REFACTOR : CPU animation is now a HUD model

This commit is contained in:
Aaron Culliney 2015-04-12 00:41:41 -07:00
parent 19e1a8e3d8
commit 06051e44e7

View File

@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "video/glanimation.h"
#include "video/glvideo.h"
#include "video/glhudmodel.h"
#define MODEL_DEPTH -0.0625
@ -20,304 +22,137 @@
static bool animation_subsystem_functional = false;
static bool isAvailable = false;
static bool isEnabled = true;
static char cputiming_template[CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_ROWS][CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_COLS+1] = {
static struct timespec cputiming_begin = { 0 };
static GLModel *cpuMessageObjModel = NULL;
static glanim_t cpuMessageAnimation = { 0 };
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void _cpuanim_show(GLModel *parent) {
GLModelHUDElement *hudElement = (GLModelHUDElement *)parent->custom;
if (hudElement->tpl == NULL) {
// deferred construction ...
"| xxx% |",
static struct timespec cputiming_begin = { 0 };
static bool cputiming_enabled = true;
static bool texture_dirty = true;
static GLModel *cpuMessageObjModel = NULL;
static GLuint cpuMessageObjVAOName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static GLenum cpuMessageObjElementType = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static GLuint cpuMessageObjNumElements = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static GLuint cpuMessageObjTextureName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static GLuint cpuMessageObjPosBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static GLuint cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static GLuint cpuMessageObjElementBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
static uint8_t cpuMessageFB[MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH * MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT] = { 0 };
static uint8_t cpuMessagePixels[MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH * MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT * 4] = { 0 };// RGBA8888
static glanim_t cpuMessageAnimation = { 0 };
static void _create_message_model(void) {
const GLfloat messageObj_positions[] = {
-0.3, -0.3, -0.0625, 1.0,
0.3, -0.3, -0.0625, 1.0,
-0.3, 0.3, -0.0625, 1.0,
0.3, 0.3, -0.0625, 1.0,
const GLfloat messageObj_texcoords[] = {
0.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0,
0.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0,
const GLushort indices[] = {
0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3
GLModel *messageObj = calloc(1, sizeof(GLModel));
messageObj->numVertices = 4;
messageObj->numElements = 6;
const unsigned int size = sizeof(messageTemplate);
hudElement->tpl = calloc(size, 1);
hudElement->tplWidth = CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_COLS;
hudElement->tplHeight = CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_ROWS;
memcpy(hudElement->tpl, messageTemplate, size);
messageObj->positions = malloc(sizeof(messageObj_positions));
memcpy(messageObj->positions, &messageObj_positions[0], sizeof(messageObj_positions));
messageObj->positionType = GL_FLOAT;
messageObj->positionSize = 4; // x,y,z coordinates
messageObj->positionArraySize = sizeof(messageObj_positions);
messageObj->texCoords = malloc(sizeof(messageObj_texcoords));
memcpy(messageObj->texCoords, &messageObj_texcoords[0], sizeof(messageObj_texcoords));
messageObj->texcoordType = GL_FLOAT;
messageObj->texcoordSize = 2; // s,t coordinates
messageObj->texcoordArraySize = sizeof(messageObj_texcoords);
messageObj->normals = NULL;
messageObj->normalType = GL_NONE;
messageObj->normalSize = GL_NONE;
messageObj->normalArraySize = 0;
messageObj->elements = malloc(sizeof(indices));
memcpy(messageObj->elements, &indices[0], sizeof(indices));
messageObj->elementType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
messageObj->elementArraySize = sizeof(indices);
cpuMessageObjModel = messageObj;
static void _create_message_VAO_VBOs(const GLModel *messageModel, GLuint *messageVAOName, GLuint *posBufferName, GLuint *texcoordBufferName, GLuint *elementBufferName) {
// Create a vertex array object (VAO) to cache model parameters
glGenVertexArrays(1, messageVAOName);
// Create a vertex buffer object (VBO) to store positions and load data
glGenBuffers(1, posBufferName);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, *posBufferName);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, messageModel->positionArraySize, messageModel->positions, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Enable the position attribute for this VAO
// Get the size of the position type so we can set the stride properly
GLsizei posTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(messageModel->positionType);
// Set up parmeters for position attribute in the VAO including,
// size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly bound VAO
// This also attaches the position VBO to the VAO
glVertexAttribPointer(POS_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram)
messageModel->positionSize, // How many elements are there per position?
messageModel->positionType, // What is the type of this data?
