1 ;expected flags NV0000ZC (only binary mode)
0012 : 00 sb2 ds 1 ;operand 2 complemented for subtract
0013 : zp_bss
0013 : c3824100 zp1 db $c3,$82,$41,0 ;test patterns for LDx BIT ROL ROR ASL LSR
0017 : 7f zp7f db $7f ;test pattern for compare
;logical zeropage operands
0018 : 001f7180 zpOR db 0,$1f,$71,$80 ;test pattern for OR
001c : 0fff7f80 zpAN db $0f,$ff,$7f,$80 ;test pattern for AND
0020 : ff0f8f8f zpEO db $ff,$0f,$8f,$8f ;test pattern for EOR
;indirect addressing pointers
0024 : 1702 ind1 dw abs1 ;indirect pointer to pattern in absolute memory
0026 : 1802 dw abs1+1
0028 : 1902 dw abs1+2
002a : 1a02 dw abs1+3
002c : 1b02 dw abs7f
002e : 1f01 inw1 dw abs1-$f8 ;indirect pointer for wrap-test pattern
0030 : 0302 indt dw abst ;indirect pointer to store area in absolute memory
0032 : 0402 dw abst+1
0034 : 0502 dw abst+2
0036 : 0602 dw abst+3
0038 : 0b01 inwt dw abst-$f8 ;indirect pointer for wrap-test store
003a : 4e02 indAN dw absAN ;indirect pointer to AND pattern in absolute memory
003c : 4f02 dw absAN+1
003e : 5002 dw absAN+2
0040 : 5102 dw absAN+3
0042 : 5202 indEO dw absEO ;indirect pointer to EOR pattern in absolute memory
0044 : 5302 dw absEO+1
0046 : 5402 dw absEO+2
0048 : 5502 dw absEO+3
004a : 4a02 indOR dw absOR ;indirect pointer to OR pattern in absolute memory
004c : 4b02 dw absOR+1
004e : 4c02 dw absOR+2
0050 : 4d02 dw absOR+3
;add/subtract indirect pointers
0052 : 0302 adi2 dw ada2 ;indirect pointer to operand 2 in absolute memory
0054 : 0402 sbi2 dw sba2 ;indirect pointer to complemented operand 2 (SBC)
0056 : 0401 adiy2 dw ada2-$ff ;with offset for indirect indexed
0058 : 0501 sbiy2 dw sba2-$ff
005a : zp_bss_end
0200 = org data_segment
0200 : 00 test_case ds 1 ;current test number
0201 : 0000 ram_chksm ds 2 ;checksum for RAM integrity test
;add/subtract operand copy - abs tests write area
0203 : abst ;5 bytes store/modify test area
0203 : 00 ada2 ds 1 ;operand 2
0204 : 00 sba2 ds 1 ;operand 2 complemented for subtract
0205 : 000000 ds 3 ;fill remaining bytes
0208 : data_bss
if load_data_direct = 1
0208 : 2900 ex_andi and #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
020a : 60 rts
020b : 4900 ex_eori eor #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
020d : 60 rts
020e : 0900 ex_orai ora #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
0210 : 60 rts
0211 : 6900 ex_adci adc #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
0213 : 60 rts
0214 : e900 ex_sbci sbc #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
0216 : 60 rts
ex_andi ds 3
ex_eori ds 3
ex_orai ds 3
ex_adci ds 3
ex_sbci ds 3
0217 : c3824100 abs1 db $c3,$82,$41,0 ;test patterns for LDx BIT ROL ROR ASL LSR
021b : 7f abs7f db $7f ;test pattern for compare
021c : 80800002 fLDx db fn,fn,0,fz ;expected flags for load
0220 : rASL ;expected result ASL & ROL -carry
0220 : 86048200 rROL db $86,$04,$82,0 ; "
0224 : 87058301 rROLc db $87,$05,$83,1 ;expected result ROL +carry
0228 : rLSR ;expected result LSR & ROR -carry
0228 : 61412000 rROR db $61,$41,$20,0 ; "
022c : e1c1a080 rRORc db $e1,$c1,$a0,$80 ;expected result ROR +carry
0230 : fASL ;expected flags for shifts
0230 : 81018002 fROL db fnc,fc,fn,fz ;no carry in
0234 : 81018000 fROLc db fnc,fc,fn,0 ;carry in
0238 : fLSR
0238 : 01000102 fROR db fc,0,fc,fz ;no carry in
023c : 81808180 fRORc db fnc,fn,fnc,fn ;carry in
;increments (decrements)
0240 : 7f80ff0001 rINC db $7f,$80,$ff,0,1 ;expected result for INC/DEC
0245 : 0080800200 fINC db 0,fn,fn,fz,0 ;expected flags for INC/DEC
;logical memory operand
024a : 001f7180 absOR db 0,$1f,$71,$80 ;test pattern for OR
024e : 0fff7f80 absAN db $0f,$ff,$7f,$80 ;test pattern for AND
0252 : ff0f8f8f absEO db $ff,$0f,$8f,$8f ;test pattern for EOR
;logical accu operand
0256 : 00f11f00 absORa db 0,$f1,$1f,0 ;test pattern for OR
025a : f0ffffff absANa db $f0,$ff,$ff,$ff ;test pattern for AND
025e : fff0f00f absEOa db $ff,$f0,$f0,$0f ;test pattern for EOR
;logical results
0262 : 00ff7f80 absrlo db 0,$ff,$7f,$80
0266 : 02800080 absflo db fz,fn,0,fn
026a : data_bss_end
0400 = org code_segment
0400 : d8 start cld
0401 : a2ff ldx #$ff
0403 : 9a txs
0404 : a900 lda #0 ;*** test 0 = initialize
0406 : 8d0002 sta test_case
0000 = test_num = 0
;stop interrupts before initializing BSS
if I_flag = 1
;initialize I/O for report channel
if report = 1
jsr report_init
;pretest small branch offset
0409 : a205 ldx #5
040b : 4c3304 jmp psb_test
040e : psb_bwok
040e : a005 ldy #5
0410 : d008 bne psb_forw
trap ;branch should be taken
0412 : 4c1204 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0415 : 88 dey ;forward landing zone
0416 : 88 dey
0417 : 88 dey
0418 : 88 dey
0419 : 88 dey
041a : psb_forw
041a : 88 dey
041b : 88 dey
041c : 88 dey
041d : 88 dey
041e : 88 dey
041f : f017 beq psb_fwok
trap ;forward offset
0421 : 4c2104 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0424 : ca dex ;backward landing zone
0425 : ca dex
0426 : ca dex
0427 : ca dex
0428 : ca dex
0429 : psb_back
0429 : ca dex
042a : ca dex
042b : ca dex
042c : ca dex
042d : ca dex
042e : f0de beq psb_bwok
trap ;backward offset
0430 : 4c3004 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0433 : psb_test
0433 : d0f4 bne psb_back
trap ;branch should be taken
0435 : 4c3504 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0438 : psb_fwok
;initialize BSS segment
if load_data_direct != 1
ldx #zp_end-zp_init-1
ld_zp lda zp_init,x
sta zp_bss,x
bpl ld_zp
ldx #data_end-data_init-1
ld_data lda data_init,x
sta data_bss,x
bpl ld_data
if ROM_vectors = 1
ldx #5
ld_vect lda vec_init,x
sta vec_bss,x
bpl ld_vect
;retain status of interrupt flag
if I_flag = 2
and #4 ;isolate flag
sta flag_I_on ;or mask
eor #lo(~4) ;reverse
sta flag_I_off ;and mask
;generate checksum for RAM integrity test
if ram_top > -1
lda #0
sta zpt ;set low byte of indirect pointer
sta ram_chksm+1 ;checksum high byte
if disable_selfmod = 0
sta range_adr ;reset self modifying code
ldx #zp_bss-zero_page ;zeropage - write test area
gcs3 adc zero_page,x
bcc gcs2
inc ram_chksm+1 ;carry to high byte
gcs2 inx
bne gcs3
ldx #hi(abs1) ;set high byte of indirect pointer
stx zpt+1
ldy #lo(abs1) ;data after write & execute test area
gcs5 adc (zpt),y
bcc gcs4
inc ram_chksm+1 ;carry to high byte
gcs4 iny
bne gcs5
inx ;advance RAM high address
stx zpt+1
cpx #ram_top
bne gcs5
sta ram_chksm ;checksum complete
0438 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
043b : c900 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
043d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0001 = >test_num = test_num + 1
043f : a901 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0441 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
if disable_selfmod = 0
;testing relative addressing with BEQ
0444 : a0fe ldy #$fe ;testing maximum range, not -1/-2 (invalid/self adr)
0446 : range_loop
0446 : 88 dey ;next relative address
0447 : 98 tya
0448 : aa tax ;precharge count to end of loop
0449 : 1008 bpl range_fw ;calculate relative address
044b : 18 clc ;avoid branch self or to relative address of branch
044c : 6902 adc #2
044e : ea nop ;offset landing zone - tolerate +/-5 offset to branch
044f : ea nop
0450 : ea nop
0451 : ea nop
0452 : ea nop
0453 : range_fw
0453 : ea nop
0454 : ea nop
0455 : ea nop
0456 : ea nop
0457 : ea nop
0458 : 497f eor #$7f ;complement except sign
045a : 8de604 sta range_adr ;load into test target
045d : a900 lda #0 ;should set zero flag in status register
045f : 4ce504 jmp range_op
0462 : ca dex ; offset landing zone - backward branch too far
0463 : ca dex
0464 : ca dex
0465 : ca dex
0466 : ca dex
;relative address target field with branch under test in the middle
0467 : ca dex ;-128 - max backward
0468 : ca dex
0469 : ca dex
046a : ca dex
046b : ca dex
046c : ca dex
046d : ca dex
046e : ca dex
046f : ca dex ;-120
0470 : ca dex
0471 : ca dex
0472 : ca dex
0473 : ca dex
0474 : ca dex
0475 : ca dex
0476 : ca dex
0477 : ca dex
0478 : ca dex
0479 : ca dex ;-110
047a : ca dex
047b : ca dex
047c : ca dex
047d : ca dex
047e : ca dex
047f : ca dex
0480 : ca dex
0481 : ca dex
0482 : ca dex
0483 : ca dex ;-100
0484 : ca dex
0485 : ca dex
0486 : ca dex
0487 : ca dex
0488 : ca dex
0489 : ca dex
048a : ca dex
048b : ca dex
048c : ca dex
048d : ca dex ;-90
048e : ca dex
048f : ca dex
0490 : ca dex
0491 : ca dex
0492 : ca dex
0493 : ca dex
0494 : ca dex
0495 : ca dex
0496 : ca dex
0497 : ca dex ;-80
0498 : ca dex
0499 : ca dex
049a : ca dex
049b : ca dex
049c : ca dex
049d : ca dex
049e : ca dex
049f : ca dex
04a0 : ca dex
04a1 : ca dex ;-70
04a2 : ca dex
04a3 : ca dex
04a4 : ca dex
04a5 : ca dex
04a6 : ca dex
04a7 : ca dex
04a8 : ca dex
04a9 : ca dex
04aa : ca dex
04ab : ca dex ;-60
04ac : ca dex
04ad : ca dex
04ae : ca dex
04af : ca dex
04b0 : ca dex
04b1 : ca dex
04b2 : ca dex
04b3 : ca dex
04b4 : ca dex
04b5 : ca dex ;-50
04b6 : ca dex
04b7 : ca dex
04b8 : ca dex
04b9 : ca dex
04ba : ca dex
04bb : ca dex
04bc : ca dex
04bd : ca dex
04be : ca dex
04bf : ca dex ;-40
04c0 : ca dex
04c1 : ca dex
04c2 : ca dex
04c3 : ca dex
04c4 : ca dex
04c5 : ca dex
04c6 : ca dex
04c7 : ca dex
04c8 : ca dex
04c9 : ca dex ;-30
04ca : ca dex
04cb : ca dex
04cc : ca dex
04cd : ca dex
04ce : ca dex
04cf : ca dex
04d0 : ca dex
04d1 : ca dex
04d2 : ca dex
04d3 : ca dex ;-20
04d4 : ca dex
04d5 : ca dex
04d6 : ca dex
04d7 : ca dex
04d8 : ca dex
04d9 : ca dex
04da : ca dex
04db : ca dex
04dc : ca dex
04dd : ca dex ;-10
04de : ca dex
04df : ca dex
04e0 : ca dex
04e1 : ca dex
04e2 : ca dex
04e3 : ca dex
04e4 : ca dex ;-3
04e5 : range_op ;test target with zero flag=0, z=1 if previous dex
04e6 = range_adr = *+1 ;modifiable relative address
04e5 : f03e beq *+64 ;+64 if called without modification
04e7 : ca dex ;+0
04e8 : ca dex
04e9 : ca dex
04ea : ca dex
04eb : ca dex
04ec : ca dex
04ed : ca dex
04ee : ca dex
04ef : ca dex
04f0 : ca dex
04f1 : ca dex ;+10
04f2 : ca dex
04f3 : ca dex
04f4 : ca dex
04f5 : ca dex
04f6 : ca dex
04f7 : ca dex
04f8 : ca dex
04f9 : ca dex
04fa : ca dex
04fb : ca dex ;+20
04fc : ca dex
04fd : ca dex
04fe : ca dex
04ff : ca dex
0500 : ca dex
0501 : ca dex
0502 : ca dex
0503 : ca dex
0504 : ca dex
0505 : ca dex ;+30
0506 : ca dex
0507 : ca dex
0508 : ca dex
0509 : ca dex
050a : ca dex
050b : ca dex
050c : ca dex
050d : ca dex
050e : ca dex
050f : ca dex ;+40
0510 : ca dex
0511 : ca dex
0512 : ca dex
0513 : ca dex
0514 : ca dex
0515 : ca dex
0516 : ca dex
0517 : ca dex
0518 : ca dex
0519 : ca dex ;+50
051a : ca dex
051b : ca dex
051c : ca dex
051d : ca dex
051e : ca dex
051f : ca dex
0520 : ca dex
0521 : ca dex
0522 : ca dex
0523 : ca dex ;+60
0524 : ca dex
0525 : ca dex
0526 : ca dex
0527 : ca dex
0528 : ca dex
0529 : ca dex
052a : ca dex
052b : ca dex
052c : ca dex
052d : ca dex ;+70
052e : ca dex
052f : ca dex
0530 : ca dex
0531 : ca dex
0532 : ca dex
0533 : ca dex
0534 : ca dex
0535 : ca dex
0536 : ca dex
0537 : ca dex ;+80
0538 : ca dex
0539 : ca dex
053a : ca dex
053b : ca dex
053c : ca dex
053d : ca dex
053e : ca dex
053f : ca dex
0540 : ca dex
0541 : ca dex ;+90
0542 : ca dex
0543 : ca dex
0544 : ca dex
0545 : ca dex
0546 : ca dex
0547 : ca dex
0548 : ca dex
0549 : ca dex
054a : ca dex
054b : ca dex ;+100
054c : ca dex
054d : ca dex
054e : ca dex
054f : ca dex
0550 : ca dex
0551 : ca dex
0552 : ca dex
0553 : ca dex
0554 : ca dex
0555 : ca dex ;+110
0556 : ca dex
0557 : ca dex
0558 : ca dex
0559 : ca dex
055a : ca dex
055b : ca dex
055c : ca dex
055d : ca dex
055e : ca dex
055f : ca dex ;+120
0560 : ca dex
0561 : ca dex
0562 : ca dex
0563 : ca dex
0564 : ca dex
0565 : ca dex
0566 : ea nop ;offset landing zone - forward branch too far
0567 : ea nop
0568 : ea nop
0569 : ea nop
056a : ea nop
056b : f008 beq range_ok ;+127 - max forward
trap ; bad range
056d : 4c6d05 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0570 : ea nop ;offset landing zone - tolerate +/-5 offset to branch
0571 : ea nop
0572 : ea nop
0573 : ea nop
0574 : ea nop
0575 : range_ok
0575 : ea nop
0576 : ea nop
0577 : ea nop
0578 : ea nop
0579 : ea nop
057a : c000 cpy #0
057c : f003 beq range_end
057e : 4c4604 jmp range_loop
0581 : range_end ;range test successful
0581 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0584 : c901 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0586 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0002 = >test_num = test_num + 1
0588 : a902 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
058a : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
;partial test BNE & CMP, CPX, CPY immediate
058d : c001 cpy #1 ;testing BNE true
058f : d003 bne test_bne
0591 : 4c9105 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0594 : test_bne
0594 : a900 lda #0
0596 : c900 cmp #0 ;test compare immediate
0598 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
059a : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
059c : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
059e : c901 cmp #1
05a0 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
05a2 : b0fe > bcs * ;failed carry set
05a4 : 10fe > bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
05a6 : aa tax
05a7 : e000 cpx #0 ;test compare x immediate
05a9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05ab : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
05ad : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
05af : e001 cpx #1
05b1 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
05b3 : b0fe > bcs * ;failed carry set
05b5 : 10fe > bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
05b7 : a8 tay
05b8 : c000 cpy #0 ;test compare y immediate
05ba : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05bc : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
05be : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
05c0 : c001 cpy #1
05c2 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
05c4 : b0fe > bcs * ;failed carry set
05c6 : 10fe > bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
05c8 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
05cb : c902 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
05cd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0003 = >test_num = test_num + 1
05cf : a903 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
05d1 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
;testing stack operations PHA PHP PLA PLP
05d4 : a2ff ldx #$ff ;initialize stack
05d6 : 9a txs
05d7 : a955 lda #$55
05d9 : 48 pha
05da : a9aa lda #$aa
05dc : 48 pha
05dd : cdfe01 cmp $1fe ;on stack ?
05e0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05e2 : ba tsx
05e3 : 8a txa ;overwrite accu
05e4 : c9fd cmp #$fd ;sp decremented?
05e6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05e8 : 68 pla
05e9 : c9aa cmp #$aa ;successful retreived from stack?
05eb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05ed : 68 pla
05ee : c955 cmp #$55
05f0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05f2 : cdff01 cmp $1ff ;remains on stack?
05f5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05f7 : ba tsx
05f8 : e0ff cpx #$ff ;sp incremented?
05fa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
05fc : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
05ff : c903 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0601 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0004 = >test_num = test_num + 1
0603 : a904 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0605 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
;testing branch decisions BPL BMI BVC BVS BCC BCS BNE BEQ
set_stat $ff ;all on
> load_flag $ff
0608 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
060a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
060b : 28 > plp
060c : 101a bpl nbr1 ;branches should not be taken
060e : 501b bvc nbr2
0610 : 901c bcc nbr3
0612 : d01d bne nbr4
0614 : 3003 bmi br1 ;branches should be taken
0616 : 4c1606 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0619 : 7003 br1 bvs br2
061b : 4c1b06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
061e : b003 br2 bcs br3
0620 : 4c2006 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0623 : f00f br3 beq br4
0625 : 4c2506 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0628 : nbr1
trap ;previous bpl taken
0628 : 4c2806 > jmp * ;failed anyway
062b : nbr2
trap ;previous bvc taken
062b : 4c2b06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
062e : nbr3
trap ;previous bcc taken
062e : 4c2e06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0631 : nbr4
trap ;previous bne taken
0631 : 4c3106 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0634 : 08 br4 php
0635 : ba tsx
0636 : e0fe cpx #$fe ;sp after php?
0638 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
063a : 68 pla
cmp_flag $ff ;returned all flags on?
063b : c9ff > cmp #($ff |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
063d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
063f : ba tsx
0640 : e0ff cpx #$ff ;sp after php?
0642 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0 ;all off
> load_flag 0
0644 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0646 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0647 : 28 > plp
0648 : 301a bmi nbr11 ;branches should not be taken
064a : 701b bvs nbr12
064c : b01c bcs nbr13
064e : f01d beq nbr14
0650 : 1003 bpl br11 ;branches should be taken
0652 : 4c5206 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0655 : 5003 br11 bvc br12
0657 : 4c5706 > jmp * ;failed anyway
065a : 9003 br12 bcc br13
065c : 4c5c06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
065f : d00f br13 bne br14
0661 : 4c6106 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0664 : nbr11
trap ;previous bmi taken
0664 : 4c6406 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0667 : nbr12
trap ;previous bvs taken
0667 : 4c6706 > jmp * ;failed anyway
066a : nbr13
trap ;previous bcs taken
066a : 4c6a06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
066d : nbr14
trap ;previous beq taken
066d : 4c6d06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0670 : 08 br14 php
0671 : 68 pla
cmp_flag 0 ;flags off except break (pushed by sw) + reserved?
0672 : c930 > cmp #(0 |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0674 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
;crosscheck flags
set_stat zero
> load_flag zero
0676 : a902 > lda #zero ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0678 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0679 : 28 > plp
067a : d002 bne brzs1
067c : f003 beq brzs2
067e : brzs1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
067e : 4c7e06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0681 : b002 brzs2 bcs brzs3
0683 : 9003 bcc brzs4
0685 : brzs3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
0685 : 4c8506 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0688 : 3002 brzs4 bmi brzs5
068a : 1003 bpl brzs6
068c : brzs5
trap ;branch minus/plus
068c : 4c8c06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
068f : 7002 brzs6 bvs brzs7
0691 : 5003 bvc brzs8
0693 : brzs7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
0693 : 4c9306 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0696 : brzs8
set_stat carry
> load_flag carry
0696 : a901 > lda #carry ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0698 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0699 : 28 > plp
069a : f002 beq brcs1
069c : d003 bne brcs2
069e : brcs1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
069e : 4c9e06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06a1 : 9002 brcs2 bcc brcs3
06a3 : b003 bcs brcs4
06a5 : brcs3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
06a5 : 4ca506 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06a8 : 3002 brcs4 bmi brcs5
06aa : 1003 bpl brcs6
06ac : brcs5
trap ;branch minus/plus
06ac : 4cac06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06af : 7002 brcs6 bvs brcs7
06b1 : 5003 bvc brcs8
06b3 : brcs7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
06b3 : 4cb306 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06b6 : brcs8
set_stat minus
> load_flag minus
06b6 : a980 > lda #minus ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
06b8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
06b9 : 28 > plp
06ba : f002 beq brmi1
06bc : d003 bne brmi2
06be : brmi1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
06be : 4cbe06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06c1 : b002 brmi2 bcs brmi3
06c3 : 9003 bcc brmi4
06c5 : brmi3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
06c5 : 4cc506 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06c8 : 1002 brmi4 bpl brmi5
06ca : 3003 bmi brmi6
06cc : brmi5
trap ;branch minus/plus
06cc : 4ccc06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06cf : 7002 brmi6 bvs brmi7
06d1 : 5003 bvc brmi8
06d3 : brmi7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
06d3 : 4cd306 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06d6 : brmi8
set_stat overfl
> load_flag overfl
06d6 : a940 > lda #overfl ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
06d8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
06d9 : 28 > plp
06da : f002 beq brvs1
06dc : d003 bne brvs2
06de : brvs1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
06de : 4cde06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06e1 : b002 brvs2 bcs brvs3
06e3 : 9003 bcc brvs4
06e5 : brvs3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
06e5 : 4ce506 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06e8 : 3002 brvs4 bmi brvs5
06ea : 1003 bpl brvs6
06ec : brvs5
trap ;branch minus/plus
06ec : 4cec06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06ef : 5002 brvs6 bvc brvs7
06f1 : 7003 bvs brvs8
06f3 : brvs7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
06f3 : 4cf306 > jmp * ;failed anyway
06f6 : brvs8
set_stat $ff-zero
> load_flag $ff-zero
06f6 : a9fd > lda #$ff-zero ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
06f8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
06f9 : 28 > plp
06fa : f002 beq brzc1
06fc : d003 bne brzc2
06fe : brzc1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
06fe : 4cfe06 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0701 : 9002 brzc2 bcc brzc3
0703 : b003 bcs brzc4
0705 : brzc3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
0705 : 4c0507 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0708 : 1002 brzc4 bpl brzc5
070a : 3003 bmi brzc6
070c : brzc5
trap ;branch minus/plus
070c : 4c0c07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
070f : 5002 brzc6 bvc brzc7
0711 : 7003 bvs brzc8
0713 : brzc7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
0713 : 4c1307 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0716 : brzc8
set_stat $ff-carry
> load_flag $ff-carry
0716 : a9fe > lda #$ff-carry ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0718 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0719 : 28 > plp
071a : d002 bne brcc1
071c : f003 beq brcc2
071e : brcc1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
071e : 4c1e07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0721 : b002 brcc2 bcs brcc3
0723 : 9003 bcc brcc4
0725 : brcc3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
0725 : 4c2507 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0728 : 1002 brcc4 bpl brcc5
072a : 3003 bmi brcc6
072c : brcc5
trap ;branch minus/plus
072c : 4c2c07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
072f : 5002 brcc6 bvc brcc7
0731 : 7003 bvs brcc8
0733 : brcc7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
0733 : 4c3307 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0736 : brcc8
set_stat $ff-minus
> load_flag $ff-minus
0736 : a97f > lda #$ff-minus ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0738 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0739 : 28 > plp
073a : d002 bne brpl1
073c : f003 beq brpl2
073e : brpl1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
073e : 4c3e07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0741 : 9002 brpl2 bcc brpl3
0743 : b003 bcs brpl4
0745 : brpl3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
0745 : 4c4507 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0748 : 3002 brpl4 bmi brpl5
074a : 1003 bpl brpl6
074c : brpl5
trap ;branch minus/plus
074c : 4c4c07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
074f : 5002 brpl6 bvc brpl7
0751 : 7003 bvs brpl8
0753 : brpl7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
0753 : 4c5307 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0756 : brpl8
set_stat $ff-overfl
> load_flag $ff-overfl
0756 : a9bf > lda #$ff-overfl ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0758 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0759 : 28 > plp
075a : d002 bne brvc1
075c : f003 beq brvc2
075e : brvc1
trap ;branch zero/non zero
075e : 4c5e07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0761 : 9002 brvc2 bcc brvc3
0763 : b003 bcs brvc4
0765 : brvc3
trap ;branch carry/no carry
0765 : 4c6507 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0768 : 1002 brvc4 bpl brvc5
076a : 3003 bmi brvc6
076c : brvc5
trap ;branch minus/plus
076c : 4c6c07 > jmp * ;failed anyway
076f : 7002 brvc6 bvs brvc7
0771 : 5003 bvc brvc8
0773 : brvc7
trap ;branch overflow/no overflow
0773 : 4c7307 > jmp * ;failed anyway
0776 : brvc8
0776 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0779 : c904 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
077b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0005 = >test_num = test_num + 1
077d : a905 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
077f : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; test PHA does not alter flags or accumulator but PLA does
0782 : a255 ldx #$55 ;x & y protected
0784 : a0aa ldy #$aa
set_a 1,$ff ;push
> load_flag $ff
0786 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0788 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0789 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
078b : 28 > plp
078c : 48 pha
tst_a 1,$ff
078d : 08 > php ;save flags
078e : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0790 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0792 : 68 > pla ;load status
0793 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
0794 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0796 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0798 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 0,0
> load_flag 0
0799 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
079b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
079c : a900 > lda #0 ;precharge accu
079e : 28 > plp
079f : 48 pha
tst_a 0,0
07a0 : 08 > php ;save flags
07a1 : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
07a3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07a5 : 68 > pla ;load status
07a6 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
07a7 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
07a9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07ab : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,$ff
> load_flag $ff
07ac : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
07ae : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
07af : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
07b1 : 28 > plp
07b2 : 48 pha
tst_a $ff,$ff
07b3 : 08 > php ;save flags
07b4 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
07b6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07b8 : 68 > pla ;load status
07b9 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
07ba : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
07bc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07be : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
07bf : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
07c1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
07c2 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
07c4 : 28 > plp
07c5 : 48 pha
tst_a 1,0
07c6 : 08 > php ;save flags
07c7 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
07c9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07cb : 68 > pla ;load status
07cc : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
07cd : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
07cf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07d1 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 0,$ff
> load_flag $ff
07d2 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
07d4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
07d5 : a900 > lda #0 ;precharge accu
07d7 : 28 > plp
07d8 : 48 pha
tst_a 0,$ff
07d9 : 08 > php ;save flags
07da : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
07dc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07de : 68 > pla ;load status
07df : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
07e0 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
07e2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07e4 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,0
> load_flag 0
07e5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
07e7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
07e8 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
07ea : 28 > plp
07eb : 48 pha
tst_a $ff,0
07ec : 08 > php ;save flags
07ed : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
07ef : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07f1 : 68 > pla ;load status
07f2 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
07f3 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
07f5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
07f7 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 0,$ff ;pull
> load_flag $ff
07f8 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
07fa : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
07fb : a900 > lda #0 ;precharge accu
07fd : 28 > plp
07fe : 68 pla
tst_a $ff,$ff-zero
07ff : 08 > php ;save flags
0800 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0802 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0804 : 68 > pla ;load status
0805 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0806 : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0808 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
080a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,0
> load_flag 0
080b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
080d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
080e : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
0810 : 28 > plp
0811 : 68 pla
tst_a 0,zero
0812 : 08 > php ;save flags
0813 : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0815 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0817 : 68 > pla ;load status
0818 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0819 : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
081b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
081d : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $fe,$ff
> load_flag $ff
081e : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0820 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0821 : a9fe > lda #$fe ;precharge accu
0823 : 28 > plp
0824 : 68 pla
tst_a 1,$ff-zero-minus
0825 : 08 > php ;save flags
0826 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0828 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
082a : 68 > pla ;load status
082b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero-minus
082c : c97d > cmp #($ff-zero-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
082e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0830 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 0,0
> load_flag 0
0831 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0833 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0834 : a900 > lda #0 ;precharge accu
0836 : 28 > plp
0837 : 68 pla
tst_a $ff,minus
0838 : 08 > php ;save flags
0839 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
083b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
083d : 68 > pla ;load status
083e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
083f : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0841 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0843 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,$ff
> load_flag $ff
0844 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0846 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0847 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
0849 : 28 > plp
084a : 68 pla
tst_a 0,$ff-minus
084b : 08 > php ;save flags
084c : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
084e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0850 : 68 > pla ;load status
0851 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0852 : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0854 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0856 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $fe,0
> load_flag 0
0857 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0859 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
085a : a9fe > lda #$fe ;precharge accu
085c : 28 > plp
085d : 68 pla
tst_a 1,0
085e : 08 > php ;save flags
085f : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0861 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0863 : 68 > pla ;load status
0864 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0865 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0867 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0869 : 28 > plp ;restore status
086a : e055 cpx #$55 ;x & y unchanged?
