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synced 2024-01-12 14:14:38 +00:00
Applesoft compiler fixes (#98)
* Add tests for Applesoft compiler in preparation for refactoring While refactoring the compiler, I found several small bugs: * Lower-case letters in strings and REM statements were converted to upper-case. * Lines are stored in the order received, not sorted by line number. * Does not prefer `ATN` to `AT`. * Does not prefer `TO` to `AT`. * `DATA` statements don't preserve spaces. * `DATA` statements don't preserve lowercase. These will be fixed in the upcoming refactoring. * Refactor the Applesoft Compiler Before, the compiler had a few bugs that were not trivial to solve because the implementation was in one heavily-nested function. In this refactoring of the compiler, things like tokenization have been split into separate methods which makes them a bit easier to understand. This refactoring also passes all of the tests. * Set `PRGEND` when compiling to memory Before, `PRGEND` was not adjusted which made round-tripping from the Applesoft compiler to the decompiler not work. This change now updates `PRGEND` with the end-of-program + 2 bytes which seems to be the most frequent value that I have observed. * Fix two compiler bugs In debugging the decompiler, I noticed two bugs in the compiler: * The first character after a line number was skipped. * `?` was not accepted as a shortcut for `PRINT`. This change fixes these two problems and adds tests. * Ignore spaces more aggressively It turns out that Applesoft happily accepts 'T H E N' for `THEN` but the parser did not. This change fixes that and adds tests for some odd cases. Interestingly, this means that there are some valid statements that Applesoft can never parse correctly because it is greedy and ignores (most) spaces. For example, `NOT RACE` will always parse as `NOTRACE` even though `NOT RACE` is a valid expression. * Move tokens into a separate file Because the token lists are just maps in opposite directions, put them in the same file. In the future, maybe we can build one automatically. * Fix `apple2.ts` I had neglected to actually update `apple2.ts` to use the new compiler and decompiler. They now do. Also, the decompiler can be created from `Memory`. It assumes, though, that the zero page pointers to the start and end of the program are correct. * Address comments * No more `as const` for tokens. * Extracted zero page constants to their own file. Co-authored-by: Will Scullin <scullin@scullin.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,288 +1,321 @@
import { byte, KnownKeys, KnownValues, Memory, word } from '../types';
import { byte, KnownValues, Memory, word } from '../types';
import { STRING_TO_TOKEN } from './tokens';
import { TXTTAB, PRGEND, VARTAB, ARYTAB, STREND } from './zeropage';
/** Map from keyword to token. */
const TOKENS = {
'END': 0x80,
'FOR': 0x81,
'NEXT': 0x82,
'DATA': 0x83,
'INPUT': 0x84,
'DEL': 0x85,
'DIM': 0x86,
'READ': 0x87,
'GR': 0x88,
'TEXT': 0x89,
'PR#': 0x8a,
'IN#': 0x8b,
'CALL': 0x8c,
'PLOT': 0x8d,
'HLIN': 0x8e,
'VLIN': 0x8f,
'HGR2': 0x90,
'HGR': 0x91,
'HCOLOR=': 0x92,
'HPLOT': 0x93,
'DRAW': 0x94,
'XDRAW': 0x95,
'HTAB': 0x96,
'HOME': 0x97,
'ROT=': 0x98,
'SCALE=': 0x99,
'SHLOAD': 0x9a,
'TRACE': 0x9b,
'NOTRACE': 0x9c,
'NORMAL': 0x9d,
'INVERSE': 0x9e,
'FLASH': 0x9f,
