-[Leave a reply][6]
+This web page is the user guide; just read the posts in order. The table of
+contents is over on the right. You might want to start with the intro video
+below. (For other ways to use your Raspberry Pi with your Apple II, check
+out [A2SERVER][9], and [Apple II Pi][10], both part of [Raspple II][11].)
-Hello, and welcome to A2CLOUD! It provides any Apple II — even a IIc —
-with internet access, mass storage, and floppy disk transfer, via
-a [Raspberry Pi][7]{: target="_blank"}, a tiny silent $35 computer. You
-can also use A2CLOUD with other Linux computers or virtual machines;
-[click here][8] for details.
+[![A2CLOUD setup part 1: intro and demo][v_img01]][video01]
-This web page is the user guide; just read the posts in order. The table
-of contents is over on the right. You might want to start with the intro
-video below. (For other ways to use your Raspberry Pi with your Apple
-II, check out [A2SERVER][9]{: target="_blank"}, and [Apple II Pi][10]{:
-target="_blank"}, both part of [Raspple II][11]{: target="_blank"}.)
+[v_img01]: http://img.youtube.com/vi/kYkOxe4mjHg/0.jpg
+[video01]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYkOxe4mjHg
-*5-May-15: A2CLOUD 1.8.1 is available, featuring compatibility with
-every Raspberry Pi including Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and Raspberry Pi 1
-Model A+, and non-Pi users now get the GSport emulator. If you already
-have A2CLOUD installed, type `a2cloud-update` to update, or start over
-with the [Raspple II][12]{: target="_blank"} easy installation method
-(or upgrade Raspple II with `a2cloud-update os`). The complete version
-history is [here][13].*
+This entry was posted in [A2CLOUD][2], [A2CLOUD (newest first)][14], [Apple
+II][15], [Raspberry Pi][16] on July 14, 2013 by [ivanx][17]