086c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
086e : c0aa cpy #$aa
0870 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0872 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0875 : c905 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0877 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0006 = >test_num = test_num + 1
0879 : a906 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
087b : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; partial pretest EOR #
set_a $3c,0
> load_flag 0
087e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0880 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0881 : a93c > lda #$3c ;precharge accu
0883 : 28 > plp
0884 : 49c3 eor #$c3
tst_a $ff,fn
0886 : 08 > php ;save flags
0887 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0889 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
088b : 68 > pla ;load status
088c : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
088d : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
088f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0891 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $c3,0
> load_flag 0
0892 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0894 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0895 : a9c3 > lda #$c3 ;precharge accu
0897 : 28 > plp
0898 : 49c3 eor #$c3
tst_a 0,fz
089a : 08 > php ;save flags
089b : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
089d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
089f : 68 > pla ;load status
08a0 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fz
08a1 : c932 > cmp #(fz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
08a3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08a5 : 28 > plp ;restore status
08a6 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
08a9 : c906 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
08ab : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0007 = >test_num = test_num + 1
08ad : a907 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
08af : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; PC modifying instructions except branches (NOP, JMP, JSR, RTS, BRK, RTI)
; testing NOP
08b2 : a224 ldx #$24
08b4 : a042 ldy #$42
set_a $18,0
> load_flag 0
08b6 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
08b8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
08b9 : a918 > lda #$18 ;precharge accu
08bb : 28 > plp
08bc : ea nop
tst_a $18,0
08bd : 08 > php ;save flags
08be : c918 > cmp #$18 ;test result
> trap_ne
08c0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08c2 : 68 > pla ;load status
08c3 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
08c4 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
08c6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08c8 : 28 > plp ;restore status
08c9 : e024 cpx #$24
08cb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08cd : c042 cpy #$42
08cf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08d1 : a2db ldx #$db
08d3 : a0bd ldy #$bd
set_a $e7,$ff
> load_flag $ff
08d5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
08d7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
08d8 : a9e7 > lda #$e7 ;precharge accu
08da : 28 > plp
08db : ea nop
tst_a $e7,$ff
08dc : 08 > php ;save flags
08dd : c9e7 > cmp #$e7 ;test result
> trap_ne
08df : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08e1 : 68 > pla ;load status
08e2 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
08e3 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
08e5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08e7 : 28 > plp ;restore status
08e8 : e0db cpx #$db
08ea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08ec : c0bd cpy #$bd
08ee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
08f0 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
08f3 : c907 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
08f5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0008 = >test_num = test_num + 1
08f7 : a908 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
08f9 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; jump absolute
set_stat $0
> load_flag $0
08fc : a900 > lda #$0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
08fe : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
08ff : 28 > plp
0900 : a946 lda #'F'
0902 : a241 ldx #'A'
0904 : a052 ldy #'R' ;N=0, V=0, Z=0, C=0
0906 : 4cef36 jmp test_far
0909 : ea nop
090a : ea nop
trap_ne ;runover protection
090b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
090d : e8 inx
090e : e8 inx
090f : far_ret
trap_eq ;returned flags OK?
090f : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
0911 : 10fe > bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
0913 : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
0915 : 50fe > bvc * ;failed overflow clear
0917 : c9ec cmp #('F'^$aa) ;returned registers OK?
0919 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
091b : e042 cpx #('A'+1)
091d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
091f : c04f cpy #('R'-3)
0921 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0923 : ca dex
0924 : c8 iny
0925 : c8 iny
0926 : c8 iny
0927 : 49aa eor #$aa ;N=0, V=1, Z=0, C=1
0929 : 4c3209 jmp test_near
092c : ea nop
092d : ea nop
trap_ne ;runover protection
092e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0930 : e8 inx
0931 : e8 inx
0932 : test_near
trap_eq ;passed flags OK?
0932 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
0934 : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
0936 : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
0938 : 50fe > bvc * ;failed overflow clear
093a : c946 cmp #'F' ;passed registers OK?
093c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
093e : e041 cpx #'A'
0940 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0942 : c052 cpy #'R'
0944 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0946 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0949 : c908 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
094b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0009 = >test_num = test_num + 1
094d : a909 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
094f : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; jump indirect
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0952 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0954 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0955 : 28 > plp
0956 : a949 lda #'I'
0958 : a24e ldx #'N'
095a : a044 ldy #'D' ;N=0, V=0, Z=0, C=0
095c : 6c1e37 jmp (ptr_tst_ind)
095f : ea nop
trap_ne ;runover protection
0960 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0962 : 88 dey
0963 : 88 dey
0964 : ind_ret
0964 : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
0965 : 88 dey
0966 : 88 dey
0967 : 88 dey
0968 : 28 plp
trap_eq ;returned flags OK?
0969 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
096b : 10fe > bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
096d : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
096f : 50fe > bvc * ;failed overflow clear
0971 : c9e3 cmp #('I'^$aa) ;returned registers OK?
0973 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0975 : e04f cpx #('N'+1)
0977 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0979 : c03e cpy #('D'-6)
097b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
097d : ba tsx ;SP check
097e : e0ff cpx #$ff
0980 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0982 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0985 : c909 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0987 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
000a = >test_num = test_num + 1
0989 : a90a > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
098b : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; jump subroutine & return from subroutine
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
098e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0990 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0991 : 28 > plp
0992 : a94a lda #'J'
0994 : a253 ldx #'S'
0996 : a052 ldy #'R' ;N=0, V=0, Z=0, C=0
0998 : 205d37 jsr test_jsr
099a = jsr_ret = *-1 ;last address of jsr = return address
099b : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
099c : 88 dey
099d : 88 dey
099e : 88 dey
099f : 28 plp
trap_eq ;returned flags OK?
09a0 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
09a2 : 10fe > bpl * ;failed plus (bit 7 clear)
09a4 : 90fe > bcc * ;failed carry clear
09a6 : 50fe > bvc * ;failed overflow clear
09a8 : c9e0 cmp #('J'^$aa) ;returned registers OK?
09aa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09ac : e054 cpx #('S'+1)
09ae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09b0 : c04c cpy #('R'-6)
09b2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09b4 : ba tsx ;sp?
09b5 : e0ff cpx #$ff
09b7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09b9 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
09bc : c90a > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
09be : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
000b = >test_num = test_num + 1
09c0 : a90b > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
09c2 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; break & return from interrupt
if ROM_vectors = 1
load_flag 0 ;with interrupts enabled if allowed!
09c5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
09c7 : 48 pha
09c8 : a942 lda #'B'
09ca : a252 ldx #'R'
09cc : a04b ldy #'K'
09ce : 28 plp ;N=0, V=0, Z=0, C=0
09cf : 00 brk
lda #hi brk_ret0 ;emulated break
lda #lo brk_ret0
load_flag fao ;set break & unused on stack
load_flag intdis ;during interrupt
lda #'B'
ldx #'R'
ldy #'K'
plp ;N=0, V=0, Z=0, C=0
jmp irq_trap
09d0 : 88 dey ;should not be executed
09d1 : brk_ret0 ;address of break return
09d1 : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
09d2 : 88 dey
09d3 : 88 dey
09d4 : 88 dey
09d5 : c9e8 cmp #'B'^$aa ;returned registers OK?
;the IRQ vector was never executed if A & X stay unmodified
09d7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09d9 : e053 cpx #'R'+1
09db : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09dd : c045 cpy #'K'-6
09df : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09e1 : 68 pla ;returned flags OK (unchanged)?
cmp_flag 0
09e2 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
09e4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09e6 : ba tsx ;sp?
09e7 : e0ff cpx #$ff
09e9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
if ROM_vectors = 1
load_flag $ff ;with interrupts disabled if allowed!
09eb : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
09ed : 48 pha
09ee : a9bd lda #$ff-'B'
09f0 : a2ad ldx #$ff-'R'
09f2 : a0b4 ldy #$ff-'K'
09f4 : 28 plp ;N=1, V=1, Z=1, C=1
09f5 : 00 brk
lda #hi brk_ret1 ;emulated break
lda #lo brk_ret1
load_flag $ff
pha ;set break & unused on stack
pha ;actual flags
lda #$ff-'B'
ldx #$ff-'R'
ldy #$ff-'K'
plp ;N=1, V=1, Z=1, C=1
jmp irq_trap
09f6 : 88 dey ;should not be executed
09f7 : brk_ret1 ;address of break return
09f7 : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
09f8 : 88 dey
09f9 : 88 dey
09fa : 88 dey
09fb : c917 cmp #($ff-'B')^$aa ;returned registers OK?
;the IRQ vector was never executed if A & X stay unmodified
09fd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
09ff : e0ae cpx #$ff-'R'+1
0a01 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a03 : c0ae cpy #$ff-'K'-6
0a05 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a07 : 68 pla ;returned flags OK (unchanged)?
cmp_flag $ff
0a08 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0a0a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a0c : ba tsx ;sp?
0a0d : e0ff cpx #$ff
0a0f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a11 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0a14 : c90b > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0a16 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
000c = >test_num = test_num + 1
0a18 : a90c > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0a1a : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; test set and clear flags CLC CLI CLD CLV SEC SEI SED
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0a1d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0a1f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0a20 : 28 > plp
0a21 : 18 clc
tst_stat $ff-carry
0a22 : 08 > php ;save status
0a23 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a24 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-carry
0a25 : c9fe > cmp #($ff-carry|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a27 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a29 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a2a : 38 sec
tst_stat $ff
0a2b : 08 > php ;save status
0a2c : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a2d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
0a2e : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a30 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a32 : 28 > plp ;restore status
if I_flag = 3
0a33 : 58 cli
tst_stat $ff-intdis
0a34 : 08 > php ;save status
0a35 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a36 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-intdis
0a37 : c9fb > cmp #($ff-intdis|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a39 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a3b : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a3c : 78 sei
tst_stat $ff
0a3d : 08 > php ;save status
0a3e : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a3f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
0a40 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a42 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a44 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a45 : d8 cld
tst_stat $ff-decmode
0a46 : 08 > php ;save status
0a47 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a48 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-decmode
0a49 : c9f7 > cmp #($ff-decmode|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a4b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a4d : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a4e : f8 sed
tst_stat $ff
0a4f : 08 > php ;save status
0a50 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a51 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff
0a52 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a54 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a56 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a57 : b8 clv
tst_stat $ff-overfl
0a58 : 08 > php ;save status
0a59 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a5a : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-overfl
0a5b : c9bf > cmp #($ff-overfl|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a5d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a5f : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0a60 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0a62 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0a63 : 28 > plp
tst_stat 0
0a64 : 08 > php ;save status
0a65 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a66 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0a67 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a69 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a6b : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a6c : 38 sec
tst_stat carry
0a6d : 08 > php ;save status
0a6e : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a6f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag carry
0a70 : c931 > cmp #(carry|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a72 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a74 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a75 : 18 clc
tst_stat 0
0a76 : 08 > php ;save status
0a77 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a78 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0a79 : c930 > cmp #(0 |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a7b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a7d : 28 > plp ;restore status
if I_flag = 3
0a7e : 78 sei
tst_stat intdis
0a7f : 08 > php ;save status
0a80 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a81 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag intdis
0a82 : c934 > cmp #(intdis|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a84 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a86 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a87 : 58 cli
tst_stat 0
0a88 : 08 > php ;save status
0a89 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a8a : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0a8b : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a8d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a8f : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a90 : f8 sed
tst_stat decmode
0a91 : 08 > php ;save status
0a92 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a93 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag decmode
0a94 : c938 > cmp #(decmode|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a96 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0a98 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0a99 : d8 cld
tst_stat 0
0a9a : 08 > php ;save status
0a9b : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0a9c : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0a9d : c930 > cmp #(0 |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0a9f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0aa1 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_stat overfl
> load_flag overfl
0aa2 : a940 > lda #overfl ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0aa4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0aa5 : 28 > plp
tst_stat overfl
0aa6 : 08 > php ;save status
0aa7 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0aa8 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag overfl
0aa9 : c970 > cmp #(overfl|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0aab : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0aad : 28 > plp ;restore status
0aae : b8 clv
tst_stat 0
0aaf : 08 > php ;save status
0ab0 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
0ab1 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0ab2 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0ab4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ab6 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0ab7 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0aba : c90c > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0abc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
000d = >test_num = test_num + 1
0abe : a90d > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0ac0 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing index register increment/decrement and transfer
0ac3 : a2fe ldx #$fe
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0ac5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0ac7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0ac8 : 28 > plp
0ac9 : e8 inx ;ff
tst_x $ff,$ff-zero
0aca : 08 > php ;save flags
0acb : e0ff > cpx #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0acd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0acf : 68 > pla ;load status
0ad0 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0ad1 : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0ad3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ad5 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0ad6 : e8 inx ;00
tst_x 0,$ff-minus
0ad7 : 08 > php ;save flags
0ad8 : e000 > cpx #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0ada : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0adc : 68 > pla ;load status
0add : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0ade : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0ae0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ae2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0ae3 : e8 inx ;01
tst_x 1,$ff-minus-zero
0ae4 : 08 > php ;save flags
0ae5 : e001 > cpx #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0ae7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ae9 : 68 > pla ;load status
0aea : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0aeb : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0aed : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0aef : 28 > plp ;restore status
0af0 : ca dex ;00
tst_x 0,$ff-minus
0af1 : 08 > php ;save flags
0af2 : e000 > cpx #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0af4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0af6 : 68 > pla ;load status
0af7 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0af8 : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0afa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0afc : 28 > plp ;restore status
0afd : ca dex ;ff
tst_x $ff,$ff-zero
0afe : 08 > php ;save flags
0aff : e0ff > cpx #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0b01 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b03 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b04 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0b05 : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b07 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b09 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b0a : ca dex ;fe
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0b0b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0b0d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0b0e : 28 > plp
0b0f : e8 inx ;ff
tst_x $ff,minus
0b10 : 08 > php ;save flags
0b11 : e0ff > cpx #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0b13 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b15 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b16 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0b17 : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b19 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b1b : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b1c : e8 inx ;00
tst_x 0,zero
0b1d : 08 > php ;save flags
0b1e : e000 > cpx #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0b20 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b22 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b23 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0b24 : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b26 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b28 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b29 : e8 inx ;01
tst_x 1,0
0b2a : 08 > php ;save flags
0b2b : e001 > cpx #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0b2d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b2f : 68 > pla ;load status
0b30 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0b31 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b33 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b35 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b36 : ca dex ;00
tst_x 0,zero
0b37 : 08 > php ;save flags
0b38 : e000 > cpx #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0b3a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b3c : 68 > pla ;load status
0b3d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0b3e : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b40 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b42 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b43 : ca dex ;ff
tst_x $ff,minus
0b44 : 08 > php ;save flags
0b45 : e0ff > cpx #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0b47 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b49 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b4a : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0b4b : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b4d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b4f : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b50 : a0fe ldy #$fe
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0b52 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0b54 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0b55 : 28 > plp
0b56 : c8 iny ;ff
tst_y $ff,$ff-zero
0b57 : 08 > php ;save flags
0b58 : c0ff > cpy #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0b5a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b5c : 68 > pla ;load status
0b5d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0b5e : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b60 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b62 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b63 : c8 iny ;00
tst_y 0,$ff-minus
0b64 : 08 > php ;save flags
0b65 : c000 > cpy #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0b67 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b69 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b6a : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0b6b : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b6d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b6f : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b70 : c8 iny ;01
tst_y 1,$ff-minus-zero
0b71 : 08 > php ;save flags
0b72 : c001 > cpy #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0b74 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b76 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b77 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0b78 : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b7a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b7c : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b7d : 88 dey ;00
tst_y 0,$ff-minus
0b7e : 08 > php ;save flags
0b7f : c000 > cpy #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0b81 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b83 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b84 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0b85 : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b87 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b89 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b8a : 88 dey ;ff
tst_y $ff,$ff-zero
0b8b : 08 > php ;save flags
0b8c : c0ff > cpy #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0b8e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b90 : 68 > pla ;load status
0b91 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0b92 : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0b94 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0b96 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0b97 : 88 dey ;fe
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0b98 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0b9a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0b9b : 28 > plp
0b9c : c8 iny ;ff
tst_y $ff,0+minus
0b9d : 08 > php ;save flags
0b9e : c0ff > cpy #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0ba0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ba2 : 68 > pla ;load status
0ba3 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0+minus
0ba4 : c9b0 > cmp #(0+minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0ba6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ba8 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0ba9 : c8 iny ;00
tst_y 0,zero
0baa : 08 > php ;save flags
0bab : c000 > cpy #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0bad : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0baf : 68 > pla ;load status
0bb0 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0bb1 : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0bb3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bb5 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0bb6 : c8 iny ;01
tst_y 1,0
0bb7 : 08 > php ;save flags
0bb8 : c001 > cpy #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0bba : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bbc : 68 > pla ;load status
0bbd : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0bbe : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0bc0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bc2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0bc3 : 88 dey ;00
tst_y 0,zero
0bc4 : 08 > php ;save flags
0bc5 : c000 > cpy #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0bc7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bc9 : 68 > pla ;load status
0bca : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0bcb : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0bcd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bcf : 28 > plp ;restore status
0bd0 : 88 dey ;ff
tst_y $ff,minus
0bd1 : 08 > php ;save flags
0bd2 : c0ff > cpy #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0bd4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bd6 : 68 > pla ;load status
0bd7 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0bd8 : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0bda : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bdc : 28 > plp ;restore status
0bdd : a2ff ldx #$ff
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0bdf : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0be1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0be2 : 28 > plp
0be3 : 8a txa
tst_a $ff,$ff-zero
0be4 : 08 > php ;save flags
0be5 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0be7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0be9 : 68 > pla ;load status
0bea : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0beb : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0bed : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bef : 28 > plp ;restore status
0bf0 : 08 php
0bf1 : e8 inx ;00
0bf2 : 28 plp
0bf3 : 8a txa
tst_a 0,$ff-minus
0bf4 : 08 > php ;save flags
0bf5 : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0bf7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bf9 : 68 > pla ;load status
0bfa : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0bfb : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0bfd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0bff : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c00 : 08 php
0c01 : e8 inx ;01
0c02 : 28 plp
0c03 : 8a txa
tst_a 1,$ff-minus-zero
0c04 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c05 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c07 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c09 : 68 > pla ;load status
0c0a : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0c0b : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c0d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c0f : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0c10 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0c12 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0c13 : 28 > plp
0c14 : 8a txa
tst_a 1,0
0c15 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c16 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c18 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c1a : 68 > pla ;load status
0c1b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0c1c : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c1e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c20 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c21 : 08 php
0c22 : ca dex ;00
0c23 : 28 plp
0c24 : 8a txa
tst_a 0,zero
0c25 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c26 : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c28 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c2a : 68 > pla ;load status
0c2b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0c2c : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c2e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c30 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c31 : 08 php
0c32 : ca dex ;ff
0c33 : 28 plp
0c34 : 8a txa
tst_a $ff,minus
0c35 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c36 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0c38 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c3a : 68 > pla ;load status
0c3b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0c3c : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c3e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c40 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c41 : a0ff ldy #$ff
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0c43 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0c45 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0c46 : 28 > plp
0c47 : 98 tya
tst_a $ff,$ff-zero
0c48 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c49 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0c4b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c4d : 68 > pla ;load status
0c4e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0c4f : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c51 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c53 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c54 : 08 php
0c55 : c8 iny ;00
0c56 : 28 plp
0c57 : 98 tya
tst_a 0,$ff-minus
0c58 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c59 : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c5b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c5d : 68 > pla ;load status
0c5e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0c5f : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c61 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c63 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c64 : 08 php
0c65 : c8 iny ;01
0c66 : 28 plp
0c67 : 98 tya
tst_a 1,$ff-minus-zero
0c68 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c69 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c6b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c6d : 68 > pla ;load status
0c6e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0c6f : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c71 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c73 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0c74 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0c76 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0c77 : 28 > plp
0c78 : 98 tya
tst_a 1,0
0c79 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c7a : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c7c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c7e : 68 > pla ;load status
0c7f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0c80 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c82 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c84 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c85 : 08 php
0c86 : 88 dey ;00
0c87 : 28 plp
0c88 : 98 tya
tst_a 0,zero
0c89 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c8a : c900 > cmp #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0c8c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c8e : 68 > pla ;load status
0c8f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0c90 : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0c92 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c94 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0c95 : 08 php
0c96 : 88 dey ;ff
0c97 : 28 plp
0c98 : 98 tya
tst_a $ff,minus
0c99 : 08 > php ;save flags
0c9a : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0c9c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0c9e : 68 > pla ;load status
0c9f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0ca0 : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0ca2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ca4 : 28 > plp ;restore status
load_flag $ff
0ca5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0ca7 : 48 pha
0ca8 : a2ff ldx #$ff ;ff
0caa : 8a txa
0cab : 28 plp
0cac : a8 tay
tst_y $ff,$ff-zero
0cad : 08 > php ;save flags
0cae : c0ff > cpy #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0cb0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cb2 : 68 > pla ;load status
0cb3 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0cb4 : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0cb6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cb8 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0cb9 : 08 php
0cba : e8 inx ;00
0cbb : 8a txa
0cbc : 28 plp
0cbd : a8 tay
tst_y 0,$ff-minus
0cbe : 08 > php ;save flags
0cbf : c000 > cpy #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0cc1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cc3 : 68 > pla ;load status
0cc4 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0cc5 : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0cc7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cc9 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0cca : 08 php
0ccb : e8 inx ;01
0ccc : 8a txa
0ccd : 28 plp
0cce : a8 tay
tst_y 1,$ff-minus-zero
0ccf : 08 > php ;save flags
0cd0 : c001 > cpy #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0cd2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cd4 : 68 > pla ;load status
0cd5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0cd6 : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0cd8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cda : 28 > plp ;restore status
load_flag 0
0cdb : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0cdd : 48 pha
0cde : a900 lda #0
0ce0 : 8a txa
0ce1 : 28 plp
0ce2 : a8 tay
tst_y 1,0
0ce3 : 08 > php ;save flags
0ce4 : c001 > cpy #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0ce6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ce8 : 68 > pla ;load status
0ce9 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0cea : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0cec : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cee : 28 > plp ;restore status
0cef : 08 php
0cf0 : ca dex ;00
0cf1 : 8a txa
0cf2 : 28 plp
0cf3 : a8 tay
tst_y 0,zero
0cf4 : 08 > php ;save flags
0cf5 : c000 > cpy #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0cf7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cf9 : 68 > pla ;load status
0cfa : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0cfb : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0cfd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0cff : 28 > plp ;restore status
0d00 : 08 php
0d01 : ca dex ;ff
0d02 : 8a txa
0d03 : 28 plp
0d04 : a8 tay
tst_y $ff,minus
0d05 : 08 > php ;save flags
0d06 : c0ff > cpy #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0d08 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d0a : 68 > pla ;load status
0d0b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0d0c : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d0e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d10 : 28 > plp ;restore status
load_flag $ff
0d11 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0d13 : 48 pha
0d14 : a0ff ldy #$ff ;ff
0d16 : 98 tya
0d17 : 28 plp
0d18 : aa tax
tst_x $ff,$ff-zero
0d19 : 08 > php ;save flags
0d1a : e0ff > cpx #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0d1c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d1e : 68 > pla ;load status
0d1f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-zero
0d20 : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d22 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d24 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0d25 : 08 php
0d26 : c8 iny ;00
0d27 : 98 tya
0d28 : 28 plp
0d29 : aa tax
tst_x 0,$ff-minus
0d2a : 08 > php ;save flags
0d2b : e000 > cpx #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0d2d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d2f : 68 > pla ;load status
0d30 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus
0d31 : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d33 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d35 : 28 > plp ;restore status
0d36 : 08 php
0d37 : c8 iny ;01
0d38 : 98 tya
0d39 : 28 plp
0d3a : aa tax
tst_x 1,$ff-minus-zero
0d3b : 08 > php ;save flags
0d3c : e001 > cpx #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0d3e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d40 : 68 > pla ;load status
0d41 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0d42 : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d44 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d46 : 28 > plp ;restore status
load_flag 0
0d47 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0d49 : 48 pha
0d4a : a900 lda #0 ;preset status
0d4c : 98 tya
0d4d : 28 plp
0d4e : aa tax
tst_x 1,0
0d4f : 08 > php ;save flags
0d50 : e001 > cpx #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
0d52 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d54 : 68 > pla ;load status
0d55 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag 0
0d56 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d58 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d5a : 28 > plp ;restore status
0d5b : 08 php
0d5c : 88 dey ;00
0d5d : 98 tya
0d5e : 28 plp
0d5f : aa tax
tst_x 0,zero
0d60 : 08 > php ;save flags
0d61 : e000 > cpx #0 ;test result
> trap_ne
0d63 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d65 : 68 > pla ;load status
0d66 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag zero
0d67 : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d69 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d6b : 28 > plp ;restore status
0d6c : 08 php
0d6d : 88 dey ;ff
0d6e : 98 tya
0d6f : 28 plp
0d70 : aa tax
tst_x $ff,minus
0d71 : 08 > php ;save flags
0d72 : e0ff > cpx #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
0d74 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d76 : 68 > pla ;load status
0d77 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag minus
0d78 : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
0d7a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0d7c : 28 > plp ;restore status
0d7d : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0d80 : c90d > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0d82 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
000e = >test_num = test_num + 1
0d84 : a90e > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0d86 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
;TSX sets NZ - TXS does not
; This section also tests for proper stack wrap around.
