mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 01:31:14 +00:00
491 lines
15 KiB
491 lines
15 KiB
// Access _________________________________________________________________
const size_t PRODOS_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x200; // 512 bytes/block
const size_t PRODOS_ROOT_BLOCK = 2;
const int PRODOS_MAX_FILENAME = 15;
const int PRODOS_MAX_PATH = 64; // TODO: Verify
const uint8_t ACCESS_D = 0x80; // Can destroy
const uint8_t ACCESS_N = 0x40; // Can rename
const uint8_t ACCESS_B = 0x20; // Can backup
const uint8_t ACCESS_Z4= 0x10; // not used - must be zero?
const uint8_t ACCESS_Z3= 0x08;
const uint8_t ACCESS_I = 0x04; // invisible
const uint8_t ACCESS_W = 0x02; // Can write
const uint8_t ACCESS_R = 0x01; // Can read
void prodos_AccessToString( uint8_t access, char *text_ )
#if 0
{ // 76543210
char in [9] = "dnb--iwr";
char out[9] = "--------";
char *src = in ;
char *dst = out;
const char *src = "dnb--iwr";
/* */ char *dst = text_;
int mask = 0x80;
while( mask )
*dst = access & mask
? *src
: '-'
mask >>= 1;
*dst = 0;
// sprintf( text_, out );
// Storage Kind ___________________________________________________________
enum ProDOS_Kind_e
ProDOS_KIND_DEL = 0x0,
ProDOS_KIND_SEED = 0x1, // Single Block
ProDOS_KIND_SAPL = 0x2, // 1st Block is allocated blocks
ProDOS_KIND_PAS = 0x4, // http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/pdos/tn.pdos.25.html
ProDOS_KIND_GSOS = 0x5, // http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/pdos/tn.pdos.25.html
ProDOS_KIND_DIR = 0xD, // parent block entry for sub-directory
ProDOS_KIND_SUB = 0xE, // subdir header entry to find parent directory; meta to reach parent
ProDOS_KIND_ROOT = 0xF, // volume header entry for root directory
const char *gaProDOS_KindDescription[ NUM_PRODOS_KIND ] = // Storage Type
"del" // 0 Deleted
,"sed" // 1 Seedling size <= 512 bytes == 1*PRODOS_BLOCK_SIZE
,"sap" // 2 Sapling size <= 131,072 bytes == 256*PRODOS_BLOCK_SIZE -- interleaved: lo blocks * 256, hi blocks * 256
,"tre" // 3 Tree size <= 32 MB
,"pas" // 4 Pascal Volume
,"gs " // 5 GS/OS extended file data+resource fork
,"? 6" // 6
,"? 7" // 7
,"? 8" // 8
,"? 9" // 9
,"? A" // A
,"? B" // B
,"? C" // C
,"dir" // D Sub-directory
,"sub" // E Sub-directory header
,"vol" // F Volume directory header
const char *prodos_KindToString( uint8_t type )
type &= 0xF;
return gaProDOS_KindDescription[ type ];
// Date ___________________________________________________________________
const char *gaMonths[16] =
"bug" // 0
,"JAN" // 1
,"FEB" // 2
,"MAR" // 3
,"APR" // 4
,"MAY" // 5
,"JUN" // 6
,"JUL" // 7
,"AUG" // 8
,"SEP" // 9
,"OCT" // 10
,"NOV" // 11
,"DEC" // 12
,"bug" // 13 Should never happen
,"bug" // 14 Should never happen
,"bug" // 15 Should never happen
// Converts date to 9 chars: DD-MON-YR format
// NULL terminates the string
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void prodos_DateToString( uint16_t date, char *text_ )
if( date == 0 )
sprintf( text_, "<NO DATE>" );
// 76543210
// 3 210
// FEDCBA98 76543210
// yyyyyyym mmmddddd
int day = (date >> 0) & 0x1F;
int mon = (date >> 5) & 0x0F;
int yar = (date >> 9) & 0x7F;
printf( "DEBUG: DATE: day: % 2d\n", day );
printf( "DEBUG: DATE: mon: %d\n" , mon );
printf( "DEBUG: DATE: yar: %2d\n" , yar % 100 );