'COLOR=': 0xa0,
'POP=': 0xa1,
'VTAB': 0xa2,
'HIMEM:': 0xa3,
'LOMEM:': 0xa4,
'ONERR': 0xa5,
'RESUME': 0xa6,
'RECALL': 0xa7,
'STORE': 0xa8,
'SPEED=': 0xa9,
'LET': 0xaa,
'GOTO': 0xab,
'RUN': 0xac,
'IF': 0xad,
'RESTORE': 0xae,
'&': 0xaf,
'GOSUB': 0xb0,
'RETURN': 0xb1,
'REM': 0xb2,
'STOP': 0xb3,
'ON': 0xb4,
'WAIT': 0xb5,
'LOAD': 0xb6,
'SAVE': 0xb7,
'DEF': 0xb8,
'POKE': 0xb9,
'PRINT': 0xba,
'CONT': 0xbb,
'LIST': 0xbc,
'CLEAR': 0xbd,
'GET': 0xbe,
'NEW': 0xbf,
'TAB(': 0xc0,
'TO': 0xc1,
'FN': 0xc2,
'SPC(': 0xc3,
'THEN': 0xc4,
'AT': 0xc5,
'NOT': 0xc6,
'STEP': 0xc7,
'+': 0xc8,
'-': 0xc9,
'*': 0xca,
'/': 0xcb,
'^': 0xcc,
'AND': 0xcd,
'OR': 0xce,
'>': 0xcf,
'=': 0xd0,
'<': 0xd1,
'SGN': 0xd2,
'INT': 0xd3,
'ABS': 0xd4,
'USR': 0xd5,
'FRE': 0xd6,
'SCRN(': 0xd7,
'PDL': 0xd8,
'POS': 0xd9,
'SQR': 0xda,
'RND': 0xdb,
'LOG': 0xdc,
'EXP': 0xdd,
'COS': 0xde,
'SIN': 0xdf,
'TAN': 0xe0,
'ATN': 0xe1,
'PEEK': 0xe2,
'LEN': 0xe3,
'STR$': 0xe4,
'VAL': 0xe5,
'ASC': 0xe6,
'CHR$': 0xe7,
'LEFT$': 0xe8,
'RIGHT$': 0xe9,
'MID$': 0xea
} as const;
const LOMEM = 0x69;
const ARRAY_START = 0x6B;
const ARRAY_END = 0x6D;
/** Default address for program start */
const PROGRAM_START = 0x801;
const STATES = {
} as const;
/** Parse states. Starts in `NORMAL`. */
enum STATES {
* Tries to tokenize the input. Transitions:
* * `"`: `STRING`
* * `REM`: `COMMENT`
* * `DATA`: `DATA`
* Stores the input exactly. Tranistions:
* * `"`: `NORMAL`
/** Stores the input exactly up until the end of the line. No transitions. */
* Stores the input exactly. Transitions:
* * `:`: `NORMAL`
* * `"`: `DATA_QUOTE`
DATA = 3,
* Stores the input exactly. Transitions:
* * `"`: `DATA`
export default class ApplesoftCompiler {
constructor(private mem: Memory) { }
private writeByte(addr: word, val: byte) {
function writeByte(mem: Memory, addr: word, val: byte) {
const page = addr >> 8;
const off = addr & 0xff;
return this.mem.write(page, off, val);
return mem.write(page, off, val);
private writeWord(addr: word, val: byte) {
function writeWord(mem: Memory, addr: word, val: byte) {
const lsb = val & 0xff;
const msb = val >> 8;
this.writeByte(addr, lsb);
this.writeByte(addr + 1, msb);
writeByte(mem, addr, lsb);
writeByte(mem, addr + 1, msb);
class LineBuffer implements IterableIterator<string> {
private prevChar: number = 0;
constructor(private readonly line: string, private curChar: number = 0) { }
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<string> {
return this;
compile(program: string) {
const lineNos: { [line: string]: byte[]} = {};
function compileLine(line: string | null | undefined, offset: number) {
if (!line) {
return [];
clone(): LineBuffer {
return new LineBuffer(this.line, this.curChar);
let state: KnownValues<typeof STATES> = STATES.NORMAL;
const result = [0, 0, 0, 0];
let curChar = 0;
let character;
next(): IteratorResult<string> {
if (this.atEnd()) {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
this.prevChar = this.curChar;
return { done: false, value: this.line[this.curChar++] };
* Tries to match the input token at the current buffer location. If
* the token matches, the current buffer location is advanced passed
* the token and this method returns `true`. Otherwise, this method
* returns `false`.
* The input is assumed to be an all-uppercase string and the tokens
* in the buffer are uppercased before the comparison.
