
82 lines
1.7 KiB

import subprocess
from plist import to_plist
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from machines import MACHINES, SLOTS
devices = {}
for m in MACHINES:
st =["mame", m, "-listxml"], capture_output=True)
if st.returncode != 0:
print("mame error: {}".format(m))
d = { }
xml = st.stdout
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
path = 'machine[@name="{}"]'.format(m)
machine = root.find(path)
d["value"] = m
d["description"] = machine.find("description").text
tmp = [
"value": int(x.text),
"description": x.get("name"),
"default": x.get("default") == "yes"
for x in machine.findall('ramoption')
# sort and add empty starting entry.
tmp.sort(key=lambda x: x["value"])
tmp.insert(0, {"value": 0, "default": False, "description": "" })
d["RAM"] = tmp
node = machine.find('display[@tag="screen"]')
d["Resolution"] = [int(node.get("width")), int(node.get("height")) * 2]
mm = {}
for x in root.findall("machine[@isdevice='yes']"):
name = x.get("name")
mm[name] = x.find("description").text
# print(mm)
# ss = {}
for s in SLOTS:
path = 'slot[@name="{}"]/slotoption'.format(s)
nodes = machine.findall(path)
if not nodes: continue
tmp = []
for x in nodes:
name = x.get("name")
devname = x.get("devname")
desc = mm[devname]
tmp.append({ "value": name, "description": desc, "default": x.get("default") == "yes" })
tmp.sort(key=lambda x: x["description"])
tmp.insert(0, {"value": "", "description": "", "default": False})
d[s] = tmp
# d[s] = [(x.get("name"), x.get("devname")) for x in nodes]
# d["Slots"] = ss
path = "Resources/{}.plist".format(m)
with open(path, "w") as f: