Sean Fausett 0182641281 Merged machine settings into machine components.
Added save state support to all machine components.
Switched from xml serialization to binary serialization.
Refactored audio service for performance.
Bumped machine version to 0.9.0 for next release.
Miscellaneous cosmetic or minor changes.
2010-11-29 09:08:11 +13:00

298 lines
8.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace Jellyfish.Virtu.Services
public sealed class WpfKeyboardService : KeyboardService
public WpfKeyboardService(Machine machine, UserControl page) :
if (page == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("page");
page.KeyDown += OnPageKeyDown;
page.KeyUp += OnPageKeyUp;
page.GotKeyboardFocus += (sender, e) => _updateAnyKeyDown = true;
public override bool IsKeyDown(int key)
return IsKeyDown((Key)key);
public override void Update() // main thread
var keyboard = System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.PrimaryDevice;
if (_updateAnyKeyDown)
_updateAnyKeyDown = false;
IsAnyKeyDown = false;
foreach (Key key in KeyValues)
bool isKeyDown = keyboard.IsKeyDown(key);
_states[(int)key] = isKeyDown;
if (isKeyDown)
IsAnyKeyDown = true;
IsControlKeyDown = ((keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) != 0);
IsShiftKeyDown = ((keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) != 0);
IsOpenAppleKeyDown = keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftAlt) || IsKeyDown(Key.NumPad0);
IsCloseAppleKeyDown = keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightAlt) || IsKeyDown(Key.Decimal);
IsResetKeyDown = IsControlKeyDown && keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Back);
private bool IsKeyDown(Key key)
return _states[(int)key];
private void OnPageKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//DebugService.WriteLine(string.Concat("OnPageKeyDn: Key=", e.Key));
_states[(int)((e.Key == Key.System) ? e.SystemKey : e.Key)] = true;
_updateAnyKeyDown = false;
IsAnyKeyDown = true;
int asciiKey = GetAsciiKey(e.Key, e.KeyboardDevice);
if (asciiKey >= 0)
Machine.Keyboard.Latch = asciiKey;
e.Handled = true;
private void OnPageKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//DebugService.WriteLine(string.Concat("OnPageKeyUp: Key=", e.Key));
_states[(int)((e.Key == Key.System) ? e.SystemKey : e.Key)] = false;
_updateAnyKeyDown = true;
bool control = ((e.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) != 0);
if (control && (e.Key == Key.Divide))
Machine.Cpu.IsThrottled ^= true;
else if (control && (e.Key == Key.Multiply))
Machine.Video.IsMonochrome ^= true;
else if (control && (e.Key == Key.Subtract))
Machine.Video.IsFullScreen ^= true;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1505:AvoidUnmaintainableCode")]
private static int GetAsciiKey(Key key, KeyboardDevice keyboard)
bool control = ((keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) != 0);
bool shift = ((keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) != 0);
bool capsLock = shift ^ keyboard.IsKeyToggled(Key.CapsLock);
switch (key)
case Key.Left:
return 0x08;
case Key.Tab:
return 0x09;
case Key.Down:
return 0x0A;
case Key.Up:
return 0x0B;
case Key.Enter:
return 0x0D;
case Key.Right:
return 0x15;
case Key.Escape:
return 0x1B;
case Key.Back:
return control ? -1 : 0x7F;
case Key.Space:
return ' ';
case Key.D1:
return shift ? '!' : '1';
case Key.D2:
return control ? 0x00 : shift ? '@' : '2';
case Key.D3:
return shift ? '#' : '3';
case Key.D4:
return shift ? '$' : '4';
case Key.D5:
return shift ? '%' : '5';
case Key.D6:
return control ? 0x1E : shift ? '^' : '6';
case Key.D7:
return shift ? '&' : '7';
case Key.D8:
return shift ? '*' : '8';
case Key.D9:
return shift ? '(' : '9';
case Key.D0:
return shift ? ')' : '0';
case Key.A:
return control ? 0x01 : capsLock ? 'A' : 'a';
case Key.B:
return control ? 0x02 : capsLock ? 'B' : 'b';
case Key.C:
return control ? 0x03 : capsLock ? 'C' : 'c';
case Key.D:
return control ? 0x04 : capsLock ? 'D' : 'd';
case Key.E:
return control ? 0x05 : capsLock ? 'E' : 'e';
case Key.F:
return control ? 0x06 : capsLock ? 'F' : 'f';
case Key.G:
return control ? 0x07 : capsLock ? 'G' : 'g';
case Key.H:
return control ? 0x08 : capsLock ? 'H' : 'h';
case Key.I:
return control ? 0x09 : capsLock ? 'I' : 'i';
case Key.J:
return control ? 0x0A : capsLock ? 'J' : 'j';
case Key.K:
return control ? 0x0B : capsLock ? 'K' : 'k';
case Key.L:
return control ? 0x0C : capsLock ? 'L' : 'l';
case Key.M:
return control ? 0x0D : capsLock ? 'M' : 'm';
case Key.N:
return control ? 0x0E : capsLock ? 'N' : 'n';
case Key.O:
return control ? 0x0F : capsLock ? 'O' : 'o';
case Key.P:
return control ? 0x10 : capsLock ? 'P' : 'p';
case Key.Q:
return control ? 0x11 : capsLock ? 'Q' : 'q';
case Key.R:
return control ? 0x12 : capsLock ? 'R' : 'r';
case Key.S:
return control ? 0x13 : capsLock ? 'S' : 's';
case Key.T:
return control ? 0x14 : capsLock ? 'T' : 't';
case Key.U:
return control ? 0x15 : capsLock ? 'U' : 'u';
case Key.V:
return control ? 0x16 : capsLock ? 'V' : 'v';
case Key.W:
return control ? 0x17 : capsLock ? 'W' : 'w';
case Key.X:
return control ? 0x18 : capsLock ? 'X' : 'x';
case Key.Y:
return control ? 0x19 : capsLock ? 'Y' : 'y';
case Key.Z:
return control ? 0x1A : capsLock ? 'Z' : 'z';
case Key.Oem1:
return shift ? ':' : ';';
case Key.Oem2:
return shift ? '?' : '/';
case Key.Oem3:
return shift ? '~' : '`';
case Key.Oem4:
return shift ? '{' : '[';
case Key.Oem5:
return control ? 0x1C : shift ? '|' : '\\';
case Key.Oem6:
return control ? 0x1D : shift ? '}' : ']';
case Key.Oem7:
return shift ? '"' : '\'';
case Key.OemMinus:
return control ? 0x1F : shift ? '_' : '-';
case Key.OemPlus:
return shift ? '+' : '=';
case Key.OemComma:
return shift ? '<' : ',';
case Key.OemPeriod:
return shift ? '>' : '.';
return -1;
private static readonly Key[] KeyValues =
(from key in (Key[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Key))
where (key != Key.None) // filter Key.None; avoids validation exception
select key).ToArray();
private static readonly int KeyCount = (int)(KeyValues.Max()) + 1;
private bool[] _states = new bool[KeyCount];
private bool _updateAnyKeyDown;