mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 15:31:05 +00:00
Added disk writes
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ func main() {
audio.Mute = *mute
ebiten.Run(update, 280*video.ScreenSizeFactor, 192*video.ScreenSizeFactor, 2, "Apple //e")
@ -6,40 +6,30 @@ import (
const DiskImage = "dos33_disk.dsk"
const diskImage = "dos33_disk.dsk"
func TestDOS33Boot(t *testing.T) {
system.FrameCycles = 0
system.LastAudioCycles = 0
showInstructions := false
disableFirmwareWait := false
// Break at the BASIC interpreter to ensure DOS has started
breakAddress := uint16(0xa503)
exitAtBreak := false
t0 := time.Now()
cpu.Run(showInstructions, &breakAddress, exitAtBreak, disableFirmwareWait, system.CpuFrequency*7)
if cpu.State.PC != 0xa503 {
t.Fatal("Did not reach BASIC entrypoint")
// Run until BASIC would execute the program.
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, 0xd7d2, 5, false, "BASIC NEWSTT")
elapsed := float64(time.Since(t0) / time.Millisecond)
fmt.Printf("CPU Cycles: %d\n", system.FrameCycles)
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ const diskSectorBytes = 3 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 0x56 + 0x100 + 1 + 3
const trackDataBytes = sectorsPerTrack * diskSectorBytes
var dos33SectorInterleaving [16]uint8
var translateTable62 [0x40]uint8 // Conversion of a 6 bit byte to a 8 bit "disk" byte
var sixTwoEncoding [0x40]uint8 // Conversion of a 6 bit byte to a 8 bit "disk" byte
var sixTwoDecoding [0x100]uint8 // Conversion of a 8 bit "disk" byte to a 6 bit byte
type sector struct {
data [0x100]uint8
@ -36,9 +37,40 @@ type disk struct {
tracks [tracksPerDisk]track
var imagePath string // Loaded disk image path
var image disk // A loaded disk image
var imageIsDirty bool // If an image has been written to and needs a flush
var TrackData [trackDataBytes]uint8 // Converted image data as it it returned by the disk controller for a single track
// vars to keep track of writes
const (
WaitingForDataPrologue byte = 1 + iota
const rawDataBufferSize = diskSectorBytes + 16
type AddressField struct {
volume uint8
track uint8
sector uint8
var lastReadAddress AddressField
var lastReadSectorDataPosition int
var SectorWriteState struct {
State byte
RawData [rawDataBufferSize]uint8
RawDataPosition uint16
Address AddressField
func ResetSectorWriteState() {
SectorWriteState.State = WaitingForDataPrologue
SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition = 0
func InitDiskImage() {
// Map DOS 3.3 sector interleaving
// Physical sector -> Logical sector
@ -69,7 +101,7 @@ func InitDiskImage() {
// Convert a 6 bit "byte" to a 8 bit "disk" byte
translateTable62 = [0x40]uint8{
sixTwoEncoding = [0x40]uint8{
0x96, 0x97, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa6,
0xa7, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb2, 0xb3,
0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc,
@ -79,12 +111,20 @@ func InitDiskImage() {
0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6,
0xf7, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff,
for i := uint8(0); i < 0x40; i++ {
sixTwoDecoding[sixTwoEncoding[i]] = i
func ReadDiskImage(path string) {
imagePath = path
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to read ROM: %s", err))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to read disk image: %s", err))
if len(bytes) != imageLength {
@ -100,6 +140,27 @@ func ReadDiskImage(path string) {
imageIsDirty = false
func writeDiskImage() {
bytes := make([]byte, tracksPerDisk*sectorsPerTrack*0x100)
pos := 0
for t := 0; t < tracksPerDisk; t++ {
for s := 0; s < sectorsPerTrack; s++ {
for i := 0; i < 0x100; i++ {
bytes[pos] = byte(image.tracks[t].sectors[s].data[i])
err := ioutil.WriteFile(imagePath, bytes, 0644)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to write disk image: %s", err))
