/* * Apple // emulator for *ix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * Copyright 1994 Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema * Copyright 1995 Stephen Lee * Copyright 1997, 1998 Aaron Culliney * Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Deutschmann * Copyright 2013-2015 Aaron Culliney * */ #include "common.h" #ifdef INTERFACE_CLASSIC #define TEMPSIZE 256 extern void copy_and_pad_string(char *dest, const char* src, const char c, const int len, const char cap); #endif joystick_mode_t joy_mode = JOY_PCJOY; /* parameters for generic and keyboard-simulated joysticks */ uint16_t joy_x = HALF_JOY_RANGE; uint16_t joy_y = HALF_JOY_RANGE; uint8_t joy_button0 = 0; uint8_t joy_button1 = 0; bool joy_clip_to_radius = false; #ifdef KEYPAD_JOYSTICK short joy_step = 1; bool joy_auto_recenter = false; #endif void (*joydriver_resetJoystick)(void) = NULL; static void joystick_prefsChanged(const char *domain) { assert(strcmp(domain, PREF_DOMAIN_JOYSTICK) == 0); #ifdef KEYPAD_JOYSTICK long lVal = 0; prefs_parseLongValue(domain, PREF_JOYSTICK_KPAD_STEP, &lVal, /*base:*/10); joy_step = (short)lVal; if (joy_step < 1) { joy_step = 1; } if (joy_step > 255) { joy_step = 255; } prefs_parseBoolValue(domain, PREF_JOYSTICK_KPAD_AUTO_RECENTER, &joy_auto_recenter); #endif } static __attribute__((constructor)) void _init_joystick(void) { prefs_registerListener(PREF_DOMAIN_JOYSTICK, &joystick_prefsChanged); } #ifdef INTERFACE_CLASSIC /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_calibrate_pc_joystick() - calibrates joystick. determines extreme and center coordinates. assumes that it can write to the interface screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void c_calibrate_pc_joystick() { char temp[TEMPSIZE]; #define CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H 20 #define CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_W 40 #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_X0 4 #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_Y0 3 #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_STEP_X (30.f / 255.f) #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_STEP_Y (10.f / 255.f) char joymenu[CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H][CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |", "| |", "| btn1:@ btn2:@ x:@@@@ y:@@@@ |", "| |", "| ESC quits calibration |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; uint8_t x_last=CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_W>>1, y_last=CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H>>1; const char* const spinney = "|/-\\"; uint8_t spinney_idx=0; for (;;) { int ch = c_mygetch(0); int x_plot = CALIBRATE_TURTLE_X0 + (int)(joy_x * CALIBRATE_TURTLE_STEP_X); int y_plot = CALIBRATE_TURTLE_Y0 + (int)(joy_y * CALIBRATE_TURTLE_STEP_Y); joymenu[y_last][x_last] = ' '; joymenu[y_plot][x_plot] = spinney[spinney_idx]; x_last = x_plot; y_last = y_plot; joymenu[CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H-4][8] = joy_button0 ? 'X' : ' '; joymenu[CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H-4][15] = joy_button1 ? 'X' : ' '; snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%04x", (short)(joy_x)); copy_and_pad_string(&joymenu[CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H-4][24], temp, ' ', 5, ' '); snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%04x", (short)(joy_y)); copy_and_pad_string(&joymenu[CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H-4][32], temp, ' ', 5, ' '); c_interface_print_submenu_centered(joymenu[0], CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_W, CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H); spinney_idx = (spinney_idx+1) % 4; if (ch == kESC) { break; } static struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec=0, .tv_nsec=33333333 }; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } } #ifdef KEYPAD_JOYSTICK static void c_calibrate_keypad_joystick() { #define KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H 20 #define KEYPAD_SUBMENU_W 40 #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_KP_X0 4 #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_KP_Y0 5 #define CALIBRATE_TURTLE_KP_STEP_X (14.f / 255.f) char submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H][KEYPAD_SUBMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| Use keypad to test & tune joystick |", "| |", "| ||||||||||||||||| [You may need to |", "| | | enable NumLock] |", "| | | |", "| | | |", "| | | 7 @ 9 |", "| | | @ 5 @ |", "| | . | 1 @ 3 |", "| | | Alt-l Alt-r |", "| | | |", "| | | + toggles auto- |", "| | | recentering: @@@ |", "| | | < or > to change |", "| ||||||||||||||||| sensitivity: @@ |", "| |", "| Alt btn1:@ Alt btn2:@ x:@@ y:@@ |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; submenu[8][29] = (char)(MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0b); submenu[9][27] = (char)(MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x08); submenu[9][31] = (char)(MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x15); submenu[10][29] = (char)(MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0a); joy_x = HALF_JOY_RANGE; joy_y = HALF_JOY_RANGE; int ch = -1; uint8_t x_last=CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_W>>1, y_last=CALIBRATE_JOYMENU_H>>1; const char* const spinney = "|/-\\"; uint8_t spinney_idx=0; char temp[TEMPSIZE]; for (;;) { submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H-2][12] = joy_button0 ? 