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// MachineViewController.m
// Ample
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 8/16/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Kelvin Sherlock. All rights reserved.
#import "MachineViewController.h"
@interface MachineViewController()
@property NSArray *data;
@implementation MachineViewController
-(void)awakeFromNib {
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *path = [bundle pathForResource: @"models~extra" ofType: @"plist"];
NSString *path = [bundle pathForResource: @"models" ofType: @"plist"];
_data = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile: path];
/* XCode/Interface Builder 11.3 barfs on NSBrowser. */
NSBrowser *browser;
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 718, 200);
browser = [[NSBrowser alloc] initWithFrame: frame];
[browser setMaxVisibleColumns: 2];
//[browser setTakesTitleFromPreviousColumn: YES];
//[browser setTitled: NO];
[browser setAllowsEmptySelection: NO];
[browser setDelegate: self];
[browser setAction: @selector(clickAction:)];
[self setView: browser];
-(IBAction)clickAction:(id)sender {
NSDictionary *item = [self itemForBrowser: sender];
[self setMachine: [item objectForKey: @"value"]];
#pragma mark NSBrowser
-(NSDictionary *)itemForBrowser: (NSBrowser *)browser {
NSIndexPath *path = [browser selectionIndexPath];
NSArray *data = _data;
NSDictionary *item = nil;
NSUInteger l = [path length];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
NSUInteger ix = [path indexAtPosition: i];
if (ix > [data count]) return nil;
item = [data objectAtIndex: ix];
data = [item objectForKey: @"children"];
return item;
-(NSArray *)itemsForBrowser: (NSBrowser *)browser column: (NSInteger) column {
NSArray *data = _data;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < column; ++i) {
NSInteger ix = [browser selectedRowInColumn: i];
if (ix < 0) return 0;
NSDictionary *item = [data objectAtIndex: ix];
data = [item objectForKey: @"children"];
if (!data) return 0;
return data;
- (void)browser:(NSBrowser *)sender willDisplayCell:(id)cell atRow:(NSInteger)row column:(NSInteger)column {
NSArray *data = [self itemsForBrowser: sender column: column];
if (!data || row >= [data count]) return;
NSDictionary *item = [data objectAtIndex: row];
NSBrowserCell *bc = (NSBrowserCell *)cell;
[bc setStringValue: [item objectForKey: @"description"]];
[bc setLeaf: ![item objectForKey: @"children"]];
- (NSString *)browser:(NSBrowser *)sender titleOfColumn:(NSInteger)column {
return column == 0 ? @"Model" : @"";
#if 0
- (id)browser:(NSBrowser *)browser child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item {
return nil;
- (NSInteger)browser:(NSBrowser *)sender numberOfRowsInColumn:(NSInteger)column {
NSArray *data = [self itemsForBrowser: sender column: column];
return [data count];
@implementation MachineViewController (Bookmark)
-(BOOL)loadBookmark: (NSDictionary *)bookmark {
NSBrowser *browser = (NSBrowser *)[self view];
NSString *machine = [bookmark objectForKey: @"machine"];
NSIndexPath *path = nil;
NSUInteger ix[2] = {0, 0 };
for (NSDictionary *d in _data) {
NSArray *children = [d objectForKey: @"children"];
for (NSDictionary *dd in children) {
NSString *value = [dd objectForKey: @"value"];
if ([machine isEqualToString: value]) {
path = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes: ix length: 2];
[browser selectRow: ix[0] inColumn: 0];
[browser selectRow: ix[1] inColumn: 1];
//[browser setSelectionIndexPath: path];
return YES;
ix[1] = 0;
// check parent after.
NSString *value = [d objectForKey: @"value"];
if ([machine isEqualToString: value]) {
path = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes: ix length: 1];
[browser selectRow: ix[0] inColumn: 0];
// "setSelectionIndexPath: is not supported for browsers with matrix delegates."
//[browser setSelectionIndexPath: path];
return YES;
NSLog(@"MachineViewController: Unable to find %@", machine);
return NO;
-(BOOL)saveBookmark: (NSMutableDictionary *)bookmark {
// machine saved in parent.
return YES;
-(void)willLoadBookmark:(NSDictionary *)bookmark {
-(void)didLoadBookmark:(NSDictionary *)bookmark {