0d89 : a201 ldx #1 ;01
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0d8b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0d8d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0d8e : 28 > plp
0d8f : 9a txs
0d90 : 08 php
0d91 : ad0101 lda $101
cmp_flag $ff
0d94 : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0d96 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0d98 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0d9a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0d9b : 28 > plp
0d9c : 9a txs
0d9d : 08 php
0d9e : ad0101 lda $101
cmp_flag 0
0da1 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0da3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0da5 : ca dex ;00
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0da6 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0da8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0da9 : 28 > plp
0daa : 9a txs
0dab : 08 php
0dac : ad0001 lda $100
cmp_flag $ff
0daf : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0db1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0db3 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0db5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0db6 : 28 > plp
0db7 : 9a txs
0db8 : 08 php
0db9 : ad0001 lda $100
cmp_flag 0
0dbc : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0dbe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0dc0 : ca dex ;ff
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0dc1 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0dc3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0dc4 : 28 > plp
0dc5 : 9a txs
0dc6 : 08 php
0dc7 : adff01 lda $1ff
cmp_flag $ff
0dca : c9ff > cmp #($ff|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0dcc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0dce : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0dd0 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0dd1 : 28 > plp
0dd2 : 9a txs
0dd3 : 08 php
0dd4 : adff01 lda $1ff
cmp_flag 0
0dd7 : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0dd9 : a201 ldx #1
0ddb : 9a txs ;sp=01
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0ddc : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0dde : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0ddf : 28 > plp
0de0 : ba tsx ;clears Z, N
0de1 : 08 php ;sp=00
0de2 : e001 cpx #1
0de4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0de6 : ad0101 lda $101
cmp_flag $ff-minus-zero
0de9 : c97d > cmp #($ff-minus-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0deb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0ded : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0def : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0df0 : 28 > plp
0df1 : ba tsx ;clears N, sets Z
0df2 : 08 php ;sp=ff
0df3 : e000 cpx #0
0df5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0df7 : ad0001 lda $100
cmp_flag $ff-minus
0dfa : c97f > cmp #($ff-minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0dfc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0dfe : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e00 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e01 : 28 > plp
0e02 : ba tsx ;clears N, sets Z
0e03 : 08 php ;sp=fe
0e04 : e0ff cpx #$ff
0e06 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e08 : adff01 lda $1ff
cmp_flag $ff-zero
0e0b : c9fd > cmp #($ff-zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0e0d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e0f : a201 ldx #1
0e11 : 9a txs ;sp=01
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0e12 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e14 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e15 : 28 > plp
0e16 : ba tsx ;clears Z, N
0e17 : 08 php ;sp=00
0e18 : e001 cpx #1
0e1a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e1c : ad0101 lda $101
cmp_flag 0
0e1f : c930 > cmp #(0|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0e21 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0e23 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e25 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e26 : 28 > plp
0e27 : ba tsx ;clears N, sets Z
0e28 : 08 php ;sp=ff
0e29 : e000 cpx #0
0e2b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e2d : ad0001 lda $100
cmp_flag zero
0e30 : c932 > cmp #(zero|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0e32 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0e34 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e36 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e37 : 28 > plp
0e38 : ba tsx ;clears N, sets Z
0e39 : 08 php ;sp=fe
0e3a : e0ff cpx #$ff
0e3c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e3e : adff01 lda $1ff
cmp_flag minus
0e41 : c9b0 > cmp #(minus|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
0e43 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e45 : 68 pla ;sp=ff
0e46 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0e49 : c90e > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0e4b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
000f = >test_num = test_num + 1
0e4d : a90f > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0e4f : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing index register load & store LDY LDX STY STX all addressing modes
; LDX / STX - zp,y / abs,y
0e52 : a003 ldy #3
0e54 : tldx
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0e54 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e56 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e57 : 28 > plp
0e58 : b613 ldx zp1,y
0e5a : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0e5b : 8a txa
0e5c : 49c3 eor #$c3
0e5e : 28 plp
0e5f : 990302 sta abst,y
0e62 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0e63 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0e65 : d91702 cmp abs1,y ;test result
0e68 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e6a : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
0e6b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0e6d : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
0e70 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e72 : 88 dey
0e73 : 10df bpl tldx
0e75 : a003 ldy #3
0e77 : tldx1
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0e77 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e79 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e7a : 28 > plp
0e7b : b613 ldx zp1,y
0e7d : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0e7e : 8a txa
0e7f : 49c3 eor #$c3
0e81 : 28 plp
0e82 : 990302 sta abst,y
0e85 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0e86 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0e88 : d91702 cmp abs1,y ;test result
0e8b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e8d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
0e8e : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0e90 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
0e93 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0e95 : 88 dey
0e96 : 10df bpl tldx1
0e98 : a003 ldy #3
0e9a : tldx2
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0e9a : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0e9c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0e9d : 28 > plp
0e9e : be1702 ldx abs1,y
0ea1 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0ea2 : 8a txa
0ea3 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0ea5 : aa tax
0ea6 : 28 plp
0ea7 : 960c stx zpt,y
0ea9 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0eaa : 49c3 eor #$c3
0eac : d91300 cmp zp1,y ;test result
0eaf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0eb1 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
0eb2 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0eb4 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
0eb7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0eb9 : 88 dey
0eba : 10de bpl tldx2
0ebc : a003 ldy #3
0ebe : tldx3
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0ebe : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0ec0 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0ec1 : 28 > plp
0ec2 : be1702 ldx abs1,y
0ec5 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0ec6 : 8a txa
0ec7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0ec9 : aa tax
0eca : 28 plp
0ecb : 960c stx zpt,y
0ecd : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0ece : 49c3 eor #$c3
0ed0 : d91300 cmp zp1,y ;test result
0ed3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ed5 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
0ed6 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0ed8 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
0edb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0edd : 88 dey
0ede : 10de bpl tldx3
0ee0 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing store result
0ee2 : a200 ldx #0
0ee4 : b90c00 tstx lda zpt,y
0ee7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0ee9 : d91300 cmp zp1,y
trap_ne ;store to zp data
0eec : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0eee : 960c stx zpt,y ;clear
0ef0 : b90302 lda abst,y
0ef3 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0ef5 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
0ef8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0efa : 8a txa
0efb : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
0efe : 88 dey
0eff : 10e3 bpl tstx
0f01 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0f04 : c90f > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0f06 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0010 = >test_num = test_num + 1
0f08 : a910 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0f0a : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; indexed wraparound test (only zp should wrap)
0f0d : a0fd ldy #3+$fa
0f0f : b619 tldx4 ldx zp1-$fa&$ff,y ;wrap on indexed zp
0f11 : 8a txa
0f12 : 990901 sta abst-$fa,y ;no STX abs,y!
0f15 : 88 dey
0f16 : c0fa cpy #$fa
0f18 : b0f5 bcs tldx4
0f1a : a0fd ldy #3+$fa
0f1c : be1d01 tldx5 ldx abs1-$fa,y ;no wrap on indexed abs
0f1f : 9612 stx zpt-$fa&$ff,y
0f21 : 88 dey
0f22 : c0fa cpy #$fa
0f24 : b0f6 bcs tldx5
0f26 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing wraparound result
0f28 : a200 ldx #0
0f2a : b90c00 tstx1 lda zpt,y
0f2d : d91300 cmp zp1,y
trap_ne ;store to zp data
0f30 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0f32 : 960c stx zpt,y ;clear
0f34 : b90302 lda abst,y
0f37 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
0f3a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0f3c : 8a txa
0f3d : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
0f40 : 88 dey
0f41 : 10e7 bpl tstx1
0f43 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0f46 : c910 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0f48 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0011 = >test_num = test_num + 1
0f4a : a911 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
0f4c : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; LDY / STY - zp,x / abs,x
0f4f : a203 ldx #3
0f51 : tldy
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0f51 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0f53 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0f54 : 28 > plp
0f55 : b413 ldy zp1,x
0f57 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0f58 : 98 tya
0f59 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0f5b : 28 plp
0f5c : 9d0302 sta abst,x
0f5f : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0f60 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0f62 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x ;test result
0f65 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0f67 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
0f68 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0f6a : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
0f6d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0f6f : ca dex
0f70 : 10df bpl tldy
0f72 : a203 ldx #3
0f74 : tldy1
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0f74 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0f76 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0f77 : 28 > plp
0f78 : b413 ldy zp1,x
0f7a : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0f7b : 98 tya
0f7c : 49c3 eor #$c3
0f7e : 28 plp
0f7f : 9d0302 sta abst,x
0f82 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0f83 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0f85 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x ;test result
0f88 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0f8a : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
0f8b : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0f8d : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
0f90 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0f92 : ca dex
0f93 : 10df bpl tldy1
0f95 : a203 ldx #3
0f97 : tldy2
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
0f97 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0f99 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0f9a : 28 > plp
0f9b : bc1702 ldy abs1,x
0f9e : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0f9f : 98 tya
0fa0 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0fa2 : a8 tay
0fa3 : 28 plp
0fa4 : 940c sty zpt,x
0fa6 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0fa7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0fa9 : d513 cmp zp1,x ;test result
0fab : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0fad : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
0fae : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0fb0 : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
0fb3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0fb5 : ca dex
0fb6 : 10df bpl tldy2
0fb8 : a203 ldx #3
0fba : tldy3
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
0fba : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
0fbc : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
0fbd : 28 > plp
0fbe : bc1702 ldy abs1,x
0fc1 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
0fc2 : 98 tya
0fc3 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0fc5 : a8 tay
0fc6 : 28 plp
0fc7 : 940c sty zpt,x
0fc9 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
0fca : 49c3 eor #$c3
0fcc : d513 cmp zp1,x ;test result
0fce : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0fd0 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
0fd1 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
0fd3 : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
0fd6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0fd8 : ca dex
0fd9 : 10df bpl tldy3
0fdb : a203 ldx #3 ;testing store result
0fdd : a000 ldy #0
0fdf : b50c tsty lda zpt,x
0fe1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
0fe3 : d513 cmp zp1,x
trap_ne ;store to zp,x data
0fe5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0fe7 : 940c sty zpt,x ;clear
0fe9 : bd0302 lda abst,x
0fec : 49c3 eor #$c3
0fee : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
trap_ne ;store to abs,x data
0ff1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0ff3 : 8a txa
0ff4 : 9d0302 sta abst,x ;clear
0ff7 : ca dex
0ff8 : 10e5 bpl tsty
0ffa : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
0ffd : c911 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
0fff : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0012 = >test_num = test_num + 1
1001 : a912 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1003 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; indexed wraparound test (only zp should wrap)
1006 : a2fd ldx #3+$fa
1008 : b419 tldy4 ldy zp1-$fa&$ff,x ;wrap on indexed zp
100a : 98 tya
100b : 9d0901 sta abst-$fa,x ;no STX abs,x!
100e : ca dex
100f : e0fa cpx #$fa
1011 : b0f5 bcs tldy4
1013 : a2fd ldx #3+$fa
1015 : bc1d01 tldy5 ldy abs1-$fa,x ;no wrap on indexed abs
1018 : 9412 sty zpt-$fa&$ff,x
101a : ca dex
101b : e0fa cpx #$fa
101d : b0f6 bcs tldy5
101f : a203 ldx #3 ;testing wraparound result
1021 : a000 ldy #0
1023 : b50c tsty1 lda zpt,x
1025 : d513 cmp zp1,x
trap_ne ;store to zp,x data
1027 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1029 : 940c sty zpt,x ;clear
102b : bd0302 lda abst,x
102e : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
trap_ne ;store to abs,x data
1031 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1033 : 8a txa
1034 : 9d0302 sta abst,x ;clear
1037 : ca dex
1038 : 10e9 bpl tsty1
103a : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
103d : c912 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
103f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0013 = >test_num = test_num + 1
1041 : a913 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1043 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; LDX / STX - zp / abs / #
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1046 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1048 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1049 : 28 > plp
104a : a613 ldx zp1
104c : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
104d : 8a txa
104e : 49c3 eor #$c3
1050 : aa tax
1051 : 28 plp
1052 : 8e0302 stx abst
1055 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1056 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1058 : aa tax
1059 : e0c3 cpx #$c3 ;test result
105b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
105d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
105e : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1060 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1063 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1065 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1067 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1068 : 28 > plp
1069 : a614 ldx zp1+1
106b : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
106c : 8a txa
106d : 49c3 eor #$c3
106f : aa tax
1070 : 28 plp
1071 : 8e0402 stx abst+1
1074 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1075 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1077 : aa tax
1078 : e082 cpx #$82 ;test result
107a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
107c : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
107d : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
107f : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1082 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1084 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1086 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1087 : 28 > plp
1088 : a615 ldx zp1+2
108a : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
108b : 8a txa
108c : 49c3 eor #$c3
108e : aa tax
108f : 28 plp
1090 : 8e0502 stx abst+2
1093 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1094 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1096 : aa tax
1097 : e041 cpx #$41 ;test result
1099 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
109b : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
109c : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
109e : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
10a1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
10a3 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
10a5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
10a6 : 28 > plp
10a7 : a616 ldx zp1+3
10a9 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
10aa : 8a txa
10ab : 49c3 eor #$c3
10ad : aa tax
10ae : 28 plp
10af : 8e0602 stx abst+3
10b2 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
10b3 : 49c3 eor #$c3
10b5 : aa tax
10b6 : e000 cpx #0 ;test result
10b8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
10ba : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
10bb : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
10bd : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
10c0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
10c2 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
10c4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
10c5 : 28 > plp
10c6 : a613 ldx zp1
10c8 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
10c9 : 8a txa
10ca : 49c3 eor #$c3
10cc : aa tax
10cd : 28 plp
10ce : 8e0302 stx abst
10d1 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
10d2 : 49c3 eor #$c3
10d4 : aa tax
10d5 : e0c3 cpx #$c3 ;test result
trap_ne ;
10d7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
10d9 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
10da : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
10dc : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
10df : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
10e1 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
10e3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
10e4 : 28 > plp
10e5 : a614 ldx zp1+1
10e7 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
10e8 : 8a txa
10e9 : 49c3 eor #$c3
10eb : aa tax
10ec : 28 plp
10ed : 8e0402 stx abst+1
10f0 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
10f1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
10f3 : aa tax
10f4 : e082 cpx #$82 ;test result
10f6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
10f8 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
10f9 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
10fb : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
10fe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1100 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1102 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1103 : 28 > plp
1104 : a615 ldx zp1+2
1106 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1107 : 8a txa
1108 : 49c3 eor #$c3
110a : aa tax
110b : 28 plp
110c : 8e0502 stx abst+2
110f : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1110 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1112 : aa tax
1113 : e041 cpx #$41 ;test result
trap_ne ;
1115 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1117 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1118 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
111a : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
111d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
111f : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1121 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1122 : 28 > plp
1123 : a616 ldx zp1+3
1125 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1126 : 8a txa
1127 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1129 : aa tax
112a : 28 plp
112b : 8e0602 stx abst+3
112e : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
112f : 49c3 eor #$c3
1131 : aa tax
1132 : e000 cpx #0 ;test result
1134 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1136 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1137 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1139 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
113c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
113e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1140 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1141 : 28 > plp
1142 : ae1702 ldx abs1
1145 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1146 : 8a txa
1147 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1149 : aa tax
114a : 28 plp
114b : 860c stx zpt
114d : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
114e : 49c3 eor #$c3
1150 : c513 cmp zp1 ;test result
1152 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1154 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1155 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1157 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
115a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
115c : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
115e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
115f : 28 > plp
1160 : ae1802 ldx abs1+1
1163 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1164 : 8a txa
1165 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1167 : aa tax
1168 : 28 plp
1169 : 860d stx zpt+1
116b : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
116c : 49c3 eor #$c3
116e : c514 cmp zp1+1 ;test result
1170 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1172 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1173 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1175 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1178 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
117a : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
117c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
117d : 28 > plp
117e : ae1902 ldx abs1+2
1181 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1182 : 8a txa
1183 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1185 : aa tax
1186 : 28 plp
1187 : 860e stx zpt+2
1189 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
118a : 49c3 eor #$c3
118c : c515 cmp zp1+2 ;test result
118e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1190 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1191 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1193 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1196 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1198 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
119a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
119b : 28 > plp
119c : ae1a02 ldx abs1+3
119f : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
11a0 : 8a txa
11a1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
11a3 : aa tax
11a4 : 28 plp
11a5 : 860f stx zpt+3
11a7 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
11a8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
11aa : c516 cmp zp1+3 ;test result
11ac : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
11ae : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
11af : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
11b1 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
11b4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
11b6 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
11b8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
11b9 : 28 > plp
11ba : ae1702 ldx abs1
11bd : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
11be : 8a txa
11bf : 49c3 eor #$c3
11c1 : aa tax
11c2 : 28 plp
11c3 : 860c stx zpt
11c5 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
11c6 : 49c3 eor #$c3
11c8 : aa tax
11c9 : e413 cpx zp1 ;test result
11cb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
11cd : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
11ce : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
11d0 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
11d3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
11d5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
11d7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
11d8 : 28 > plp
11d9 : ae1802 ldx abs1+1
11dc : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
11dd : 8a txa
11de : 49c3 eor #$c3
11e0 : aa tax
11e1 : 28 plp
11e2 : 860d stx zpt+1
11e4 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
11e5 : 49c3 eor #$c3
11e7 : aa tax
11e8 : e414 cpx zp1+1 ;test result
11ea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
11ec : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
11ed : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
11ef : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
11f2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
11f4 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
11f6 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
11f7 : 28 > plp
11f8 : ae1902 ldx abs1+2
11fb : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
11fc : 8a txa
11fd : 49c3 eor #$c3
11ff : aa tax
1200 : 28 plp
1201 : 860e stx zpt+2
1203 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1204 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1206 : aa tax
1207 : e415 cpx zp1+2 ;test result
1209 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
120b : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
120c : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
120e : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1211 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1213 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1215 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1216 : 28 > plp
1217 : ae1a02 ldx abs1+3
121a : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
121b : 8a txa
121c : 49c3 eor #$c3
121e : aa tax
121f : 28 plp
1220 : 860f stx zpt+3
1222 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1223 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1225 : aa tax
1226 : e416 cpx zp1+3 ;test result
1228 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
122a : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
122b : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
122d : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1230 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1232 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1234 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1235 : 28 > plp
1236 : a2c3 ldx #$c3
1238 : 08 php
1239 : ec1702 cpx abs1 ;test result
123c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
123e : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
123f : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1241 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1244 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1246 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1248 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1249 : 28 > plp
124a : a282 ldx #$82
124c : 08 php
124d : ec1802 cpx abs1+1 ;test result
1250 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1252 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1253 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1255 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1258 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
125a : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
125c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
125d : 28 > plp
125e : a241 ldx #$41
1260 : 08 php
1261 : ec1902 cpx abs1+2 ;test result
1264 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1266 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1267 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1269 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
126c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
126e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1270 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1271 : 28 > plp
1272 : a200 ldx #0
1274 : 08 php
1275 : ec1a02 cpx abs1+3 ;test result
1278 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
127a : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
127b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
127d : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1280 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1282 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1284 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1285 : 28 > plp
1286 : a2c3 ldx #$c3
1288 : 08 php
1289 : ec1702 cpx abs1 ;test result
128c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
128e : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
128f : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1291 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1294 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1296 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1298 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1299 : 28 > plp
129a : a282 ldx #$82
129c : 08 php
129d : ec1802 cpx abs1+1 ;test result
12a0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12a2 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
12a3 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
12a5 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
12a8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
12aa : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
12ac : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
12ad : 28 > plp
12ae : a241 ldx #$41
12b0 : 08 php
12b1 : ec1902 cpx abs1+2 ;test result
12b4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12b6 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
12b7 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
12b9 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
12bc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
12be : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
12c0 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
12c1 : 28 > plp
12c2 : a200 ldx #0
12c4 : 08 php
12c5 : ec1a02 cpx abs1+3 ;test result
12c8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12ca : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
12cb : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
12cd : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
12d0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12d2 : a200 ldx #0
12d4 : a50c lda zpt
12d6 : 49c3 eor #$c3
12d8 : c513 cmp zp1
trap_ne ;store to zp data
12da : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12dc : 860c stx zpt ;clear
12de : ad0302 lda abst
12e1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
12e3 : cd1702 cmp abs1
trap_ne ;store to abs data
12e6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12e8 : 8e0302 stx abst ;clear
12eb : a50d lda zpt+1
12ed : 49c3 eor #$c3
12ef : c514 cmp zp1+1
trap_ne ;store to zp data
12f1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12f3 : 860d stx zpt+1 ;clear
12f5 : ad0402 lda abst+1
12f8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
12fa : cd1802 cmp abs1+1
trap_ne ;store to abs data
12fd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
12ff : 8e0402 stx abst+1 ;clear
1302 : a50e lda zpt+2
1304 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1306 : c515 cmp zp1+2
trap_ne ;store to zp data
1308 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
130a : 860e stx zpt+2 ;clear
130c : ad0502 lda abst+2
130f : 49c3 eor #$c3
1311 : cd1902 cmp abs1+2
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1314 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1316 : 8e0502 stx abst+2 ;clear
1319 : a50f lda zpt+3
131b : 49c3 eor #$c3
131d : c516 cmp zp1+3
trap_ne ;store to zp data
131f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1321 : 860f stx zpt+3 ;clear
1323 : ad0602 lda abst+3
1326 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1328 : cd1a02 cmp abs1+3
trap_ne ;store to abs data
132b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
132d : 8e0602 stx abst+3 ;clear
1330 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
1333 : c913 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
1335 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0014 = >test_num = test_num + 1
1337 : a914 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1339 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; LDY / STY - zp / abs / #
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
133c : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
133e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
133f : 28 > plp
1340 : a413 ldy zp1
1342 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1343 : 98 tya
1344 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1346 : a8 tay
1347 : 28 plp
1348 : 8c0302 sty abst
134b : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
134c : 49c3 eor #$c3
134e : a8 tay
134f : c0c3 cpy #$c3 ;test result
1351 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1353 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1354 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1356 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1359 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
135b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
135d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
135e : 28 > plp
135f : a414 ldy zp1+1
1361 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1362 : 98 tya
1363 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1365 : a8 tay
1366 : 28 plp
1367 : 8c0402 sty abst+1
136a : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
136b : 49c3 eor #$c3
136d : a8 tay
136e : c082 cpy #$82 ;test result
1370 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1372 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1373 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1375 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1378 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
137a : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
137c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
137d : 28 > plp
137e : a415 ldy zp1+2
1380 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1381 : 98 tya
1382 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1384 : a8 tay
1385 : 28 plp
1386 : 8c0502 sty abst+2
1389 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
138a : 49c3 eor #$c3
138c : a8 tay
138d : c041 cpy #$41 ;test result
138f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1391 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1392 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1394 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1397 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1399 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
139b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
139c : 28 > plp
139d : a416 ldy zp1+3
139f : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
13a0 : 98 tya
13a1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
13a3 : a8 tay
13a4 : 28 plp
13a5 : 8c0602 sty abst+3
13a8 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
13a9 : 49c3 eor #$c3
13ab : a8 tay
13ac : c000 cpy #0 ;test result
13ae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
13b0 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
13b1 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
13b3 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
13b6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
13b8 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
13ba : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
13bb : 28 > plp
13bc : a413 ldy zp1
13be : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
13bf : 98 tya
13c0 : 49c3 eor #$c3
13c2 : a8 tay
13c3 : 28 plp
13c4 : 8c0302 sty abst
13c7 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
13c8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
13ca : a8 tay
13cb : c0c3 cpy #$c3 ;test result
13cd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
13cf : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
13d0 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
13d2 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
13d5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
13d7 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
13d9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
13da : 28 > plp
13db : a414 ldy zp1+1
13dd : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
13de : 98 tya
13df : 49c3 eor #$c3
13e1 : a8 tay
13e2 : 28 plp
13e3 : 8c0402 sty abst+1
13e6 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
13e7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
13e9 : a8 tay
13ea : c082 cpy #$82 ;test result
13ec : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
13ee : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
13ef : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
13f1 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
13f4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
13f6 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
13f8 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
13f9 : 28 > plp
13fa : a415 ldy zp1+2
13fc : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
13fd : 98 tya
13fe : 49c3 eor #$c3
1400 : a8 tay
1401 : 28 plp
1402 : 8c0502 sty abst+2
1405 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1406 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1408 : a8 tay
1409 : c041 cpy #$41 ;test result
140b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
140d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
140e : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1410 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1413 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1415 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1417 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1418 : 28 > plp
1419 : a416 ldy zp1+3
141b : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
141c : 98 tya
141d : 49c3 eor #$c3
141f : a8 tay
1420 : 28 plp
1421 : 8c0602 sty abst+3
1424 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1425 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1427 : a8 tay
1428 : c000 cpy #0 ;test result
142a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
142c : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
142d : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
142f : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1432 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1434 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1436 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1437 : 28 > plp
1438 : ac1702 ldy abs1
143b : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
143c : 98 tya
143d : 49c3 eor #$c3
143f : a8 tay
1440 : 28 plp
1441 : 840c sty zpt
1443 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1444 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1446 : a8 tay
1447 : c413 cpy zp1 ;test result
1449 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
144b : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
144c : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
144e : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1451 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1453 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1455 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1456 : 28 > plp
1457 : ac1802 ldy abs1+1
145a : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
145b : 98 tya
145c : 49c3 eor #$c3
145e : a8 tay
145f : 28 plp
1460 : 840d sty zpt+1
1462 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1463 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1465 : a8 tay
1466 : c414 cpy zp1+1 ;test result
1468 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
146a : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
146b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
146d : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1470 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1472 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1474 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1475 : 28 > plp
1476 : ac1902 ldy abs1+2
1479 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
147a : 98 tya
147b : 49c3 eor #$c3
147d : a8 tay
147e : 28 plp
147f : 840e sty zpt+2
1481 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1482 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1484 : a8 tay
1485 : c415 cpy zp1+2 ;test result
1487 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1489 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
148a : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
148c : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
148f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1491 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1493 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1494 : 28 > plp
1495 : ac1a02 ldy abs1+3
1498 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1499 : 98 tya
149a : 49c3 eor #$c3
149c : a8 tay
149d : 28 plp
149e : 840f sty zpt+3
14a0 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
14a1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
14a3 : a8 tay
14a4 : c416 cpy zp1+3 ;test result
14a6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
14a8 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
14a9 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
14ab : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
14ae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
14b0 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
14b2 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
14b3 : 28 > plp
14b4 : ac1702 ldy abs1
14b7 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
14b8 : 98 tya
14b9 : 49c3 eor #$c3
14bb : a8 tay
14bc : 28 plp
14bd : 840c sty zpt
14bf : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
14c0 : 49c3 eor #$c3
14c2 : a8 tay
14c3 : c513 cmp zp1 ;test result
14c5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
14c7 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
14c8 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
14ca : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
14cd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
14cf : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
14d1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
14d2 : 28 > plp
14d3 : ac1802 ldy abs1+1
14d6 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
14d7 : 98 tya
14d8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
14da : a8 tay
14db : 28 plp
14dc : 840d sty zpt+1
14de : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
14df : 49c3 eor #$c3
14e1 : a8 tay
14e2 : c514 cmp zp1+1 ;test result
14e4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
14e6 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
14e7 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
14e9 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
14ec : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
14ee : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
14f0 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
14f1 : 28 > plp
14f2 : ac1902 ldy abs1+2
14f5 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
14f6 : 98 tya
14f7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
14f9 : a8 tay
14fa : 28 plp
14fb : 840e sty zpt+2
14fd : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
14fe : 49c3 eor #$c3
1500 : a8 tay
1501 : c515 cmp zp1+2 ;test result
1503 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1505 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1506 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1508 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
150b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
150d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
150f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1510 : 28 > plp
1511 : ac1a02 ldy abs1+3
1514 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1515 : 98 tya
1516 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1518 : a8 tay
1519 : 28 plp
151a : 840f sty zpt+3
151c : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
151d : 49c3 eor #$c3
151f : a8 tay
1520 : c516 cmp zp1+3 ;test result
1522 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1524 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1525 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1527 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
152a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
152c : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
152e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
152f : 28 > plp
1530 : a0c3 ldy #$c3
1532 : 08 php
1533 : cc1702 cpy abs1 ;test result
1536 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1538 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1539 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
153b : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
153e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1540 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1542 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1543 : 28 > plp
1544 : a082 ldy #$82
1546 : 08 php
1547 : cc1802 cpy abs1+1 ;test result
154a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
154c : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
154d : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
154f : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1552 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1554 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1556 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1557 : 28 > plp
1558 : a041 ldy #$41
155a : 08 php
155b : cc1902 cpy abs1+2 ;test result
155e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1560 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1561 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1563 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1566 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1568 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
156a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
156b : 28 > plp
156c : a000 ldy #0
156e : 08 php
156f : cc1a02 cpy abs1+3 ;test result
1572 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1574 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1575 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1577 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
157a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
157c : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
157e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
157f : 28 > plp
1580 : a0c3 ldy #$c3
1582 : 08 php
1583 : cc1702 cpy abs1 ;test result
1586 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1588 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1589 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
158b : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
158e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1590 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1592 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1593 : 28 > plp
1594 : a082 ldy #$82
1596 : 08 php
1597 : cc1802 cpy abs1+1 ;test result
159a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
159c : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
159d : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
159f : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
15a2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
15a4 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
15a6 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
15a7 : 28 > plp
15a8 : a041 ldy #$41
15aa : 08 php
15ab : cc1902 cpy abs1+2 ;test result
15ae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15b0 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
15b1 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
15b3 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
15b6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
15b8 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
15ba : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
15bb : 28 > plp
15bc : a000 ldy #0
15be : 08 php
15bf : cc1a02 cpy abs1+3 ;test result
15c2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15c4 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
15c5 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
15c7 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
15ca : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15cc : a000 ldy #0
15ce : a50c lda zpt
15d0 : 49c3 eor #$c3
15d2 : c513 cmp zp1
trap_ne ;store to zp data
15d4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15d6 : 840c sty zpt ;clear
15d8 : ad0302 lda abst
15db : 49c3 eor #$c3
15dd : cd1702 cmp abs1
trap_ne ;store to abs data
15e0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15e2 : 8c0302 sty abst ;clear
15e5 : a50d lda zpt+1
15e7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
15e9 : c514 cmp zp1+1
trap_ne ;store to zp+1 data
15eb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15ed : 840d sty zpt+1 ;clear
15ef : ad0402 lda abst+1
15f2 : 49c3 eor #$c3
15f4 : cd1802 cmp abs1+1
trap_ne ;store to abs+1 data
15f7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
15f9 : 8c0402 sty abst+1 ;clear
15fc : a50e lda zpt+2
15fe : 49c3 eor #$c3
1600 : c515 cmp zp1+2
trap_ne ;store to zp+2 data
1602 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1604 : 840e sty zpt+2 ;clear
1606 : ad0502 lda abst+2
1609 : 49c3 eor #$c3
160b : cd1902 cmp abs1+2
trap_ne ;store to abs+2 data
160e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1610 : 8c0502 sty abst+2 ;clear
1613 : a50f lda zpt+3
1615 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1617 : c516 cmp zp1+3
trap_ne ;store to zp+3 data
1619 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
161b : 840f sty zpt+3 ;clear
161d : ad0602 lda abst+3
1620 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1622 : cd1a02 cmp abs1+3
trap_ne ;store to abs+3 data
1625 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1627 : 8c0602 sty abst+3 ;clear
162a : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
162d : c914 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
162f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0015 = >test_num = test_num + 1
1631 : a915 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1633 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing load / store accumulator LDA / STA all addressing modes
; LDA / STA - zp,x / abs,x
1636 : a203 ldx #3
1638 : tldax
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1638 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
163a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
163b : 28 > plp
163c : b513 lda zp1,x
163e : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
163f : 49c3 eor #$c3
1641 : 28 plp
1642 : 9d0302 sta abst,x
1645 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1646 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1648 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x ;test result
164b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
164d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
164e : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1650 : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
1653 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1655 : ca dex
1656 : 10e0 bpl tldax
1658 : a203 ldx #3
165a : tldax1
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
165a : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
165c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
165d : 28 > plp
165e : b513 lda zp1,x
1660 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1661 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1663 : 28 plp
1664 : 9d0302 sta abst,x
1667 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1668 : 49c3 eor #$c3
166a : dd1702 cmp abs1,x ;test result
166d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
166f : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1670 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1672 : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
1675 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1677 : ca dex
1678 : 10e0 bpl tldax1
167a : a203 ldx #3
167c : tldax2
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
167c : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
167e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
167f : 28 > plp
1680 : bd1702 lda abs1,x
1683 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1684 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1686 : 28 plp
1687 : 950c sta zpt,x
1689 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
168a : 49c3 eor #$c3
168c : d513 cmp zp1,x ;test result
168e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1690 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1691 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1693 : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
1696 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1698 : ca dex
1699 : 10e1 bpl tldax2
169b : a203 ldx #3
169d : tldax3
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
169d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
169f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
16a0 : 28 > plp
16a1 : bd1702 lda abs1,x
16a4 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
16a5 : 49c3 eor #$c3
16a7 : 28 plp
16a8 : 950c sta zpt,x
16aa : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
16ab : 49c3 eor #$c3
16ad : d513 cmp zp1,x ;test result
16af : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
16b1 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
16b2 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
16b4 : dd1c02 cmp fLDx,x ;test flags
16b7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
16b9 : ca dex
16ba : 10e1 bpl tldax3
16bc : a203 ldx #3 ;testing store result
16be : a000 ldy #0
16c0 : b50c tstax lda zpt,x
16c2 : 49c3 eor #$c3
16c4 : d513 cmp zp1,x
trap_ne ;store to zp,x data
16c6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
16c8 : 940c sty zpt,x ;clear
16ca : bd0302 lda abst,x
16cd : 49c3 eor #$c3
16cf : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
trap_ne ;store to abs,x data
16d2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
16d4 : 8a txa
16d5 : 9d0302 sta abst,x ;clear
16d8 : ca dex
16d9 : 10e5 bpl tstax
16db : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
16de : c915 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
16e0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0016 = >test_num = test_num + 1
16e2 : a916 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
16e4 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; LDA / STA - (zp),y / abs,y / (zp,x)
16e7 : a003 ldy #3
16e9 : tlday
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
16e9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
16eb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
16ec : 28 > plp
16ed : b124 lda (ind1),y
16ef : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
16f0 : 49c3 eor #$c3
16f2 : 28 plp
16f3 : 990302 sta abst,y
16f6 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
16f7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
16f9 : d91702 cmp abs1,y ;test result
16fc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
16fe : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
16ff : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1701 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
1704 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1706 : 88 dey
1707 : 10e0 bpl tlday
1709 : a003 ldy #3
170b : tlday1
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
170b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
170d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
170e : 28 > plp
170f : b124 lda (ind1),y
1711 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1712 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1714 : 28 plp
1715 : 990302 sta abst,y
1718 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1719 : 49c3 eor #$c3
171b : d91702 cmp abs1,y ;test result
171e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1720 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1721 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1723 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
1726 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1728 : 88 dey
1729 : 10e0 bpl tlday1
172b : a003 ldy #3 ;testing store result
172d : a200 ldx #0
172f : b90302 tstay lda abst,y
1732 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1734 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1737 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1739 : 8a txa
173a : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
173d : 88 dey
173e : 10ef bpl tstay
1740 : a003 ldy #3
1742 : tlday2
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1742 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1744 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1745 : 28 > plp
1746 : b91702 lda abs1,y
1749 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
174a : 49c3 eor #$c3
174c : 28 plp
174d : 9130 sta (indt),y
174f : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1750 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1752 : d124 cmp (ind1),y ;test result
1754 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1756 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1757 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1759 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
175c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
175e : 88 dey
175f : 10e1 bpl tlday2
1761 : a003 ldy #3
1763 : tlday3
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1763 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1765 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1766 : 28 > plp
1767 : b91702 lda abs1,y
176a : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
176b : 49c3 eor #$c3
176d : 28 plp
176e : 9130 sta (indt),y
1770 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1771 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1773 : d124 cmp (ind1),y ;test result
1775 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1777 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1778 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
177a : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
177d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
177f : 88 dey
1780 : 10e1 bpl tlday3
1782 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing store result
1784 : a200 ldx #0
1786 : b90302 tstay1 lda abst,y
1789 : 49c3 eor #$c3
178b : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
178e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1790 : 8a txa
1791 : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
1794 : 88 dey
1795 : 10ef bpl tstay1
1797 : a206 ldx #6
1799 : a003 ldy #3
179b : tldax4
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
179b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
179d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
179e : 28 > plp
179f : a124 lda (ind1,x)
17a1 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
17a2 : 49c3 eor #$c3
17a4 : 28 plp
17a5 : 8130 sta (indt,x)
17a7 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
17a8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
17aa : d91702 cmp abs1,y ;test result
17ad : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
17af : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
17b0 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
17b2 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
17b5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
17b7 : ca dex
17b8 : ca dex
17b9 : 88 dey
17ba : 10df bpl tldax4
17bc : a206 ldx #6
17be : a003 ldy #3
17c0 : tldax5
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
17c0 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
17c2 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
17c3 : 28 > plp
17c4 : a124 lda (ind1,x)
17c6 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
17c7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
17c9 : 28 plp
17ca : 8130 sta (indt,x)
17cc : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
17cd : 49c3 eor #$c3
17cf : d91702 cmp abs1,y ;test result
17d2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
17d4 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
17d5 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
17d7 : d91c02 cmp fLDx,y ;test flags
17da : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
17dc : ca dex
17dd : ca dex
17de : 88 dey
17df : 10df bpl tldax5
17e1 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing store result
17e3 : a200 ldx #0
17e5 : b90302 tstay2 lda abst,y
17e8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
17ea : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
17ed : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
17ef : 8a txa
17f0 : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
17f3 : 88 dey
17f4 : 10ef bpl tstay2
17f6 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
17f9 : c916 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
17fb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0017 = >test_num = test_num + 1
17fd : a917 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
17ff : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; indexed wraparound test (only zp should wrap)
1802 : a2fd ldx #3+$fa
1804 : b519 tldax6 lda zp1-$fa&$ff,x ;wrap on indexed zp
1806 : 9d0901 sta abst-$fa,x ;no STX abs,x!