sprintf( text_, "%*s%d-%s-%2d", (day < 10), "", day, gaMonths[ mon ], yar % 100 );
uint16_t ProDOS_DateToInt( int mon, int day, int year )
if( day < 1 ) day = 1;
if( day > 31 ) day = 31;
if( mon < 1 ) mon = 1;
if( mon > 12 ) mon = 12;
if( year < 0 ) year = 0;
if( year > 99 ) year = 99;
// FEDCBA98 76543210
// yyyyyyym mmmddddd
int16_t date = 0
| (day << 0)
| (mon << 5)
| (year << 9)
return date;
int prodos_DateMonthToInt( const char *month )
for( int iMonth = 1; iMonth <= 12; iMonth++ )
if( stricmp( month, gaMonths[ iMonth ] ) == 0 )
return iMonth;
return 0;
// Time ___________________________________________________________________
// Converts time to 6 chars: HH:MMm
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void prodos_TimeToString( uint16_t time, char *text_ )
if( time == 0 )
sprintf( text_, " " );
// FEDCBA98 76543210
// 000hhhhh 00mmmmmm
int min = (time >> 0) & 0x3F;
int hour = (time >> 8) & 0x1F;
char median = (hour < 12)
? 'a'
: 'p'
printf( "DEBUG: TIME: time: %02X\n", time );
printf( "DEBUG: TIME: min : %02X\n", min );
printf( "DEBUG: TIME: hour: %02X\n", hour );
printf( "DEBUG: TIME: medn: %c\n" ,median);
if( hour >= 12 )
hour -= 12;
if( hour == 0 )
hour += 12;
sprintf( text_, "%*s%d:%02d%c", (hour < 10), "", hour, min, median );
// User Type ______________________________________________________________
// User type
// http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/ftyp/ft.about.html
// http://www.kreativekorp.com/miscpages/a2info/filetypes.shtml
const char *gaProDOS_FileTypes[ 256 ] =
// $0x Types: General
"UNK" // $00 Unknown
, "BAD" // $01 Bad Block
, "PCD" // $02 Pascal Code
, "PTX" // $03 Pascal Text
, "TXT" // $04 ASCII Text; aux type = 0 sequential, <> 0 random-acess
, "PDA" // $05 Pascal Data
, "BIN" // $06 Binary File; aux type = load address
, "FNT" // $07 Apple III Font
, "FOT" // $08 HiRes/Double HiRes Graphics
, "BA3" // $09 Apple /// BASIC Program
, "DA3" // $0A Apple /// BASIC Data
, "WPF" // $0B Generic Word Processing
, "SOS" // $0C SOS System File
, "?0D" // $0D ???
, "?0E" // $0E ???
, "DIR" // $0F ProDOS Directory
// $1x Ty pes: Productivity
, "RPD" // $10 RPS Data
, "RPI" // $11 RPS Index
, "AFD" // $12 AppleFile Discard
, "AFM" // $13 AppleFile Model
, "AFR" // $14 AppleFile Report
, "SCL" // $15 Screen Library
, "PFS" // $16 PFS Document
, "?17" // $17 ???
, "?18" // $18 ???
, "ADB" // $19 AppleWorks Database
, "AWP" // $1A AppleWorks Word Processing
, "ASP" // $1B AppleWorks Spreadsheet
, "?1C" // $1C ???
, "?1D" // $1D ???
, "?1E" // $1E ???
, "?1F" // $1F ???
// $2x Ty pes: Code
, "TDM" // $20 Desktop Manager File
, "IPS" // $21 Instant Pascal Source
, "UPV" // $22 UCSD Pascal Volume
, "?23" // $23 ???
, "?24" // $24 ???
, "?25" // $25 ???
, "?26" // $26 ???
, "?27" // $27 ???
, "?28" // $28 ???
, "3SD" // $29 Apple /// SOS Directory
, "8SC" // $2A Source Code
, "8OB" // $2B Object Code
, "8IC" // $2C Interpreted Code; aux type = $8003 Apex Program File
, "8LD" // $2D Language Data
, "P8C" // $2E ProDOS 8 Code Module
, "?2F" // $2F ???
// $3x unused
, "?30" // $30 ???
, "?31" // $31 ???
, "?32" // $32 ???
, "?33" // $33 ???
, "?34" // $34 ???
, "?35" // $35 ???
, "?36" // $36 ???
, "?37" // $37 ???
, "?38" // $38 ???
