2023-11-17 17:14:24 -05:00

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// LaunchWindowController.m
// Ample
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 8/29/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Kelvin Sherlock. All rights reserved.
#import "Ample.h"
#import "LaunchWindowController.h"
#import "MediaViewController.h"
#import "SlotViewController.h"
#import "NewMachineViewController.h"
#import "LogWindowController.h"
#import "AutocompleteControl.h"
#import "SoftwareList.h"
#import "BookmarkManager.h"
#import "Bookmark.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <wctype.h>
static NSString *kMyContext = @"kMyContext";
static NSString *kContextMachine = @"kContextMachine";
@interface LaunchWindowController () {
BOOL _loadingBookmark;
NSString *_machine;
NSDictionary *_machineDescription;
BookmarkManager *_manager;
@property (strong) IBOutlet MediaViewController *mediaController;
@property (strong) IBOutlet SlotViewController *slotController;
@property (strong) IBOutlet NewMachineViewController *machineViewController;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSView *machineView;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSView *slotView;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSView *mediaView;
/* kvo */
@property NSString *commandLine;
@property NSArray *args;
@property NSString *machine;
//@property NSString *machineName;
@property BOOL mameDebug;
@property BOOL mameSquarePixels;
@property BOOL mameMouse;
@property BOOL mameSamples;
@property BOOL mameBGFX;
@property BOOL mameRewind;
@property BOOL mameAVI;
@property BOOL mameWAV;
@property BOOL mameVGM;
@property BOOL mameBitBanger;
@property BOOL mameShareDirectory;
@property NSString *mameAVIPath;
@property NSString *mameWAVPath;
@property NSString *mameVGMPath;
@property NSString *mameShareDirectoryPath;
@property NSString *mameBitBangerPath;
@property NSInteger mameSpeed;
@property NSInteger mameBackend;
@property NSInteger mameEffects;
@property NSInteger mameWindowMode;
@property (weak) IBOutlet AutocompleteControl *softwareListControl;
@property SoftwareSet *softwareSet;
@property Software *software;
@property (strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *addBookmarkWindow;
@property (strong) NSString *bookmarkName;
@property BOOL bookmarkDefault;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *bookmarkTextField;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *bookmarkErrorField;
@property BOOL optionKey;
@interface LaunchWindowController (SoftwareList)
@interface LaunchWindowController (Bookmark)
-(void)bookmarkNotification: (NSNotification *)notification;
#define SIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
static NSString *BackendStrings[] = {
static NSString *EffectsStrings[] = {
static int BackEndIndex(NSString *str) {
if (!str) return -1;
for (int i = 1; i < SIZEOF(BackendStrings); ++i) {
if ([str isEqualToString: BackendStrings[i]]) return i;
return -1;
static int EffectsIndex(NSString *str) {
if (!str) return -1;
for (int i = 1; i < SIZEOF(EffectsStrings); ++i) {
if ([str isEqualToString: EffectsStrings[i]]) return i;
return -1;
@implementation LaunchWindowController
-(NSString *)windowNibName {
return @"LaunchWindow";
-(void)reset {
// handled elsewhere.
//[self setMachine: nil];
[self setMameSpeed: 1];
[self setMameBGFX: YES];
[self setMameMouse: NO];
[self setMameSamples: NO];
[self setMameSquarePixels: NO];
[self setMameDebug: NO];
[self setMameRewind: NO];
[self setMameWindowMode: 1]; // default = 1x window.
[self setMameBackend: 0];
[self setMameEffects: 0];
[self setMameBitBangerPath: nil];
[self setMameShareDirectoryPath: nil];
[self setMameAVIPath: nil];
[self setMameWAVPath: nil];
[self setMameVGMPath: nil];
[self setMameAVI: NO];
[self setMameWAV: NO];
[self setMameVGM: NO];
[self setMameBitBanger: NO];
[self setMameShareDirectory: NO];
#if 0
[self setSoftware: nil];
//_softwareSet = nil;
[_softwareListControl setObjectValue: nil];
-(void)resetSoftware {
[self setSoftware: nil];
//_softwareSet = nil;
[_softwareListControl setObjectValue: nil];
-(void)windowWillLoad {
_manager = [BookmarkManager sharedManager];
// if this calls [self window], it will recurse. that is bad.