1809 : ca dex
180a : e0fa cpx #$fa
180c : b0f6 bcs tldax6
180e : a2fd ldx #3+$fa
1810 : bd1d01 tldax7 lda abs1-$fa,x ;no wrap on indexed abs
1813 : 9512 sta zpt-$fa&$ff,x
1815 : ca dex
1816 : e0fa cpx #$fa
1818 : b0f6 bcs tldax7
181a : a203 ldx #3 ;testing wraparound result
181c : a000 ldy #0
181e : b50c tstax1 lda zpt,x
1820 : d513 cmp zp1,x
trap_ne ;store to zp,x data
1822 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1824 : 940c sty zpt,x ;clear
1826 : bd0302 lda abst,x
1829 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
trap_ne ;store to abs,x data
182c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
182e : 8a txa
182f : 9d0302 sta abst,x ;clear
1832 : ca dex
1833 : 10e9 bpl tstax1
1835 : a0fb ldy #3+$f8
1837 : a2fe ldx #6+$f8
1839 : a12c tlday4 lda (ind1-$f8&$ff,x) ;wrap on indexed zp indirect
183b : 990b01 sta abst-$f8,y
183e : ca dex
183f : ca dex
1840 : 88 dey
1841 : c0f8 cpy #$f8
1843 : b0f4 bcs tlday4
1845 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing wraparound result
1847 : a200 ldx #0
1849 : b90302 tstay4 lda abst,y
184c : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
184f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1851 : 8a txa
1852 : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
1855 : 88 dey
1856 : 10f1 bpl tstay4
1858 : a0fb ldy #3+$f8
185a : b91f01 tlday5 lda abs1-$f8,y ;no wrap on indexed abs
185d : 9138 sta (inwt),y
185f : 88 dey
1860 : c0f8 cpy #$f8
1862 : b0f6 bcs tlday5
1864 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing wraparound result
1866 : a200 ldx #0
1868 : b90302 tstay5 lda abst,y
186b : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
186e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1870 : 8a txa
1871 : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
1874 : 88 dey
1875 : 10f1 bpl tstay5
1877 : a0fb ldy #3+$f8
1879 : a2fe ldx #6+$f8
187b : b12e tlday6 lda (inw1),y ;no wrap on zp indirect indexed
187d : 8138 sta (indt-$f8&$ff,x)
187f : ca dex
1880 : ca dex
1881 : 88 dey
1882 : c0f8 cpy #$f8
1884 : b0f5 bcs tlday6
1886 : a003 ldy #3 ;testing wraparound result
1888 : a200 ldx #0
188a : b90302 tstay6 lda abst,y
188d : d91702 cmp abs1,y
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1890 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1892 : 8a txa
1893 : 990302 sta abst,y ;clear
1896 : 88 dey
1897 : 10f1 bpl tstay6
1899 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
189c : c917 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
189e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0018 = >test_num = test_num + 1
18a0 : a918 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
18a2 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; LDA / STA - zp / abs / #
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
18a5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
18a7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
18a8 : 28 > plp
18a9 : a513 lda zp1
18ab : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
18ac : 49c3 eor #$c3
18ae : 28 plp
18af : 8d0302 sta abst
18b2 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
18b3 : 49c3 eor #$c3
18b5 : c9c3 cmp #$c3 ;test result
18b7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
18b9 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
18ba : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
18bc : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
18bf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
18c1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
18c3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
18c4 : 28 > plp
18c5 : a514 lda zp1+1
18c7 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
18c8 : 49c3 eor #$c3
18ca : 28 plp
18cb : 8d0402 sta abst+1
18ce : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
18cf : 49c3 eor #$c3
18d1 : c982 cmp #$82 ;test result
18d3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
18d5 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
18d6 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
18d8 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
18db : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
18dd : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
18df : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
18e0 : 28 > plp
18e1 : a515 lda zp1+2
18e3 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
18e4 : 49c3 eor #$c3
18e6 : 28 plp
18e7 : 8d0502 sta abst+2
18ea : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
18eb : 49c3 eor #$c3
18ed : c941 cmp #$41 ;test result
18ef : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
18f1 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
18f2 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
18f4 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
18f7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
18f9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
18fb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
18fc : 28 > plp
18fd : a516 lda zp1+3
18ff : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1900 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1902 : 28 plp
1903 : 8d0602 sta abst+3
1906 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1907 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1909 : c900 cmp #0 ;test result
190b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
190d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
190e : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1910 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1913 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1915 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1917 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1918 : 28 > plp
1919 : a513 lda zp1
191b : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
191c : 49c3 eor #$c3
191e : 28 plp
191f : 8d0302 sta abst
1922 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1923 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1925 : c9c3 cmp #$c3 ;test result
1927 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1929 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
192a : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
192c : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
192f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1931 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1933 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1934 : 28 > plp
1935 : a514 lda zp1+1
1937 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1938 : 49c3 eor #$c3
193a : 28 plp
193b : 8d0402 sta abst+1
193e : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
193f : 49c3 eor #$c3
1941 : c982 cmp #$82 ;test result
1943 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1945 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1946 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1948 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
194b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
194d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
194f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1950 : 28 > plp
1951 : a515 lda zp1+2
1953 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1954 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1956 : 28 plp
1957 : 8d0502 sta abst+2
195a : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
195b : 49c3 eor #$c3
195d : c941 cmp #$41 ;test result
195f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1961 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1962 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1964 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1967 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1969 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
196b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
196c : 28 > plp
196d : a516 lda zp1+3
196f : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1970 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1972 : 28 plp
1973 : 8d0602 sta abst+3
1976 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1977 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1979 : c900 cmp #0 ;test result
197b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
197d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
197e : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1980 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1983 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1985 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1987 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1988 : 28 > plp
1989 : ad1702 lda abs1
198c : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
198d : 49c3 eor #$c3
198f : 28 plp
1990 : 850c sta zpt
1992 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1993 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1995 : c513 cmp zp1 ;test result
1997 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1999 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
199a : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
199c : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
199f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
19a1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
19a3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
19a4 : 28 > plp
19a5 : ad1802 lda abs1+1
19a8 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
19a9 : 49c3 eor #$c3
19ab : 28 plp
19ac : 850d sta zpt+1
19ae : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
19af : 49c3 eor #$c3
19b1 : c514 cmp zp1+1 ;test result
19b3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
19b5 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
19b6 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
19b8 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
19bb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
19bd : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
19bf : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
19c0 : 28 > plp
19c1 : ad1902 lda abs1+2
19c4 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
19c5 : 49c3 eor #$c3
19c7 : 28 plp
19c8 : 850e sta zpt+2
19ca : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
19cb : 49c3 eor #$c3
19cd : c515 cmp zp1+2 ;test result
19cf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
19d1 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
19d2 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
19d4 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
19d7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
19d9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
19db : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
19dc : 28 > plp
19dd : ad1a02 lda abs1+3
19e0 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
19e1 : 49c3 eor #$c3
19e3 : 28 plp
19e4 : 850f sta zpt+3
19e6 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
19e7 : 49c3 eor #$c3
19e9 : c516 cmp zp1+3 ;test result
19eb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
19ed : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
19ee : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
19f0 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
19f3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
19f5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
19f7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
19f8 : 28 > plp
19f9 : ad1702 lda abs1
19fc : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
19fd : 49c3 eor #$c3
19ff : 28 plp
1a00 : 850c sta zpt
1a02 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1a03 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a05 : c513 cmp zp1 ;test result
1a07 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a09 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1a0a : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a0c : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1a0f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1a11 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1a13 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1a14 : 28 > plp
1a15 : ad1802 lda abs1+1
1a18 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1a19 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a1b : 28 plp
1a1c : 850d sta zpt+1
1a1e : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1a1f : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a21 : c514 cmp zp1+1 ;test result
1a23 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a25 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1a26 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a28 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1a2b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1a2d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1a2f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1a30 : 28 > plp
1a31 : ad1902 lda abs1+2
1a34 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1a35 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a37 : 28 plp
1a38 : 850e sta zpt+2
1a3a : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1a3b : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a3d : c515 cmp zp1+2 ;test result
1a3f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a41 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1a42 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a44 : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1a47 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1a49 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1a4b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1a4c : 28 > plp
1a4d : ad1a02 lda abs1+3
1a50 : 08 php ;test stores do not alter flags
1a51 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a53 : 28 plp
1a54 : 850f sta zpt+3
1a56 : 08 php ;flags after load/store sequence
1a57 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1a59 : c516 cmp zp1+3 ;test result
1a5b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a5d : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1a5e : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a60 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1a63 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1a65 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1a67 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1a68 : 28 > plp
1a69 : a9c3 lda #$c3
1a6b : 08 php
1a6c : cd1702 cmp abs1 ;test result
1a6f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a71 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1a72 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a74 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1a77 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1a79 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1a7b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1a7c : 28 > plp
1a7d : a982 lda #$82
1a7f : 08 php
1a80 : cd1802 cmp abs1+1 ;test result
1a83 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a85 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1a86 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a88 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1a8b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1a8d : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1a8f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1a90 : 28 > plp
1a91 : a941 lda #$41
1a93 : 08 php
1a94 : cd1902 cmp abs1+2 ;test result
1a97 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1a99 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1a9a : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1a9c : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1a9f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
1aa1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1aa3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1aa4 : 28 > plp
1aa5 : a900 lda #0
1aa7 : 08 php
1aa8 : cd1a02 cmp abs1+3 ;test result
1aab : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1aad : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag 0
1aae : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1ab0 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1ab3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1ab5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1ab7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1ab8 : 28 > plp
1ab9 : a9c3 lda #$c3
1abb : 08 php
1abc : cd1702 cmp abs1 ;test result
1abf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ac1 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1ac2 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1ac4 : cd1c02 cmp fLDx ;test flags
1ac7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1ac9 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1acb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1acc : 28 > plp
1acd : a982 lda #$82
1acf : 08 php
1ad0 : cd1802 cmp abs1+1 ;test result
1ad3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ad5 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1ad6 : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1ad8 : cd1d02 cmp fLDx+1 ;test flags
1adb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1add : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1adf : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1ae0 : 28 > plp
1ae1 : a941 lda #$41
1ae3 : 08 php
1ae4 : cd1902 cmp abs1+2 ;test result
1ae7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ae9 : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1aea : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1aec : cd1e02 cmp fLDx+2 ;test flags
1aef : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
1af1 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1af3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1af4 : 28 > plp
1af5 : a900 lda #0
1af7 : 08 php
1af8 : cd1a02 cmp abs1+3 ;test result
1afb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1afd : 68 pla ;load status
eor_flag lo~fnz ;mask bits not altered
1afe : 497d > eor #lo~fnz |fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
1b00 : cd1f02 cmp fLDx+3 ;test flags
1b03 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b05 : a200 ldx #0
1b07 : a50c lda zpt
1b09 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b0b : c513 cmp zp1
trap_ne ;store to zp data
1b0d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b0f : 860c stx zpt ;clear
1b11 : ad0302 lda abst
1b14 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b16 : cd1702 cmp abs1
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1b19 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b1b : 8e0302 stx abst ;clear
1b1e : a50d lda zpt+1
1b20 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b22 : c514 cmp zp1+1
trap_ne ;store to zp data
1b24 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b26 : 860d stx zpt+1 ;clear
1b28 : ad0402 lda abst+1
1b2b : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b2d : cd1802 cmp abs1+1
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1b30 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b32 : 8e0402 stx abst+1 ;clear
1b35 : a50e lda zpt+2
1b37 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b39 : c515 cmp zp1+2
trap_ne ;store to zp data
1b3b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b3d : 860e stx zpt+2 ;clear
1b3f : ad0502 lda abst+2
1b42 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b44 : cd1902 cmp abs1+2
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1b47 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b49 : 8e0502 stx abst+2 ;clear
1b4c : a50f lda zpt+3
1b4e : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b50 : c516 cmp zp1+3
trap_ne ;store to zp data
1b52 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b54 : 860f stx zpt+3 ;clear
1b56 : ad0602 lda abst+3
1b59 : 49c3 eor #$c3
1b5b : cd1a02 cmp abs1+3
trap_ne ;store to abs data
1b5e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b60 : 8e0602 stx abst+3 ;clear
1b63 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
1b66 : c918 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
1b68 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0019 = >test_num = test_num + 1
1b6a : a919 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1b6c : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing bit test & compares BIT CPX CPY CMP all addressing modes
; BIT - zp / abs
set_a $ff,0
> load_flag 0
1b6f : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1b71 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1b72 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
1b74 : 28 > plp
1b75 : 2416 bit zp1+3 ;00 - should set Z / clear NV
tst_a $ff,fz
1b77 : 08 > php ;save flags
1b78 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
1b7a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b7c : 68 > pla ;load status
1b7d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fz
1b7e : c932 > cmp #(fz |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1b80 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b82 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
1b83 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1b85 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1b86 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1b88 : 28 > plp
1b89 : 2415 bit zp1+2 ;41 - should set V (M6) / clear NZ
tst_a 1,fv
1b8b : 08 > php ;save flags
1b8c : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1b8e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b90 : 68 > pla ;load status
1b91 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fv
1b92 : c970 > cmp #(fv|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1b94 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1b96 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
1b97 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1b99 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1b9a : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1b9c : 28 > plp
1b9d : 2414 bit zp1+1 ;82 - should set N (M7) & Z / clear V
tst_a 1,fnz
1b9f : 08 > php ;save flags
1ba0 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1ba2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ba4 : 68 > pla ;load status
1ba5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fnz
1ba6 : c9b2 > cmp #(fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1ba8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1baa : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
1bab : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1bad : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1bae : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1bb0 : 28 > plp
1bb1 : 2413 bit zp1 ;c3 - should set N (M7) & V (M6) / clear Z
tst_a 1,fnv
1bb3 : 08 > php ;save flags
1bb4 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1bb6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1bb8 : 68 > pla ;load status
1bb9 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fnv
1bba : c9f0 > cmp #(fnv|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1bbc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1bbe : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1bbf : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1bc1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1bc2 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
1bc4 : 28 > plp
1bc5 : 2416 bit zp1+3 ;00 - should set Z / clear NV
tst_a $ff,~fnv
1bc7 : 08 > php ;save flags
1bc8 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
1bca : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1bcc : 68 > pla ;load status
1bcd : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnv
1bce : c93f > cmp #(~fnv |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1bd0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1bd2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1bd3 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1bd5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1bd6 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1bd8 : 28 > plp
1bd9 : 2415 bit zp1+2 ;41 - should set V (M6) / clear NZ
tst_a 1,~fnz
1bdb : 08 > php ;save flags
1bdc : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1bde : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1be0 : 68 > pla ;load status
1be1 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1be2 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1be4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1be6 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1be7 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1be9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1bea : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1bec : 28 > plp
1bed : 2414 bit zp1+1 ;82 - should set N (M7) & Z / clear V
tst_a 1,~fv
1bef : 08 > php ;save flags
1bf0 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1bf2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1bf4 : 68 > pla ;load status
1bf5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fv
1bf6 : c9bf > cmp #(~fv|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1bf8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1bfa : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1bfb : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1bfd : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1bfe : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1c00 : 28 > plp
1c01 : 2413 bit zp1 ;c3 - should set N (M7) & V (M6) / clear Z
tst_a 1,~fz
1c03 : 08 > php ;save flags
1c04 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1c06 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c08 : 68 > pla ;load status
1c09 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fz
1c0a : c9fd > cmp #(~fz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c0c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c0e : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,0
> load_flag 0
1c0f : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c11 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c12 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
1c14 : 28 > plp
1c15 : 2c1a02 bit abs1+3 ;00 - should set Z / clear NV
tst_a $ff,fz
1c18 : 08 > php ;save flags
1c19 : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
1c1b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c1d : 68 > pla ;load status
1c1e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fz
1c1f : c932 > cmp #(fz |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c21 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c23 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
1c24 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c26 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c27 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1c29 : 28 > plp
1c2a : 2c1902 bit abs1+2 ;41 - should set V (M6) / clear NZ
tst_a 1,fv
1c2d : 08 > php ;save flags
1c2e : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1c30 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c32 : 68 > pla ;load status
1c33 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fv
1c34 : c970 > cmp #(fv|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c36 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c38 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
1c39 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c3b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c3c : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1c3e : 28 > plp
1c3f : 2c1802 bit abs1+1 ;82 - should set N (M7) & Z / clear V
tst_a 1,fnz
1c42 : 08 > php ;save flags
1c43 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1c45 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c47 : 68 > pla ;load status
1c48 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fnz
1c49 : c9b2 > cmp #(fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c4b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c4d : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,0
> load_flag 0
1c4e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c50 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c51 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1c53 : 28 > plp
1c54 : 2c1702 bit abs1 ;c3 - should set N (M7) & V (M6) / clear Z
tst_a 1,fnv
1c57 : 08 > php ;save flags
1c58 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1c5a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c5c : 68 > pla ;load status
1c5d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fnv
1c5e : c9f0 > cmp #(fnv|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c60 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c62 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $ff,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1c63 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c65 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c66 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;precharge accu
1c68 : 28 > plp
1c69 : 2c1a02 bit abs1+3 ;00 - should set Z / clear NV
tst_a $ff,~fnv
1c6c : 08 > php ;save flags
1c6d : c9ff > cmp #$ff ;test result
> trap_ne
1c6f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c71 : 68 > pla ;load status
1c72 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnv
1c73 : c93f > cmp #(~fnv |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c75 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c77 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1c78 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c7a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c7b : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1c7d : 28 > plp
1c7e : 2c1902 bit abs1+2 ;41 - should set V (M6) / clear NZ
tst_a 1,~fnz
1c81 : 08 > php ;save flags
1c82 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1c84 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c86 : 68 > pla ;load status
1c87 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1c88 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c8a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c8c : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1c8d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1c8f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1c90 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1c92 : 28 > plp
1c93 : 2c1802 bit abs1+1 ;82 - should set N (M7) & Z / clear V
tst_a 1,~fv
1c96 : 08 > php ;save flags
1c97 : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1c99 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1c9b : 68 > pla ;load status
1c9c : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fv
1c9d : c9bf > cmp #(~fv|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1c9f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ca1 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a 1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1ca2 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1ca4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1ca5 : a901 > lda #1 ;precharge accu
1ca7 : 28 > plp
1ca8 : 2c1702 bit abs1 ;c3 - should set N (M7) & V (M6) / clear Z
tst_a 1,~fz
1cab : 08 > php ;save flags
1cac : c901 > cmp #1 ;test result
> trap_ne
1cae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1cb0 : 68 > pla ;load status
1cb1 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fz
1cb2 : c9fd > cmp #(~fz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1cb4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1cb6 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1cb7 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
1cba : c919 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
1cbc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
001a = >test_num = test_num + 1
1cbe : a91a > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1cc0 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; CPX - zp / abs / #
set_x $80,0
> load_flag 0
1cc3 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1cc5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1cc6 : a280 > ldx #$80 ;precharge index x
1cc8 : 28 > plp
1cc9 : e417 cpx zp7f
tst_stat fc
1ccb : 08 > php ;save status
1ccc : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1ccd : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1cce : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1cd0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1cd2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1cd3 : ca dex
1cd4 : e417 cpx zp7f
tst_stat fzc
1cd6 : 08 > php ;save status
1cd7 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1cd8 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1cd9 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1cdb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1cdd : 28 > plp ;restore status
1cde : ca dex
1cdf : e417 cpx zp7f
tst_x $7e,fn
1ce1 : 08 > php ;save flags
1ce2 : e07e > cpx #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1ce4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ce6 : 68 > pla ;load status
1ce7 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1ce8 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1cea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1cec : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_x $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1ced : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1cef : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1cf0 : a280 > ldx #$80 ;precharge index x
1cf2 : 28 > plp
1cf3 : e417 cpx zp7f
tst_stat ~fnz
1cf5 : 08 > php ;save status
1cf6 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1cf7 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1cf8 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1cfa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1cfc : 28 > plp ;restore status
1cfd : ca dex
1cfe : e417 cpx zp7f
tst_stat ~fn
1d00 : 08 > php ;save status
1d01 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d02 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1d03 : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d05 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d07 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d08 : ca dex
1d09 : e417 cpx zp7f
tst_x $7e,~fzc
1d0b : 08 > php ;save flags
1d0c : e07e > cpx #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1d0e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d10 : 68 > pla ;load status
1d11 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1d12 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d14 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d16 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_x $80,0
> load_flag 0
1d17 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1d19 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1d1a : a280 > ldx #$80 ;precharge index x
1d1c : 28 > plp
1d1d : ec1b02 cpx abs7f
tst_stat fc
1d20 : 08 > php ;save status
1d21 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d22 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1d23 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d25 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d27 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d28 : ca dex
1d29 : ec1b02 cpx abs7f
tst_stat fzc
1d2c : 08 > php ;save status
1d2d : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d2e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1d2f : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d31 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d33 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d34 : ca dex
1d35 : ec1b02 cpx abs7f
tst_x $7e,fn
1d38 : 08 > php ;save flags
1d39 : e07e > cpx #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1d3b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d3d : 68 > pla ;load status
1d3e : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1d3f : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d41 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d43 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_x $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1d44 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1d46 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1d47 : a280 > ldx #$80 ;precharge index x
1d49 : 28 > plp
1d4a : ec1b02 cpx abs7f
tst_stat ~fnz
1d4d : 08 > php ;save status
1d4e : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d4f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1d50 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d52 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d54 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d55 : ca dex
1d56 : ec1b02 cpx abs7f
tst_stat ~fn
1d59 : 08 > php ;save status
1d5a : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d5b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1d5c : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d5e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d60 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d61 : ca dex
1d62 : ec1b02 cpx abs7f
tst_x $7e,~fzc
1d65 : 08 > php ;save flags
1d66 : e07e > cpx #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1d68 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d6a : 68 > pla ;load status
1d6b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1d6c : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d6e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d70 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_x $80,0
> load_flag 0
1d71 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1d73 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1d74 : a280 > ldx #$80 ;precharge index x
1d76 : 28 > plp
1d77 : e07f cpx #$7f
tst_stat fc
1d79 : 08 > php ;save status
1d7a : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d7b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1d7c : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d7e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d80 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d81 : ca dex
1d82 : e07f cpx #$7f
tst_stat fzc
1d84 : 08 > php ;save status
1d85 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1d86 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1d87 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d89 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d8b : 28 > plp ;restore status
1d8c : ca dex
1d8d : e07f cpx #$7f
tst_x $7e,fn
1d8f : 08 > php ;save flags
1d90 : e07e > cpx #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1d92 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d94 : 68 > pla ;load status
1d95 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1d96 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1d98 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1d9a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_x $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1d9b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1d9d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1d9e : a280 > ldx #$80 ;precharge index x
1da0 : 28 > plp
1da1 : e07f cpx #$7f
tst_stat ~fnz
1da3 : 08 > php ;save status
1da4 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1da5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1da6 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1da8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1daa : 28 > plp ;restore status
1dab : ca dex
1dac : e07f cpx #$7f
tst_stat ~fn
1dae : 08 > php ;save status
1daf : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1db0 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1db1 : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1db3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1db5 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1db6 : ca dex
1db7 : e07f cpx #$7f
tst_x $7e,~fzc
1db9 : 08 > php ;save flags
1dba : e07e > cpx #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1dbc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1dbe : 68 > pla ;load status
1dbf : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1dc0 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1dc2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1dc4 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1dc5 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
1dc8 : c91a > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
1dca : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
001b = >test_num = test_num + 1
1dcc : a91b > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1dce : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; CPY - zp / abs / #
set_y $80,0
> load_flag 0
1dd1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1dd3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1dd4 : a080 > ldy #$80 ;precharge index y
1dd6 : 28 > plp
1dd7 : c417 cpy zp7f
tst_stat fc
1dd9 : 08 > php ;save status
1dda : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1ddb : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1ddc : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1dde : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1de0 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1de1 : 88 dey
1de2 : c417 cpy zp7f
tst_stat fzc
1de4 : 08 > php ;save status
1de5 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1de6 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1de7 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1de9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1deb : 28 > plp ;restore status
1dec : 88 dey
1ded : c417 cpy zp7f
tst_y $7e,fn
1def : 08 > php ;save flags
1df0 : c07e > cpy #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1df2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1df4 : 68 > pla ;load status
1df5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1df6 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1df8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1dfa : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_y $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1dfb : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1dfd : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1dfe : a080 > ldy #$80 ;precharge index y
1e00 : 28 > plp
1e01 : c417 cpy zp7f
tst_stat ~fnz
1e03 : 08 > php ;save status
1e04 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e05 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1e06 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e08 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e0a : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e0b : 88 dey
1e0c : c417 cpy zp7f
tst_stat ~fn
1e0e : 08 > php ;save status
1e0f : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e10 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1e11 : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e13 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e15 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e16 : 88 dey
1e17 : c417 cpy zp7f
tst_y $7e,~fzc
1e19 : 08 > php ;save flags
1e1a : c07e > cpy #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1e1c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e1e : 68 > pla ;load status
1e1f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1e20 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e22 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e24 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_y $80,0
> load_flag 0
1e25 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1e27 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1e28 : a080 > ldy #$80 ;precharge index y
1e2a : 28 > plp
1e2b : cc1b02 cpy abs7f
tst_stat fc
1e2e : 08 > php ;save status
1e2f : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e30 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1e31 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e33 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e35 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e36 : 88 dey
1e37 : cc1b02 cpy abs7f
tst_stat fzc
1e3a : 08 > php ;save status
1e3b : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e3c : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1e3d : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e3f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e41 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e42 : 88 dey
1e43 : cc1b02 cpy abs7f
tst_y $7e,fn
1e46 : 08 > php ;save flags
1e47 : c07e > cpy #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1e49 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e4b : 68 > pla ;load status
1e4c : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1e4d : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e4f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e51 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_y $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1e52 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1e54 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1e55 : a080 > ldy #$80 ;precharge index y
1e57 : 28 > plp
1e58 : cc1b02 cpy abs7f
tst_stat ~fnz
1e5b : 08 > php ;save status
1e5c : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e5d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1e5e : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e60 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e62 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e63 : 88 dey
1e64 : cc1b02 cpy abs7f
tst_stat ~fn
1e67 : 08 > php ;save status
1e68 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e69 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1e6a : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e6c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e6e : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e6f : 88 dey
1e70 : cc1b02 cpy abs7f
tst_y $7e,~fzc
1e73 : 08 > php ;save flags
1e74 : c07e > cpy #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1e76 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e78 : 68 > pla ;load status
1e79 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1e7a : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e7c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e7e : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_y $80,0
> load_flag 0
1e7f : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1e81 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1e82 : a080 > ldy #$80 ;precharge index y
1e84 : 28 > plp
1e85 : c07f cpy #$7f
tst_stat fc
1e87 : 08 > php ;save status
1e88 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e89 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1e8a : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e8c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e8e : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e8f : 88 dey
1e90 : c07f cpy #$7f
tst_stat fzc
1e92 : 08 > php ;save status
1e93 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1e94 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1e95 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1e97 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1e99 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1e9a : 88 dey
1e9b : c07f cpy #$7f
tst_y $7e,fn
1e9d : 08 > php ;save flags
1e9e : c07e > cpy #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1ea0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ea2 : 68 > pla ;load status
1ea3 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1ea4 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1ea6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ea8 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_y $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1ea9 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1eab : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1eac : a080 > ldy #$80 ;precharge index y
1eae : 28 > plp
1eaf : c07f cpy #$7f
tst_stat ~fnz
1eb1 : 08 > php ;save status
1eb2 : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1eb3 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1eb4 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1eb6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1eb8 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1eb9 : 88 dey
1eba : c07f cpy #$7f
tst_stat ~fn
1ebc : 08 > php ;save status
1ebd : 68 > pla ;use stack to retrieve status
1ebe : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1ebf : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1ec1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ec3 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1ec4 : 88 dey