'X' : ' '; submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H-2][23] = joy_button1 ? 'X' : ' '; snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%02x", (uint8_t)joy_x); copy_and_pad_string(&submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H-2][31], temp, ' ', 3, ' '); snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%02x", (uint8_t)joy_y); copy_and_pad_string(&submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H-2][36], temp, ' ', 3, ' '); snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%02x", (uint8_t)joy_step); copy_and_pad_string(&submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H-4][36], temp, ' ', 3, ' '); snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%s", joy_auto_recenter ? " on" : "off" ); copy_and_pad_string(&submenu[KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H-6][35], temp, ' ', 4, ' '); int x_plot = CALIBRATE_TURTLE_KP_X0 + (int)(joy_x * CALIBRATE_TURTLE_KP_STEP_X); int y_plot = CALIBRATE_TURTLE_KP_Y0 + (int)(joy_y * CALIBRATE_TURTLE_STEP_Y); submenu[y_last][x_last] = ' '; submenu[y_plot][x_plot] = spinney[spinney_idx]; x_last = x_plot; y_last = y_plot; spinney_idx = (spinney_idx+1) % 4; c_interface_print_submenu_centered(submenu[0], KEYPAD_SUBMENU_W, KEYPAD_SUBMENU_H); ch = c_mygetch(0); if (ch == kESC) { break; } else if (ch == '<') { if (joy_step > 1) { --joy_step; } } else if (ch == '>') { if (joy_step < 0xFF) { ++joy_step; } } else if (ch == '+') { joy_auto_recenter = (joy_auto_recenter+1) % 2; if (joy_auto_recenter) { joy_x = HALF_JOY_RANGE; joy_y = HALF_JOY_RANGE; } } static struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec=0, .tv_nsec=33333333 }; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } prefs_setLongValue(PREF_DOMAIN_JOYSTICK, PREF_JOYSTICK_KPAD_STEP, joy_step); prefs_setBoolValue(PREF_DOMAIN_JOYSTICK, PREF_JOYSTICK_KPAD_AUTO_RECENTER, joy_auto_recenter); } #endif // KEYPAD_JOYSTICK void c_calibrate_joystick() { if (joy_mode == JOY_PCJOY) { c_calibrate_pc_joystick(); } #ifdef KEYPAD_JOYSTICK else if (joy_mode == JOY_KPAD) { c_calibrate_keypad_joystick(); } #endif } #endif // INTERFACE_CLASSIC // HACK : avoid resetting joystick button values too quickly. This should allow for ClosedApple-Reset. (This is still a // race, but hopefully much less likely to trigger). static void *_joystick_resetDelayed(void *ctx) { (void)ctx; // delay sleep(1); joy_button0 = 0x0; joy_button1 = 0x0; return NULL; } void c_joystick_reset(void) { if (joydriver_resetJoystick) { joydriver_resetJoystick(); } #if TESTING // For "testdisk" determinism, these need to be reset immediately joy_button0 = 0x0; joy_button1 = 0x0; #else pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, (void *)&_joystick_resetDelayed, (void *)NULL); pthread_detach(pid); #endif joy_x = HALF_JOY_RANGE; joy_y = HALF_JOY_RANGE; } // clamps modern gamepad controller axis values to the "corners" of a traditional joystick as used on the Apple //e static inline void clampBeyondRadius(uint8_t *x, uint8_t *y) { float half_x = (*x) - HALF_JOY_RANGE; float half_y = (*y) - HALF_JOY_RANGE; float r = sqrtf(half_x*half_x + half_y*half_y); bool shouldClip = (r > HALF_JOY_RANGE); if (joy_clip_to_radius && shouldClip) { if ((*x) < HALF_JOY_RANGE) { (*x) = ((*x) < QUARTER_JOY_RANGE) ? 0.f : (*x); } else { (*x) = ((*x) < HALF_JOY_RANGE+QUARTER_JOY_RANGE) ? (*x) : 0xFF; } if ((*y) < HALF_JOY_RANGE) { (*y) = ((*y) < QUARTER_JOY_RANGE) ? 0.f : (*y); } else { (*y) = ((*y) < HALF_JOY_RANGE+QUARTER_JOY_RANGE) ? (*y) : JOY_RANGE-1; } } } void joydriver_setClampBeyondRadius(bool clamp) { joy_clip_to_radius = clamp; } void joydriver_setAxisValue(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { clampBeyondRadius(&x, &y); joy_x = x; joy_y = y; } uint8_t joydriver_getAxisX(void) { return joy_x; } // return Y axis value uint8_t joydriver_getAxisY(void) { return joy_y; } // set button 0 pressed void joydriver_setButton0Pressed(bool pressed) { joy_button0 = (pressed) ? 0x80 : 0x0; } // set button 1 pressed void joydriver_setButton1Pressed(bool pressed) { joy_button1 = (pressed) ? 0x80 : 0x0; }