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* Apple // emulator for *nix
* This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License
* version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation.
* Apple //e core sound system support. Source inspired/derived from AppleWin.
#ifndef _SOUNDCORE_H_
#define _SOUNDCORE_H_
#define MAX_SAMPLES (8*1024)
#define AUDIO_STATUS_PLAYING 0x00000001
#define AUDIO_STATUS_NOTPLAYING 0x08000000
// AppleWin-sourced default error increment and max adjustment values ...
typedef struct AudioBuffer_s {
bool bActive; // Mockingboard ... refactor?
bool bMute; // Mockingboard ... refactor?
long nVolume; // Mockingboard ... refactor?
PRIVATE void *_internal;
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
long (*SetVolume)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, long lVolume);
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
long (*GetVolume)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, long *lplVolume);
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long (*GetCurrentPosition)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, unsigned long *lpdwCurrentPlayCursor, unsigned long *lpdwCurrentWriteCursor);
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long (*Stop)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this);
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
// This method restores the memory allocation for a lost sound buffer for the specified DirectSoundBuffer object.
long (*Restore)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this);
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
long (*Play)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, unsigned long dwReserved1, unsigned long dwReserved2, unsigned long dwFlags);
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// This method obtains a valid write pointer to the sound buffer's audio data
long (*Lock)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, unsigned long dwWriteCursor, unsigned long dwWriteBytes, INOUT int16_t **lplpvAudioPtr1, INOUT unsigned long *lpdwAudioBytes1, void **lplpvAudioPtr2, unsigned long *lpdwAudioBytes2, unsigned long dwFlags);
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
// This method releases a locked sound buffer.
long (*Unlock)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, int16_t *lpvAudioPtr1, unsigned long dwAudioBytes1, void *lpvAudioPtr2, unsigned long dwAudioBytes2);
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
long (*GetStatus)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, unsigned long *lpdwStatus);
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// Mockingboard-specific HACKS
long (*UnlockStaticBuffer)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this, unsigned long dwAudioBytes);
long (*Replay)(struct AudioBuffer_s *_this);
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} AudioBuffer_s;
2015-06-13 20:23:49 +00:00
* Creates a sound buffer object.
long audio_createSoundBuffer(INOUT AudioBuffer_s **audioBuffer, unsigned long bufferSize, unsigned long sampleRate, int numChannels);
* Destroy and nullify sound buffer object.
void audio_destroySoundBuffer(INOUT AudioBuffer_s **pVoice);
* Prepare the audio subsystem, including the backend renderer.
bool audio_init(void);
* Shutdown the audio subsystem and backend renderer.
void audio_shutdown(void);
* Pause the audio subsystem.
void audio_pause(void);
* Resume the audio subsystem.
void audio_resume(void);
* Is the audio subsystem available?
extern bool audio_isAvailable;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private audio backend APIs
typedef struct AudioParams_s {
uint16_t nChannels;
unsigned long nSamplesPerSec;
unsigned long nAvgBytesPerSec;
uint16_t nBlockAlign;
uint16_t wBitsPerSample;
unsigned long dwBufferBytes;
} AudioParams_s;
typedef struct AudioContext_s {
PRIVATE void *_internal;
PRIVATE long (*CreateSoundBuffer)(const AudioParams_s *params, INOUT AudioBuffer_s **buffer, const struct AudioContext_s *sound_system);
PRIVATE long (*DestroySoundBuffer)(INOUT AudioBuffer_s **buffer);
} AudioContext_s;
typedef struct AudioBackend_s {
// basic backend functionality controlled by soundcore
PRIVATE long (*setup)(const char *sound_device, INOUT AudioContext_s **audio_context);
PRIVATE long (*shutdown)(INOUT AudioContext_s **audio_context);
PRIVATE long (*enumerateDevices)(INOUT char ***sound_devices, const int maxcount);
PRIVATE long (*pause)(void);
PRIVATE long (*resume)(void);
} AudioBackend_s;
// Audio backend registered at CTOR time
PRIVATE extern AudioBackend_s *audio_backend;
#endif /* whole file */