//[self defaultLoad: nil];
[self reset];
static void AddSubview(NSView *parent, NSView *child) {
[child setFrame: [parent bounds]];
[parent addSubview: child];
- (void)windowDidLoad {
[super windowDidLoad];
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
AddSubview(_slotView, [_slotController view]);
AddSubview(_mediaView, [_mediaController view]);
AddSubview(_machineView, [_machineViewController view]);
[_softwareListControl setMinWidth: 250];
[_softwareListControl setHidden: YES];
NSArray *keys = @[
//@"mameMachine", // - handled
@"mameSquarePixels", @"mameWindowMode",
@"mameMouse", @"mameSamples",
@"mameDebug", @"mameRewind",
@"mameAVI", @"mameAVIPath",
@"mameWAV", @"mameWAVPath",
@"mameVGM", @"mameVGMPath",
@"mameShareDirectory", @"mameShareDirectoryPath",
@"mameBitBanger", @"mameBitBangerPath",
@"mameBGFX", @"mameBackend", @"mameEffects",
for (NSString *key in keys) {
[self addObserver: self forKeyPath: key options:0 context: (__bridge void * _Nullable)(kMyContext)];
[_slotController addObserver: self forKeyPath: @"args" options: 0 context: (__bridge void * _Nullable)(kMyContext)];
[_mediaController addObserver: self forKeyPath: @"args" options: 0 context: (__bridge void * _Nullable)(kMyContext)];
[_mediaController bind: @"media" toObject: _slotController withKeyPath: @"media" options: 0];
[_machineViewController addObserver: self forKeyPath: @"machine" options: 0 context: (__bridge void * _Nullable)kContextMachine];
// can't be done until above views are set up.
[self defaultLoad: nil];
[self buildCommandLine];
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver: self selector: @selector(bookmarkNotification:) name: kNotificationBookmarkMagicRoute object: nil];
-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey,id> *)change context:(void *)context {
if (context == (__bridge void *)kMyContext) {
if (_loadingBookmark) return;
[self buildCommandLine];
} else if (context == (__bridge void *)kContextMachine) {
if (_loadingBookmark) return;
NSString *machine = [_machineViewController machine];
[self setMachine: machine];
[_slotController setMachine: machine];
[self buildCommandLine];
} else {
[super observeValueForKeyPath: keyPath ofObject: object change: change context: context];
-(NSString *)machine {
return _machine;
-(void)setMachine:(NSString *)machine {
if (_machine == machine) return;
_machine = machine;
_machineDescription = MameMachine(machine);
#if 0
[self setMachineName: [_machineDescription objectForKey: @"description"]];
NSString *title = _machineDescription
? [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Ample %@", [_machineDescription objectForKey: @"description"]]
: @"Ample";
[[self window] setTitle: title];
// enable/disable the right-click menu
NSWindow *window = [self window];
NSView *view = [window contentView];
if (_machine) [view setMenu: [window menu]];
else [view setMenu: nil];
// software list.