* @param token An all-uppercase string to match.
lookingAtToken(token: string): boolean {
const oldCurChar = this.curChar;
const oldPrevChar = this.prevChar;
let possibleToken = '';
for (const char of this) {
if (char === ' ') {
possibleToken += char;
if (possibleToken.length === token.length) {
if (possibleToken.toUpperCase() === token) {
// Matched; set prevChar to before the match.
this.prevChar = oldCurChar;
return true;
// No match; restore state.
this.curChar = oldCurChar;
this.prevChar = oldPrevChar;
return false;
backup() {
this.curChar = this.prevChar;
peek(): string {
if (this.atEnd()) {
throw new RangeError(`Reading past the end of ${this.line}`);
return this.line[this.curChar];
atEnd(): boolean {
return this.curChar >= this.line.length;
export default class ApplesoftCompiler {
private lines: Map<number, byte[]> = new Map();
constructor() { }
* Loads an AppleSoft BASIC program into memory.
* @param mem Memory, including zero page, into which the program is
* loaded.
* @param program A string with a BASIC program to compile (tokenize).
* @param programStart Optional start address of the program. Defaults to
* standard AppleSoft program address, 0x801.
static compileToMemory(mem: Memory, program: string, programStart: word = PROGRAM_START) {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
const compiledProgram: Uint8Array = compiler.program(programStart);
for (let i = 0; i < compiledProgram.byteLength; i++) {
writeByte(mem, programStart + i, compiledProgram[i]);
// Set zero page locations. Applesoft is weird because, when a line
// is inserted, PRGEND is copied to VARTAB in the beginning, but then
// VARTAB is manipulated to make space for the line, then PRGEND is
// set from VARTAB. There's also a bug in NEW at D657 where the carry
// flag is not cleared, so it can add 2 or 3. The upshot, though, is
// that PRGEND and VARTAB end up being 1 or 2 bytes past the end of
// the program. From my tests is the emulator, it's usually 1, so
// that's what we're going with here.
const prgend = programStart + compiledProgram.byteLength + 1;
writeWord(mem, TXTTAB, programStart);
writeWord(mem, PRGEND, prgend);
writeWord(mem, VARTAB, prgend);
writeWord(mem, ARYTAB, prgend);
writeWord(mem, STREND, prgend);
private readLineNumber(lineBuffer: LineBuffer): number {
let lineNoStr = '';
while (line.length) {
character = line.charAt(curChar);
for (const character of lineBuffer) {
if (/\d/.test(character)) {
lineNoStr += character;
} else {
if (lineNoStr.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Missing line number');
while (curChar < line.length) {
character = line.charAt(curChar).toUpperCase();
switch (state) {
if (character !== ' ') {
if (character === '"') {
} else {
let foundToken = '';
let tokenIdx = -1;
for (const possibleToken in TOKENS) {
if (possibleToken.charAt(0) === character) {
tokenIdx = curChar + 1;
let idx = 1;
while (idx < possibleToken.length) {
if (line.charAt(tokenIdx) !== ' ') {
if (line.charAt(tokenIdx).toUpperCase() !== possibleToken.charAt(idx)) {
return parseInt(lineNoStr, 10);
if (idx === possibleToken.length) {
private readToken(lineBuffer: LineBuffer): byte {
// Try to match a token
for (const possibleToken in STRING_TO_TOKEN) {
if (lineBuffer.lookingAtToken(possibleToken)) {
// NOTE(flan): This special token-preference
// logic is straight from the AppleSoft BASIC
// code (D5BE-D5CA in the Apple //e ROM).