GL_FALSE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-pont types)
messageModel->positionSize*posTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between positions)?
0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the position data?
if (messageModel->texCoords) {
// Create a VBO to store texcoords
glGenBuffers(1, texcoordBufferName);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, *texcoordBufferName);
// Allocate and load texcoord data into the VBO
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, messageModel->texcoordArraySize, messageModel->texCoords, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Enable the texcoord attribute for this VAO
// Get the size of the texcoord type so we can set the stride properly
GLsizei texcoordTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(messageModel->texcoordType);
// Set up parmeters for texcoord attribute in the VAO including,
// size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly bound VAO
// This also attaches the texcoord VBO to VAO
glVertexAttribPointer(TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram)
messageModel->texcoordSize, // How many elements are there per texture coord?
messageModel->texcoordType, // What is the type of this data in the array?
GL_TRUE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-point types)
messageModel->texcoordSize*texcoordTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between texcoords)?
0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the texcoord data?
hudElement->pixels = calloc(MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH * MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT, 1);
hudElement->pixWidth = MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH;
hudElement->pixHeight = MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT;
// Create a VBO to vertex array elements
// This also attaches the element array buffer to the VAO
glGenBuffers(1, elementBufferName);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, *elementBufferName);
const unsigned int row = (CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_COLS+1);
// Allocate and load vertex array element data into VBO
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, messageModel->elementArraySize, messageModel->elements, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
GL_ERRLOG("finished creating VAO/VBOs");
static void _destroy_VAO_VBOs(GLuint vaoName, GLuint posBufferName, GLuint texcoordBufferName, GLuint elementBufferName) {
// Bind the VAO so we can get data from it
// For every possible attribute set in the VAO
for (GLuint index = 0; index < 16; index++) {
// Get the VBO set for that attibute
GLuint bufName = 0;
glGetVertexAttribiv(index , GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint*)&bufName);
// If there was a VBO set...
if (bufName) {
//...delete the VBO
glDeleteBuffers(1, &bufName);
char buf[8];
double scale = (alt_speed_enabled ? cpu_altscale_factor : cpu_scale_factor);
int percentScale = scale * 100;
if (percentScale < 100.0) {
snprintf(buf, 3, "%d", percentScale);
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[2] = ' ';
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[3] = buf[0];
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[4] = buf[1];
} else if (scale == CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) {
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[2] = 'm';
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[3] = 'a';
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[4] = 'x';
} else {
snprintf(buf, 4, "%d", percentScale);
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[2] = buf[0];
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[3] = buf[1];
((hudElement->tpl)+(row*1))[4] = buf[2];
// Get any element array VBO set in the VAO
GLuint bufName = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint*)&bufName);
// If there was a element array VBO set in the VAO
if (bufName) {
//...delete the VBO
glDeleteBuffers(1, &bufName);
// Finally, delete the VAO
glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &vaoName);
glDeleteBuffers(1, &posBufferName);
glDeleteBuffers(1, &texcoordBufferName);
glDeleteBuffers(1, &elementBufferName);
GL_ERRLOG("destroying VAO/VBOs");
static void _create_message_texture(void) {
cpuMessageObjTextureName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
// Create a texture object to apply to model
glGenTextures(1, &cpuMessageObjTextureName);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cpuMessageObjTextureName);
// Set up filter and wrap modes for this texture object
// Indicate that pixel rows are tightly packed
// (defaults to stride of 4 which is kind of only good for
// RGBA or FLOAT data types)
