/* * Apple // emulator for *ix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * Copyright 2013-2017 Aaron Culliney * */ #include "common.h" typedef enum a2gzip_t { A2GZT_ERR = -1, A2GZT_NOT_GZ = 0, A2GZT_MAYBE_GZ = 1, } a2gzip_t; /* report a zlib or i/o error */ static const char* const _gzerr(gzFile gzf) { if (gzf == NULL) { return NULL; } int err_num = 0; const char *reason = gzerror(gzf, &err_num); if (err_num == Z_ERRNO) { return strerror(err_num); } else { return reason; } } static int _gzread_data(gzFile gzsource, uint8_t *buf, const unsigned int expected_bytescount) { int bytescount = 0; int maxtries = 10; do { int bytesread = gzread(gzsource, buf+bytescount, expected_bytescount-bytescount); if (bytesread <= 0) { if (--maxtries == 0) { LOG("OOPS, giving up on gzread() ..."); break; } LOG("OOPS, gzread() ..."); usleep(100); continue; } bytescount += bytesread; if (bytescount >= expected_bytescount) { bytescount = expected_bytescount; break; // DONE } } while (1); return bytescount; } static ssize_t _read_data(int fd_own, uint8_t *buf, const off_t expected_bytescount) { ssize_t bytescount = 0; int maxtries = 10; do { ssize_t bytesread = 0; off_t len0 = expected_bytescount-bytescount; unsigned int len = (unsigned int)len0; if (UNLIKELY(len0 > UINT_MAX || len0 < 0)) { assert(false); } TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(bytesread = read(fd_own, buf+bytescount, len)); if (bytesread <= 0) { if (--maxtries == 0) { LOG("OOPS, giving up on read() ..."); break; } LOG("OOPS, read() ..."); usleep(100); continue; } bytescount += bytesread; if (bytescount >= expected_bytescount) { bytescount = (int)expected_bytescount; break; // DONE } } while (1); return bytescount; } static ssize_t _write_data(int fd_own, uint8_t *buf, const unsigned int expected_bytescount) { ssize_t bytescount = 0; int maxtries = 10; do { ssize_t byteswritten = 0; TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(byteswritten = write(fd_own, buf+bytescount, expected_bytescount-bytescount)); if (byteswritten <= 0) { if (--maxtries == 0) { LOG("OOPS, giving up on write() ..."); break; } LOG("OOPS, write ..."); usleep(100); continue; } bytescount += byteswritten; if (bytescount >= expected_bytescount) { bytescount = expected_bytescount; break; // DONE } } while (1); return bytescount; } static a2gzip_t _check_gzip_magick(int fd_own, const unsigned int expected_bytescount) { a2gzip_t ret = A2GZT_ERR; do { uint8_t stkbuf[2]; off_t bytescount = _read_data(fd_own, &stkbuf[0], sizeof(stkbuf)); if (bytescount != sizeof(stkbuf)) { LOG("OOPS, could not read file magick for file descriptor"); break; } bytescount = lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_END); if (bytescount == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to end of file descriptor!"); break; } if (stkbuf[0] == 0x1f && stkbuf[1] == 0x8b) { // heuristics : gzip magick matches, but could possibly be a disk image file that begins with those bytes ... ret = A2GZT_MAYBE_GZ; if (bytescount >= expected_bytescount) { // most gzipped disk images are *likely* to compress smaller, but we shouldn't assume ... LOG("OMG, found a large apparently gzipped disk image!"); } } else { // did not see the gzip magick, so this is not a gzip file, but we should check file length ... if (bytescount >= expected_bytescount) { ret = A2GZT_NOT_GZ; } else { LOG("OOPS, did not find gzip magick, and file is %lld bytes, not expected size of %u", (long long)bytescount, expected_bytescount); } } } while (0); return ret; } /* Inflate/uncompress file descriptor to buffer. * * Return NULL on success, or error string (possibly from zlib) on failure. */ const char *zlib_inflate_to_buffer(int fd, const unsigned int expected_bytescount, uint8_t *buf) { gzFile gzsource = NULL; int fd_own = -1; assert(buf != NULL); assert(expected_bytescount > 0); ssize_t bytescount = 0; char *err = NULL; do { TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fd_own = dup(fd)); // balance gzclose() behavior if (fd_own == -1) { LOG("OOPS, could not dup() file descriptor %d", fd); break; } fd = -1; // check gzip magick ... a2gzip_t val = _check_gzip_magick(fd_own, expected_bytescount); if (val == A2GZT_ERR) { break; } if (lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to start of file descriptor!"); break; } if (val == A2GZT_NOT_GZ) { // definitively not gzipped and expected size, all good! bytescount = _read_data(fd_own, buf, expected_bytescount); break; } // attempt inflate ... gzsource = gzdopen(fd_own, "r"); if (gzsource == NULL) { LOG("OOPS, cannot open file descriptor for reading"); break; } bytescount = _gzread_data(gzsource, buf, expected_bytescount); if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { // could not gzread(), maybe it's not actually a gzip stream? ... LOG("OOPS, did not gzread() expected_bytescount of %u ... apparently read %zd ... checking file length heuristic ...", expected_bytescount, bytescount); if (lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to start of file descriptor!"); break; } bytescount = _read_data(fd_own, buf, expected_bytescount); if (bytescount < expected_bytescount) { LOG("OOPS, apparently corrupt gzipped file..."); } else { LOG("File appears to be non-gzipped, proceeding to load ..."); bytescount = expected_bytescount; } break; } } while (0); if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { LOG("OOPS did not read expected_bytescount of %u ... apparently read %zd", expected_bytescount, bytescount); if (gzsource) { err = (char *)_gzerr(gzsource); } if (!err) { err = ZERR_UNKNOWN; } } // clean up if (gzsource) { gzclose(gzsource); // TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd_own)); -- NOTE gzdopen() API with gzclose() above also closes