// Found a token
if (possibleToken === 'AT') {
const lookAhead = line.charAt(tokenIdx + 1).toUpperCase();
if (possibleToken === 'AT' && !lineBuffer.atEnd()) {
const lookAhead = lineBuffer.peek();
// ATN takes precedence over AT
if (lookAhead === 'N') {
foundToken = 'ATN';
// TO takes precedence over AT
if (lookAhead === 'O') {
foundToken = 'TO';
// Backup to before the token
// and emit the 'A' (upper- or lower-case)
return lineBuffer.next().value.charCodeAt(0);
foundToken = possibleToken;
return STRING_TO_TOKEN[possibleToken];
if (foundToken) {
// If not a token, output the character upper-cased
return lineBuffer.next().value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
private compileLine(line: string | null | undefined) {
const result: byte[] = [];
if (!line) {
const lineBuffer = new LineBuffer(line);
let state: KnownValues<typeof STATES> = STATES.NORMAL;
const lineNumber = this.readLineNumber(lineBuffer);
if (lineNumber < 0 || lineNumber > 65535) {
throw new Error('Line number out of range');
// Read the rest of the line
for (const character of lineBuffer) {
const charCode = character.charCodeAt(0);
switch (state) {
// Skip spaces
if (character === ' ') {
// Transition to parsing a string
if (character === '"') {
if (foundToken) {
result.push(TOKENS[foundToken as KnownKeys<typeof TOKENS>]);
curChar = tokenIdx;
if (foundToken === 'REM') {
// Shorthand for PRINT (D580 in Apple //e ROM)
if (character === '?') {
// Try to parse a token or character
const token = this.readToken(lineBuffer);
if (token === STRING_TO_TOKEN['REM']) {
} else {
if (token === STRING_TO_TOKEN['DATA']) {
state = STATES.DATA;
} else {
if (character === '"') {
if (character === ':') {
if (character === '"') {
if (character === '"') {
state = STATES.DATA;
if (lineNoStr.length) {
const lineNo = parseInt(lineNoStr, 10);
if (lineNo < 0 || lineNo > 65535) {
throw new Error('Line number out of range');
if (lineNos[lineNoStr]) {
throw new Error('Duplicate line number');
lineNos[lineNoStr] = result;
// Next line pointer
const nextLine = offset + result.length;
result[0] = nextLine & 0xff;
result[1] = nextLine >> 8;
// Line number
result[2] = lineNo & 0xff;
result[3] = lineNo >> 8;
} else {
throw new Error('Missing line number');
this.lines.set(lineNumber, result);
return result;
let compiled: number[] = [];
compile(program: string) {
const lines = program.split(/[\r\n]+/g);
while (lines.length) {
const line = lines.shift();
const compiledLine = compileLine(line, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length);
compiled = compiled.concat(compiledLine);
compiled.push(0, 0);
for (let idx = 0; idx < compiled.length; idx++) {
this.writeByte(PROGRAM_START + idx, compiled[idx]);
/** Returns the compiled program at the given start address. */
program(programStart: word = PROGRAM_START): Uint8Array {
const result: byte[] = [];
// Lines can be inserted out of order, but they should be in order
// when tokenized.
const lineNumbers = [...this.lines.keys()].sort();
for (const lineNo of lineNumbers) {
const lineBytes = this.lines.get(lineNo)!;
const nextLineAddr = programStart + result.length + 4
+ lineBytes.length + 1; // +1 for the zero at end of line
result.push(nextLineAddr & 0xff, nextLineAddr >> 8);
result.push(lineNo & 0xff, lineNo >> 8);
this.writeWord(LOMEM, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length);
this.writeWord(ARRAY_START, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length);
this.writeWord(ARRAY_END, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length);