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
// register texture with OpenGL
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, /*level*/0, /*internal format*/GL_RGBA, MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH, MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT, /*border*/0, /*format*/GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid *)cpuMessagePixels);
GL_ERRLOG("finished creating message texture");
isEnabled = true;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cputiming_begin);
static void cpuanim_init(void) {
LOG("gldriver_animation_init ...");
LOG("cpuanim_init ...");
cpuMessageObjPosBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
cpuMessageObjElementBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
_create_message_VAO_VBOs(cpuMessageObjModel, &cpuMessageObjVAOName, &cpuMessageObjPosBufferName, &cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName, &cpuMessageObjElementBufferName);
if (cpuMessageObjPosBufferName == UNINITIALIZED_GL || cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName == UNINITIALIZED_GL || cpuMessageObjElementBufferName == UNINITIALIZED_GL)
cpuMessageObjModel = mdlCreateQuad(-0.3, -0.3, 0.6, 0.6, MODEL_DEPTH, MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH, MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT, GL_RGBA/*RGBA_8888*/, (GLCustom){
.create = createDefaultGLModelHUDElement,
.setup = &_cpuanim_show,
.destroy = destroyDefaultGLModelHUDElement,
if (!cpuMessageObjModel) {
LOG("not initializing CPU speed animations");
cpuMessageObjNumElements = cpuMessageObjModel->numElements;
cpuMessageObjElementType = cpuMessageObjModel->elementType;
animation_subsystem_functional = true;
isAvailable = true;
static void cpuanim_destroy(void) {
LOG("gldriver_animation_destroy ...");
if (!animation_subsystem_functional) {
if (!isAvailable) {
animation_subsystem_functional = false;
// cleanup cputiming message objects
glDeleteTextures(1, &cpuMessageObjTextureName);
cpuMessageObjTextureName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
_destroy_VAO_VBOs(cpuMessageObjVAOName, cpuMessageObjPosBufferName, cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName, cpuMessageObjElementBufferName);
cpuMessageObjPosBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
cpuMessageObjElementBufferName = UNINITIALIZED_GL;
isAvailable = false;
cpuMessageObjModel = NULL;
static void _render_message_object(GLuint vaoName, GLuint posBufferName, GLuint texcoordBufferName, GLuint elementBufferName) {
static void _render_message_object(GLModel *model) {
// Bind our vertex array object
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, posBufferName);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->posBufferName);
GLsizei posTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(cpuMessageObjModel->positionType);
GLsizei texcoordTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(cpuMessageObjModel->texcoordType);
GLsizei posTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(model->positionType);
GLsizei texcoordTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(model->texcoordType);
// Set up parmeters for position attribute in the VAO including, size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly
// bound VAO This also attaches the position VBO to the VAO
glVertexAttribPointer(POS_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram)
cpuMessageObjModel->positionSize, // How many elements are there per position?
cpuMessageObjModel->positionType, // What is the type of this data?
model->positionSize, // How many elements are there per position?
model->positionType, // What is the type of this data?
GL_FALSE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-pont types)
cpuMessageObjModel->positionSize*posTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between positions)?
model->positionSize*posTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between positions)?
0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the position data?
// Set up parmeters for texcoord attribute in the VAO including, size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly
// bound VAO This also attaches the texcoord VBO to VAO
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoordBufferName);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->texcoordBufferName);
glVertexAttribPointer(TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram)
cpuMessageObjModel->texcoordSize, // How many elements are there per texture coord?
cpuMessageObjModel->texcoordType, // What is the type of this data in the array?
model->texcoordSize, // How many elements are there per texture coord?
model->texcoordType, // What is the type of this data in the array?
