__all__ = ['to_plist'] from xml.sax.saxutils import escape from base64 import b64encode from datetime import date, datetime, timezone _header = ( '\n' '\n' '\n' ) _trailer = '\n' INDENT = " " def _bad(x, indent=0): raise ValueError("plist: bad type: {} ({})".format(type(x), x)) def _encode_array(x, akku, indent=""): indent2 = indent + INDENT akku.append(indent + "\n") for v in x: _encoder.get(type(v), _bad)(v, akku, indent2) akku.append(indent + "\n") def _encode_dict(x, akku, indent=""): indent2 = indent + INDENT akku.append(indent + "\n") for k,v in x.items(): # key must be string? if type(k) != str: raise ValueError("plist: dictionary key must be string: {}: {}".format(type(k), k)) akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent2, escape(k))) _encoder.get(type(v), _bad)(v, akku, indent2) akku.append(indent + "\n") def _encode_bool(x, akku, indent=""): if x: akku.append(indent + "\n") else: akku.append(indent + "\n") def _encode_integer(x, akku, indent=""): akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent, x)) def _encode_real(x, akku, indent=""): akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent, x)) def _encode_string(x, akku, indent=""): akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent, escape(x))) # data is YYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z def _encode_date(x, akku, indent=""): s = x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent, s)) def _encode_datetime(x, akku, indent=""): # if not x.tzinfo # raise ValueError("plist: datetime must have tzinfo: {}".format(x)) # if x.tzinfo.utcoffset(x) == None: # raise ValueError("plist: datetime must have utc offset: {}".format(x)) utc = x.astimezone(timezone.utc) s = utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent, s)) def _encode_data(x, akku, indent=""): # data is base64 encoded CHUNKSIZE = 32 if len(x) < CHUNKSIZE: akku.append("{}{}\n".format(indent, b64encode(x).encode('ascii'))) return indent2 = indent + INDENT akku.append(indent + "\n") for i in range(0, len(x), CHUNKSIZE): akku.append( "{}{}\n".format( indent2, b64encode(x[i:i+CHUNKSIZE]).encode('ascii') ) ) akku.append(indent + "\n") # data, data not yet supported. _encoder = { str: _encode_string, float: _encode_real, int: _encode_integer, bool: _encode_bool, tuple: _encode_array, list: _encode_array, dict: _encode_dict, bytes: _encode_data, bytearray: _encode_data, date: _encode_date, datetime: _encode_datetime, } def to_plist(x): akku = [] akku.append(_header) _encoder.get(type(x), _bad)(x, akku, INDENT) akku.append(_trailer) return ''.join(akku)