result.push(0x00, 0x00);
return new Uint8Array(result);
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import { byte, KnownKeys, Memory, word } from '../types';
import { byte, word, ReadonlyUint8Array, Memory } from '../types';
import { TOKEN_TO_STRING, STRING_TO_TOKEN } from './tokens';
import { TXTTAB, PRGEND } from './zeropage';
const LETTERS =
' ' +
@ -6,166 +8,286 @@ const LETTERS =
'`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ';
const TOKENS = {
0x80: 'END',
0x81: 'FOR',
0x82: 'NEXT',
0x83: 'DATA',
0x84: 'INPUT',
0x85: 'DEL',
0x86: 'DIM',
0x87: 'READ',
0x88: 'GR',
0x89: 'TEXT',
0x8a: 'PR#',
0x8b: 'IN#',
0x8c: 'CALL',
0x8d: 'PLOT',
0x8e: 'HLIN',
0x8f: 'VLIN',
0x90: 'HGR2',
0x91: 'HGR',
0x92: 'HCOLOR=',
0x93: 'HPLOT',
0x94: 'DRAW',
0x95: 'XDRAW',
0x96: 'HTAB',
0x97: 'HOME',
0x98: 'ROT=',
0x99: 'SCALE=',
0x9a: 'SHLOAD',
0x9b: 'TRACE',
0x9c: 'NOTRACE',
0x9d: 'NORMAL',
0x9e: 'INVERSE',
0x9f: 'FLASH',
0xa0: 'COLOR=',
0xa1: 'POP=',
0xa2: 'VTAB',
0xa3: 'HIMEM:',
0xa4: 'LOMEM:',
0xa5: 'ONERR',
0xa6: 'RESUME',
0xa7: 'RECALL',
0xa8: 'STORE',
0xa9: 'SPEED=',
0xaa: 'LET',
0xab: 'GOTO',
0xac: 'RUN',
0xad: 'IF',
0xae: 'RESTORE',
0xaf: '&',
0xb0: 'GOSUB',
0xb1: 'RETURN',
0xb2: 'REM',
0xb3: 'STOP',
0xb4: 'ON',
0xb5: 'WAIT',
0xb6: 'LOAD',
0xb7: 'SAVE',
0xb8: 'DEF',
0xb9: 'POKE',
0xba: 'PRINT',
0xbb: 'CONT',
0xbc: 'LIST',
0xbd: 'CLEAR',
0xbe: 'GET',
0xbf: 'NEW',
0xc0: 'TAB(',
0xc1: 'TO',
0xc2: 'FN',
0xc3: 'SPC(',
0xc4: 'THEN',
0xc5: 'AT',
0xc6: 'NOT',
0xc7: 'STEP',
0xc8: '+',
0xc9: '-',
0xca: '*',
0xcb: '/',
0xcc: '^',
0xcd: 'AND',
0xce: 'OR',
0xcf: '>',
0xd0: '=',
0xd1: '<',
0xd2: 'SGN',
0xd3: 'INT',
0xd4: 'ABS',
0xd5: 'USR',
0xd6: 'FRE',
0xd7: 'SCRN(',
0xd8: 'PDL',
0xd9: 'POS',
0xda: 'SQR',
0xdb: 'RND',
0xdc: 'LOG',
0xdd: 'EXP',
0xde: 'COS',
0xdf: 'SIN',
0xe0: 'TAN',
0xe1: 'ATN',
0xe2: 'PEEK',
0xe3: 'LEN',
0xe4: 'STR$',
0xe5: 'VAL',
0xe6: 'ASC',
0xe7: 'CHR$',
0xe8: 'LEFT$',
0xe9: 'RIGHT$',
0xea: 'MID$'
} as const;
interface ListOptions {
apple2: 'e' | 'plus';
columns: number; // usually 40 or 80
export default class ApplesoftDump {
constructor(private mem: Memory) { }
const DEFAULT_LIST_OPTIONS: ListOptions = {
apple2: 'e',
columns: 40,
private readByte(addr: word): byte {
const page = addr >> 8;
const off = addr & 0xff;
interface DecompileOptions {
style: 'compact' | 'pretty';
return this.mem.read(page, off);
const DEFAULT_DECOMPILE_OPTIONS: DecompileOptions = {
style: 'pretty',
export default class ApplesoftDecompiler {
* Returns a decompiler for the program in the given memory.
* The memory is assumed to have set `TXTTAB` and `PRGEND` correctly.
static decompilerFromMemory(ram: Memory): ApplesoftDecompiler {
const program: byte[] = [];
const start = ram.read(0x00, TXTTAB) + (ram.read(0x00, TXTTAB + 1) << 8);
const end = ram.read(0x00, PRGEND) + (ram.read(0x00, PRGEND + 1) << 8);
for (let addr = start; addr <= end; addr++) {
program.push(ram.read(addr >> 8, addr & 0xff));
private readWord(addr: word): word {
const lsb = this.readByte(addr);
const msb = this.readByte(addr + 1);
return (msb << 8) | lsb;
return new ApplesoftDecompiler(new Uint8Array(program), start);
toString() {
let str = '';
const start = this.readWord(0x67); // Start
const end = this.readWord(0xaf); // End of program
let addr = start;
do {
* Constructs a decompiler for the given program data. The data is
* assumed to be a dump of memory beginning at `base`. If the data
* does not cover the whole program, attempting to decompile will
* fail.
