Kelvin Sherlock 5a098b9d00 double-clicking a recent disk image will try to put it in an appropriate location.
if the media class doesn't exist (eg, hard drive with no hard drive controller) it's added but not displayed.
2021-07-10 01:15:34 -04:00

278 lines
7.2 KiB

// Media.m
// Ample
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 3/7/2021.
// Copyright © 2021 Kelvin Sherlock. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Media.h"
const Media EmptyMedia = { 0 };
struct Media MediaFromDictionary(NSDictionary *dict) {
Media m = { 0 };
#define _(name) = [[dict objectForKey: @ # name] unsignedIntValue]
return m;
#undef _
void MediaAdd(Media *dest, const Media *src) {
if (!src || !dest) return;
#define _(name) dest->name += src->name;
#undef _
BOOL MediaEqual(const Media *lhs, const Media *rhs) {
if (lhs == rhs) return YES;
if (!lhs || !rhs) return NO;
#define _(name) if (lhs->name != rhs->name) return NO;
return YES;
#undef _
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define _x2(a,b) (a | (b << 8))
#define _x3(a,b,c) (a | (b << 8) | (c << 16))
#define _x4(a,b,c, d) (a | (b << 8) | (c << 16) | (d << 24))
static unsigned hash(const char *cp) {
unsigned rv = 0;
int i, shift;
if (!cp) return 0;
for (i = 0, shift = 0; i < 4; ++i, shift += 8) {
unsigned c = cp[i];
if (!c) break;
c = tolower(c);
rv |= (c << shift);
//if (i > 4) return 0; // .image is 5....
return rv;
const char *extname(const char *path) {
const char *rv = NULL;
if (!path) return path;
for(unsigned i = 0; ; ++i) {
unsigned c = path[i];
if (c == 0) break;
if (c == '/') rv = NULL;
if (c == '.') rv = path + i + 1;
if (rv && !*rv) rv = NULL;
return rv;
* MAME cares deeply about file extensions. LIST NOT EXHAUSTIVE
* Hard Disk: .chd .hd .hdv .2mg .hdi
* CD-ROM: .chd .cue .toc .nrg .gdi .iso .cdr
* 5.25: .dsk .do .po .edd .woz .nib .mfi .dfi .rti
* 3.5: .dc42 .woz .2mg .mfi .dfi .hfe .mfm .td0 .imd
.d77 .d88 .1dd .cqm .cqi .dsk .ima .img .ufi
.360 .ipf [also .po and .hdv]
* Midi in: .mid
* Midi out: .mid
* Picture: .png
* Cassette: .wav
static bool is_raw_525(size_t disk_size) {
if (disk_size & 255) return NO;
size_t blocks = disk_size >> 8;
return blocks == 560 || blocks == 640;
static BOOL is_raw_35(size_t disk_size) {
if (disk_size & 511) return NO;
size_t blocks = disk_size >> 9;
return blocks == 800 || blocks == 1600 || blocks == 1440 || blocks == 2880;
static MediaType is_woz(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t file_size) {
/* woz 1/2 ? */
if (!memcmp(buffer, "WOZ1\xff\x0a\x0d\x0a", 8) || !memcmp(buffer, "WOZ2\xff\x0a\x0d\x0a", 8)) {
if (!memcmp(buffer + 12, "INFO", 4)) {
unsigned type = buffer[21]; // 1 = 5.25, 2 = 3.5
if (type == 1) return MediaType_5_25;
if (type == 2) return MediaType_3_5;
return MediaTypeUnknown;
return MediaTypeError;
static MediaType is_dc42(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t file_size) {
if (buffer[0x52] == 0x01 && buffer[0x53] == 0x00 && buffer[0] >= 1 && buffer[0] <= 0x3f) {
int dsize = OSReadBigInt32(buffer, 0x40);
int tsize = OSReadBigInt32(buffer, 0x44);
if (dsize + tsize + 0x54 == file_size) {
if (is_raw_35(dsize)) return MediaType_3_5;
return MediaType_HardDisk;
return MediaTypeError;
static MediaType is_2img(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t file_size) {
if (!memcmp(buffer, "2IMG", 4)) {
int format = OSReadLittleInt32(buffer, 0x0c); // 0 - dos order, 1 = prodos order, 2 = nib data
int blocks = OSReadLittleInt32(buffer, 0x14); // prodos only.
//int bytes = OSReadLittleInt32(buffer, 0x1c);
if (format == 2 || format == 0) return MediaType_5_25; // nib and dos order
if (is_raw_525(blocks * 512)) return MediaType_5_25;
if (is_raw_35(blocks * 512)) return MediaType_3_5;
return MediaType_HardDisk; //
//return MediaTypeUnknown;
return MediaTypeError;
static MediaType is_chd(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t file_size) {
if (!memcmp(buffer, "MComprHD", 8)) {
static int offsets[] = { 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 32}; // offset for logival bytes.
int version = OSReadBigInt32(buffer, 12);
if (version >= 3 && version <= 5) {
long bytes = OSReadBigInt64(buffer, offsets[version]);
if (is_raw_525(bytes)) return MediaType_5_25;
if (is_raw_35(bytes)) return MediaType_3_5;
return MediaType_HardDisk; // iso?
return MediaTypeUnknown;
return MediaTypeError;
MediaType ClassifyMediaFile(id file) {
struct stat st;
ssize_t size;
unsigned char buffer[128];
int fd;
const char *path = [file fileSystemRepresentation]; // or URL
const char *ext = extname(path);
unsigned ext_hash = hash(ext);
memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) return MediaTypeError;
fstat(fd, &st);
size = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (size <= 0) return MediaTypeError;
// 13 sector support ? not on an event 512 block boundary.
// = 116480 bytes.
switch(ext_hash) {
case _x3('w', 'o', 'z'):
return is_woz(buffer, st.st_size);
case _x3('2', 'm', 'g'):
case _x4('2', 'i', 'm', 'g'):
return is_2img(buffer, st.st_size);
case _x3('c', 'h', 'd'):
return is_chd(buffer, st.st_size);
// dc42 - dc,dc42,dsk,img,image
case _x2('d', 'c'): // n.b. as of .233, allowed for mac, not for apple2
case _x4('d', 'c', '4', '2'):
return is_dc42(buffer, st.st_size);
// dsk, image, img may also be raw or disk copy.
case _x3('d', 's', 'k'):
case _x3('i', 'm', 'g'):
case _x4('i', 'm', 'a', 'g'):
if (is_raw_525(st.st_size)) return MediaType_5_25;
if (is_raw_35(st.st_size)) return MediaType_3_5;
return is_dc42(buffer, st.st_size);
case _x2('d', 'o'):
case _x2('p', 'o'):
if (is_raw_525(st.st_size)) return MediaType_5_25;
if (is_raw_35(st.st_size)) return MediaType_3_5;
return MediaTypeUnknown;
// hdv - 3.5 or hard drive.
case _x3('h', 'd', 'v'):
case _x3('r', 'a', 'w'):
if (is_raw_35(st.st_size)) return MediaType_3_5;
if ((st.st_size & 511) == 0) return MediaType_HardDisk;
return MediaTypeUnknown;
case _x3('n', 'i', 'b'):
return MediaType_5_25;
case _x3('w', 'a', 'v'):
return MediaType_Cassette;
// cd-rom
case _x3('i', 's', 'o'):
case _x3('c', 'u', 'e'):
case _x3('c', 'd', 'r'):
return MediaType_CDROM;
case _x3('p', 'n', 'g'):
return MediaType_Picture;
case _x3('m', 'i', 'd'):
return MediaType_MIDI;
return MediaTypeUnknown;