A2CLOUD commands: (note : new commands may be added; use a2cloud-setup to refresh) a2cloud-help : show this list of commands a2cloud-version : see installed version of A2CLOUD a2cloud-update : update A2CLOUD, or add features system-shutdown : shut down the A2CLOUD machine (or VM) system-restart : shut down and restart the A2CLOUD machine (or VM) welcome-message-edit : change the welcome message showip : show the current ethernet IP address of the server showmac : show the MAC (Ethernet hardware) address of the server showip-wifi : show the current wifi IP address of the server showmac-wifi : show the MAC (wifi hardware) address of the server ifreset : reset all network interfaces (requires restart) adtpro-stop : stop the ADTPro service adtpro-start : start the ADTPro service (note: autostarts on appearance of eligible USB-to-serial adapter) adtpro-restart : restart the ADTPro service term [-d] mono : use VT-100 (mostly monochrome) emulation in serial shell login for ProTERM, Spectrum, Z-Link, etc. (-d sets default) term [-d] color : use ANSI color and PC graphic text in serial shell login for Spectrum or other PC-ANSI terminal (-d sets default) baud : show or set serial port shell baud rate screen : switch between multiple terminal screens vsd1 : show or set the disk image assigned to virtual drive 1 vsd2 : show or set the disk image assigned to virtual drive 2 forfloppy : move the disk image to the ADTPro disk images folder (/usr/local/adtpro/disks) in preparation for transfer vsdsync : update ADTPro server with the current virtual drive images nulib2 : create, extract, and work with NuFX (ShrinkIt) archive files sciibin : decode BinSCII file (they start with 'FiLeStArTfIlEsTaRt') unblu/usq/unbit/unexec : decode Binary II, Squeezed, Executioner, or monitor hex entry EXEC file (old Apple II distribution formats) unar : extract non-Apple II archive files (multiformat) lsar : list contents of non-Apple II archive files (multiformat) a2cat: catalog Apple II disk image (any format) acmd : do stuff with files inside Apple II disk images mkpo : make blank ProDOS disk image file dos2pro: copy files from DOS 3.3 disk image to ProDOS disk image dopo : convert DOS-ordered disk image to ProDOS, or vice-versa cppo : catalog and copy files from ProDOS image file (slow, but works) shk2image : extract files from ShrinkIt archive to disk image file environment variables : $VSD1 = disk image currently "inserted" in virtual drive 1 $VSD2 = disk image currently "inserted" in virtual drive 2 $ADTDISKS = ADTPro disks directory (/usr/local/adtpro/disks) $A2CLOUD = 800K A2CLOUD disk (/usr/local/adtpro/disks/A2CLOUD.HDV) $GSDISKS = GSport/KEGS disks directory (/usr/local/share/gsdisks) $GSHD = GSport/KEGS hard drive (/usr/local/share/gsdisks/gsoshd.hdv) internet tools: ftp : connect to an FTP site (command line operation) cftp : connect to an FTP site (full screen operation) lynx : browse the web (in text only, of course) links : browse the web (alternative to lynx; press ESC for menu) wget : download a single URL from an FTP or web site irssi : IRC chat (general purpose) a2chat : IRC chat (automatically opens to Apple II channel) a2news : read and post on Usenet discussions (default Apple II topics) ttytter : tweet like there's no tomorrow emulators: gsport : GSport Apple IIgs emulator kegs : KEGS Apple IIgs emulator linapple : LinApple Apple IIe emulator