* @param program The program bytes.
* @param base
constructor(private readonly program: ReadonlyUint8Array,
private readonly base: word = 0x801) {
/** Returns the 2-byte word at the given offset. */
private wordAt(offset: word): word {
return this.program[offset] + (this.program[offset + 1] << 8);
* Iterates through the lines of the given program in the order of
* the linked list of lines, starting from the first line. This
* does _not_ mean that all lines in memory will
* @param from First line for which to call the callback.
* @param to Last line for which to call the callback.
* @param callback A function to call for each line. The first parameter
* is the offset of the line number of the line; the tokens follow.
private forEachLine(from: number, to: number,
callback: (offset: word) => void): void {
let offset = 0;
let nextLineAddr = this.wordAt(offset);
let nextLineNo = this.wordAt(offset + 2);
while (nextLineAddr != 0 && nextLineNo < from) {
offset = nextLineAddr;
nextLineAddr = this.wordAt(offset);
nextLineNo = this.wordAt(offset + 2);
while (nextLineAddr != 0 && nextLineNo <= to) {
callback(offset + 2);
offset = nextLineAddr - this.base;
nextLineAddr = this.wordAt(offset);
nextLineNo = this.wordAt(offset + 2);
/** Lists a single line like an Apple II. */
listLine(offset: word, options: ListOptions): string {
const lines: string[] = [];
let line = '';
const next = this.readWord(addr);
addr += 2;
const lineno = this.readWord(addr);
addr += 2;
line += lineno;
line += ' ';
let val = 0;
do {
if (addr < start || addr > end)
return str;
val = this.readByte(addr++);
if (val >= 0x80) {
line += ' ';
line += TOKENS[val as KnownKeys<typeof TOKENS>];
line += ' ';
const lineNo = this.wordAt(offset);
// The Apple //e prints a space before each line number to make
// it easier to edit the lines. The change is at the subroutine
// called at D6F9: on the //e it is SPCLIN (F7AA), on the ][+ it
// is LINPRT (ED24).
if (options.apple2 === 'e') {
line += ' '; // D6F9: JSR SPCLIN
line += LETTERS[val];
} while (val);
line += '\n';
str += line;
addr = next;
} while (addr && addr >= start && addr < end);
line += lineNo + ' '; // D6FC, always 1 space after line number
offset += 2;
return str;
// In the original ROM, the line length is checked immediately
// after the line number is printed. For simplicity, this method
// always assumes that there is space for one token—which would
// have been the case on a realy Apple.
while (this.program[offset] != 0) {
const token = this.program[offset];
if (token >= 0x80 && token <= 0xea) {
line += ' '; // D750, always put a space in front of token
line += TOKEN_TO_STRING[token];
line += ' '; // D762, always put a trailing space
} else {
line += LETTERS[token];
// The Apple //e and ][+ differ in how they choose to break
// long lines. In the ][+, D705 prints a newline if the
// current column (MON_CH, $24) is greater than or equal to
// 33. In the //e, control is passed to GETCH (F7B4), which
// uses column 33 in 40-column mode and column 73 in 80-column
// mode.
// The ][+ behaves more like a //e when there is an 80-column
// card active (programs wrap at column 73). From what I can
// tell (using Virtual ]['s inspector), the 80-column card
// keeps MON_CH at zero until the actual column is >= 71, when
// it sets it to the actual cursor position - 40. In the
// Videx Videoterm ROM, this fixup happens in BASOUT (CBCD) at
// CBE6 by getting the 80-column horizontal cursor position and
// subtracting 0x47 (71). If the result is less than zero, then
// 0x00 is stored in MON_CH, otherwise 31 is added back and the
// result is stored in MON_CH. (The manual is archived at
// http://www.apple-iigs.info/doc/fichiers/videoterm.pdf, among
// other places.)
