# Apple // emulator in go An Apple //e emulator written in Go using [ebiten](https://github.com/hajimehoshi/ebiten). ## Features * MOS 6502 CPU * Keyboard * 40 column text mode * Low resolution color graphics * High resolution monochrome graphics * Upper memory bank switching: $d000 page and ROM/RAM * Main memory page1/page2 switching in text, lores and hires * Disk image reading & writing * Speaker audio ## Installation Install prerequisites with glide glide up Build the executable go build Download `apple2e.rom` from [a2go.applearchives.com](http://a2go.applearchives.com/roms/) and put it in the root directory. ## Running it ./apple2 ./apple2 my_disk_image.dsk ./apple2 -drive-head-click my_disk_image.dsk ## Keyboard shortcuts * ctrl-alt-R reset * ctrl-alt-M mute * ctrl-alt-C caps lock * ctrl-alt-F show FPS ## Running the tests ### Setup The tests use DOS and Prodos disk images. Download them from * dos33.dsk from [mirrors.apple2.org.za](https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/masters/DOS33_blank_with_integer_basic.DSK) * prodos19.dsk from [mirrors.apple2.org.za](https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/masters/prodos/ProDOS_1_9.dsk) ### Running the tests go test -v The CPU tests make use of [Klaus2m5's](https://github.com/Klaus2m5/6502_65C02_functional_tests) excellent 6502 functional tests. ### Creating the CPU test ROMs The source files are `6502_functional_test.a65` and `6502_interrupt_test.a65`. They are assembled using `as65` into a binary file which contains a memory image of the test code. They are compressed into gzip files which are loaded into the apple memory by the unit tests. Download [as65](http://www.kingswood-consulting.co.uk/assemblers/as65_142.zip) and unzip it to get the `as65` assembler binary. Assemble the tests cd cpu as65 -l -m -w -h0 6502_functional_test.a65 gzip 6502_functional_test.bin as65 -l -m -w -h0 6502_interrupt_test.a65 gzip 6502_interrupt_test.bin ## Known working disk images * DOS 3.3 * Prodos 1.9 * Lemonade stand * Montezuma's Revenge ## Remaining work * 80 column card * 48k aux memory * double hires * joystick