// Encode a byte into two 4-bit bytes with odd-even encoding. This is used
@ -119,8 +180,13 @@ func oddEvenEncode(data uint8) (uint8, uint8) {
return l, h
// Merge the two bytes together produce by oddEvenEncode
func oddEvenDecode(data0 byte, data1 byte) uint8 {
return ((data0 << 1) | 1) & data1
// Convert 8 bit bytes to 0x56 2-bit sections and 0x100 6 bit sections
func makeSectorData(s sector) (data [0x56 + 0x100]uint8) {
func sectorDataEncode(s sector) (data [0x56 + 0x100]uint8) {
twoBitPos := 0x0
for i := 0; i < 0x100; i++ {
b := s.data[i]
@ -142,26 +208,33 @@ func makeSectorData(s sector) (data [0x56 + 0x100]uint8) {
func sectorDataDecode(data []uint8) (sector [0x100]uint8) {
for i := 0; i < 0x100; i++ {
sector[i] = data[i+0x56]
twoBitPos := 0x00
for i := 0; i < 0x100; i++ {
twoBit := data[twoBitPos]
sector[i] = (sector[i] << 2) + ((twoBit & 1) << 1) + ((twoBit & 2) >> 1)
data[twoBitPos] >>= 2
if twoBitPos == 0x56 {
twoBitPos = 0x0
func clearTrackData() {
for i := 0; i < trackDataBytes; i++ {
TrackData[i] = 0
func MakeTrackData(armPosition uint8) {
// Tracks are present on even arm positions.
track := armPosition / 2
// If it's an odd arm position or a track beyond the image, zero the data
if (armPosition >= (tracksPerDisk * 2)) || ((armPosition % 2) == 1) {
DriveState.BytePosition = 0 // Point the head at the first sector
// For each sector, encode the data and add it to TrackData
for physicalSector := 0; physicalSector < sectorsPerTrack; physicalSector++ {
func makeSectorData(track uint8, physicalSector uint8) {
logicalSector := dos33SectorInterleaving[physicalSector]
offset := int(physicalSector) * diskSectorBytes
@ -198,32 +271,67 @@ func MakeTrackData(armPosition uint8) {
TrackData[offset+15] = 0xaa
TrackData[offset+16] = 0xad
sectorData := makeSectorData(image.tracks[track].sectors[logicalSector])
sectorData := sectorDataEncode(image.tracks[track].sectors[logicalSector])
// a is the previous byte's value
a := uint8(0)
for i := 0; i < 0x56+0x100; i++ {
a ^= sectorData[i]
b := translateTable62[a]
b := sixTwoEncoding[a]
TrackData[offset+17+i] = b
a = sectorData[i]
// Set the checksum byte
TrackData[offset+17+0x56+0x100] = translateTable62[a]
TrackData[offset+17+0x56+0x100] = sixTwoEncoding[a]
// Data epilogue
TrackData[offset+17+0x56+0x100+1] = 0xde
TrackData[offset+17+0x56+0x100+2] = 0xaa
TrackData[offset+17+0x56+0x100+3] = 0xeb
func MakeTrackData(armPosition uint8) {
// Tracks are present on even arm positions.
track := uint8(armPosition / 2)
// If it's an odd arm position or a track beyond the image, zero the data
if (armPosition >= (tracksPerDisk * 2)) || ((armPosition % 2) == 1) {
DriveState.BytePosition = 0 // Point the head at the first sector
// For each sector, encode the data and add it to TrackData
for physicalSector := uint8(0); physicalSector < sectorsPerTrack; physicalSector++ {
makeSectorData(track, physicalSector)
func DecodeAddressField(data []uint8) AddressField {
var af AddressField
af.volume = oddEvenDecode(data[0], data[1])
af.track = oddEvenDecode(data[2], data[3])
af.sector = oddEvenDecode(data[4], data[5])
return af
// Read a byte from the disk head and spin the disk along
func ReadTrackData() (result uint8) {
result = TrackData[DriveState.BytePosition]
if DriveState.BytePosition >= 9 {
if TrackData[DriveState.BytePosition-9] == 0xd5 &&
TrackData[DriveState.BytePosition-8] == 0xaa &&
TrackData[DriveState.BytePosition-7] == 0x96 {
var addressData []uint8
addressData = TrackData[DriveState.BytePosition-6 : DriveState.BytePosition]
lastReadAddress = DecodeAddressField(addressData)
lastReadSectorDataPosition = DriveState.BytePosition + 8
if DriveState.BytePosition == trackDataBytes {
DriveState.BytePosition = 0
@ -231,3 +339,73 @@ func ReadTrackData() (result uint8) {
// WriteTrackData gets called whenever a byte is written to the write address.
