/* ActiveGS, Copyright 2004-2016 Olivier Goguel, https://github.com/ogoguel/ActiveGS Based on Kegs, Copyright 2004 Kent Dickey, https://kegs.sourceforge.net This code is covered by the GNU GPL licence */ #include "defc.h" #include "savestate.h" #include "compression.h" #include "../../Libraries/zlib123/zlib.h" int rleencode(serialize* _data); s_compression g_compression; int serialize::expand() { if (!rledata) { // printf("cannot expand : no compressed data\n"); return 0; } if (data) { // printf("alreay expanded!"); return 0; } Bytef* p = (Bytef*)x_malloc(size,fastalloc); uLongf dsize = size; ::uncompress(p,&dsize,(const Bytef*)rledata,rlesize); // TODO ERROR CHECKING data = p; return 1; } int serialize::releaseuncompressed() { if (!rledata) { // printf("cannot release uncompressed : no compressed data!\n"); return 0; } x_free(data,size,fastalloc); data = NULL; return 1; } int serialize::compress() { if (rledata) { // printf("already compressed\n"); return 0; } byte* tmp = (byte*)x_malloc(size,fastalloc); // rlesize = rleencode(this); // double t = get_dtime(); uLongf destsize = size; ::compress2 (tmp,&destsize,(const Bytef*)data,size,Z_BEST_SPEED); rlesize = destsize; // double delay = get_dtime() - t; // printf("compressed %d%% in %fs\n",(int)( (float)destsize*100/(float)size ),delay/1000); rledata = x_realloc(tmp,rlesize,size); releaseuncompressed(); return 1; } int s_compression::add_job(serialize* _s) { for(int i=0;icompress(); } } } return 0; } s_compression::~s_compression() { for(int j=0;jsize; char* ptr = (char*)_data->data; char currChar = *ptr++; size--; int compressedsize = 0; /* read input until there's nothing left */ while (size) { charBuf[count]=currChar; count++; if (count >= MIN_RUN) { int i; /* check for run charBuf[count - 1] .. charBuf[count - MIN_RUN]*/ for (i = 2; i <= MIN_RUN; i++) { if (currChar != charBuf[count - i]) { /* no run */ i = 0; break; } } if (i != 0) { /* we have a run write out buffer before run*/ int nextChar; if (count > MIN_RUN) { /* block size - 1 followed by contents */ *out++ = count - MIN_RUN - 1; compressedsize++; memcpy(out,charBuf,count - MIN_RUN); out+= count - MIN_RUN; compressedsize += count - MIN_RUN; } /* determine run length (MIN_RUN so far) */ count = MIN_RUN; while (size) { nextChar = *ptr++; size--; if (nextChar == currChar) { count++; if (MAX_RUN == count) { /* run is at max length */ break; } } else break; } *out++ = (int)(MIN_RUN - 1) - (int)(count); compressedsize++; *out++ = currChar; compressedsize++; if ((size) && (count != MAX_RUN)) { /* make run breaker start of next buffer */ charBuf[0] = nextChar; count = 1; } else { /* file or max run ends in a run */ count = 0; } } } if (MAX_READ == count) { int i; *out++ = MAX_COPY - 1; compressedsize++; memcpy(out,charBuf,MAX_COPY); compressedsize+=MAX_COPY; out+=MAX_COPY; /* start a new buffer */ count = MAX_READ - MAX_COPY; /* copy excess to front of buffer */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { charBuf[i] = charBuf[MAX_COPY + i]; } } if (size) { currChar = *ptr++; size--; } } /* write out last buffer */ if (0 != count) { if (count <= MAX_COPY) { /* write out entire copy buffer */ *out++= count -1; compressedsize++; memcpy(out,charBuf,count); out += count; compressedsize+=count; } else { /* we read more than the maximum for a single copy buffer */ *out++ = MAX_COPY - 1; compressedsize++; memcpy(out,charBuf,MAX_COPY); out+=MAX_COPY; compressedsize+=MAX_COPY; /* write out remainder */ count -= MAX_COPY; *out++ = count -1; compressedsize++; memcpy(out,&charBuf[MAX_COPY],count); out+=count; compressedsize+=count; } } printf("compressed from %d to %d\n",_data->size,compressedsize); return compressedsize; }