the dup()'d fd } else if (fd_own > 0) { TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd_own)); } return err; } /* Inline inflate/uncompress buffer to file descriptor * * Return NULL on success, or error string (possibly from zlib) on failure. */ const char *zlib_inflate_inplace(int fd, const unsigned int expected_bytescount, bool *is_gzipped) { gzFile gzsource = NULL; int fd_own = -1; uint8_t *buf = NULL; *is_gzipped = false; assert(expected_bytescount > 2); off_t bytescount = 0; do { TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fd_own = dup(fd)); // balance gzclose() if (fd_own == -1) { LOG("OOPS, could not dup() file descriptor %d", fd); break; } fd = -1; // check gzip magick ... a2gzip_t val = _check_gzip_magick(fd_own, expected_bytescount); if (val == A2GZT_ERR) { break; } else if (val == A2GZT_NOT_GZ) { // definitively not gzipped and expected size, all good! bytescount = expected_bytescount; break; } // attempt inflate ... buf = MALLOC(expected_bytescount); if (buf == NULL) { LOG("OOPS, failed allocation of %d bytes", expected_bytescount); break; } if (lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to start of file descriptor!"); break; } gzsource = gzdopen(fd_own, "r"); if (gzsource == NULL) { LOG("OOPS, cannot open file file descriptor for reading"); break; } bytescount = _gzread_data(gzsource, buf, expected_bytescount); if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { // could not gzread(), maybe it's not actually a gzip stream? ... LOG("OOPS, did not in-place gzread() expected_bytescount of %u ... apparently read %lld ... checking file length heuristic ...", expected_bytescount, (long long)bytescount); bytescount = lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_END); if (bytescount == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to end of file descriptor!"); break; } if (bytescount < expected_bytescount) { LOG("OOPS, apparently corrupt gzipped file..."); } else { LOG("File appears to be non-gzipped, proceeding to load ..."); bytescount = expected_bytescount; } break; } // successfully read gzipped file ... *is_gzipped = true; // inplace write file if (lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to start of file descriptor!"); break; } bytescount = _write_data(fd_own, buf, expected_bytescount); if (bytescount == expected_bytescount) { int ret = -1; TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ret = ftruncate(fd_own, expected_bytescount)); if (ret == -1) { LOG("OOPS, ftruncate file descriptor failed"); break; } } } while (0); char *err = NULL; if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { LOG("OOPS, did not write expected_bytescount of %u ... apparently wrote %lld", expected_bytescount, (long long)bytescount); if (gzsource) { err = (char *)_gzerr(gzsource); } if (!err) { err = ZERR_UNKNOWN; } } // clean up if (gzsource) { gzclose(gzsource); // TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd_own)); -- NOTE gzdopen() API with gzclose() above also closes the dup()'d fd } else if (fd_own > 0) { TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd_own)); } if (buf) { FREE(buf); } return err; } /* Deflate/compress source buffer to destination buffer. * * Return NULL on success, or error string (possibly from zlib) on failure. */ const char *zlib_deflate_buffer(const uint8_t *src, const unsigned int src_bytescount, uint8_t *dst, OUTPARM off_t *dst_size) { char *gzPath = NULL; gzFile gzdest = NULL; int fd_own = -1; off_t expected_bytescount = src_bytescount; *dst_size = -1; off_t bytescount = 0; char *err = NULL; do { ASPRINTF(&gzPath, "%s/tmp.img", data_dir); assert(gzPath != NULL); TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fd_own = open(gzPath, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)); if (fd_own == -1) { LOG("OOPS could not open temp image path : %s", gzPath); break; } gzdest = gzdopen(fd_own, "w"); if (gzdest == NULL) { LOG("OOPS, cannot open file descriptor for writing"); break; } do { off_t len0 = expected_bytescount-bytescount; unsigned int len = (unsigned int)len0; if (UNLIKELY(len0 > UINT_MAX || len0 < 0)) { assert(false); } int byteswritten = gzwrite(gzdest, src+bytescount, len); if (byteswritten <= 0) { LOG("OOPS, gzwrite() returned %d", byteswritten); break; } bytescount += byteswritten; if (bytescount >= expected_bytescount) { bytescount = expected_bytescount; break; } // do short writes happen? ... } while (1); if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { break; } if (gzflush(gzdest, Z_FINISH) != Z_OK) { LOG("Error flushing compressed output : %s", err); break; } // now read compressed data into buffer ... { off_t compressed_size = lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_CUR); assert(compressed_size > 0 && compressed_size < expected_bytescount); expected_bytescount = compressed_size; } if (lseek(fd_own, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) { LOG("OOPS, cannot seek to start of file descriptor!"); break; } bytescount = _read_data(fd_own, dst, expected_bytescount); if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { break; } *dst_size = expected_bytescount; } while (0); if (bytescount != expected_bytescount) { LOG("OOPS, did not write/read expected number of bytes of %lld ... apparently wrote %lld", (long long)expected_bytescount, (long long)bytescount); if (gzdest) { err = (char *)_gzerr(gzdest); } if (!err) { err = ZERR_UNKNOWN; } } // clean up if (gzdest) { gzclose(gzdest); // TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd_own)); -- NOTE gzdopen() API with gzclose() above also closes the open()'d fd } else if (fd_own > 0) { TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd_own)); } if (gzPath) { unlink(gzPath); FREE(gzPath); } return err; }