package a2geek.apple2.image.encoder; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import a2geek.apple2.image.encoder.util.ProgressListener; /** * Represents an Apple II lores image. * @author */ public class A2LoresImage extends A2Image { private PaletteEntry[] palette = null; public A2LoresImage(BufferedImage image, boolean keepAspectRatio, ProgressListener listener) { this(image, 40, keepAspectRatio, null); } /** * Used by the double lores class. * We somewhat fake progress - the ProgressListener has states of 0 (starting), * 1 (ready to fix colors), and 2 (done fixing colors). */ protected A2LoresImage(BufferedImage image, int width, boolean keepAspectRatio, ProgressListener listener) { super(image, 40, width, keepAspectRatio); palette = getStandard12BitPalette(); if (listener != null) listener.update(1, 2, "Stage 1"); ColorDepthReducer cdr = new ColorDepthReducer(getImage(), palette); cdr.setProgressListener(listener); cdr.process(); if (listener != null) listener.update(2, 2, "Stage 2"); } /** * Get Apple II color at X, Y. */ public int getColor(int x, int y) { int color = (getRGB(x,y) & 0xffffff); if (palette != null) { int color12 = (color & 0xf00000) >> 12 | (color & 0x00f000) >> 8 | (color & 0x0000f0) >> 4; for (int i=0; i= getWidth()) { throw new InvalidParameterException("X(=" + x + ") must be between 0 and " + getWidth() + "."); } if (y < 0 || y >= getHeight() || y%2 == 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Y(=" + y + ") must be between 0 and " + getHeight() + " and even."); } return getColor(x,y) | (getColor(x,y+1) << 4); } /** * Treat the screen as an array of bytes. */ public int getMemoryByte(int pos) { if (pos >= getTotalBytes()) return -1; int y = (pos / getWidth()) * 2; int x = pos % getWidth(); return getMemoryByte(x,y); } /** * Create a byte array of a physical memory dump for the image. * Note that this is organized vertically - line 0/1 to line 38/39 * instead of the actual physical memory map. */ public byte[] getBytes() { byte[] data = new byte[getTotalBytes()]; for (int i=0; i