Sean Fausett 8382195feb Initial sound emulation for WPF and XNA+Windows platforms via COM interop to DirectSound.
Added rudimentary UI to Silverlight and WPF platforms to enable disk selection at runtime.

extra : convert_revision : svn%3Affd33b8c-2492-42e0-bdc5-587b920b7d6d/trunk%4024459
2009-07-26 23:22:00 +00:00

87 lines
3.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Jellyfish.Virtu.Services
public class AudioService : MachineService
public AudioService(Machine machine) :
public void ToggleOutput() // machine thread
lock (_lock)
long cycles = Machine.Cpu.Cycles;
int toggleDelta = (int)(cycles - _toggleCycles);
_toggleCycles = cycles;
_deltaBuffer[_writeIndex] = toggleDelta;
_writeIndex = (_writeIndex + 1) % DeltaBufferSize;
protected void Update(int bufferSize, Action<byte[], int> updateBuffer) // audio thread
lock (_lock)
long cycles = Machine.Cpu.Cycles;
int updateDelta = (int)(cycles - _updateCycles);
_updateCycles = _toggleCycles = cycles; // reset audio frame
if (updateDelta > 0)
double bytesPerCycle = (double)bufferSize / (Machine.Settings.Cpu.IsThrottled ? CyclesPerSample : updateDelta);
while (_readIndex != _writeIndex)
int deltaSize = (int)(_deltaBuffer[_readIndex] * bytesPerCycle);
if (deltaSize > bufferSize)
_deltaBuffer[_readIndex] -= (int)((double)bufferSize / bytesPerCycle);
updateBuffer(_isOutputHigh ? SampleHigh : SampleZero, deltaSize);
_isOutputHigh ^= true;
bufferSize -= deltaSize;
_readIndex = (_readIndex + 1) % DeltaBufferSize;
updateBuffer(_isOutputHigh ? SampleHigh : SampleZero, bufferSize);
updateBuffer(SampleZero, bufferSize);
public const int SampleRate = 44100; // hz
public const int SampleChannels = 1;
public const int SampleBits = 8;
public const int SampleSize = (int)(SampleRate * Latency / 1000f) * SampleChannels * SampleBits / 8;
private const int CyclesPerSecond = 1022730;
private const int CyclesPerSample = (int)(CyclesPerSecond * Latency / 1000f);
private const int Latency = 40; // ms
private static readonly byte[] SampleHigh = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0xFF, SampleSize).ToArray();
private static readonly byte[] SampleZero = new byte[SampleSize];
private const int DeltaBufferSize = 8192;
private int[] _deltaBuffer = new int[DeltaBufferSize];
private uint _readIndex;
private uint _writeIndex;
private bool _isOutputHigh;
private long _toggleCycles;
private long _updateCycles;
private object _lock = new object();