GL_TRUE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-point types)
cpuMessageObjModel->texcoordSize*texcoordTypeSize,// What is the stride (i.e. bytes between texcoords)?
model->texcoordSize*texcoordTypeSize,// What is the stride (i.e. bytes between texcoords)?
0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the texcoord data?
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBufferName);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->elementBufferName);
// Draw the message object
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, cpuMessageObjNumElements, cpuMessageObjElementType, 0);
glDrawElements(model->primType, model->numElements, model->elementType, 0);
GL_ERRLOG("CPU message render");
static void cpuanim_render(void) {
if (!animation_subsystem_functional) {
if (!isAvailable) {
if (!cputiming_enabled) {
if (!isEnabled) {
@ -327,7 +162,7 @@ static void cpuanim_render(void) {
float alpha = 0.95;
struct timespec deltat = timespec_diff(cputiming_begin, now, NULL);
if (deltat.tv_sec >= 1) {
cputiming_enabled = false;
isEnabled = false;
} else if (deltat.tv_nsec >= NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND/2) {
alpha -= ((float)deltat.tv_nsec-(NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND/2)) / (float)(NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND/2);
@ -339,13 +174,13 @@ static void cpuanim_render(void) {
glUniform1f(alphaValue, alpha);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cpuMessageObjTextureName);
if (texture_dirty) {
texture_dirty = false;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, /*level*/0, /*internal format*/GL_RGBA, MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH, MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT, /*border*/0, /*format*/GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid *)cpuMessagePixels);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cpuMessageObjModel->textureName);
if (cpuMessageObjModel->texDirty) {
cpuMessageObjModel->texDirty = false;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, /*level*/0, /*internal format*/GL_RGBA, MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH, MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT, /*border*/0, /*format*/GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, cpuMessageObjModel->texPixels);
glUniform1i(uniformTex2Use, TEXTURE_ID_MESSAGE);
_render_message_object(cpuMessageObjVAOName, cpuMessageObjPosBufferName, cpuMessageObjTexcoordBufferName, cpuMessageObjElementBufferName);
static void cpuanim_reshape(int w, int h) {
@ -353,50 +188,10 @@ static void cpuanim_reshape(int w, int h) {
static void cpuanim_show(void) {
if (!animation_subsystem_functional) {
if (!isAvailable) {
char buf[8];
double scale = (alt_speed_enabled ? cpu_altscale_factor : cpu_scale_factor);
int percentScale = scale * 100;
if (percentScale < 100.0) {
snprintf(buf, 3, "%d", percentScale);
cputiming_template[1][2] = ' ';
cputiming_template[1][3] = buf[0];
cputiming_template[1][4] = buf[1];
} else if (scale == CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) {
cputiming_template[1][2] = 'm';
cputiming_template[1][3] = 'a';
cputiming_template[1][4] = 'x';
} else {
snprintf(buf, 4, "%d", percentScale);
cputiming_template[1][2] = buf[0];
cputiming_template[1][3] = buf[1];
cputiming_template[1][4] = buf[2];
// render template into indexed fb
unsigned int submenu_width = CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_COLS;
unsigned int submenu_height = CPUTIMING_TEMPLATE_ROWS;
char *submenu = cputiming_template[0];
video_interface_print_submenu_centered_fb(cpuMessageFB, submenu_width, submenu_height, submenu, submenu_width, submenu_height);
// generate RGBA_8888 from indexed color
unsigned int count = MESSAGE_FB_WIDTH * MESSAGE_FB_HEIGHT;
for (unsigned int i=0, j=0; i<count; i++, j+=4) {
uint8_t index = *(cpuMessageFB + i);
*( (uint32_t*)(cpuMessagePixels + j) ) = (uint32_t)(
((uint32_t)(colormap[index].red) << 0 ) |
((uint32_t)(colormap[index].green) << 8 ) |
((uint32_t)(colormap[index].blue) << 16) |
((uint32_t)0xff << 24)
cputiming_enabled = true;
texture_dirty = true;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cputiming_begin);