[self updateSoftwareList];
static NSString * JoinArguments(NSArray *argv, NSString *argv0) {
static NSCharacterSet *safe = nil;
static NSCharacterSet *unsafe = nil;
if (!safe) {
NSString *str =
safe = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: str];
unsafe = [safe invertedSet];
NSMutableString *rv = [NSMutableString new];
//unsigned ix = 0;
//[rv appendString: @"mame"];
if (argv0) {
[rv appendString: argv0];
} else {
NSString *path = MamePath();
path = path ? [path lastPathComponent] : @"mame";
[rv appendString: path];
for (NSString *s in argv) {
[rv appendString: @" "];
NSUInteger l = [s length];
if (!l) {
[rv appendString: @"''"];
if (!CFStringFindCharacterFromSet((CFStringRef)s, (CFCharacterSetRef)unsafe, CFRangeMake(0, l), 0, NULL)) {
[rv appendString: s];
unichar *buffer = malloc(sizeof(unichar) * l);
[s getCharacters: buffer range: NSMakeRange(0, l)];
[rv appendString: @"'"];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
unichar c = buffer[i];
switch (c) {
case '\'':
[rv appendString: @"\\'"];
case '\\':
[rv appendString: @"\\\\"];
case 0x7f:
[rv appendString: @"\\177"];
default: {
NSString *cc;
if (c < 0x20) {
cc = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\\%o", c];
} else {
cc = [NSString stringWithCharacters: &c length: 1];
[rv appendString: cc];
[rv appendString: @"'"];
return rv;
static NSString *ShellQuote(NSString *s) {
static NSCharacterSet *safe = nil;
static NSCharacterSet *unsafe = nil;
if (!safe) {
NSString *str =
safe = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: str];
unsafe = [safe invertedSet];
NSUInteger l = [s length];
if (!l) {
return @"''";
if (!CFStringFindCharacterFromSet((CFStringRef)s, (CFCharacterSetRef)unsafe, CFRangeMake(0, l), 0, NULL)) {
return s;
NSMutableString *rv = [NSMutableString new];
unichar *buffer = malloc(sizeof(unichar) * l);
[s getCharacters: buffer range: NSMakeRange(0, l)];
[rv appendString: @"'"];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
unichar c = buffer[i];
switch (c) {
case '\'':
[rv appendString: @"\\'"];
case '\\':
[rv appendString: @"\\\\"];
case 0x7f:
[rv appendString: @"\\177"];
default: {
NSString *cc;
if (c < 0x20) {
cc = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\\%o", c];
} else {
cc = [NSString stringWithCharacters: &c length: 1];
[rv appendString: cc];
[rv appendString: @"'"];
return rv;
-(void)buildCommandLine {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if (!_machine) {
[self setCommandLine: @""];
NSMutableArray *argv = [NSMutableArray new];
//[argv addObject: @"mame"];
[argv addObject: _machine];
// -confirm_quit?
[argv addObject: @"-skip_gameinfo"];
if (_mameMouse)
[argv addObject: @"-mouse"]; // capture the mouse cursor when over the window.
if (!_mameSamples)
[argv addObject: @"-nosamples"];
if (_mameDebug) [argv addObject: @"-debug"];
if (_mameRewind) [argv addObject: @"-rewind"];
* -window -nomax uses a 4:3 aspect ratio - ie, height = width * 3 / 4 (since height is always the limiting factor)
* for square pixels, should pass the true size and true aspect ratio.
NSSize screen = [_slotController resolution];
switch(_mameWindowMode) {
case 0: // full screen;
// no uneven stretch doesn't do anything in full-screen mode.
case 1: // 1x
// make the command-line a bit shorter and more pleasant.
if (!_mameSquarePixels) {
[argv addObject: @"-window"];
[argv addObject: @"-nomax"];
// drop through.
case 2: // 2x
case 3: // 3x
if (_mameSquarePixels) {
// NSString *aspect = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%u:%u", (unsigned)screen.width, (unsigned)screen.height];
// [argv addObject: @"-aspect"];
// [argv addObject: aspect];
float hscale = round((screen.width * 3 / 4) / screen.height);
if (hscale < 1) hscale = 1;
screen.height *= hscale;
} else {
screen.height = round(screen.width * 3 / 4);
[argv addObject: @"-window"];
NSString *res = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ux%u",
(unsigned)(_mameWindowMode * screen.width),
(unsigned)(_mameWindowMode * screen.height)
[argv addObject: @"-resolution"];
[argv addObject: res];
if (_mameSquarePixels) {
[argv addObject: @"-nounevenstretch"];
if (_mameBGFX) {
[argv addObject: @"-video"];
[argv addObject: @"bgfx"];
if (_mameBackend) {
[argv addObject: @"-bgfx_backend"];
[argv addObject: BackendStrings[_mameBackend]];
if (_mameEffects) {
[argv addObject: @"-bgfx_screen_chains"];
[argv addObject: EffectsStrings[_mameEffects]];
} else {
[argv addObject: @"-video"];
[argv addObject: @"soft"];
// -speed n
// -scale n
NSArray *tmp;
tmp = [_slotController args];
if ([tmp count]) {
[argv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
tmp = [_mediaController args];
if ([tmp count]) {
[argv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
// software *AFTER* slots so, eg, apple2ee has access to the superdrive.