1ec5 : c07f cpy #$7f
tst_y $7e,~fzc
1ec7 : 08 > php ;save flags
1ec8 : c07e > cpy #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1eca : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ecc : 68 > pla ;load status
1ecd : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1ece : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1ed0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ed2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
1ed3 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
1ed6 : c91b > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
1ed8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
001c = >test_num = test_num + 1
1eda : a91c > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
1edc : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; CMP - zp / abs / #
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
1edf : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1ee1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1ee2 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
1ee4 : 28 > plp
1ee5 : c517 cmp zp7f
tst_a $80,fc
1ee7 : 08 > php ;save flags
1ee8 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
1eea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1eec : 68 > pla ;load status
1eed : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1eee : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1ef0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ef2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
1ef3 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1ef5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1ef6 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
1ef8 : 28 > plp
1ef9 : c517 cmp zp7f
tst_a $7f,fzc
1efb : 08 > php ;save flags
1efc : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
1efe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f00 : 68 > pla ;load status
1f01 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1f02 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f04 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f06 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
1f07 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f09 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f0a : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
1f0c : 28 > plp
1f0d : c517 cmp zp7f
tst_a $7e,fn
1f0f : 08 > php ;save flags
1f10 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1f12 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f14 : 68 > pla ;load status
1f15 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1f16 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f18 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f1a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1f1b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f1d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f1e : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
1f20 : 28 > plp
1f21 : c517 cmp zp7f
tst_a $80,~fnz
1f23 : 08 > php ;save flags
1f24 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
1f26 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f28 : 68 > pla ;load status
1f29 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1f2a : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f2c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f2e : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1f2f : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f31 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f32 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
1f34 : 28 > plp
1f35 : c517 cmp zp7f
tst_a $7f,~fn
1f37 : 08 > php ;save flags
1f38 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
1f3a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f3c : 68 > pla ;load status
1f3d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1f3e : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f40 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f42 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1f43 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f45 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f46 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
1f48 : 28 > plp
1f49 : c517 cmp zp7f
tst_a $7e,~fzc
1f4b : 08 > php ;save flags
1f4c : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1f4e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f50 : 68 > pla ;load status
1f51 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1f52 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f54 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f56 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
1f57 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f59 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f5a : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
1f5c : 28 > plp
1f5d : cd1b02 cmp abs7f
tst_a $80,fc
1f60 : 08 > php ;save flags
1f61 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
1f63 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f65 : 68 > pla ;load status
1f66 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1f67 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f69 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f6b : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
1f6c : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f6e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f6f : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
1f71 : 28 > plp
1f72 : cd1b02 cmp abs7f
tst_a $7f,fzc
1f75 : 08 > php ;save flags
1f76 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
1f78 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f7a : 68 > pla ;load status
1f7b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1f7c : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f7e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f80 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
1f81 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f83 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f84 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
1f86 : 28 > plp
1f87 : cd1b02 cmp abs7f
tst_a $7e,fn
1f8a : 08 > php ;save flags
1f8b : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1f8d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f8f : 68 > pla ;load status
1f90 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
1f91 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1f93 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1f95 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1f96 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1f98 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1f99 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
1f9b : 28 > plp
1f9c : cd1b02 cmp abs7f
tst_a $80,~fnz
1f9f : 08 > php ;save flags
1fa0 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
1fa2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fa4 : 68 > pla ;load status
1fa5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
1fa6 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1fa8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1faa : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1fab : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1fad : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1fae : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
1fb0 : 28 > plp
1fb1 : cd1b02 cmp abs7f
tst_a $7f,~fn
1fb4 : 08 > php ;save flags
1fb5 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
1fb7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fb9 : 68 > pla ;load status
1fba : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
1fbb : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1fbd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fbf : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
1fc0 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1fc2 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1fc3 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
1fc5 : 28 > plp
1fc6 : cd1b02 cmp abs7f
tst_a $7e,~fzc
1fc9 : 08 > php ;save flags
1fca : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
1fcc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fce : 68 > pla ;load status
1fcf : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
1fd0 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1fd2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fd4 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
1fd5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1fd7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1fd8 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
1fda : 28 > plp
1fdb : c97f cmp #$7f
tst_a $80,fc
1fdd : 08 > php ;save flags
1fde : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
1fe0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fe2 : 68 > pla ;load status
1fe3 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
1fe4 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1fe6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1fe8 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
1fe9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1feb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
1fec : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
1fee : 28 > plp
1fef : c97f cmp #$7f
tst_a $7f,fzc
1ff1 : 08 > php ;save flags
1ff2 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
1ff4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ff6 : 68 > pla ;load status
1ff7 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
1ff8 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
1ffa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
1ffc : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
1ffd : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
1fff : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2000 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
2002 : 28 > plp
2003 : c97f cmp #$7f
tst_a $7e,fn
2005 : 08 > php ;save flags
2006 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
2008 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
200a : 68 > pla ;load status
200b : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
200c : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
200e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2010 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2011 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2013 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2014 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
2016 : 28 > plp
2017 : c97f cmp #$7f
tst_a $80,~fnz
2019 : 08 > php ;save flags
201a : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
201c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
201e : 68 > pla ;load status
201f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
2020 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2022 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2024 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2025 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2027 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2028 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
202a : 28 > plp
202b : c97f cmp #$7f
tst_a $7f,~fn
202d : 08 > php ;save flags
202e : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
2030 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2032 : 68 > pla ;load status
2033 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
2034 : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2036 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2038 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2039 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
203b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
203c : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
203e : 28 > plp
203f : c97f cmp #$7f
tst_a $7e,~fzc
2041 : 08 > php ;save flags
2042 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
2044 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2046 : 68 > pla ;load status
2047 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
2048 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
204a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
204c : 28 > plp ;restore status
204d : a204 ldx #4 ;with indexing by X
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
204f : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2051 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2052 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
2054 : 28 > plp
2055 : d513 cmp zp1,x
tst_a $80,fc
2057 : 08 > php ;save flags
2058 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
205a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
205c : 68 > pla ;load status
205d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
205e : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2060 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2062 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
2063 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2065 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2066 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
2068 : 28 > plp
2069 : d513 cmp zp1,x
tst_a $7f,fzc
206b : 08 > php ;save flags
206c : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
206e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2070 : 68 > pla ;load status
2071 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
2072 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2074 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2076 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
2077 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2079 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
207a : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
207c : 28 > plp
207d : d513 cmp zp1,x
tst_a $7e,fn
207f : 08 > php ;save flags
2080 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
2082 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2084 : 68 > pla ;load status
2085 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
2086 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2088 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
208a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
208b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
208d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
208e : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
2090 : 28 > plp
2091 : d513 cmp zp1,x
tst_a $80,~fnz
2093 : 08 > php ;save flags
2094 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
2096 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2098 : 68 > pla ;load status
2099 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
209a : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
209c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
209e : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
209f : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
20a1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
20a2 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
20a4 : 28 > plp
20a5 : d513 cmp zp1,x
tst_a $7f,~fn
20a7 : 08 > php ;save flags
20a8 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
20aa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20ac : 68 > pla ;load status
20ad : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
20ae : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
20b0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20b2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
20b3 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
20b5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
20b6 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
20b8 : 28 > plp
20b9 : d513 cmp zp1,x
tst_a $7e,~fzc
20bb : 08 > php ;save flags
20bc : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
20be : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20c0 : 68 > pla ;load status
20c1 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
20c2 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
20c4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20c6 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
20c7 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
20c9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
20ca : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
20cc : 28 > plp
20cd : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
tst_a $80,fc
20d0 : 08 > php ;save flags
20d1 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
20d3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20d5 : 68 > pla ;load status
20d6 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
20d7 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
20d9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20db : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
20dc : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
20de : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
20df : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
20e1 : 28 > plp
20e2 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
tst_a $7f,fzc
20e5 : 08 > php ;save flags
20e6 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
20e8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20ea : 68 > pla ;load status
20eb : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
20ec : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
20ee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20f0 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
20f1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
20f3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
20f4 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
20f6 : 28 > plp
20f7 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
tst_a $7e,fn
20fa : 08 > php ;save flags
20fb : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
20fd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
20ff : 68 > pla ;load status
2100 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
2101 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2103 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2105 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2106 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2108 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2109 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
210b : 28 > plp
210c : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
tst_a $80,~fnz
210f : 08 > php ;save flags
2110 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
2112 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2114 : 68 > pla ;load status
2115 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
2116 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2118 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
211a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
211b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
211d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
211e : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
2120 : 28 > plp
2121 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
tst_a $7f,~fn
2124 : 08 > php ;save flags
2125 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
2127 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2129 : 68 > pla ;load status
212a : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
212b : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
212d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
212f : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2130 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2132 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2133 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
2135 : 28 > plp
2136 : dd1702 cmp abs1,x
tst_a $7e,~fzc
2139 : 08 > php ;save flags
213a : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
213c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
213e : 68 > pla ;load status
213f : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
2140 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2142 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2144 : 28 > plp ;restore status
2145 : a004 ldy #4 ;with indexing by Y
2147 : a208 ldx #8 ;with indexed indirect
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
2149 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
214b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
214c : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
214e : 28 > plp
214f : d91702 cmp abs1,y
tst_a $80,fc
2152 : 08 > php ;save flags
2153 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
2155 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2157 : 68 > pla ;load status
2158 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
2159 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
215b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
215d : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
215e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2160 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2161 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
2163 : 28 > plp
2164 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
tst_a $7f,fzc
2167 : 08 > php ;save flags
2168 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
216a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
216c : 68 > pla ;load status
216d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
216e : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2170 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2172 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
2173 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2175 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2176 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
2178 : 28 > plp
2179 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
tst_a $7e,fn
217c : 08 > php ;save flags
217d : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
217f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2181 : 68 > pla ;load status
2182 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
2183 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2185 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2187 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2188 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
218a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
218b : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
218d : 28 > plp
218e : d91702 cmp abs1,y
tst_a $80,~fnz
2191 : 08 > php ;save flags
2192 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
2194 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2196 : 68 > pla ;load status
2197 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
2198 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
219a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
219c : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
219d : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
219f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
21a0 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
21a2 : 28 > plp
21a3 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
tst_a $7f,~fn
21a6 : 08 > php ;save flags
21a7 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
21a9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21ab : 68 > pla ;load status
21ac : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
21ad : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
21af : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21b1 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
21b2 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
21b4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
21b5 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
21b7 : 28 > plp
21b8 : d91702 cmp abs1,y
tst_a $7e,~fzc
21bb : 08 > php ;save flags
21bc : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
21be : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21c0 : 68 > pla ;load status
21c1 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
21c2 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
21c4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21c6 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
21c7 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
21c9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
21ca : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
21cc : 28 > plp
21cd : c124 cmp (ind1,x)
tst_a $80,fc
21cf : 08 > php ;save flags
21d0 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
21d2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21d4 : 68 > pla ;load status
21d5 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
21d6 : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
21d8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21da : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
21db : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
21dd : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
21de : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
21e0 : 28 > plp
21e1 : c124 cmp (ind1,x)
tst_a $7f,fzc
21e3 : 08 > php ;save flags
21e4 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
21e6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21e8 : 68 > pla ;load status
21e9 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
21ea : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
21ec : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21ee : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
21ef : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
21f1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
21f2 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
21f4 : 28 > plp
21f5 : c124 cmp (ind1,x)
tst_a $7e,fn
21f7 : 08 > php ;save flags
21f8 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
21fa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
21fc : 68 > pla ;load status
21fd : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
21fe : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2200 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2202 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2203 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2205 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2206 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
2208 : 28 > plp
2209 : c124 cmp (ind1,x)
tst_a $80,~fnz
220b : 08 > php ;save flags
220c : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
220e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2210 : 68 > pla ;load status
2211 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
2212 : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2214 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2216 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2217 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2219 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
221a : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
221c : 28 > plp
221d : c124 cmp (ind1,x)
tst_a $7f,~fn
221f : 08 > php ;save flags
2220 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
2222 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2224 : 68 > pla ;load status
2225 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
2226 : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2228 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
222a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
222b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
222d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
222e : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
2230 : 28 > plp
2231 : c124 cmp (ind1,x)
tst_a $7e,~fzc
2233 : 08 > php ;save flags
2234 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
2236 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2238 : 68 > pla ;load status
2239 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
223a : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
223c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
223e : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,0
> load_flag 0
223f : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2241 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2242 : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
2244 : 28 > plp
2245 : d124 cmp (ind1),y
tst_a $80,fc
2247 : 08 > php ;save flags
2248 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
224a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
224c : 68 > pla ;load status
224d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fc
224e : c931 > cmp #(fc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2250 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2252 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,0
> load_flag 0
2253 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2255 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2256 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
2258 : 28 > plp
2259 : d124 cmp (ind1),y
tst_a $7f,fzc
225b : 08 > php ;save flags
225c : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
225e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2260 : 68 > pla ;load status
2261 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fzc
2262 : c933 > cmp #(fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2264 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2266 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,0
> load_flag 0
2267 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2269 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
226a : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
226c : 28 > plp
226d : d124 cmp (ind1),y
tst_a $7e,fn
226f : 08 > php ;save flags
2270 : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
2272 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2274 : 68 > pla ;load status
2275 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag fn
2276 : c9b0 > cmp #(fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
2278 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
227a : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $80,$ff
> load_flag $ff
227b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
227d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
227e : a980 > lda #$80 ;precharge accu
2280 : 28 > plp
2281 : d124 cmp (ind1),y
tst_a $80,~fnz
2283 : 08 > php ;save flags
2284 : c980 > cmp #$80 ;test result
> trap_ne
2286 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2288 : 68 > pla ;load status
2289 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fnz
228a : c97d > cmp #(~fnz|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
228c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
228e : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7f,$ff
> load_flag $ff
228f : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2291 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2292 : a97f > lda #$7f ;precharge accu
2294 : 28 > plp
2295 : d124 cmp (ind1),y
tst_a $7f,~fn
2297 : 08 > php ;save flags
2298 : c97f > cmp #$7f ;test result
> trap_ne
229a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
229c : 68 > pla ;load status
229d : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fn
229e : c97f > cmp #(~fn|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
22a0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22a2 : 28 > plp ;restore status
set_a $7e,$ff
> load_flag $ff
22a3 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
22a5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
22a6 : a97e > lda #$7e ;precharge accu
22a8 : 28 > plp
22a9 : d124 cmp (ind1),y
tst_a $7e,~fzc
22ab : 08 > php ;save flags
22ac : c97e > cmp #$7e ;test result
> trap_ne
22ae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22b0 : 68 > pla ;load status
22b1 : 48 > pha
> cmp_flag ~fzc
22b2 : c9fc > cmp #(~fzc|fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
> trap_ne
22b4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22b6 : 28 > plp ;restore status
22b7 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
22ba : c91c > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
22bc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
001d = >test_num = test_num + 1
22be : a91d > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
22c0 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing shifts - ASL LSR ROL ROR all addressing modes
; shifts - accumulator
22c3 : a203 ldx #3
22c5 : tasl
set_ax zp1,0
> load_flag 0
22c5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
22c7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
22c8 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
22ca : 28 > plp
22cb : 0a asl a
tst_ax rASL,fASL,0
22cc : 08 > php ;save flags
22cd : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
22d0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22d2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
22d3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
22d5 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
22d8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22da : ca dex
22db : 10e8 bpl tasl
22dd : a203 ldx #3
22df : tasl1
set_ax zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
22df : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
22e1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
22e2 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
22e4 : 28 > plp
22e5 : 0a asl a
tst_ax rASL,fASL,$ff-fnzc
22e6 : 08 > php ;save flags
22e7 : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
22ea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22ec : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
22ed : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
22ef : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
22f2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
22f4 : ca dex
22f5 : 10e8 bpl tasl1
22f7 : a203 ldx #3
22f9 : tlsr
set_ax zp1,0
> load_flag 0
22f9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
22fb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
22fc : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
22fe : 28 > plp
22ff : 4a lsr a
tst_ax rLSR,fLSR,0
2300 : 08 > php ;save flags
2301 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2304 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2306 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2307 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2309 : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
230c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
230e : ca dex
230f : 10e8 bpl tlsr
2311 : a203 ldx #3
2313 : tlsr1
set_ax zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2313 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2315 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2316 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
2318 : 28 > plp
2319 : 4a lsr a
tst_ax rLSR,fLSR,$ff-fnzc
231a : 08 > php ;save flags
231b : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
231e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2320 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2321 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2323 : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2326 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2328 : ca dex
2329 : 10e8 bpl tlsr1
232b : a203 ldx #3
232d : trol
set_ax zp1,0
> load_flag 0
232d : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
232f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2330 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
2332 : 28 > plp
2333 : 2a rol a
tst_ax rROL,fROL,0
2334 : 08 > php ;save flags
2335 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2338 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
233a : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
233b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
233d : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2340 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2342 : ca dex
2343 : 10e8 bpl trol
2345 : a203 ldx #3
2347 : trol1
set_ax zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
2347 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2349 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
234a : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
234c : 28 > plp
234d : 2a rol a
tst_ax rROL,fROL,$ff-fnzc
234e : 08 > php ;save flags
234f : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2352 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2354 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2355 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2357 : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
235a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
235c : ca dex
235d : 10e8 bpl trol1
235f : a203 ldx #3
2361 : trolc
set_ax zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
2361 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2363 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2364 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
2366 : 28 > plp
2367 : 2a rol a
tst_ax rROLc,fROLc,0
2368 : 08 > php ;save flags
2369 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
236c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
236e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
236f : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2371 : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2374 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2376 : ca dex
2377 : 10e8 bpl trolc
2379 : a203 ldx #3
237b : trolc1
set_ax zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
237b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
237d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
237e : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
2380 : 28 > plp
2381 : 2a rol a
tst_ax rROLc,fROLc,$ff-fnzc
2382 : 08 > php ;save flags
2383 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2386 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2388 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2389 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
238b : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
238e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2390 : ca dex
2391 : 10e8 bpl trolc1
2393 : a203 ldx #3
2395 : tror
set_ax zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2395 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2397 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2398 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
239a : 28 > plp
239b : 6a ror a
tst_ax rROR,fROR,0
239c : 08 > php ;save flags
239d : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
23a0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23a2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
23a3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
23a5 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
23a8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23aa : ca dex
23ab : 10e8 bpl tror
23ad : a203 ldx #3
23af : tror1
set_ax zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
23af : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
23b1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
23b2 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
23b4 : 28 > plp
23b5 : 6a ror a
tst_ax rROR,fROR,$ff-fnzc
23b6 : 08 > php ;save flags
23b7 : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
23ba : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23bc : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
23bd : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
23bf : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
23c2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23c4 : ca dex
23c5 : 10e8 bpl tror1
23c7 : a203 ldx #3
23c9 : trorc
set_ax zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
23c9 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
23cb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
23cc : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
23ce : 28 > plp
23cf : 6a ror a
tst_ax rRORc,fRORc,0
23d0 : 08 > php ;save flags
23d1 : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
23d4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23d6 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
23d7 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
23d9 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
23dc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23de : ca dex
23df : 10e8 bpl trorc
23e1 : a203 ldx #3
23e3 : trorc1
set_ax zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
23e3 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
23e5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
23e6 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;precharge accu
23e8 : 28 > plp
23e9 : 6a ror a
tst_ax rRORc,fRORc,$ff-fnzc
23ea : 08 > php ;save flags
23eb : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
23ee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23f0 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
23f1 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
23f3 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
23f6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
23f8 : ca dex
23f9 : 10e8 bpl trorc1
23fb : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
23fe : c91d > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2400 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
001e = >test_num = test_num + 1
2402 : a91e > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2404 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; shifts - zeropage
2407 : a203 ldx #3
2409 : tasl2
set_z zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2409 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
240b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
240c : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
240e : 850c > sta zpt
2410 : 28 > plp
2411 : 060c asl zpt
tst_z rASL,fASL,0
2413 : 08 > php ;save flags
2414 : a50c > lda zpt
2416 : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2419 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
241b : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
241c : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
241e : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2421 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2423 : ca dex
2424 : 10e3 bpl tasl2
2426 : a203 ldx #3
2428 : tasl3
set_z zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2428 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
242a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
242b : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
242d : 850c > sta zpt
242f : 28 > plp
2430 : 060c asl zpt
tst_z rASL,fASL,$ff-fnzc
2432 : 08 > php ;save flags
2433 : a50c > lda zpt
2435 : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2438 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
243a : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
243b : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
243d : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2440 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2442 : ca dex
2443 : 10e3 bpl tasl3
2445 : a203 ldx #3
2447 : tlsr2
set_z zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2447 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2449 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
244a : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
244c : 850c > sta zpt
244e : 28 > plp
244f : 460c lsr zpt
tst_z rLSR,fLSR,0
2451 : 08 > php ;save flags
2452 : a50c > lda zpt
2454 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2457 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2459 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
245a : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
245c : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
245f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2461 : ca dex
2462 : 10e3 bpl tlsr2
2464 : a203 ldx #3
2466 : tlsr3
set_z zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2466 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2468 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2469 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
246b : 850c > sta zpt
246d : 28 > plp
246e : 460c lsr zpt
tst_z rLSR,fLSR,$ff-fnzc
2470 : 08 > php ;save flags
2471 : a50c > lda zpt
2473 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2476 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2478 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2479 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
247b : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
247e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2480 : ca dex
2481 : 10e3 bpl tlsr3
2483 : a203 ldx #3
2485 : trol2
set_z zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2485 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2487 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2488 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
248a : 850c > sta zpt
248c : 28 > plp
248d : 260c rol zpt
tst_z rROL,fROL,0
248f : 08 > php ;save flags
2490 : a50c > lda zpt
2492 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2495 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2497 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2498 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
249a : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
249d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
249f : ca dex
24a0 : 10e3 bpl trol2
24a2 : a203 ldx #3
24a4 : trol3
set_z zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
24a4 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
24a6 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
24a7 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
24a9 : 850c > sta zpt
24ab : 28 > plp
24ac : 260c rol zpt
tst_z rROL,fROL,$ff-fnzc
24ae : 08 > php ;save flags
24af : a50c > lda zpt
24b1 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
24b4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
24b6 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
24b7 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
24b9 : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
24bc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
24be : ca dex
24bf : 10e3 bpl trol3
24c1 : a203 ldx #3
24c3 : trolc2
set_z zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
24c3 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
24c5 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
24c6 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
24c8 : 850c > sta zpt
24ca : 28 > plp
24cb : 260c rol zpt
tst_z rROLc,fROLc,0
24cd : 08 > php ;save flags
24ce : a50c > lda zpt
24d0 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
24d3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
24d5 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
24d6 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
24d8 : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
24db : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
24dd : ca dex
24de : 10e3 bpl trolc2
24e0 : a203 ldx #3
24e2 : trolc3
set_z zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
24e2 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
24e4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
24e5 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
24e7 : 850c > sta zpt
24e9 : 28 > plp
24ea : 260c rol zpt
tst_z rROLc,fROLc,$ff-fnzc
24ec : 08 > php ;save flags
24ed : a50c > lda zpt
24ef : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
24f2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
24f4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
24f5 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
24f7 : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
24fa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
24fc : ca dex
24fd : 10e3 bpl trolc3
24ff : a203 ldx #3
2501 : tror2
set_z zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2501 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2503 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2504 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