// Reads are done at the same time by the OS to await the drive to be in the
// right position. The last read address determines the track and sector. The expeted sequence of writes are:
// - up to 5 bytes of 0xff padding (ignored)
// - data prologue d5 aa ad
// - 0x56 bytes of 2-bit data
// - 0x56 bytes of 6-bit data
// - checksum byte (ignored)
// - data epilogue (ignored)
// The sector is decoded and updated in memory once the 0x156 data bytes have
// been read. The image is flagged as dirty and flushed on exit.
func WriteTrackData(value uint8) {
if SectorWriteState.State == WaitingForDataPrologue {
if SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition >= 16 {
SectorWriteState.RawData[SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition] = value
SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition += 1
// Check for address prologue
if SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition > 2 && SectorWriteState.RawData[SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition-3] == 0xd5 &&
SectorWriteState.RawData[SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition-2] == 0xaa &&
SectorWriteState.RawData[SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition-1] == 0xad {
// We got it, record the last read address field and reset RawDataPosition
SectorWriteState.State = ReceivingData
SectorWriteState.Address = lastReadAddress
SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition = 0
} else if SectorWriteState.State == ReceivingData {
SectorWriteState.RawData[SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition] = value
SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition += 1
if SectorWriteState.RawDataPosition == 0x56+0x100 {
// We have the full sector data
physicalSector := lastReadAddress.sector
logicalSector := dos33SectorInterleaving[physicalSector]
// transform the data from disk bytes to 6-bytes and EOR it
a := uint8(0)
for i := 0; i < 0x56+0x100; i++ {
b := sixTwoDecoding[SectorWriteState.RawData[i]]
a ^= b
SectorWriteState.RawData[i] = a
// Transform the 0x156 bytes into the final 0x100 bytes
sectorData := sectorDataDecode(SectorWriteState.RawData[0:0x156])
// Save the data to memory & recreate the raw sector data
image.tracks[lastReadAddress.track].sectors[logicalSector].data = sectorData
makeSectorData(lastReadAddress.track, physicalSector)
imageIsDirty = true
func FlushImage() {
if imageIsDirty {
@ -208,8 +208,11 @@ func readWrite(address uint16, isRead bool) bool {
return false
case S6Q6H:
if isRead {
DriveState.Q6 = true
return true
return false
case S6Q7L:
DriveState.Q7 = false
return true
@ -299,6 +302,8 @@ func WriteIO(address uint16, value uint8) {
// CLRC3ROM not implemented
case SETC3ROM:
// SETC3ROM not implemented
case S6Q6H:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("TODO write %04x\n", address))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package main
import (
const diskImage = "dos33_disk.dsk"
func writeBytes(address int, data []uint8) {
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
mmu.WriteMemory(uint16(address)+uint16(i), data[i])
func TestDos33RtsWriteRead(t *testing.T) {
// Test writing and reading a sector using DOS 3.3's RWTS
// Boot up DOS3.3
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, 0xd7d2, 5, false, "BASIC NEWSTT")
// Write a sector from 0x2000 to track 35, sector 14
start := 0x800
writeBuffer := 0x2000
readBuffer := 0x2100
// Put some test data in
for i := uint16(0); i < 0x100; i++ {
mmu.WriteMemory(uint16(writeBuffer)+i, uint8(i)^0xaa)
writeBytes(start+0x00, []uint8{0x20, 0xe3, 0x03}) // JSR $03E3 LOCRPL = LOCATE RWTS PARAM LIST