, "?39" // $39 ???
, "?3A" // $3A ???
, "?3B" // $3B ???
, "?3C" // $3C ???
, "?3D" // $3D ???
, "?3E" // $3E ???
, "?3F" // $3F ???
// $4x Types: Miscellaneous
, "?40" // $40 ???
, "OCR" // $41 Optical Character Recognition
, "FTD" // $42 File Type Definitions
, "PER" // $43 --- missing from Kreative: Peripheral data
, "?44" // $44 ???
, "?45" // $45 ???
, "?46" // $46 ???
, "?47" // $47 ???
, "?48" // $48 ???
, "?49" // $49 ???
, "?4A" // $4A ???
, "?4B" // $4B ???
, "?4C" // $4C ???
, "?4D" // $4D ???
, "?4E" // $4E ???
, "?4F" // $4F ???
// $5x Types: Apple IIgs General
, "GWP" // $50 Apple IIgs Word Processing
, "GSS" // $51 Apple IIgs Spreadsheet
, "GDB" // $52 Apple IIgs Database
, "DRW" // $53 Object Oriented Graphics
, "GDP" // $54 Apple IIgs Desktop Publishing
, "HMD" // $55 HyperMedia
, "EDU" // $56 Educational Program Data
, "STN" // $57 Stationery
, "HLP" // $58 Help File
, "COM" // $59 Communications
, "CFG" // $5A Configuration
, "ANM" // $5B Animation
, "MUM" // $5C Multimedia
, "ENT" // $5D Entertainment
, "DVU" // $5E Development Utility
, "FIN" // $5F --- missing from Kreative: FIN
// $6x Types: PC Transporter
, "PRE" // $60 PC Pre-Boot
, "?61" // $61 ???
, "?62" // $62 ???
, "?63" // $63 ???
, "?64" // $64 ???
, "?65" // $65 ???
, "NCF" // $66 ProDOS File Navigator Command File
, "?67" // $67 ???
, "?68" // $68 ???
, "?69" // $69 ???
, "?6A" // $6A ???
, "BIO" // $6B PC Transporter BIOS
, "?6C" // $6C ???
, "DVR" // $6D PC Transporter Driver
, "PRE" // $6E PC Transporter Pre-Boot
, "HDV" // $6F PC Transporter Hard Disk Image
// $7x Types: Kreative Software
, "SN2" // $70 Sabine's Notebook 2.0
, "KMT" // $71
, "DSR" // $72
, "BAN" // $73
, "CG7" // $74
, "TNJ" // $75
, "SA7" // $76
, "KES" // $77
, "JAP" // $78
, "CSL" // $79
, "TME" // $7A
, "TLB" // $7B
, "MR7" // $7C
, "MLR" // $7D Mika City
, "MMM" // $7E
, "JCP" // $7F
// $8x Types: GEOS
, "GES" // $80 System File
, "GEA" // $81 Desk Accessory
, "GEO" // $82 Application
, "GED" // $83 Document
, "GEF" // $84 Font
, "GEP" // $85 Printer Driver
, "GEI" // $86 Input Driver
, "GEX" // $87 Auxiliary Driver
, "?88" // $88 ???
, "GEV" // $89 Swap File
, "?8A" // $8A ???
, "GEC" // $8B Clock Driver
, "GEK" // $8C Interface Card Driver
, "GEW" // $8D Formatting Data
, "?8E" // $8E ???
, "?8F" // $8F ???
// $9x unused
, "?90" // $90 ???
, "?91" // $91 ???
, "?92" // $92 ???
, "?93" // $93 ???
, "?94" // $94 ???
, "?95" // $95 ???
, "?96" // $96 ???
, "?97" // $97 ???
, "?98" // $98 ???
, "?99" // $99 ???
, "?9A" // $9A ???
, "?9B" // $9B ???
, "?9C" // $9C ???
, "?9D" // $9D ???
, "?9E" // $9E ???
, "?9F" // $9F ???
// $Ax Types: Apple IIgs BASIC
, "WP " // $A0 WordPerfect
, "?A1" // $A1 ???
, "?A2" // $A2 ???
, "?A3" // $A3 ???
, "?A4" // $A4 ???
, "?A5" // $A5 ???
, "?A6" // $A6 ???
, "?A7" // $A7 ???