2506 : 850c > sta zpt
2508 : 28 > plp
2509 : 660c ror zpt
tst_z rROR,fROR,0
250b : 08 > php ;save flags
250c : a50c > lda zpt
250e : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2511 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2513 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2514 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2516 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2519 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
251b : ca dex
251c : 10e3 bpl tror2
251e : a203 ldx #3
2520 : tror3
set_z zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
2520 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2522 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2523 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
2525 : 850c > sta zpt
2527 : 28 > plp
2528 : 660c ror zpt
tst_z rROR,fROR,$ff-fnzc
252a : 08 > php ;save flags
252b : a50c > lda zpt
252d : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2530 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2532 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2533 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2535 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2538 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
253a : ca dex
253b : 10e3 bpl tror3
253d : a203 ldx #3
253f : trorc2
set_z zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
253f : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2541 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2542 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
2544 : 850c > sta zpt
2546 : 28 > plp
2547 : 660c ror zpt
tst_z rRORc,fRORc,0
2549 : 08 > php ;save flags
254a : a50c > lda zpt
254c : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
254f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2551 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2552 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2554 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2557 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2559 : ca dex
255a : 10e3 bpl trorc2
255c : a203 ldx #3
255e : trorc3
set_z zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
255e : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2560 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2561 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to zeropage
2563 : 850c > sta zpt
2565 : 28 > plp
2566 : 660c ror zpt
tst_z rRORc,fRORc,$ff-fnzc
2568 : 08 > php ;save flags
2569 : a50c > lda zpt
256b : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
256e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2570 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2571 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2573 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2576 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2578 : ca dex
2579 : 10e3 bpl trorc3
257b : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
257e : c91e > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2580 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
001f = >test_num = test_num + 1
2582 : a91f > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2584 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; shifts - absolute
2587 : a203 ldx #3
2589 : tasl4
set_abs zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2589 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
258b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
258c : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
258e : 8d0302 > sta abst
2591 : 28 > plp
2592 : 0e0302 asl abst
tst_abs rASL,fASL,0
2595 : 08 > php ;save flags
2596 : ad0302 > lda abst
2599 : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
259c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
259e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
259f : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
25a1 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
25a4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
25a6 : ca dex
25a7 : 10e0 bpl tasl4
25a9 : a203 ldx #3
25ab : tasl5
set_abs zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
25ab : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
25ad : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
25ae : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
25b0 : 8d0302 > sta abst
25b3 : 28 > plp
25b4 : 0e0302 asl abst
tst_abs rASL,fASL,$ff-fnzc
25b7 : 08 > php ;save flags
25b8 : ad0302 > lda abst
25bb : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
25be : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
25c0 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
25c1 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
25c3 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
25c6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
25c8 : ca dex
25c9 : 10e0 bpl tasl5
25cb : a203 ldx #3
25cd : tlsr4
set_abs zp1,0
> load_flag 0
25cd : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
25cf : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
25d0 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
25d2 : 8d0302 > sta abst
25d5 : 28 > plp
25d6 : 4e0302 lsr abst
tst_abs rLSR,fLSR,0
25d9 : 08 > php ;save flags
25da : ad0302 > lda abst
25dd : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
25e0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
25e2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
25e3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
25e5 : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
25e8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
25ea : ca dex
25eb : 10e0 bpl tlsr4
25ed : a203 ldx #3
25ef : tlsr5
set_abs zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
25ef : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
25f1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
25f2 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
25f4 : 8d0302 > sta abst
25f7 : 28 > plp
25f8 : 4e0302 lsr abst
tst_abs rLSR,fLSR,$ff-fnzc
25fb : 08 > php ;save flags
25fc : ad0302 > lda abst
25ff : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2602 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2604 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2605 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2607 : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
260a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
260c : ca dex
260d : 10e0 bpl tlsr5
260f : a203 ldx #3
2611 : trol4
set_abs zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2611 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2613 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2614 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
2616 : 8d0302 > sta abst
2619 : 28 > plp
261a : 2e0302 rol abst
tst_abs rROL,fROL,0
261d : 08 > php ;save flags
261e : ad0302 > lda abst
2621 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2624 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2626 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2627 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2629 : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
262c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
262e : ca dex
262f : 10e0 bpl trol4
2631 : a203 ldx #3
2633 : trol5
set_abs zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
2633 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2635 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2636 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
2638 : 8d0302 > sta abst
263b : 28 > plp
263c : 2e0302 rol abst
tst_abs rROL,fROL,$ff-fnzc
263f : 08 > php ;save flags
2640 : ad0302 > lda abst
2643 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2646 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2648 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2649 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
264b : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
264e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2650 : ca dex
2651 : 10e0 bpl trol5
2653 : a203 ldx #3
2655 : trolc4
set_abs zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
2655 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2657 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2658 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
265a : 8d0302 > sta abst
265d : 28 > plp
265e : 2e0302 rol abst
tst_abs rROLc,fROLc,0
2661 : 08 > php ;save flags
2662 : ad0302 > lda abst
2665 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2668 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
266a : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
266b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
266d : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2670 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2672 : ca dex
2673 : 10e0 bpl trolc4
2675 : a203 ldx #3
2677 : trolc5
set_abs zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2677 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2679 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
267a : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
267c : 8d0302 > sta abst
267f : 28 > plp
2680 : 2e0302 rol abst
tst_abs rROLc,fROLc,$ff-fnzc
2683 : 08 > php ;save flags
2684 : ad0302 > lda abst
2687 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
268a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
268c : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
268d : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
268f : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2692 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2694 : ca dex
2695 : 10e0 bpl trolc5
2697 : a203 ldx #3
2699 : tror4
set_abs zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2699 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
269b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
269c : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
269e : 8d0302 > sta abst
26a1 : 28 > plp
26a2 : 6e0302 ror abst
tst_abs rROR,fROR,0
26a5 : 08 > php ;save flags
26a6 : ad0302 > lda abst
26a9 : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
26ac : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
26ae : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
26af : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
26b1 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
26b4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
26b6 : ca dex
26b7 : 10e0 bpl tror4
26b9 : a203 ldx #3
26bb : tror5
set_abs zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
26bb : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
26bd : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
26be : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
26c0 : 8d0302 > sta abst
26c3 : 28 > plp
26c4 : 6e0302 ror abst
tst_abs rROR,fROR,$ff-fnzc
26c7 : 08 > php ;save flags
26c8 : ad0302 > lda abst
26cb : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
26ce : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
26d0 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
26d1 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
26d3 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
26d6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
26d8 : ca dex
26d9 : 10e0 bpl tror5
26db : a203 ldx #3
26dd : trorc4
set_abs zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
26dd : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
26df : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
26e0 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
26e2 : 8d0302 > sta abst
26e5 : 28 > plp
26e6 : 6e0302 ror abst
tst_abs rRORc,fRORc,0
26e9 : 08 > php ;save flags
26ea : ad0302 > lda abst
26ed : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
26f0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
26f2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
26f3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
26f5 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
26f8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
26fa : ca dex
26fb : 10e0 bpl trorc4
26fd : a203 ldx #3
26ff : trorc5
set_abs zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
26ff : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2701 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2702 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to memory
2704 : 8d0302 > sta abst
2707 : 28 > plp
2708 : 6e0302 ror abst
tst_abs rRORc,fRORc,$ff-fnzc
270b : 08 > php ;save flags
270c : ad0302 > lda abst
270f : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2712 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2714 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2715 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2717 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
271a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
271c : ca dex
271d : 10e0 bpl trorc5
271f : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2722 : c91f > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2724 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0020 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2726 : a920 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2728 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; shifts - zp indexed
272b : a203 ldx #3
272d : tasl6
set_zx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
272d : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
272f : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2730 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
2732 : 950c > sta zpt,x
2734 : 28 > plp
2735 : 160c asl zpt,x
tst_zx rASL,fASL,0
2737 : 08 > php ;save flags
2738 : b50c > lda zpt,x
273a : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
273d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
273f : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2740 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2742 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2745 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2747 : ca dex
2748 : 10e3 bpl tasl6
274a : a203 ldx #3
274c : tasl7
set_zx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
274c : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
274e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
274f : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
2751 : 950c > sta zpt,x
2753 : 28 > plp
2754 : 160c asl zpt,x
tst_zx rASL,fASL,$ff-fnzc
2756 : 08 > php ;save flags
2757 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2759 : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
275c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
275e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
275f : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2761 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2764 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2766 : ca dex
2767 : 10e3 bpl tasl7
2769 : a203 ldx #3
276b : tlsr6
set_zx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
276b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
276d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
276e : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
2770 : 950c > sta zpt,x
2772 : 28 > plp
2773 : 560c lsr zpt,x
tst_zx rLSR,fLSR,0
2775 : 08 > php ;save flags
2776 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2778 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
277b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
277d : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
277e : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2780 : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2783 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2785 : ca dex
2786 : 10e3 bpl tlsr6
2788 : a203 ldx #3
278a : tlsr7
set_zx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
278a : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
278c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
278d : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
278f : 950c > sta zpt,x
2791 : 28 > plp
2792 : 560c lsr zpt,x
tst_zx rLSR,fLSR,$ff-fnzc
2794 : 08 > php ;save flags
2795 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2797 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
279a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
279c : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
279d : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
279f : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
27a2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
27a4 : ca dex
27a5 : 10e3 bpl tlsr7
27a7 : a203 ldx #3
27a9 : trol6
set_zx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
27a9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
27ab : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
27ac : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
27ae : 950c > sta zpt,x
27b0 : 28 > plp
27b1 : 360c rol zpt,x
tst_zx rROL,fROL,0
27b3 : 08 > php ;save flags
27b4 : b50c > lda zpt,x
27b6 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
27b9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
27bb : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
27bc : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
27be : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
27c1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
27c3 : ca dex
27c4 : 10e3 bpl trol6
27c6 : a203 ldx #3
27c8 : trol7
set_zx zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
27c8 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
27ca : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
27cb : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
27cd : 950c > sta zpt,x
27cf : 28 > plp
27d0 : 360c rol zpt,x
tst_zx rROL,fROL,$ff-fnzc
27d2 : 08 > php ;save flags
27d3 : b50c > lda zpt,x
27d5 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
27d8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
27da : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
27db : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
27dd : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
27e0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
27e2 : ca dex
27e3 : 10e3 bpl trol7
27e5 : a203 ldx #3
27e7 : trolc6
set_zx zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
27e7 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
27e9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
27ea : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
27ec : 950c > sta zpt,x
27ee : 28 > plp
27ef : 360c rol zpt,x
tst_zx rROLc,fROLc,0
27f1 : 08 > php ;save flags
27f2 : b50c > lda zpt,x
27f4 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
27f7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
27f9 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
27fa : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
27fc : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
27ff : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2801 : ca dex
2802 : 10e3 bpl trolc6
2804 : a203 ldx #3
2806 : trolc7
set_zx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2806 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2808 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2809 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
280b : 950c > sta zpt,x
280d : 28 > plp
280e : 360c rol zpt,x
tst_zx rROLc,fROLc,$ff-fnzc
2810 : 08 > php ;save flags
2811 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2813 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2816 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2818 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2819 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
281b : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
281e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2820 : ca dex
2821 : 10e3 bpl trolc7
2823 : a203 ldx #3
2825 : tror6
set_zx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2825 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2827 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2828 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
282a : 950c > sta zpt,x
282c : 28 > plp
282d : 760c ror zpt,x
tst_zx rROR,fROR,0
282f : 08 > php ;save flags
2830 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2832 : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2835 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2837 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2838 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
283a : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
283d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
283f : ca dex
2840 : 10e3 bpl tror6
2842 : a203 ldx #3
2844 : tror7
set_zx zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
2844 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2846 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2847 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
2849 : 950c > sta zpt,x
284b : 28 > plp
284c : 760c ror zpt,x
tst_zx rROR,fROR,$ff-fnzc
284e : 08 > php ;save flags
284f : b50c > lda zpt,x
2851 : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2854 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2856 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2857 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2859 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
285c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
285e : ca dex
285f : 10e3 bpl tror7
2861 : a203 ldx #3
2863 : trorc6
set_zx zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
2863 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2865 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2866 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
2868 : 950c > sta zpt,x
286a : 28 > plp
286b : 760c ror zpt,x
tst_zx rRORc,fRORc,0
286d : 08 > php ;save flags
286e : b50c > lda zpt,x
2870 : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2873 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2875 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2876 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2878 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
287b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
287d : ca dex
287e : 10e3 bpl trorc6
2880 : a203 ldx #3
2882 : trorc7
set_zx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2882 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2884 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2885 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed zeropage
2887 : 950c > sta zpt,x
2889 : 28 > plp
288a : 760c ror zpt,x
tst_zx rRORc,fRORc,$ff-fnzc
288c : 08 > php ;save flags
288d : b50c > lda zpt,x
288f : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2892 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2894 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2895 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2897 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
289a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
289c : ca dex
289d : 10e3 bpl trorc7
289f : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
28a2 : c920 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
28a4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0021 = >test_num = test_num + 1
28a6 : a921 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
28a8 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; shifts - abs indexed
28ab : a203 ldx #3
28ad : tasl8
set_absx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
28ad : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
28af : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
28b0 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
28b2 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
28b5 : 28 > plp
28b6 : 1e0302 asl abst,x
tst_absx rASL,fASL,0
28b9 : 08 > php ;save flags
28ba : bd0302 > lda abst,x
28bd : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
28c0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
28c2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
28c3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
28c5 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
28c8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
28ca : ca dex
28cb : 10e0 bpl tasl8
28cd : a203 ldx #3
28cf : tasl9
set_absx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
28cf : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
28d1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
28d2 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
28d4 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
28d7 : 28 > plp
28d8 : 1e0302 asl abst,x
tst_absx rASL,fASL,$ff-fnzc
28db : 08 > php ;save flags
28dc : bd0302 > lda abst,x
28df : dd2002 > cmp rASL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
28e2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
28e4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
28e5 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
28e7 : dd3002 > cmp fASL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
28ea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
28ec : ca dex
28ed : 10e0 bpl tasl9
28ef : a203 ldx #3
28f1 : tlsr8
set_absx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
28f1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
28f3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
28f4 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
28f6 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
28f9 : 28 > plp
28fa : 5e0302 lsr abst,x
tst_absx rLSR,fLSR,0
28fd : 08 > php ;save flags
28fe : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2901 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2904 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2906 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2907 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2909 : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
290c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
290e : ca dex
290f : 10e0 bpl tlsr8
2911 : a203 ldx #3
2913 : tlsr9
set_absx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2913 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2915 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2916 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
2918 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
291b : 28 > plp
291c : 5e0302 lsr abst,x
tst_absx rLSR,fLSR,$ff-fnzc
291f : 08 > php ;save flags
2920 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2923 : dd2802 > cmp rLSR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2926 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2928 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2929 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
292b : dd3802 > cmp fLSR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
292e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2930 : ca dex
2931 : 10e0 bpl tlsr9
2933 : a203 ldx #3
2935 : trol8
set_absx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
2935 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2937 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2938 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
293a : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
293d : 28 > plp
293e : 3e0302 rol abst,x
tst_absx rROL,fROL,0
2941 : 08 > php ;save flags
2942 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2945 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2948 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
294a : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
294b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
294d : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2950 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2952 : ca dex
2953 : 10e0 bpl trol8
2955 : a203 ldx #3
2957 : trol9
set_absx zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
2957 : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2959 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
295a : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
295c : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
295f : 28 > plp
2960 : 3e0302 rol abst,x
tst_absx rROL,fROL,$ff-fnzc
2963 : 08 > php ;save flags
2964 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2967 : dd2002 > cmp rROL,x ;test result
> trap_ne
296a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
296c : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
296d : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
296f : dd3002 > cmp fROL,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2972 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2974 : ca dex
2975 : 10e0 bpl trol9
2977 : a203 ldx #3
2979 : trolc8
set_absx zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
2979 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
297b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
297c : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
297e : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
2981 : 28 > plp
2982 : 3e0302 rol abst,x
tst_absx rROLc,fROLc,0
2985 : 08 > php ;save flags
2986 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2989 : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
298c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
298e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
298f : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2991 : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2994 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2996 : ca dex
2997 : 10e0 bpl trolc8
2999 : a203 ldx #3
299b : trolc9
set_absx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
299b : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
299d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
299e : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
29a0 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
29a3 : 28 > plp
29a4 : 3e0302 rol abst,x
tst_absx rROLc,fROLc,$ff-fnzc
29a7 : 08 > php ;save flags
29a8 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
29ab : dd2402 > cmp rROLc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
29ae : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
29b0 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
29b1 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
29b3 : dd3402 > cmp fROLc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
29b6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
29b8 : ca dex
29b9 : 10e0 bpl trolc9
29bb : a203 ldx #3
29bd : tror8
set_absx zp1,0
> load_flag 0
29bd : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
29bf : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
29c0 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
29c2 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
29c5 : 28 > plp
29c6 : 7e0302 ror abst,x
tst_absx rROR,fROR,0
29c9 : 08 > php ;save flags
29ca : bd0302 > lda abst,x
29cd : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
29d0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
29d2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
29d3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
29d5 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
29d8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
29da : ca dex
29db : 10e0 bpl tror8
29dd : a203 ldx #3
29df : tror9
set_absx zp1,$ff-fc
> load_flag $ff-fc
29df : a9fe > lda #$ff-fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
29e1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
29e2 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
29e4 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
29e7 : 28 > plp
29e8 : 7e0302 ror abst,x
tst_absx rROR,fROR,$ff-fnzc
29eb : 08 > php ;save flags
29ec : bd0302 > lda abst,x
29ef : dd2802 > cmp rROR,x ;test result
> trap_ne
29f2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
29f4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
29f5 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
29f7 : dd3802 > cmp fROR,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
29fa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
29fc : ca dex
29fd : 10e0 bpl tror9
29ff : a203 ldx #3
2a01 : trorc8
set_absx zp1,fc
> load_flag fc
2a01 : a901 > lda #fc ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2a03 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2a04 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
2a06 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
2a09 : 28 > plp
2a0a : 7e0302 ror abst,x
tst_absx rRORc,fRORc,0
2a0d : 08 > php ;save flags
2a0e : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2a11 : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2a14 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a16 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2a17 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2a19 : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2a1c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a1e : ca dex
2a1f : 10e0 bpl trorc8
2a21 : a203 ldx #3
2a23 : trorc9
set_absx zp1,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2a23 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2a25 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2a26 : b513 > lda zp1,x ;load to indexed memory
2a28 : 9d0302 > sta abst,x
2a2b : 28 > plp
2a2c : 7e0302 ror abst,x
tst_absx rRORc,fRORc,$ff-fnzc
2a2f : 08 > php ;save flags
2a30 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2a33 : dd2c02 > cmp rRORc,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2a36 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a38 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnzc
2a39 : 497c > eor #$ff-fnzc|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2a3b : dd3c02 > cmp fRORc,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2a3e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a40 : ca dex
2a41 : 10e0 bpl trorc9
2a43 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2a46 : c921 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2a48 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0022 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2a4a : a922 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2a4c : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing memory increment/decrement - INC DEC all addressing modes
; zeropage
2a4f : a200 ldx #0
2a51 : a97e lda #$7e
2a53 : 850c sta zpt
2a55 : tinc
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2a55 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2a57 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2a58 : 28 > plp
2a59 : e60c inc zpt
tst_z rINC,fINC,0
2a5b : 08 > php ;save flags
2a5c : a50c > lda zpt
2a5e : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2a61 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a63 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2a64 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2a66 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2a69 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a6b : e8 inx
2a6c : e002 cpx #2
2a6e : d004 bne tinc1
2a70 : a9fe lda #$fe
2a72 : 850c sta zpt
2a74 : e005 tinc1 cpx #5
2a76 : d0dd bne tinc
2a78 : ca dex
2a79 : e60c inc zpt
2a7b : tdec
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2a7b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2a7d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2a7e : 28 > plp
2a7f : c60c dec zpt
tst_z rINC,fINC,0
2a81 : 08 > php ;save flags
2a82 : a50c > lda zpt
2a84 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2a87 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a89 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2a8a : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2a8c : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2a8f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2a91 : ca dex
2a92 : 300a bmi tdec1
2a94 : e001 cpx #1
2a96 : d0e3 bne tdec
2a98 : a981 lda #$81
2a9a : 850c sta zpt
2a9c : d0dd bne tdec
2a9e : tdec1
2a9e : a200 ldx #0
2aa0 : a97e lda #$7e
2aa2 : 850c sta zpt
2aa4 : tinc10
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2aa4 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2aa6 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2aa7 : 28 > plp
2aa8 : e60c inc zpt
tst_z rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2aaa : 08 > php ;save flags
2aab : a50c > lda zpt
2aad : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2ab0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ab2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2ab3 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ab5 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2ab8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2aba : e8 inx
2abb : e002 cpx #2
2abd : d004 bne tinc11
2abf : a9fe lda #$fe
2ac1 : 850c sta zpt
2ac3 : e005 tinc11 cpx #5
2ac5 : d0dd bne tinc10
2ac7 : ca dex
2ac8 : e60c inc zpt
2aca : tdec10
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2aca : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2acc : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2acd : 28 > plp
2ace : c60c dec zpt
tst_z rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2ad0 : 08 > php ;save flags
2ad1 : a50c > lda zpt
2ad3 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2ad6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ad8 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2ad9 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2adb : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2ade : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ae0 : ca dex
2ae1 : 300a bmi tdec11
2ae3 : e001 cpx #1
2ae5 : d0e3 bne tdec10
2ae7 : a981 lda #$81
2ae9 : 850c sta zpt
2aeb : d0dd bne tdec10
2aed : tdec11
2aed : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2af0 : c922 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2af2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0023 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2af4 : a923 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2af6 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; absolute memory
2af9 : a200 ldx #0
2afb : a97e lda #$7e
2afd : 8d0302 sta abst
2b00 : tinc2
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2b00 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2b02 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2b03 : 28 > plp
2b04 : ee0302 inc abst
tst_abs rINC,fINC,0
2b07 : 08 > php ;save flags
2b08 : ad0302 > lda abst
2b0b : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2b0e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b10 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2b11 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2b13 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2b16 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b18 : e8 inx
2b19 : e002 cpx #2
2b1b : d005 bne tinc3
2b1d : a9fe lda #$fe
2b1f : 8d0302 sta abst
2b22 : e005 tinc3 cpx #5
2b24 : d0da bne tinc2
2b26 : ca dex
2b27 : ee0302 inc abst
2b2a : tdec2
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2b2a : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2b2c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2b2d : 28 > plp
2b2e : ce0302 dec abst
tst_abs rINC,fINC,0
2b31 : 08 > php ;save flags
2b32 : ad0302 > lda abst
2b35 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2b38 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b3a : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2b3b : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2b3d : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2b40 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b42 : ca dex
2b43 : 300b bmi tdec3
2b45 : e001 cpx #1
2b47 : d0e1 bne tdec2
2b49 : a981 lda #$81
2b4b : 8d0302 sta abst
2b4e : d0da bne tdec2
2b50 : tdec3
2b50 : a200 ldx #0
2b52 : a97e lda #$7e
2b54 : 8d0302 sta abst
2b57 : tinc12
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2b57 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2b59 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2b5a : 28 > plp
2b5b : ee0302 inc abst
tst_abs rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2b5e : 08 > php ;save flags
2b5f : ad0302 > lda abst
2b62 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2b65 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b67 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2b68 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2b6a : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2b6d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b6f : e8 inx
2b70 : e002 cpx #2
2b72 : d005 bne tinc13
2b74 : a9fe lda #$fe
2b76 : 8d0302 sta abst
2b79 : e005 tinc13 cpx #5
2b7b : d0da bne tinc12
2b7d : ca dex
2b7e : ee0302 inc abst
2b81 : tdec12
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2b81 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2b83 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2b84 : 28 > plp
2b85 : ce0302 dec abst
tst_abs rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2b88 : 08 > php ;save flags
2b89 : ad0302 > lda abst
2b8c : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2b8f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b91 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2b92 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2b94 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2b97 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2b99 : ca dex
2b9a : 300b bmi tdec13
2b9c : e001 cpx #1
2b9e : d0e1 bne tdec12
2ba0 : a981 lda #$81
2ba2 : 8d0302 sta abst
2ba5 : d0da bne tdec12
2ba7 : tdec13
2ba7 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2baa : c923 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2bac : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0024 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2bae : a924 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2bb0 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; zeropage indexed
2bb3 : a200 ldx #0
2bb5 : a97e lda #$7e
2bb7 : 950c tinc4 sta zpt,x
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2bb9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2bbb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2bbc : 28 > plp
2bbd : f60c inc zpt,x
tst_zx rINC,fINC,0
2bbf : 08 > php ;save flags
2bc0 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2bc2 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2bc5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2bc7 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2bc8 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2bca : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2bcd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2bcf : b50c lda zpt,x
2bd1 : e8 inx
2bd2 : e002 cpx #2
2bd4 : d002 bne tinc5
2bd6 : a9fe lda #$fe
2bd8 : e005 tinc5 cpx #5
2bda : d0db bne tinc4
2bdc : ca dex
2bdd : a902 lda #2
2bdf : 950c tdec4 sta zpt,x
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2be1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2be3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2be4 : 28 > plp
2be5 : d60c dec zpt,x
tst_zx rINC,fINC,0
2be7 : 08 > php ;save flags
2be8 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2bea : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2bed : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2bef : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2bf0 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2bf2 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2bf5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2bf7 : b50c lda zpt,x
2bf9 : ca dex
2bfa : 3008 bmi tdec5
2bfc : e001 cpx #1
2bfe : d0df bne tdec4
2c00 : a981 lda #$81
2c02 : d0db bne tdec4
2c04 : tdec5
2c04 : a200 ldx #0
2c06 : a97e lda #$7e
2c08 : 950c tinc14 sta zpt,x
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2c0a : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2c0c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2c0d : 28 > plp
2c0e : f60c inc zpt,x
tst_zx rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2c10 : 08 > php ;save flags
2c11 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2c13 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2c16 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2c18 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2c19 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2c1b : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2c1e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2c20 : b50c lda zpt,x
2c22 : e8 inx
2c23 : e002 cpx #2
2c25 : d002 bne tinc15
2c27 : a9fe lda #$fe
2c29 : e005 tinc15 cpx #5
2c2b : d0db bne tinc14
2c2d : ca dex
2c2e : a902 lda #2
2c30 : 950c tdec14 sta zpt,x
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2c32 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2c34 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2c35 : 28 > plp
2c36 : d60c dec zpt,x
tst_zx rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2c38 : 08 > php ;save flags
2c39 : b50c > lda zpt,x
2c3b : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2c3e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2c40 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2c41 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2c43 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2c46 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2c48 : b50c lda zpt,x
2c4a : ca dex
2c4b : 3008 bmi tdec15
2c4d : e001 cpx #1
2c4f : d0df bne tdec14
2c51 : a981 lda #$81
2c53 : d0db bne tdec14
2c55 : tdec15
2c55 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2c58 : c924 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2c5a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0025 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2c5c : a925 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2c5e : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; memory indexed
2c61 : a200 ldx #0
2c63 : a97e lda #$7e
2c65 : 9d0302 tinc6 sta abst,x
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2c68 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2c6a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2c6b : 28 > plp
2c6c : fe0302 inc abst,x
tst_absx rINC,fINC,0
2c6f : 08 > php ;save flags
2c70 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2c73 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2c76 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2c78 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2c79 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2c7b : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2c7e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2c80 : bd0302 lda abst,x
2c83 : e8 inx
2c84 : e002 cpx #2
2c86 : d002 bne tinc7
2c88 : a9fe lda #$fe
2c8a : e005 tinc7 cpx #5
2c8c : d0d7 bne tinc6
2c8e : ca dex
2c8f : a902 lda #2
2c91 : 9d0302 tdec6 sta abst,x
set_stat 0
> load_flag 0
2c94 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2c96 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2c97 : 28 > plp
2c98 : de0302 dec abst,x
tst_absx rINC,fINC,0
2c9b : 08 > php ;save flags
2c9c : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2c9f : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2ca2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ca4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2ca5 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ca7 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2caa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2cac : bd0302 lda abst,x
2caf : ca dex
2cb0 : 3008 bmi tdec7
2cb2 : e001 cpx #1
2cb4 : d0db bne tdec6
2cb6 : a981 lda #$81
2cb8 : d0d7 bne tdec6
2cba : tdec7
2cba : a200 ldx #0
2cbc : a97e lda #$7e
2cbe : 9d0302 tinc16 sta abst,x
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2cc1 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2cc3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2cc4 : 28 > plp
2cc5 : fe0302 inc abst,x
tst_absx rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2cc8 : 08 > php ;save flags
2cc9 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2ccc : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2ccf : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2cd1 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2cd2 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2cd4 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2cd7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2cd9 : bd0302 lda abst,x