if (_software) {
NSString *name = [_softwareSet nameForSoftware: _software];
if (name) [argv addObject: name];
if (_mameSpeed < 0) {
[argv addObject: @"-nothrottle"];
} else if (_mameSpeed > 1) {
[argv addObject: @"-speed"];
[argv addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", (int)_mameSpeed]];
// audio video.
if (_mameAVI && [_mameAVIPath length]) {
[argv addObject: @"-aviwrite"];
[argv addObject: _mameAVIPath];
if (_mameWAV && [_mameWAVPath length]) {
[argv addObject: @"-wavwrite"];
[argv addObject: _mameWAVPath];
// vgm only valid for custom mame.
if (![defaults boolForKey: kUseCustomMame]) {
if (_mameVGM && [_mameVGMPath length]) {
[argv addObject: @"-vgmwrite"];
[argv addObject: _mameVGMPath];
if (_mameShareDirectory && [_mameShareDirectoryPath length]) {
[argv addObject: @"-share_directory"];
[argv addObject: _mameShareDirectoryPath];
if (_mameBitBanger && [_mameBitBangerPath length]) {
[argv addObject: @"-bitbanger"];
[argv addObject: _mameBitBangerPath];
[self setCommandLine: JoinArguments(argv, nil)];
[self setArgs: argv];
-(BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem {
SEL cmd = [menuItem action];
if (cmd == @selector(exportShellScript:)) {
return [_args count] ? YES : NO;
if (cmd == @selector(addBookmark:)) {
return _machine ? YES : NO;
return YES;
//return [super validateMenuItem: menuItem]; // not implemented?
-(void)defocus {
[[self window] makeFirstResponder: nil]; // in case text is being edited...
# pragma mark - IBActions
- (IBAction)launchAction:(id)sender {
[self defocus];
if (![_args count]) return;
[LogWindowController controllerForArgs: _args];
- (IBAction)listMedia:(id)sender {
[self defocus];
if (!_machine) return;
NSMutableArray *argv = [NSMutableArray new];
[argv addObject: _machine];
[argv addObject: @"-listmedia"];
NSArray *tmp;
tmp = [_slotController args];
if ([tmp count]) {
[argv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
#if 0
tmp = [_mediaController args];
if ([tmp count]) {
[argv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
[LogWindowController controllerForArgs: argv close: NO];
- (IBAction)listSlots:(id)sender {
[self defocus];
if (!_machine) return;
NSMutableArray *argv = [NSMutableArray new];
[argv addObject: _machine];
[argv addObject: @"-listslots"];
NSArray *tmp;
tmp = [_slotController args];
if ([tmp count]) {
[argv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
#if 0
tmp = [_mediaController args];
if ([tmp count]) {
[argv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
[LogWindowController controllerForArgs: argv close: NO];
-(IBAction)exportShellScript: (id)sender {
NSSavePanel *p = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
NSString *defaultName = [_machine stringByAppendingString: @".sh"];
[p setTitle: @"Export Shell Script"];
[p setExtensionHidden: NO];
[p setNameFieldStringValue: defaultName];
//[p setDelegate: self];
NSWindow *w = [self window];
NSMutableString *data = [NSMutableString new];
[data appendString: @"#!/bin/sh\n\n"];
[data appendFormat: @"MAME=%@\n", ShellQuote(MamePath())];
[data appendFormat: @"cd %@\n", ShellQuote(MameWorkingDirectoryPath())];
[data appendString: JoinArguments(_args, @"$MAME")];
[data appendString: @"\n\n"];
[p beginSheetModalForWindow: w completionHandler: ^(NSModalResponse r) {
if (r != NSModalResponseOK) return;
NSURL *url = [p URL];
NSError *error = nil;
[data writeToURL: url atomically: YES encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: &error];
[p orderOut: nil];
if (error) {
[self presentError: error];
// chmod 755...
int ok = chmod([url fileSystemRepresentation], 0755);
if (ok < 0) {
// ...