writeBytes(start+0x03, []uint8{0x84, 0x00}) // STY $00
writeBytes(start+0x05, []uint8{0x85, 0x01}) // STA $01
writeBytes(start+0x07, []uint8{0xa9, 0x22}) // LDA #$22 track 34
writeBytes(start+0x09, []uint8{0xa0, 0x04}) // LDY #$04
writeBytes(start+0x0b, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x0d, []uint8{0xa9, 0x0e}) // LDA #$0e sector 14
writeBytes(start+0x0f, []uint8{0xa0, 0x05}) // LDY #$05
writeBytes(start+0x11, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x13, []uint8{0xa9, uint8(writeBuffer & 0xff)}) // LDA writeBuffer lsb
writeBytes(start+0x15, []uint8{0xa0, 0x08}) // LDY #$08
writeBytes(start+0x17, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x19, []uint8{0xa9, uint8(writeBuffer >> 8)}) // LDA writeBuffer msb
writeBytes(start+0x1b, []uint8{0xa0, 0x09}) // LDY #$09
writeBytes(start+0x1d, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x1f, []uint8{0xa9, 0x02}) // LDA #$02 command=2 (write)
writeBytes(start+0x21, []uint8{0xa0, 0x0c}) // LDY #$0c
writeBytes(start+0x23, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x25, []uint8{0xa9, 0x00}) // LDA #$00 any volume will do
writeBytes(start+0x27, []uint8{0xa0, 0x03}) // LDY #$03
writeBytes(start+0x29, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x2b, []uint8{0x20, 0xe3, 0x03}) // JSR $03E3 Relocate pointer to parms
writeBytes(start+0x2f, []uint8{0x20, 0xd9, 0x03}) // JSR $03D9 RWTS
writeBytes(start+0x32, []uint8{0x00}) // BRK
cpu.State.PC = uint16(start)
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, 0xb944, 128, false, "RWTS RDADDR")
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, 0xb82a, 8, false, "RWTS WRITESEC")
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, 0xb7ba, 8, false, "RWTS ENTERWTS")
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, uint16(start+0x32), 1, false, "Write routine break")
// Now run some modified code to read the same track/sector
writeBytes(start+0x13, []uint8{0xa9, uint8(readBuffer & 0xff)}) // LDA readBuffer lsb
writeBytes(start+0x15, []uint8{0xa0, 0x08}) // LDY #$08
writeBytes(start+0x17, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x19, []uint8{0xa9, uint8(readBuffer >> 8)}) // LDA readBuffer msb
writeBytes(start+0x1b, []uint8{0xa0, 0x09}) // LDY #$09
writeBytes(start+0x1d, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
writeBytes(start+0x1f, []uint8{0xa9, 0x01}) // LDA #$01 command=1 (read)
writeBytes(start+0x1b, []uint8{0xa0, 0x09}) // LDY #$09
writeBytes(start+0x1d, []uint8{0x91, 0x00}) // STA ($00),Y
cpu.State.PC = uint16(start)
utils.RunUntilBreakPoint(t, uint16(start+0x32), 1, false, "Read routine break")
// Check the read bytes match the witten ones
for i := 0; i < 0x100; i++ {
b1 := mmu.ReadMemory(uint16(readBuffer + i))
b2 := mmu.ReadMemory(uint16(writeBuffer + i))
if b1 != b2 {
t.Fatalf("Mismatch at %02x: %02x vs %02x", readBuffer+i, b1, b2)
@ -3,8 +3,12 @@ package utils
import (
func ReadMemoryFromGzipFile(filename string) (data []byte, err error) {
@ -44,3 +48,14 @@ func DecodeCmdLineAddress(s *string) (result *uint16) {
return result
func RunUntilBreakPoint(t *testing.T, breakAddress uint16, seconds int, showInstructions bool, message string) {
fmt.Printf("Running until %#04x: %s \n", breakAddress, message)
system.FrameCycles = 0
exitAtBreak := false
disableFirmwareWait := false
cpu.Run(showInstructions, &breakAddress, exitAtBreak, disableFirmwareWait, uint64(system.CpuFrequency*seconds))
if cpu.State.PC != breakAddress {
t.Fatalf("Did not reach breakpoint at %04x. Got to %04x", breakAddress, cpu.State.PC)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user