2cdc : e8 inx
2cdd : e002 cpx #2
2cdf : d002 bne tinc17
2ce1 : a9fe lda #$fe
2ce3 : e005 tinc17 cpx #5
2ce5 : d0d7 bne tinc16
2ce7 : ca dex
2ce8 : a902 lda #2
2cea : 9d0302 tdec16 sta abst,x
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
2ced : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2cef : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2cf0 : 28 > plp
2cf1 : de0302 dec abst,x
tst_absx rINC,fINC,$ff-fnz
2cf4 : 08 > php ;save flags
2cf5 : bd0302 > lda abst,x
2cf8 : dd4002 > cmp rINC,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2cfb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2cfd : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2cfe : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2d00 : dd4502 > cmp fINC,x ;test flags
> trap_ne
2d03 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d05 : bd0302 lda abst,x
2d08 : ca dex
2d09 : 3008 bmi tdec17
2d0b : e001 cpx #1
2d0d : d0db bne tdec16
2d0f : a981 lda #$81
2d11 : d0d7 bne tdec16
2d13 : tdec17
2d13 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2d16 : c925 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2d18 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0026 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2d1a : a926 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2d1c : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; testing logical instructions - AND EOR ORA all addressing modes
2d1f : a203 ldx #3 ;immediate
2d21 : b51c tand lda zpAN,x
2d23 : 8d0902 sta ex_andi+1 ;set AND # operand
set_ax absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2d26 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2d28 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2d29 : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2d2c : 28 > plp
2d2d : 200802 jsr ex_andi ;execute AND # in RAM
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2d30 : 08 > php ;save flags
2d31 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2d34 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d36 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2d37 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2d39 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2d3c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d3e : ca dex
2d3f : 10e0 bpl tand
2d41 : a203 ldx #3
2d43 : b51c tand1 lda zpAN,x
2d45 : 8d0902 sta ex_andi+1 ;set AND # operand
set_ax absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2d48 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2d4a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2d4b : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2d4e : 28 > plp
2d4f : 200802 jsr ex_andi ;execute AND # in RAM
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2d52 : 08 > php ;save flags
2d53 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2d56 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d58 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2d59 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2d5b : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2d5e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d60 : ca dex
2d61 : 10e0 bpl tand1
2d63 : a203 ldx #3 ;zp
2d65 : b51c tand2 lda zpAN,x
2d67 : 850c sta zpt
set_ax absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2d69 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2d6b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2d6c : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2d6f : 28 > plp
2d70 : 250c and zpt
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2d72 : 08 > php ;save flags
2d73 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2d76 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d78 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2d79 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2d7b : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2d7e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d80 : ca dex
2d81 : 10e2 bpl tand2
2d83 : a203 ldx #3
2d85 : b51c tand3 lda zpAN,x
2d87 : 850c sta zpt
set_ax absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2d89 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2d8b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2d8c : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2d8f : 28 > plp
2d90 : 250c and zpt
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2d92 : 08 > php ;save flags
2d93 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2d96 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2d98 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2d99 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2d9b : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2d9e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2da0 : ca dex
2da1 : 10e2 bpl tand3
2da3 : a203 ldx #3 ;abs
2da5 : b51c tand4 lda zpAN,x
2da7 : 8d0302 sta abst
set_ax absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2daa : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2dac : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2dad : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2db0 : 28 > plp
2db1 : 2d0302 and abst
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2db4 : 08 > php ;save flags
2db5 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2db8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2dba : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2dbb : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2dbd : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2dc0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2dc2 : ca dex
2dc3 : 10e0 bpl tand4
2dc5 : a203 ldx #3
2dc7 : b51c tand5 lda zpAN,x
2dc9 : 8d0302 sta abst
set_ax absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2dcc : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2dce : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2dcf : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2dd2 : 28 > plp
2dd3 : 2d0302 and abst
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2dd6 : 08 > php ;save flags
2dd7 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2dda : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ddc : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2ddd : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ddf : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2de2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2de4 : ca dex
2de5 : 1002 bpl tand6
2de7 : a203 ldx #3 ;zp,x
2de9 : tand6
set_ax absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2de9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2deb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2dec : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2def : 28 > plp
2df0 : 351c and zpAN,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2df2 : 08 > php ;save flags
2df3 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2df6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2df8 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2df9 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2dfb : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2dfe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e00 : ca dex
2e01 : 10e6 bpl tand6
2e03 : a203 ldx #3
2e05 : tand7
set_ax absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2e05 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2e07 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2e08 : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2e0b : 28 > plp
2e0c : 351c and zpAN,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2e0e : 08 > php ;save flags
2e0f : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2e12 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e14 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2e15 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2e17 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2e1a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e1c : ca dex
2e1d : 10e6 bpl tand7
2e1f : a203 ldx #3 ;abs,x
2e21 : tand8
set_ax absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2e21 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2e23 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2e24 : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2e27 : 28 > plp
2e28 : 3d4e02 and absAN,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2e2b : 08 > php ;save flags
2e2c : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2e2f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e31 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2e32 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2e34 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2e37 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e39 : ca dex
2e3a : 10e5 bpl tand8
2e3c : a203 ldx #3
2e3e : tand9
set_ax absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2e3e : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2e40 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2e41 : bd5a02 > lda absANa,x ;precharge accu
2e44 : 28 > plp
2e45 : 3d4e02 and absAN,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2e48 : 08 > php ;save flags
2e49 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2e4c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e4e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2e4f : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2e51 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2e54 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e56 : ca dex
2e57 : 10e5 bpl tand9
2e59 : a003 ldy #3 ;abs,y
2e5b : tand10
set_ay absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2e5b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2e5d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2e5e : b95a02 > lda absANa,y ;precharge accu
2e61 : 28 > plp
2e62 : 394e02 and absAN,y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
2e65 : 08 > php ;save flags
2e66 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
2e69 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e6b : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2e6c : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2e6e : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
2e71 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e73 : 88 dey
2e74 : 10e5 bpl tand10
2e76 : a003 ldy #3
2e78 : tand11
set_ay absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2e78 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2e7a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2e7b : b95a02 > lda absANa,y ;precharge accu
2e7e : 28 > plp
2e7f : 394e02 and absAN,y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2e82 : 08 > php ;save flags
2e83 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
2e86 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e88 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2e89 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2e8b : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
2e8e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2e90 : 88 dey
2e91 : 10e5 bpl tand11
2e93 : a206 ldx #6 ;(zp,x)
2e95 : a003 ldy #3
2e97 : tand12
set_ay absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2e97 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2e99 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2e9a : b95a02 > lda absANa,y ;precharge accu
2e9d : 28 > plp
2e9e : 213a and (indAN,x)
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
2ea0 : 08 > php ;save flags
2ea1 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
2ea4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ea6 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2ea7 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ea9 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
2eac : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2eae : ca dex
2eaf : ca dex
2eb0 : 88 dey
2eb1 : 10e4 bpl tand12
2eb3 : a206 ldx #6
2eb5 : a003 ldy #3
2eb7 : tand13
set_ay absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2eb7 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2eb9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2eba : b95a02 > lda absANa,y ;precharge accu
2ebd : 28 > plp
2ebe : 213a and (indAN,x)
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2ec0 : 08 > php ;save flags
2ec1 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
2ec4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ec6 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2ec7 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ec9 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
2ecc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ece : ca dex
2ecf : ca dex
2ed0 : 88 dey
2ed1 : 10e4 bpl tand13
2ed3 : a003 ldy #3 ;(zp),y
2ed5 : tand14
set_ay absANa,0
> load_flag 0
2ed5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2ed7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2ed8 : b95a02 > lda absANa,y ;precharge accu
2edb : 28 > plp
2edc : 313a and (indAN),y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
2ede : 08 > php ;save flags
2edf : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
2ee2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ee4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2ee5 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ee7 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
2eea : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2eec : 88 dey
2eed : 10e6 bpl tand14
2eef : a003 ldy #3
2ef1 : tand15
set_ay absANa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2ef1 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2ef3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2ef4 : b95a02 > lda absANa,y ;precharge accu
2ef7 : 28 > plp
2ef8 : 313a and (indAN),y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2efa : 08 > php ;save flags
2efb : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
2efe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f00 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2f01 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2f03 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
2f06 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f08 : 88 dey
2f09 : 10e6 bpl tand15
2f0b : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
2f0e : c926 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
2f10 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0027 = >test_num = test_num + 1
2f12 : a927 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
2f14 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
2f17 : a203 ldx #3 ;immediate - self modifying code
2f19 : b520 teor lda zpEO,x
2f1b : 8d0c02 sta ex_eori+1 ;set EOR # operand
set_ax absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
2f1e : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2f20 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2f21 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2f24 : 28 > plp
2f25 : 200b02 jsr ex_eori ;execute EOR # in RAM
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2f28 : 08 > php ;save flags
2f29 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2f2c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f2e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2f2f : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2f31 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2f34 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f36 : ca dex
2f37 : 10e0 bpl teor
2f39 : a203 ldx #3
2f3b : b520 teor1 lda zpEO,x
2f3d : 8d0c02 sta ex_eori+1 ;set EOR # operand
set_ax absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2f40 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2f42 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2f43 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2f46 : 28 > plp
2f47 : 200b02 jsr ex_eori ;execute EOR # in RAM
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2f4a : 08 > php ;save flags
2f4b : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2f4e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f50 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2f51 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2f53 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2f56 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f58 : ca dex
2f59 : 10e0 bpl teor1
2f5b : a203 ldx #3 ;zp
2f5d : b520 teor2 lda zpEO,x
2f5f : 850c sta zpt
set_ax absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
2f61 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2f63 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2f64 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2f67 : 28 > plp
2f68 : 450c eor zpt
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2f6a : 08 > php ;save flags
2f6b : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2f6e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f70 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2f71 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2f73 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2f76 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f78 : ca dex
2f79 : 10e2 bpl teor2
2f7b : a203 ldx #3
2f7d : b520 teor3 lda zpEO,x
2f7f : 850c sta zpt
set_ax absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2f81 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2f83 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2f84 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2f87 : 28 > plp
2f88 : 450c eor zpt
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2f8a : 08 > php ;save flags
2f8b : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2f8e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f90 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2f91 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2f93 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2f96 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2f98 : ca dex
2f99 : 10e2 bpl teor3
2f9b : a203 ldx #3 ;abs
2f9d : b520 teor4 lda zpEO,x
2f9f : 8d0302 sta abst
set_ax absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
2fa2 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2fa4 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2fa5 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2fa8 : 28 > plp
2fa9 : 4d0302 eor abst
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2fac : 08 > php ;save flags
2fad : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2fb0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2fb2 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2fb3 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2fb5 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2fb8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2fba : ca dex
2fbb : 10e0 bpl teor4
2fbd : a203 ldx #3
2fbf : b520 teor5 lda zpEO,x
2fc1 : 8d0302 sta abst
set_ax absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2fc4 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2fc6 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2fc7 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2fca : 28 > plp
2fcb : 4d0302 eor abst
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
2fce : 08 > php ;save flags
2fcf : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2fd2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2fd4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
2fd5 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2fd7 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2fda : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2fdc : ca dex
2fdd : 1002 bpl teor6
2fdf : a203 ldx #3 ;zp,x
2fe1 : teor6
set_ax absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
2fe1 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2fe3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
2fe4 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
2fe7 : 28 > plp
2fe8 : 5520 eor zpEO,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
2fea : 08 > php ;save flags
2feb : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
2fee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ff0 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
2ff1 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
2ff3 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
2ff6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
2ff8 : ca dex
2ff9 : 10e6 bpl teor6
2ffb : a203 ldx #3
2ffd : teor7
set_ax absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
2ffd : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
2fff : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3000 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
3003 : 28 > plp
3004 : 5520 eor zpEO,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
3006 : 08 > php ;save flags
3007 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
300a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
300c : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
300d : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
300f : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
3012 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3014 : ca dex
3015 : 10e6 bpl teor7
3017 : a203 ldx #3 ;abs,x
3019 : teor8
set_ax absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
3019 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
301b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
301c : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
301f : 28 > plp
3020 : 5d5202 eor absEO,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
3023 : 08 > php ;save flags
3024 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3027 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3029 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
302a : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
302c : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
302f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3031 : ca dex
3032 : 10e5 bpl teor8
3034 : a203 ldx #3
3036 : teor9
set_ax absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
3036 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3038 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3039 : bd5e02 > lda absEOa,x ;precharge accu
303c : 28 > plp
303d : 5d5202 eor absEO,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
3040 : 08 > php ;save flags
3041 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3044 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3046 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
3047 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3049 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
304c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
304e : ca dex
304f : 10e5 bpl teor9
3051 : a003 ldy #3 ;abs,y
3053 : teor10
set_ay absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
3053 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3055 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3056 : b95e02 > lda absEOa,y ;precharge accu
3059 : 28 > plp
305a : 595202 eor absEO,y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
305d : 08 > php ;save flags
305e : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
3061 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3063 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
3064 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3066 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
3069 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
306b : 88 dey
306c : 10e5 bpl teor10
306e : a003 ldy #3
3070 : teor11
set_ay absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
3070 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3072 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3073 : b95e02 > lda absEOa,y ;precharge accu
3076 : 28 > plp
3077 : 595202 eor absEO,y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
307a : 08 > php ;save flags
307b : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
307e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3080 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
3081 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3083 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
3086 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3088 : 88 dey
3089 : 10e5 bpl teor11
308b : a206 ldx #6 ;(zp,x)
308d : a003 ldy #3
308f : teor12
set_ay absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
308f : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3091 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3092 : b95e02 > lda absEOa,y ;precharge accu
3095 : 28 > plp
3096 : 4142 eor (indEO,x)
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
3098 : 08 > php ;save flags
3099 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
309c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
309e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
309f : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
30a1 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
30a4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
30a6 : ca dex
30a7 : ca dex
30a8 : 88 dey
30a9 : 10e4 bpl teor12
30ab : a206 ldx #6
30ad : a003 ldy #3
30af : teor13
set_ay absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
30af : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
30b1 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
30b2 : b95e02 > lda absEOa,y ;precharge accu
30b5 : 28 > plp
30b6 : 4142 eor (indEO,x)
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
30b8 : 08 > php ;save flags
30b9 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
30bc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
30be : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
30bf : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
30c1 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
30c4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
30c6 : ca dex
30c7 : ca dex
30c8 : 88 dey
30c9 : 10e4 bpl teor13
30cb : a003 ldy #3 ;(zp),y
30cd : teor14
set_ay absEOa,0
> load_flag 0
30cd : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
30cf : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
30d0 : b95e02 > lda absEOa,y ;precharge accu
30d3 : 28 > plp
30d4 : 5142 eor (indEO),y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
30d6 : 08 > php ;save flags
30d7 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
30da : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
30dc : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
30dd : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
30df : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
30e2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
30e4 : 88 dey
30e5 : 10e6 bpl teor14
30e7 : a003 ldy #3
30e9 : teor15
set_ay absEOa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
30e9 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
30eb : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
30ec : b95e02 > lda absEOa,y ;precharge accu
30ef : 28 > plp
30f0 : 5142 eor (indEO),y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
30f2 : 08 > php ;save flags
30f3 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
30f6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
30f8 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
30f9 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
30fb : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
30fe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3100 : 88 dey
3101 : 10e6 bpl teor15
3103 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
3106 : c927 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
3108 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0028 = >test_num = test_num + 1
310a : a928 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
310c : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; OR
310f : a203 ldx #3 ;immediate - self modifying code
3111 : b518 tora lda zpOR,x
3113 : 8d0f02 sta ex_orai+1 ;set ORA # operand
set_ax absORa,0
> load_flag 0
3116 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3118 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3119 : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
311c : 28 > plp
311d : 200e02 jsr ex_orai ;execute ORA # in RAM
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
3120 : 08 > php ;save flags
3121 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3124 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3126 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
3127 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3129 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
312c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
312e : ca dex
312f : 10e0 bpl tora
3131 : a203 ldx #3
3133 : b518 tora1 lda zpOR,x
3135 : 8d0f02 sta ex_orai+1 ;set ORA # operand
set_ax absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
3138 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
313a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
313b : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
313e : 28 > plp
313f : 200e02 jsr ex_orai ;execute ORA # in RAM
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
3142 : 08 > php ;save flags
3143 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3146 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3148 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
3149 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
314b : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
314e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3150 : ca dex
3151 : 10e0 bpl tora1
3153 : a203 ldx #3 ;zp
3155 : b518 tora2 lda zpOR,x
3157 : 850c sta zpt
set_ax absORa,0
> load_flag 0
3159 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
315b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
315c : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
315f : 28 > plp
3160 : 050c ora zpt
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
3162 : 08 > php ;save flags
3163 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3166 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3168 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
3169 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
316b : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
316e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3170 : ca dex
3171 : 10e2 bpl tora2
3173 : a203 ldx #3
3175 : b518 tora3 lda zpOR,x
3177 : 850c sta zpt
set_ax absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
3179 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
317b : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
317c : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
317f : 28 > plp
3180 : 050c ora zpt
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
3182 : 08 > php ;save flags
3183 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3186 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3188 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
3189 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
318b : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
318e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3190 : ca dex
3191 : 10e2 bpl tora3
3193 : a203 ldx #3 ;abs
3195 : b518 tora4 lda zpOR,x
3197 : 8d0302 sta abst
set_ax absORa,0
> load_flag 0
319a : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
319c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
319d : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
31a0 : 28 > plp
31a1 : 0d0302 ora abst
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
31a4 : 08 > php ;save flags
31a5 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
31a8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
31aa : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
31ab : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
31ad : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
31b0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
31b2 : ca dex
31b3 : 10e0 bpl tora4
31b5 : a203 ldx #3
31b7 : b518 tora5 lda zpOR,x
31b9 : 8d0302 sta abst
set_ax absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
31bc : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
31be : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
31bf : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
31c2 : 28 > plp
31c3 : 0d0302 ora abst
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
31c6 : 08 > php ;save flags
31c7 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
31ca : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
31cc : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
31cd : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
31cf : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
31d2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
31d4 : ca dex
31d5 : 1002 bpl tora6
31d7 : a203 ldx #3 ;zp,x
31d9 : tora6
set_ax absORa,0
> load_flag 0
31d9 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
31db : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
31dc : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
31df : 28 > plp
31e0 : 1518 ora zpOR,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
31e2 : 08 > php ;save flags
31e3 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
31e6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
31e8 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
31e9 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
31eb : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
31ee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
31f0 : ca dex
31f1 : 10e6 bpl tora6
31f3 : a203 ldx #3
31f5 : tora7
set_ax absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
31f5 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
31f7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
31f8 : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
31fb : 28 > plp
31fc : 1518 ora zpOR,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
31fe : 08 > php ;save flags
31ff : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
3202 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3204 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
3205 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3207 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
320a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
320c : ca dex
320d : 10e6 bpl tora7
320f : a203 ldx #3 ;abs,x
3211 : tora8
set_ax absORa,0
> load_flag 0
3211 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3213 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3214 : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
3217 : 28 > plp
3218 : 1d4a02 ora absOR,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,0
321b : 08 > php ;save flags
321c : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
321f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3221 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
3222 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3224 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
3227 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3229 : ca dex
322a : 10e5 bpl tora8
322c : a203 ldx #3
322e : tora9
set_ax absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
322e : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3230 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3231 : bd5602 > lda absORa,x ;precharge accu
3234 : 28 > plp
3235 : 1d4a02 ora absOR,x
tst_ax absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
3238 : 08 > php ;save flags
3239 : dd6202 > cmp absrlo,x ;test result
> trap_ne
323c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
323e : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
323f : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3241 : dd6602 > cmp absflo,x ;test flags
> trap_ne ;
3244 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3246 : ca dex
3247 : 10e5 bpl tora9
3249 : a003 ldy #3 ;abs,y
324b : tora10
set_ay absORa,0
> load_flag 0
324b : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
324d : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
324e : b95602 > lda absORa,y ;precharge accu
3251 : 28 > plp
3252 : 194a02 ora absOR,y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
3255 : 08 > php ;save flags
3256 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
3259 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
325b : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
325c : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
325e : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
3261 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3263 : 88 dey
3264 : 10e5 bpl tora10
3266 : a003 ldy #3
3268 : tora11
set_ay absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
3268 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
326a : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
326b : b95602 > lda absORa,y ;precharge accu
326e : 28 > plp
326f : 194a02 ora absOR,y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
3272 : 08 > php ;save flags
3273 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
3276 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3278 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
3279 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
327b : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
327e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3280 : 88 dey
3281 : 10e5 bpl tora11
3283 : a206 ldx #6 ;(zp,x)
3285 : a003 ldy #3
3287 : tora12
set_ay absORa,0
> load_flag 0
3287 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3289 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
328a : b95602 > lda absORa,y ;precharge accu
328d : 28 > plp
328e : 014a ora (indOR,x)
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
3290 : 08 > php ;save flags
3291 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
3294 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3296 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
3297 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
3299 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
329c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
329e : ca dex
329f : ca dex
32a0 : 88 dey
32a1 : 10e4 bpl tora12
32a3 : a206 ldx #6
32a5 : a003 ldy #3
32a7 : tora13
set_ay absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
32a7 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
32a9 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
32aa : b95602 > lda absORa,y ;precharge accu
32ad : 28 > plp
32ae : 014a ora (indOR,x)
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
32b0 : 08 > php ;save flags
32b1 : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
32b4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
32b6 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
32b7 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
32b9 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
32bc : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
32be : ca dex
32bf : ca dex
32c0 : 88 dey
32c1 : 10e4 bpl tora13
32c3 : a003 ldy #3 ;(zp),y
32c5 : tora14
set_ay absORa,0
> load_flag 0
32c5 : a900 > lda #0 ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
32c7 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
32c8 : b95602 > lda absORa,y ;precharge accu
32cb : 28 > plp
32cc : 114a ora (indOR),y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,0
32ce : 08 > php ;save flags
32cf : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
32d2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
32d4 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag 0
32d5 : 4930 > eor #0|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
32d7 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
32da : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
32dc : 88 dey
32dd : 10e6 bpl tora14
32df : a003 ldy #3
32e1 : tora15
set_ay absORa,$ff
> load_flag $ff
32e1 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
32e3 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
32e4 : b95602 > lda absORa,y ;precharge accu
32e7 : 28 > plp
32e8 : 114a ora (indOR),y
tst_ay absrlo,absflo,$ff-fnz
32ea : 08 > php ;save flags
32eb : d96202 > cmp absrlo,y ;test result
> trap_ne ;
32ee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
32f0 : 68 > pla ;load status
> eor_flag $ff-fnz
32f1 : 497d > eor #$ff-fnz|fao ;invert expected flags + always on bits
32f3 : d96602 > cmp absflo,y ;test flags
> trap_ne
32f6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
32f8 : 88 dey
32f9 : 10e6 bpl tora15
if I_flag = 3
32fb : 58 cli
32fc : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
32ff : c928 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
3301 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
0029 = >test_num = test_num + 1
3303 : a929 > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
3305 : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; full binary add/subtract test
; iterates through all combinations of operands and carry input
; uses increments/decrements to predict result & result flags
3308 : d8 cld
3309 : a20e ldx #ad2 ;for indexed test
330b : a0ff ldy #$ff ;max range
330d : a900 lda #0 ;start with adding zeroes & no carry
330f : 850c sta adfc ;carry in - for diag
3311 : 850d sta ad1 ;operand 1 - accumulator
3313 : 850e sta ad2 ;operand 2 - memory or immediate
3315 : 8d0302 sta ada2 ;non zp
3318 : 850f sta adrl ;expected result bits 0-7
331a : 8510 sta adrh ;expected result bit 8 (carry out)
331c : a9ff lda #$ff ;complemented operand 2 for subtract
331e : 8512 sta sb2
3320 : 8d0402 sta sba2 ;non zp
3323 : a902 lda #2 ;expected Z-flag
3325 : 8511 sta adrf
3327 : 18 tadd clc ;test with carry clear
3328 : 20a235 jsr chkadd
332b : e60c inc adfc ;now with carry
332d : e60f inc adrl ;result +1
332f : 08 php ;save N & Z from low result
3330 : 08 php
3331 : 68 pla ;accu holds expected flags
3332 : 2982 and #$82 ;mask N & Z
3334 : 28 plp
3335 : d002 bne tadd1
3337 : e610 inc adrh ;result bit 8 - carry
3339 : 0510 tadd1 ora adrh ;merge C to expected flags
333b : 8511 sta adrf ;save expected flags except overflow
333d : 38 sec ;test with carry set
333e : 20a235 jsr chkadd
3341 : c60c dec adfc ;same for operand +1 but no carry
3343 : e60d inc ad1
3345 : d0e0 bne tadd ;iterate op1
3347 : a900 lda #0 ;preset result to op2 when op1 = 0
3349 : 8510 sta adrh
334b : ee0302 inc ada2
334e : e60e inc ad2
3350 : 08 php ;save NZ as operand 2 becomes the new result
3351 : 68 pla
3352 : 2982 and #$82 ;mask N00000Z0
3354 : 8511 sta adrf ;no need to check carry as we are adding to 0
3356 : c612 dec sb2 ;complement subtract operand 2
3358 : ce0402 dec sba2
335b : a50e lda ad2
335d : 850f sta adrl
335f : d0c6 bne tadd ;iterate op2
if disable_decimal < 1
3361 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
3364 : c929 > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
3366 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
002a = >test_num = test_num + 1
3368 : a92a > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
336a : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; decimal add/subtract test
; *** WARNING - tests documented behavior only! ***
; only valid BCD operands are tested, N V Z flags are ignored
; iterates through all valid combinations of operands and carry input
; uses increments/decrements to predict result & carry flag
336d : f8 sed
336e : a20e ldx #ad2 ;for indexed test
3370 : a0ff ldy #$ff ;max range
3372 : a999 lda #$99 ;start with adding 99 to 99 with carry
3374 : 850d sta ad1 ;operand 1 - accumulator
3376 : 850e sta ad2 ;operand 2 - memory or immediate
3378 : 8d0302 sta ada2 ;non zp
337b : 850f sta adrl ;expected result bits 0-7
337d : a901 lda #1 ;set carry in & out
337f : 850c sta adfc ;carry in - for diag
3381 : 8510 sta adrh ;expected result bit 8 (carry out)
3383 : a900 lda #0 ;complemented operand 2 for subtract
3385 : 8512 sta sb2
3387 : 8d0402 sta sba2 ;non zp
338a : 38 tdad sec ;test with carry set
338b : 206f34 jsr chkdad
338e : c60c dec adfc ;now with carry clear
3390 : a50f lda adrl ;decimal adjust result
3392 : d008 bne tdad1 ;skip clear carry & preset result 99 (9A-1)
3394 : c610 dec adrh
3396 : a999 lda #$99
3398 : 850f sta adrl
339a : d012 bne tdad3
339c : 290f tdad1 and #$f ;lower nibble mask
339e : d00c bne tdad2 ;no decimal adjust needed
33a0 : c60f dec adrl ;decimal adjust (?0-6)
33a2 : c60f dec adrl
33a4 : c60f dec adrl
33a6 : c60f dec adrl
33a8 : c60f dec adrl
33aa : c60f dec adrl
33ac : c60f tdad2 dec adrl ;result -1
33ae : 18 tdad3 clc ;test with carry clear
33af : 206f34 jsr chkdad
33b2 : e60c inc adfc ;same for operand -1 but with carry
33b4 : a50d lda ad1 ;decimal adjust operand 1
33b6 : f015 beq tdad5 ;iterate operand 2
33b8 : 290f and #$f ;lower nibble mask
33ba : d00c bne tdad4 ;skip decimal adjust
33bc : c60d dec ad1 ;decimal adjust (?0-6)
33be : c60d dec ad1
33c0 : c60d dec ad1
33c2 : c60d dec ad1
33c4 : c60d dec ad1
33c6 : c60d dec ad1
33c8 : c60d tdad4 dec ad1 ;operand 1 -1
33ca : 4c8a33 jmp tdad ;iterate op1
33cd : a999 tdad5 lda #$99 ;precharge op1 max
33cf : 850d sta ad1
33d1 : a50e lda ad2 ;decimal adjust operand 2
33d3 : f030 beq tdad7 ;end of iteration
33d5 : 290f and #$f ;lower nibble mask
33d7 : d018 bne tdad6 ;skip decimal adjust
33d9 : c60e dec ad2 ;decimal adjust (?0-6)
33db : c60e dec ad2
33dd : c60e dec ad2
33df : c60e dec ad2
33e1 : c60e dec ad2
33e3 : c60e dec ad2
33e5 : e612 inc sb2 ;complemented decimal adjust for subtract (?9+6)
33e7 : e612 inc sb2
33e9 : e612 inc sb2
33eb : e612 inc sb2
33ed : e612 inc sb2
33ef : e612 inc sb2
33f1 : c60e tdad6 dec ad2 ;operand 2 -1
33f3 : e612 inc sb2 ;complemented operand for subtract
33f5 : a512 lda sb2
33f7 : 8d0402 sta sba2 ;copy as non zp operand
33fa : a50e lda ad2
33fc : 8d0302 sta ada2 ;copy as non zp operand
33ff : 850f sta adrl ;new result since op1+carry=00+carry +op2=op2
3401 : e610 inc adrh ;result carry
3403 : d085 bne tdad ;iterate op2
3405 : tdad7
3405 : ad0002 > lda test_case ;previous test
3408 : c92a > cmp #test_num
> trap_ne ;test is out of sequence
340a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
002b = >test_num = test_num + 1
340c : a92b > lda #test_num ;*** next tests' number
340e : 8d0002 > sta test_case
> ;check_ram ;uncomment to find altered RAM after each test
; decimal/binary switch test
; tests CLD, SED, PLP, RTI to properly switch between decimal & binary opcode
; tables
3411 : 18 clc
3412 : d8 cld
3413 : 08 php
3414 : a955 lda #$55
3416 : 6955 adc #$55
3418 : c9aa cmp #$aa
trap_ne ;expected binary result after cld
341a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
341c : 18 clc
341d : f8 sed
341e : 08 php
341f : a955 lda #$55
3421 : 6955 adc #$55
3423 : c910 cmp #$10
trap_ne ;expected decimal result after sed
3425 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3427 : d8 cld
3428 : 28 plp
3429 : a955 lda #$55
342b : 6955 adc #$55
342d : c910 cmp #$10
trap_ne ;expected decimal result after plp D=1
342f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3431 : 28 plp
3432 : a955 lda #$55
3434 : 6955 adc #$55
3436 : c9aa cmp #$aa
trap_ne ;expected binary result after plp D=0
3438 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
343a : 18 clc
343b : a934 lda #hi bin_rti_ret ;emulated interrupt for rti
343d : 48 pha
343e : a955 lda #lo bin_rti_ret
3440 : 48 pha
3441 : 08 php
3442 : f8 sed
3443 : a934 lda #hi dec_rti_ret ;emulated interrupt for rti
3445 : 48 pha
3446 : a94c lda #lo dec_rti_ret
3448 : 48 pha
3449 : 08 php
344a : d8 cld
344b : 40 rti
344c : dec_rti_ret
344c : a955 lda #$55
344e : 6955 adc #$55
3450 : c910 cmp #$10
trap_ne ;expected decimal result after rti D=1
3452 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3454 : 40 rti
3455 : bin_rti_ret
3455 : a955 lda #$55
3457 : 6955 adc #$55
3459 : c9aa cmp #$aa
trap_ne ;expected binary result after rti D=0
345b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
345d : ad0002 lda test_case
3460 : c92b cmp #test_num
trap_ne ;previous test is out of sequence
3462 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3464 : a9f0 lda #$f0 ;mark opcode testing complete
3466 : 8d0002 sta test_case
; final RAM integrity test
; verifies that none of the previous tests has altered RAM outside of the
; designated write areas.
