// // NewSlotViewController.m // Ample // // Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 9/9/2020. // Copyright © 2020 Kelvin Sherlock. All rights reserved. // #import "NewSlotViewController.h" #import "Menu.h" /* number of slot types. bitmask used so should be < sizeof(unsigned *8) */ #define SLOT_COUNT 21 static_assert(SLOT_COUNT <= sizeof(unsigned) * 8, "too many slot types"); #define SIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) @implementation SlotTableCellView @end @implementation SlotItem -(id)init { _defaultIndex = -1; _selectedIndex = -1; return self; } -(NSString *)label { static NSString *Names[] = { @"RAM:", @"Slot 0:", @"Slot 1:", @"Slot 2:", @"Slot 3:", @"Slot 4:", @"Slot 5:", @"Slot 6:", @"Slot 7:", @"Expansion:", @"Auxiliary:", @"RS232:", @"Game I/O:", @"Modem:", @"Printer:", // nubus mac @"Slot 9:", @"Slot A:", @"Slot B:", @"Slot C:", @"Slot D:", @"Slot E:", }; static_assert(SIZEOF(Names) == SLOT_COUNT, "Missing slot"); return Names[_index]; } -(NSString *)flag { static NSString *Names[] = { @"-ramsize", @"-sl0", @"-sl1", @"-sl2", @"-sl3", @"-sl4", @"-sl5", @"-sl6", @"-sl7", @"-exp", @"-aux", @"-rs232", @"-gameio", @"-modem", @"-printer", // nubus mac @"-nb9", @"-nba", @"-nbb", @"-nbc", @"-nbd", @"-nbe", }; static_assert(SIZEOF(Names) == SLOT_COUNT, "Missing Slot"); return Names[_index]; } -(void)buildMenuWithSelectedValue: (NSString *)value { NSMutableArray *tmp = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [_children count]]; _defaultIndex = -1; _selectedIndex = -1; int ix = 0; for (NSDictionary *d in _children) { NSString *title = [d objectForKey: @"description"]; NSMenuItem *mi = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: title action: NULL keyEquivalent: @""]; // row 0 for slots is -- None -- which should be nil... [mi setRepresentedObject: d]; BOOL disabled = [(NSNumber *)[d objectForKey: @"disabled"] boolValue]; if (disabled) { [mi setEnabled: NO]; } BOOL def = [(NSNumber *)[d objectForKey: @"default"] boolValue]; if (def) { [mi setAttributedTitle: ItalicMenuString(title)]; _defaultIndex = ix; } if (value) { NSString *v = [d objectForKey: @"value"]; if ([value compare: v] == NSOrderedSame) { _selectedIndex = ix; } } [tmp addObject: mi]; ++ix; } [self setMenuItems: tmp]; if (_selectedIndex < 0) _selectedIndex = _defaultIndex; if (_selectedIndex < 0) _selectedIndex = 0; } -(void)reset { [self setSelectedIndex: _defaultIndex >= 0 ? _defaultIndex : 0]; } -(NSDictionary *)selectedItem { if (_selectedIndex < 0) return nil; return [_children objectAtIndex: _selectedIndex]; } -(NSDictionary *)selectedMedia { if (_selectedIndex < 0) return nil; NSDictionary *d = [_children objectAtIndex: _selectedIndex]; return [d objectForKey: @"media"]; } -(BOOL)hasDefault { return _defaultIndex >= 0; } -(void)prepareView: (SlotTableCellView *)view { NSPopUpButton *button = [view menuButton]; NSTextField *text = [view textField]; [text setObjectValue: [self label]]; [button unbind: @"selectedIndex"]; [[button menu] setItemArray: _menuItems]; [button bind: @"selectedIndex" toObject: self withKeyPath: @"selectedIndex" options: nil]; [button setTag: _index]; } @end @interface NewSlotViewController () @property (weak) IBOutlet NSOutlineView *outlineView; @end @implementation NewSlotViewController { NSMutableArray *_root; unsigned _slots_explicit; unsigned _slots_valid; unsigned _slots_default; NSDictionary *_slot_object[SLOT_COUNT]; NSDictionary *_slot_media[SLOT_COUNT]; NSString *_slot_value[SLOT_COUNT]; // when explicitely set. NSDictionary *_machine_media; NSDictionary *_machine_data; } - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do view setup here. _root = [NSMutableArray new]; } -(void)resetMachine { [_root removeAllObjects]; [_outlineView reloadData]; _slots_valid = 0; _slots_explicit = 0; _slots_default = 0; _machine_media = nil; _machine_data = nil; for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i) { _slot_media[i] = nil; _slot_object[i] = nil; _slot_value[i] = nil; } [self setResolution: NSMakeSize(0, 0)]; [self setArgs: @[]]; [self setMedia: @{}]; } -(void)loadMachine { static NSString *Keys[] = { @"ram", @"sl0", @"sl1", @"sl2", @"sl3", @"sl4", @"sl5", @"sl6", @"sl7", @"exp", @"aux", @"rs232", @"gameio", @"printer", @"modem", // mac @"nb9", @"nba", @"nbb", @"nbc", @"nbd", @"nbe", }; static_assert(SIZEOF(Keys) == SLOT_COUNT, "Missing slot"); static unsigned SizeofKeys = SIZEOF(Keys); NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSURL *url= [bundle URLForResource: _machine withExtension: @"plist"]; NSDictionary *d = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL: url]; if (!d) { [self resetMachine]; return; } NSArray *r = [d objectForKey: @"resolution"]; NSSize res = NSMakeSize(0, 0); if (r) { res.width = [(NSNumber *)[r objectAtIndex: 0 /*@"width"*/] doubleValue]; res.height = [(NSNumber *)[r objectAtIndex: 1 /*@"height"*/] doubleValue]; } [self setResolution: res]; _slots_valid = 0; //_slots_explicit = 0; _slots_default = 0; _machine_media = [d objectForKey: @"media"]; _machine_data = d; [_root removeAllObjects]; unsigned mask = 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < SizeofKeys; ++i, mask <<= 1) { NSString *v = [_slot_object[i] objectForKey: @"value"]; _slot_media[i] = nil; _slot_object[i] = nil; if (v) _slot_value[i] = v; NSArray *options = [d objectForKey: Keys[i]]; if (!options) continue; _slots_valid |= mask; SlotItem *item = [SlotItem new]; [item setIndex: i]; [item setChildren: options]; [item buildMenuWithSelectedValue: _slot_value[i]]; if ([item defaultIndex] >= 0) { _slots_default |= mask; } // default media... _slot_media[i] = [item selectedMedia]; [_root addObject: item]; } [_outlineView reloadData]; [self rebuildMedia]; [self rebuildArgs]; } -(void)setMachine: (NSString *)machine { if (_machine == machine) return; if (_machine && machine && [machine compare: _machine] == NSOrderedSame) return; _machine = machine; if (!machine) { [self resetMachine]; return; } [self loadMachine]; } -(void)rebuildMedia { #define _(var, o) var += [[o objectForKey: @ # var ] unsignedIntValue] unsigned cass = 0; unsigned cdrm = 0; unsigned hard = 0; unsigned flop_5_25 = 0; unsigned flop_3_5 = 0; unsigned pseudo_disk = 0; // mac psuedo disk #if 0 for (SlotItem *item in _root) { NSDictionary *tmp = [item selectedMedia]; if (tmp) { _(cass, tmp); _(cdrm, tmp); _(hard, tmp); _(flop_5_25, tmp); _(flop_3_5, tmp); _(pseudo_disk, tmp); } } #endif #if 1 unsigned mask = 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i, mask <<= 1) { if (_slots_valid & mask) { NSDictionary *tmp = _slot_media[i]; if (tmp) { _(cass, tmp); _(cdrm, tmp); _(hard, tmp); _(flop_5_25, tmp); _(flop_3_5, tmp); _(pseudo_disk, tmp); } } } #endif NSDictionary *tmp = _machine_media; if (tmp) { _(cass, tmp); _(cdrm, tmp); _(hard, tmp); _(flop_5_25, tmp); _(flop_3_5, tmp); _(pseudo_disk, tmp); } [self setMedia: @{ @"cass": @(cass), @"cdrm": @(cdrm), @"hard": @(hard), @"flop_5_25": @(flop_5_25), @"flop_3_5": @(flop_3_5), @"disk": @(pseudo_disk), }]; } static NSString *SlotFlagForIndex(unsigned index){ static NSString *Names[] = { @"-ramsize", @"-sl0", @"-sl1", @"-sl2", @"-sl3", @"-sl4", @"-sl5", @"-sl6", @"-sl7", @"-exp", @"-aux", @"-rs232", @"-gameio", @"-modem", @"-printer", // nubus mac @"-nb9", @"-nba", @"-nbb", @"-nbc", @"-nbd", @"-nbe", }; static_assert(SIZEOF(Names) == SLOT_COUNT, "Missing slot"); return Names[index]; } -(void)rebuildArgs { NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray new]; for (SlotItem *item in _root) { NSDictionary *d = [item selectedItem]; if ([(NSNumber *)[d objectForKey: @"default"] boolValue]) { continue; // default, don't include it. } NSString *value = [d objectForKey: @"value"]; if (!value || ![value length]) { if (![item hasDefault]) continue; value = @""; } [args addObject: [item flag]]; [args addObject: value]; } #if 0 unsigned mask = 1; for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i, mask <<= 1) { if (!(_slots_valid & mask)) continue; NSDictionary *d = _slot_object[i]; if ([(NSNumber *)[d objectForKey: @"default"] boolValue]) { continue; // default, don't include it. } NSString *value = [d objectForKey: @"value"]; if (!value) { // if slot has a default, need to overwrite it. if (!(_slots_default & mask)) continue; value = @""; } [args addObject: SlotFlagForIndex(i)]; [args addObject: value]; } #endif [self setArgs: args]; } - (IBAction)menuChanged:(NSPopUpButton *)sender { unsigned index = (unsigned)[sender tag]; unsigned mask = 1 << index; // index 0 = ram = special case... NSDictionary *d = [[sender selectedItem] representedObject]; _slots_explicit |= mask; _slot_value[index] = [d objectForKey: @"value"]; //_slots_default &= ~mask; //_slot_object[index] = d; // media... NSDictionary *newMedia = [d objectForKey: @"media"]; NSDictionary *oldMedia = _slot_media[index]; if (newMedia != oldMedia) { _slot_media[index] = newMedia; [self rebuildMedia]; } [self rebuildArgs]; } -(IBAction)resetSlots:(id)sender { _slots_explicit = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i) { _slot_media[i] = nil; _slot_object[i] = nil; _slot_value[i] = nil; } for (SlotItem *item in _root) { [item reset]; // if children, reset them too... unsigned index = [item index]; _slot_media[index] = [item selectedMedia]; } //[_outlineView reloadData]; // will need to reload if changing the default makes children disappear. [self rebuildMedia]; [self rebuildArgs]; } @end @implementation NewSlotViewController (OutlineView) - (NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item { if (!item) return [_root count]; return 0; } - (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item { if (!item) return [_root objectAtIndex: index]; return nil; } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item { return NO; } - (NSView *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(SlotItem *)item { SlotTableCellView *v = [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier: @"MenuCell" owner: self]; [item prepareView: v]; return v; } @end