, "?A8" // $A8 ???
, "?A9" // $A9 ???
, "?AA" // $AA ???
, "GSB" // $AB Apple IIgs BASIC Program
, "TDF" // $AC Apple IIgs BASIC TDF
, "BDF" // $AD Apple IIgs BASIC Data
, "?AE" // $AE ???
, "?AF" // $AF ???
// $Bx Types: Apple IIgs System
, "SRC" // $B0 Apple IIgs Source Code
, "OBJ" // $B1 Apple IIgs Object Code
, "LIB" // $B2 Apple IIgs Library
, "S16" // $B3 Apple IIgs Application Program
, "RTL" // $B4 Apple IIgs Runtime Library
, "EXE" // $B5 Apple IIgs Shell Script
, "PIF" // $B6 Apple IIgs Permanent INIT
, "TIF" // $B7 Apple IIgs Temporary INIT
, "NDA" // $B8 Apple IIgs New Desk Accessory
, "CDA" // $B9 Apple IIgs Classic Desk Accessory
, "TOL" // $BA Apple IIgs Tool
, "DRV" // $BB Apple IIgs Device Driver
, "LDF" // $BC Apple IIgs Generic Load File
, "FST" // $BD Apple IIgs File System Translator
, "?BE" // $BE ???
, "DOC" // $BF Apple IIgs Document
// $Cx Ty pes: Graphics
, "PNT" // $C0 Apple IIgs Packed Super HiRes
, "PIC" // $C1 Apple IIgs Super HiRes; aux_type = $2 = Super HiRes 3200
, "ANI" // $C2 PaintWorks Animation
, "PAL" // $C3 PaintWorks Palette
, "?C4" // $C4 ???
, "OOG" // $C5 Object-Oriented Graphics
, "SCR" // $C6 Script
, "CDV" // $C7 Apple IIgs Control Panel
, "FON" // $C8 Apple IIgs Font
, "FND" // $C9 Apple IIgs Finder Data
, "ICN" // $CA Apple IIgs Icon File
, "?CB" // $CB ???
, "?CC" // $CC ???
, "?CD" // $CD ???
, "?CE" // $CE ???
, "?CF" // $CF ???
//$Dx Types: Audio
, "?D0" // $D0 ???
, "?D1" // $D1 ???
, "?D2" // $D2 ???
, "?D3" // $D3 ???
, "?D4" // $D4 ???
, "MUS" // $D5 Music
, "INS" // $D6 Instrument
, "MDI" // $D7 MIDI
, "SND" // $D8 Apple IIgs Audio
, "?D9" // $D9 ???
, "?DA" // $DA ???
, "DBM" // $DB DB Master Document
, "?DC" // $DC ???
, "?DD" // $DD ???
, "?DE" // $DE ???
, "?DF" // $DF ???
// $Ex Types: Miscellaneous
, "LBR" // $E0 Archive
, "?E1" // $E1 ???
, "ATK" // $E2 AppleTalk Data; aux_type = $FFFF - EasyMount Alias
, "?E3" // $E3 ???
, "?E4" // $E4 ???
, "?E5" // $E5 ???
, "?E6" // $E6 ???
, "?E7" // $E7 ???
, "?E8" // $E8 ???
, "?E9" // $E9 ???
, "?EA" // $EA ???
, "?EB" // $EB ???
, "?EC" // $EC ???
, "?ED" // $ED ???
, "R16" // $EE EDASM 816 Relocatable Code
, "PAR" // $EFPascal Area
// $Fx Types: System
, "CMD" // $F0 ProDOS Command File
, "OVL" // $F1 User Defined 1
, "UD2" // $F2 User Defined 2
, "UD3" // $F3 User Defined 3
, "UD4" // $F4 User Defined 4
, "BAT" // $F5 User Defined 5
, "UD6" // $F6 User Defined 6
, "UD7" // $F7 User Defined 7
, "PRG" // $F8 User Defined 8
, "P16" // $F9 ProDOS-16 System File
, "INT" // $FA Integer BASIC Program
, "IVR" // $FB Integer BASIC Variables
, "BAS" // $FC Applesoft BASIC Program; aux type = $0801
, "VAR" // $FD Applesoft BASIC Variables
, "REL" // $FE EDASM Relocatable Code
, "SYS" // $FF ProDOS-8 System File