> ;RAM check disabled - RAM size not set
; *** DEBUG INFO ***
; to debug checksum errors uncomment check_ram in the next_test macro to
; narrow down the responsible opcode.
; may give false errors when monitor, OS or other background activity is
; allowed during previous tests.
; S U C C E S S ************************************************
; -------------
success ;if you get here everything went well
3469 : 4c6934 > jmp * ;test passed, no errors
; -------------
; S U C C E S S ************************************************
346c : 4c0004 jmp start ;run again
if disable_decimal < 1
; core subroutine of the decimal add/subtract test
; *** WARNING - tests documented behavior only! ***
; only valid BCD operands are tested, N V Z flags are ignored
; iterates through all valid combinations of operands and carry input
; uses increments/decrements to predict result & carry flag
346f : chkdad
; decimal ADC / SBC zp
346f : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
3470 : a50d lda ad1
3472 : 650e adc ad2 ;perform add
3474 : 08 php
3475 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3477 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3479 : 68 pla ;check flags
347a : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
347c : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
347e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3480 : 28 plp
3481 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
3482 : a50d lda ad1
3484 : e512 sbc sb2 ;perform subtract
3486 : 08 php
3487 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3489 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
348b : 68 pla ;check flags
348c : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
348e : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad flags
3490 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3492 : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC abs
3493 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
3494 : a50d lda ad1
3496 : 6d0302 adc ada2 ;perform add
3499 : 08 php
349a : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
349c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
349e : 68 pla ;check flags
349f : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
34a1 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
34a3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34a5 : 28 plp
34a6 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
34a7 : a50d lda ad1
34a9 : ed0402 sbc sba2 ;perform subtract
34ac : 08 php
34ad : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
34af : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34b1 : 68 pla ;check flags
34b2 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
34b4 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
34b6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34b8 : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC #
34b9 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
34ba : a50e lda ad2
34bc : 8d1202 sta ex_adci+1 ;set ADC # operand
34bf : a50d lda ad1
34c1 : 201102 jsr ex_adci ;execute ADC # in RAM
34c4 : 08 php
34c5 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
34c7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34c9 : 68 pla ;check flags
34ca : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
34cc : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
34ce : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34d0 : 28 plp
34d1 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
34d2 : a512 lda sb2
34d4 : 8d1502 sta ex_sbci+1 ;set SBC # operand
34d7 : a50d lda ad1
34d9 : 201402 jsr ex_sbci ;execute SBC # in RAM
34dc : 08 php
34dd : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
34df : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34e1 : 68 pla ;check flags
34e2 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
34e4 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
34e6 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34e8 : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC zp,x
34e9 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
34ea : a50d lda ad1
34ec : 7500 adc 0,x ;perform add
34ee : 08 php
34ef : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
34f1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34f3 : 68 pla ;check flags
34f4 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
34f6 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
34f8 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
34fa : 28 plp
34fb : 08 php ;save carry for next add
34fc : a50d lda ad1
34fe : f504 sbc sb2-ad2,x ;perform subtract
3500 : 08 php
3501 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3503 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3505 : 68 pla ;check flags
3506 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
3508 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
350a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
350c : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC abs,x
350d : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
350e : a50d lda ad1
3510 : 7df501 adc ada2-ad2,x ;perform add
3513 : 08 php
3514 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3516 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3518 : 68 pla ;check flags
3519 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
351b : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
351d : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
351f : 28 plp
3520 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
3521 : a50d lda ad1
3523 : fdf601 sbc sba2-ad2,x ;perform subtract
3526 : 08 php
3527 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3529 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
352b : 68 pla ;check flags
352c : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
352e : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
3530 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3532 : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC abs,y
3533 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
3534 : a50d lda ad1
3536 : 790401 adc ada2-$ff,y ;perform add
3539 : 08 php
353a : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
353c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
353e : 68 pla ;check flags
353f : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
3541 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
3543 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3545 : 28 plp
3546 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
3547 : a50d lda ad1
3549 : f90501 sbc sba2-$ff,y ;perform subtract
354c : 08 php
354d : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
354f : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3551 : 68 pla ;check flags
3552 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
3554 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
3556 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3558 : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC (zp,x)
3559 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
355a : a50d lda ad1
355c : 6144 adc (lo adi2-ad2,x) ;perform add
355e : 08 php
355f : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3561 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3563 : 68 pla ;check flags
3564 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
3566 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
3568 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
356a : 28 plp
356b : 08 php ;save carry for next add
356c : a50d lda ad1
356e : e146 sbc (lo sbi2-ad2,x) ;perform subtract
3570 : 08 php
3571 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3573 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3575 : 68 pla ;check flags
3576 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
3578 : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
357a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
357c : 28 plp
; decimal ADC / SBC (abs),y
357d : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
357e : a50d lda ad1
3580 : 7156 adc (adiy2),y ;perform add
3582 : 08 php
3583 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3585 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3587 : 68 pla ;check flags
3588 : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
358a : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
358c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
358e : 28 plp
358f : 08 php ;save carry for next add
3590 : a50d lda ad1
3592 : f158 sbc (sbiy2),y ;perform subtract
3594 : 08 php
3595 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3597 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3599 : 68 pla ;check flags
359a : 2901 and #1 ;mask carry
359c : c510 cmp adrh
trap_ne ;bad carry
359e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35a0 : 28 plp
35a1 : 60 rts
; core subroutine of the full binary add/subtract test
; iterates through all combinations of operands and carry input
; uses increments/decrements to predict result & result flags
35a2 : a511 chkadd lda adrf ;add V-flag if overflow
35a4 : 2983 and #$83 ;keep N-----ZC / clear V
35a6 : 48 pha
35a7 : a50d lda ad1 ;test sign unequal between operands
35a9 : 450e eor ad2
35ab : 300a bmi ckad1 ;no overflow possible - operands have different sign
35ad : a50d lda ad1 ;test sign equal between operands and result
35af : 450f eor adrl
35b1 : 1004 bpl ckad1 ;no overflow occured - operand and result have same sign
35b3 : 68 pla
35b4 : 0940 ora #$40 ;set V
35b6 : 48 pha
35b7 : 68 ckad1 pla
35b8 : 8511 sta adrf ;save expected flags
; binary ADC / SBC zp
35ba : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
35bb : a50d lda ad1
35bd : 650e adc ad2 ;perform add
35bf : 08 php
35c0 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
35c2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35c4 : 68 pla ;check flags
35c5 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
35c7 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
35c9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35cb : 28 plp
35cc : 08 php ;save carry for next add
35cd : a50d lda ad1
35cf : e512 sbc sb2 ;perform subtract
35d1 : 08 php
35d2 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
35d4 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35d6 : 68 pla ;check flags
35d7 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
35d9 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
35db : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35dd : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC abs
35de : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
35df : a50d lda ad1
35e1 : 6d0302 adc ada2 ;perform add
35e4 : 08 php
35e5 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
35e7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35e9 : 68 pla ;check flags
35ea : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
35ec : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
35ee : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35f0 : 28 plp
35f1 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
35f2 : a50d lda ad1
35f4 : ed0402 sbc sba2 ;perform subtract
35f7 : 08 php
35f8 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
35fa : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
35fc : 68 pla ;check flags
35fd : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
35ff : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
3601 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3603 : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC #
3604 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
3605 : a50e lda ad2
3607 : 8d1202 sta ex_adci+1 ;set ADC # operand
360a : a50d lda ad1
360c : 201102 jsr ex_adci ;execute ADC # in RAM
360f : 08 php
3610 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3612 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3614 : 68 pla ;check flags
3615 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
3617 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
3619 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
361b : 28 plp
361c : 08 php ;save carry for next add
361d : a512 lda sb2
361f : 8d1502 sta ex_sbci+1 ;set SBC # operand
3622 : a50d lda ad1
3624 : 201402 jsr ex_sbci ;execute SBC # in RAM
3627 : 08 php
3628 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
362a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
362c : 68 pla ;check flags
362d : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
362f : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
3631 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3633 : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC zp,x
3634 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
3635 : a50d lda ad1
3637 : 7500 adc 0,x ;perform add
3639 : 08 php
363a : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
363c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
363e : 68 pla ;check flags
363f : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
3641 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
3643 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3645 : 28 plp
3646 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
3647 : a50d lda ad1
3649 : f504 sbc sb2-ad2,x ;perform subtract
364b : 08 php
364c : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
364e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3650 : 68 pla ;check flags
3651 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
3653 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
3655 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3657 : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC abs,x
3658 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
3659 : a50d lda ad1
365b : 7df501 adc ada2-ad2,x ;perform add
365e : 08 php
365f : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3661 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3663 : 68 pla ;check flags
3664 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
3666 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
3668 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
366a : 28 plp
366b : 08 php ;save carry for next add
366c : a50d lda ad1
366e : fdf601 sbc sba2-ad2,x ;perform subtract
3671 : 08 php
3672 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3674 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3676 : 68 pla ;check flags
3677 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
3679 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
367b : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
367d : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC abs,y
367e : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
367f : a50d lda ad1
3681 : 790401 adc ada2-$ff,y ;perform add
3684 : 08 php
3685 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
3687 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3689 : 68 pla ;check flags
368a : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
368c : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
368e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3690 : 28 plp
3691 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
3692 : a50d lda ad1
3694 : f90501 sbc sba2-$ff,y ;perform subtract
3697 : 08 php
3698 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
369a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
369c : 68 pla ;check flags
369d : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
369f : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
36a1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36a3 : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC (zp,x)
36a4 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
36a5 : a50d lda ad1
36a7 : 6144 adc (lo adi2-ad2,x) ;perform add
36a9 : 08 php
36aa : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
36ac : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36ae : 68 pla ;check flags
36af : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
36b1 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
36b3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36b5 : 28 plp
36b6 : 08 php ;save carry for next add
36b7 : a50d lda ad1
36b9 : e146 sbc (lo sbi2-ad2,x) ;perform subtract
36bb : 08 php
36bc : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
36be : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36c0 : 68 pla ;check flags
36c1 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
36c3 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
36c5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36c7 : 28 plp
; binary ADC / SBC (abs),y
36c8 : 08 php ;save carry for subtract
36c9 : a50d lda ad1
36cb : 7156 adc (adiy2),y ;perform add
36cd : 08 php
36ce : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
36d0 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36d2 : 68 pla ;check flags
36d3 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
36d5 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
36d7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36d9 : 28 plp
36da : 08 php ;save carry for next add
36db : a50d lda ad1
36dd : f158 sbc (sbiy2),y ;perform subtract
36df : 08 php
36e0 : c50f cmp adrl ;check result
trap_ne ;bad result
36e2 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36e4 : 68 pla ;check flags
36e5 : 29c3 and #$c3 ;mask NV----ZC
36e7 : c511 cmp adrf
trap_ne ;bad flags
36e9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
36eb : 28 plp
36ec : 60 rts
; target for the jump absolute test
36ed : 88 dey
36ee : 88 dey
36ef : test_far
36ef : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
36f0 : 88 dey
36f1 : 88 dey
36f2 : 88 dey
36f3 : 28 plp
trap_cs ;flags loaded?
36f4 : b0fe > bcs * ;failed carry set
36f6 : 70fe > bvs * ;failed overflow set
36f8 : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
36fa : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
36fc : c946 cmp #'F' ;registers loaded?
36fe : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3700 : e041 cpx #'A'
3702 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3704 : c04f cpy #('R'-3)
3706 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3708 : 48 pha ;save a,x
3709 : 8a txa
370a : 48 pha
370b : ba tsx
370c : e0fd cpx #$fd ;check SP
370e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3710 : 68 pla ;restore x
3711 : aa tax
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
3712 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3714 : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
3715 : 28 > plp
3716 : 68 pla ;restore a
3717 : e8 inx ;return registers with modifications
3718 : 49aa eor #$aa ;N=1, V=1, Z=0, C=1
371a : 4c0f09 jmp far_ret
; target for the jump indirect test
371d : 00 align
371e : 2737 ptr_tst_ind dw test_ind
3720 : 6409 ptr_ind_ret dw ind_ret
trap ;runover protection
3722 : 4c2237 > jmp * ;failed anyway
3725 : 88 dey
3726 : 88 dey
3727 : test_ind
3727 : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
3728 : 88 dey
3729 : 88 dey
372a : 88 dey
372b : 28 plp
trap_cs ;flags loaded?
372c : b0fe > bcs * ;failed carry set
372e : 70fe > bvs * ;failed overflow set
3730 : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
3732 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
3734 : c949 cmp #'I' ;registers loaded?
3736 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3738 : e04e cpx #'N'
373a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
373c : c041 cpy #('D'-3)
373e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3740 : 48 pha ;save a,x
3741 : 8a txa
3742 : 48 pha
3743 : ba tsx
3744 : e0fd cpx #$fd ;check SP
3746 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3748 : 68 pla ;restore x
3749 : aa tax
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
374a : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
374c : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
374d : 28 > plp
374e : 68 pla ;restore a
374f : e8 inx ;return registers with modifications
3750 : 49aa eor #$aa ;N=1, V=1, Z=0, C=1
3752 : 6c2037 jmp (ptr_ind_ret)
trap ;runover protection
3755 : 4c5537 > jmp * ;failed anyway
3758 : 4c0004 jmp start ;catastrophic error - cannot continue
; target for the jump subroutine test
375b : 88 dey
375c : 88 dey
375d : test_jsr
375d : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
375e : 88 dey
375f : 88 dey
3760 : 88 dey
3761 : 28 plp
trap_cs ;flags loaded?
3762 : b0fe > bcs * ;failed carry set
3764 : 70fe > bvs * ;failed overflow set
3766 : 30fe > bmi * ;failed minus (bit 7 set)
3768 : f0fe > beq * ;failed equal (zero)
376a : c94a cmp #'J' ;registers loaded?
376c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
376e : e053 cpx #'S'
3770 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3772 : c04f cpy #('R'-3)
3774 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3776 : 48 pha ;save a,x
3777 : 8a txa
3778 : 48 pha
3779 : ba tsx ;sp -4? (return addr,a,x)
377a : e0fb cpx #$fb
377c : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
377e : adff01 lda $1ff ;propper return on stack
3781 : c909 cmp #hi(jsr_ret)
3783 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3785 : adfe01 lda $1fe
3788 : c99a cmp #lo(jsr_ret)
378a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
set_stat $ff
> load_flag $ff
378c : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
378e : 48 > pha ;use stack to load status
378f : 28 > plp
3790 : 68 pla ;pull x,a
3791 : aa tax
3792 : 68 pla
3793 : e8 inx ;return registers with modifications
3794 : 49aa eor #$aa ;N=1, V=1, Z=0, C=1
3796 : 60 rts
trap ;runover protection
3797 : 4c9737 > jmp * ;failed anyway
379a : 4c0004 jmp start ;catastrophic error - cannot continue
;trap in case of unexpected IRQ, NMI, BRK, RESET - BRK test target
379d : nmi_trap
trap ;check stack for conditions at NMI
379d : 4c9d37 > jmp * ;failed anyway
37a0 : 4c0004 jmp start ;catastrophic error - cannot continue
37a3 : res_trap
trap ;unexpected RESET
37a3 : 4ca337 > jmp * ;failed anyway
37a6 : 4c0004 jmp start ;catastrophic error - cannot continue
37a9 : 88 dey
37aa : 88 dey
37ab : irq_trap ;BRK test or unextpected BRK or IRQ
37ab : 08 php ;either SP or Y count will fail, if we do not hit
37ac : 88 dey
37ad : 88 dey
37ae : 88 dey
;next traps could be caused by unexpected BRK or IRQ
;check stack for BREAK and originating location
;possible jump/branch into weeds (uninitialized space)
37af : c9bd cmp #$ff-'B' ;BRK pass 2 registers loaded?
37b1 : f042 beq break2
37b3 : c942 cmp #'B' ;BRK pass 1 registers loaded?
37b5 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37b7 : e052 cpx #'R'
37b9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37bb : c048 cpy #'K'-3
37bd : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37bf : 850a sta irq_a ;save registers during break test
37c1 : 860b stx irq_x
37c3 : ba tsx ;test break on stack
37c4 : bd0201 lda $102,x
cmp_flag 0 ;break test should have B=1 & unused=1 on stack
37c7 : c930 > cmp #(0 |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
trap_ne ; - no break flag on stack
37c9 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37cb : 68 pla
cmp_flag intdis ;should have added interrupt disable
37cc : c934 > cmp #(intdis |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
37ce : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37d0 : ba tsx
37d1 : e0fc cpx #$fc ;sp -3? (return addr, flags)
37d3 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37d5 : adff01 lda $1ff ;propper return on stack
37d8 : c909 cmp #hi(brk_ret0)
37da : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37dc : adfe01 lda $1fe
37df : c9d1 cmp #lo(brk_ret0)
37e1 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
load_flag $ff
37e3 : a9ff > lda #$ff ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
37e5 : 48 pha
37e6 : a60b ldx irq_x
37e8 : e8 inx ;return registers with modifications
37e9 : a50a lda irq_a
37eb : 49aa eor #$aa
37ed : 28 plp ;N=1, V=1, Z=1, C=1 but original flags should be restored
37ee : 40 rti
trap ;runover protection
37ef : 4cef37 > jmp * ;failed anyway
37f2 : 4c0004 jmp start ;catastrophic error - cannot continue
37f5 : break2 ;BRK pass 2
37f5 : e0ad cpx #$ff-'R'
37f7 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37f9 : c0b1 cpy #$ff-'K'-3
37fb : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
37fd : 850a sta irq_a ;save registers during break test
37ff : 860b stx irq_x
3801 : ba tsx ;test break on stack
3802 : bd0201 lda $102,x
cmp_flag $ff ;break test should have B=1
3805 : c9ff > cmp #($ff |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
trap_ne ; - no break flag on stack
3807 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3809 : 68 pla
380a : 0908 ora #decmode ;ignore decmode cleared if 65c02
cmp_flag $ff ;actual passed flags
380c : c9ff > cmp #($ff |fao)&m8 ;expected flags + always on bits
380e : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3810 : ba tsx
3811 : e0fc cpx #$fc ;sp -3? (return addr, flags)
3813 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
3815 : adff01 lda $1ff ;propper return on stack
3818 : c909 cmp #hi(brk_ret1)
381a : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
381c : adfe01 lda $1fe
381f : c9f7 cmp #lo(brk_ret1)
3821 : d0fe > bne * ;failed not equal (non zero)
load_flag intdis
3823 : a904 > lda #intdis ;allow test to change I-flag (no mask)
3825 : 48 pha
3826 : a60b ldx irq_x
3828 : e8 inx ;return registers with modifications
3829 : a50a lda irq_a
382b : 49aa eor #$aa
382d : 28 plp ;N=0, V=0, Z=0, C=0 but original flags should be restored
382e : 40 rti
trap ;runover protection
382f : 4c2f38 > jmp * ;failed anyway
3832 : 4c0004 jmp start ;catastrophic error - cannot continue
if report = 1
include "report.i65"
;copy of data to initialize BSS segment
if load_data_direct != 1
zp1_ db $c3,$82,$41,0 ;test patterns for LDx BIT ROL ROR ASL LSR
zp7f_ db $7f ;test pattern for compare
;logical zeropage operands
zpOR_ db 0,$1f,$71,$80 ;test pattern for OR
zpAN_ db $0f,$ff,$7f,$80 ;test pattern for AND
zpEO_ db $ff,$0f,$8f,$8f ;test pattern for EOR
;indirect addressing pointers
ind1_ dw abs1 ;indirect pointer to pattern in absolute memory
dw abs1+1
dw abs1+2
dw abs1+3
dw abs7f
inw1_ dw abs1-$f8 ;indirect pointer for wrap-test pattern
indt_ dw abst ;indirect pointer to store area in absolute memory
dw abst+1
dw abst+2
dw abst+3
inwt_ dw abst-$f8 ;indirect pointer for wrap-test store
indAN_ dw absAN ;indirect pointer to AND pattern in absolute memory
dw absAN+1
dw absAN+2
dw absAN+3
indEO_ dw absEO ;indirect pointer to EOR pattern in absolute memory
dw absEO+1
dw absEO+2
dw absEO+3
indOR_ dw absOR ;indirect pointer to OR pattern in absolute memory
dw absOR+1
dw absOR+2
dw absOR+3
;add/subtract indirect pointers
adi2_ dw ada2 ;indirect pointer to operand 2 in absolute memory
sbi2_ dw sba2 ;indirect pointer to complemented operand 2 (SBC)
adiy2_ dw ada2-$ff ;with offset for indirect indexed
sbiy2_ dw sba2-$ff
if (zp_end - zp_init) != (zp_bss_end - zp_bss)
;force assembler error if size is different
ERROR ERROR ERROR ;mismatch between bss and zeropage data
ex_and_ and #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
ex_eor_ eor #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
ex_ora_ ora #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
ex_adc_ adc #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
ex_sbc_ sbc #0 ;execute immediate opcodes
abs1_ db $c3,$82,$41,0 ;test patterns for LDx BIT ROL ROR ASL LSR
abs7f_ db $7f ;test pattern for compare
fLDx_ db fn,fn,0,fz ;expected flags for load
rASL_ ;expected result ASL & ROL -carry
rROL_ db $86,$04,$82,0 ; "
rROLc_ db $87,$05,$83,1 ;expected result ROL +carry
rLSR_ ;expected result LSR & ROR -carry
rROR_ db $61,$41,$20,0 ; "
rRORc_ db $e1,$c1,$a0,$80 ;expected result ROR +carry
fASL_ ;expected flags for shifts
fROL_ db fnc,fc,fn,fz ;no carry in
fROLc_ db fnc,fc,fn,0 ;carry in
fROR_ db fc,0,fc,fz ;no carry in
fRORc_ db fnc,fn,fnc,fn ;carry in
;increments (decrements)
rINC_ db $7f,$80,$ff,0,1 ;expected result for INC/DEC
fINC_ db 0,fn,fn,fz,0 ;expected flags for INC/DEC
;logical memory operand
absOR_ db 0,$1f,$71,$80 ;test pattern for OR
absAN_ db $0f,$ff,$7f,$80 ;test pattern for AND
absEO_ db $ff,$0f,$8f,$8f ;test pattern for EOR
;logical accu operand
absORa_ db 0,$f1,$1f,0 ;test pattern for OR
absANa_ db $f0,$ff,$ff,$ff ;test pattern for AND
absEOa_ db $ff,$f0,$f0,$0f ;test pattern for EOR
;logical results
absrlo_ db 0,$ff,$7f,$80
absflo_ db fz,fn,0,fn
if (data_end - data_init) != (data_bss_end - data_bss)
;force assembler error if size is different
ERROR ERROR ERROR ;mismatch between bss and data
dw nmi_trap
dw res_trap
dw irq_trap
vec_bss equ $fffa
endif ;end of RAM init data
if (load_data_direct = 1) & (ROM_vectors = 1)
fffa = org $fffa ;vectors
fffa : 9d37 dw nmi_trap
fffc : a337 dw res_trap
fffe : ab37 dw irq_trap
fffa = end start
No errors in pass 2.
Wrote binary from address $0000 through $ffff.
Total size 65536 bytes.
Program start address is at $0400 (1024).