-(IBAction)resetMachine:(id)sender {
[self reset];
-(IBAction)resetAll:(id)sender {
[_manager setCurrentBookmark: nil];
[self reset];
[self resetSoftware];
[_slotController resetSlots: sender];
[_mediaController resetMedia: sender];
-(IBAction)resetMedia:(id)sender {
[_mediaController resetMedia: sender];
[_softwareListControl setObjectValue: nil];
[self setSoftware: nil];
@implementation LaunchWindowController (SoftwareList)
-(void)updateSoftwareList {
_softwareSet = [SoftwareSet softwareSetForMachine: _machine];
[_softwareListControl setAutocompleteDelegate: _softwareSet];
if (_softwareSet) {
[_softwareListControl invalidate];
[_softwareListControl setHidden: NO];
} else {
_software = nil;
[_softwareListControl setHidden: YES];
- (IBAction)softwareChanged:(id)sender {
id o = [(NSControl *)sender objectValue];
//NSLog(@"%@", o);
[self setSoftware: o];
@implementation LaunchWindowController (Bookmark)
-(IBAction)defaultSave:(id)sender {
#if 0
NSDictionary *d = [self makeBookmark];
[_manager saveDefault: d];
-(IBAction)defaultLoad:(id)sender {
Bookmark *b = [_manager defaultBookmark];
if (!b) {
[self resetAll: sender];
[self setMachine: nil];
[_machineViewController reset];
[_slotController setMachine: nil];
[self loadBookmark: b];
-(IBAction)updateBookmark: (id)sender {
Bookmark *b = [sender representedObject];
if (!b) return;
NSDictionary *d = [self makeBookmark];
[b setDictionary: d];
-(IBAction)addBookmark:(id)sender {
if (!_machine) return;
NSString *name = nil;
if (_machineDescription) name = [_machineDescription objectForKey:@"description"];
if (!name) name = _machine;
if (_software) {
name = [name stringByAppendingFormat: @" - %@", [_software title]];
name = [_manager uniqueBookmarkName: name];
[self setBookmarkName: name];
[self setBookmarkDefault: NO];
[_bookmarkTextField selectText: nil];
[_bookmarkErrorField setStringValue: @""];
[[self window] beginSheet: _addBookmarkWindow completionHandler: nil];
-(IBAction)bookmarkCancel:(id)sender {
[[self window] endSheet: _addBookmarkWindow];
[_addBookmarkWindow orderOut: nil];
-(IBAction)bookmarkSave:(id)sender {
#if 0
if (![_manager validateName: _bookmarkName]) {
[_bookmarkTextField selectText: nil];
NSDictionary *d = [self makeBookmark];
NSError *e;
if (( e = [_manager saveBookmark: d name: _bookmarkName automatic: _bookmarkDefault])) {
// probably a duplicate name...
[_bookmarkTextField selectText: nil];
[_bookmarkErrorField setStringValue: [e localizedDescription]];
[[self window] endSheet: _addBookmarkWindow];
[_addBookmarkWindow orderOut: nil];
[self setBookmarkName: nil];
-(void)bookmarkNotification: (NSNotification *)notification {
Bookmark *b = [notification object];
[self loadBookmark: b];
-(IBAction)bookmarkMenu:(id)sender {
// represented object is a Bookmark.
Bookmark *b = [sender representedObject];
[self loadBookmark: b];
-(void)loadBookmark: (Bookmark *)b {
Class StringClass = [NSString class];
Class NumberClass = [NSNumber class];
NSDictionary *d = [b dictionary];
[_manager setCurrentBookmark: b];
NSString *machine = [d objectForKey: @"machine"];
if (!machine) return;
_loadingBookmark = YES;
[_machineViewController willLoadBookmark: d];
[_slotController willLoadBookmark: d];
[_mediaController willLoadBookmark: d];
[self reset];
[self resetSoftware];
[self setMachine: machine];
[self updateSoftwareList];
[_softwareListControl setObjectValue: nil]; // will reload the completion list.
NSString *str;
str = [d objectForKey: @"software"];
if ([str isKindOfClass: StringClass]) {
Software *s = [_softwareSet softwareForName: str];
if (s) {
[_softwareListControl setObjectValue: s];
[self setSoftware: s];
// Boolean values.
NSNumber *n;
#undef _
#define _(a,b) n = [d objectForKey: a]; if ([n isKindOfClass: NumberClass]) [self b : [n boolValue]]
_(@"debug", setMameDebug);
_(@"rewind", setMameRewind);
_(@"squarePixels", setMameSquarePixels);
_(@"mouse", setMameMouse);
_(@"samples", setMameSamples);
_(@"bgfx", setMameBGFX);
// numeric values
// check if in range?
#undef _
#define _(a,b) n = [d objectForKey: a]; if ([n isKindOfClass: NumberClass]) [self b : [n intValue]]
_(@"windowMode", setMameWindowMode);
_(@"speed", setMameSpeed);
// string values
#undef _
#define _(a,b) str = [d objectForKey: a]; if ([str isKindOfClass: StringClass]) [self b : str]
_(@"shareDirectory", setMameShareDirectoryPath);
_(@"bitBanger", setMameBitBangerPath);
if ([_mameShareDirectoryPath length]) [self setMameShareDirectory: YES];
if ([_mameBitBangerPath length]) [self setMameBitBanger: YES];
_(@"AVIPath", setMameAVIPath);
_(@"WAVPath", setMameWAVPath);
_(@"VGMPath", setMameVGMPath);
if ([_mameAVIPath length]) [self setMameAVI: YES];
if ([_mameVGMPath length]) [self setMameVGM: YES];
if ([_mameWAVPath length]) [self setMameWAV: YES];
str = [d objectForKey: @"backend"];
if ([str isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
int ix = BackEndIndex(str);
if (ix >= 0) [self setMameBackend: ix];
str = [d objectForKey: @"effects"];
if ([str isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
int ix = EffectsIndex(str);
if (ix >= 0) [self setMameEffects: ix];
[_machineViewController loadBookmark: d];
[_slotController loadBookmark: d];
[_mediaController loadBookmark: d];
[_machineViewController didLoadBookmark: d];
[_slotController didLoadBookmark: d];
[_mediaController didLoadBookmark: d];
_loadingBookmark = NO;
[self buildCommandLine];
-(NSDictionary *)makeBookmark {
[self defocus];
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[dict setObject: _machine forKey: @"machine"];
[dict setObject: @232 forKey: @"version"];
[_machineViewController saveBookmark: dict];
[_slotController saveBookmark: dict];
[_mediaController saveBookmark: dict];
// Boolean values
#undef _
#define _(v,k) [dict setObject: v ? (NSObject *)kCFBooleanTrue : (NSObject *)kCFBooleanFalse forKey: k]
_(_mameDebug, @"debug");
_(_mameRewind, @"rewind");
_(_mameSquarePixels, @"squarePixels");
_(_mameMouse, @"mouse");
_(_mameSamples, @"samples");
_(_mameBGFX, @"bgfx");
// numeric values
#undef _
#define _(v,k) [dict setObject: @(v) forKey: k]
_(_mameWindowMode, @"windowMode");
_(_mameSpeed, @"speed");
// String values
#undef _
#define _(v,k) [dict setObject: v forKey: k]
if (_mameAVI && [_mameAVIPath length]) _(_mameAVIPath, @"AVIPath");
if (_mameWAV && [_mameWAVPath length]) _(_mameWAVPath, @"WAVPath");
if (_mameVGM && [_mameVGMPath length]) _(_mameVGMPath, @"VGMPath");
if (_mameShareDirectory && [_mameShareDirectoryPath length]) _(_mameShareDirectoryPath, @"shareDirectory");
if (_mameBitBanger && [_mameBitBangerPath length]) _(_mameBitBangerPath, @"bitBanger");
if (_software) _([_software fullName], @"software");
if (_mameBackend) _(BackendStrings[_mameBackend], @"backend");
if (_mameEffects) _(EffectsStrings[_mameEffects], @"effects");
return dict;
#undef _
#pragma mark - NSMenuDelegate
#if 1
-(void)menuNeedsUpdate:(NSMenu *)menu {
NSEventModifierFlags modifiers = [NSEvent modifierFlags];
[self setOptionKey: modifiers & NSEventModifierFlagOption ? YES : NO];
/* doesn't trigger when menu is the first responder. */
-(void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)event {
NSEventModifierFlags modifiers = [event modifierFlags];
[self setOptionKey: modifiers & NSEventModifierFlagOption ? YES : NO];
[super flagsChanged: event];