// For out purposes, we're just going to use the number of
// columns - 7.
if (line.length >= options.columns - 7) {
line += '\n';
line = ' ';
lines.push(line + '\n');
return lines.join('');
* Lists the program in the same format that an Apple II prints to the
* screen.
* This method also accepts a starting and ending line number. Like on
* an Apple II, this will print all of the lines between `from` and `to`
* (inclusive) regardless of the actual line numbers between them.
* To list a single line, pass the same number for both `from` and `to`.
* @param options The options for formatting the output.
* @param from The first line to print (default 0).
* @param to The last line to print (default end of program).
list(options: Partial<ListOptions> = {},
from: number = 0, to: number = 65536): string {
const allOptions = { ...DEFAULT_LIST_OPTIONS, ...options };
let result = '';
this.forEachLine(from, to, offset => {
result += this.listLine(offset, allOptions);
return result;
* Returns a single line for the given compiled line in as little
* space as possible.
compactLine(offset: word): string {
let result = '';
let spaceIf: (nextToken: string) => boolean = () => false;
const lineNo = this.wordAt(offset);
result += lineNo;
spaceIf = (nextToken: string) => /^\d/.test(nextToken);
offset += 2;
while (this.program[offset] != 0) {
const token = this.program[offset];
let tokenString: string;
if (token >= 0x80 && token <= 0xea) {
tokenString = TOKEN_TO_STRING[token];
if (tokenString === 'PRINT') {
tokenString = '?';
} else {
tokenString = LETTERS[token];
if (spaceIf(tokenString)) {
result += ' ';
result += tokenString;
spaceIf = () => false;
if (token === STRING_TO_TOKEN['AT']) {
spaceIf = (nextToken) => nextToken.toUpperCase().startsWith('N');
return result;
* Returns a single line for the compiled line, but with even spacing:
* * space after line number (not before)
* * space before and after colons (`:`)
* * space around equality and assignment operators (`=`, `<=`, etc.)
* * space after tokens, unless it looks like a function call
* * space after commas, but not before
prettyLine(offset: word): string {
let result = '';
let inString = false;
let spaceIf: (char: byte) => boolean = () => false;
const lineNo = this.wordAt(offset);
result += lineNo + ' ';
offset += 2;
while (this.program[offset] != 0) {
const token = this.program[offset];
let tokenString: string;
if (token >= 0x80 && token <= 0xea) {
tokenString = TOKEN_TO_STRING[token];
} else {
tokenString = LETTERS[token];
if (tokenString === '"') {
inString = !inString;
if (spaceIf(token) || (!inString && tokenString === ':')) {
result += ' ';
result += tokenString;
if (!inString && tokenString === ':') {
spaceIf = () => true;
} else if (!inString && tokenString === ',') {
spaceIf = () => true;
} else if (token >= 0xcf && token <= 0xd1) {
// For '<', '=', '>', don't add a space between them.
spaceIf = (token: byte) => token < 0xcf || token > 0xd1;
} else if (token > 0x80 && token < 0xea) {
// By default, if a token is followed by an open paren, don't
// add a space.
spaceIf = (token: byte) => token !== 0x28;
} else {
// By default, if a literal is followed by a token, add a space.
spaceIf = (token: byte) => token >= 0x80 && token <= 0xea;
return result;
* Decompiles the program based on the given options.
decompile(options: Partial<DecompileOptions> = {},
from: number = 0, to: number = 65536): string {
const allOptions = { ...DEFAULT_DECOMPILE_OPTIONS, ...options };
const results: string[] = [];
this.forEachLine(from, to, offset => {
results.push(allOptions.style === 'compact' ? this.compactLine(offset) : this.prettyLine(offset));
return results.join('\n');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
import { byte } from 'js/types';
/** Map from token to keyword */
export const TOKEN_TO_STRING: Record<byte, string> = {
0x80: 'END',
0x81: 'FOR',
0x82: 'NEXT',
0x83: 'DATA',
0x84: 'INPUT',
0x85: 'DEL',
0x86: 'DIM',
0x87: 'READ',
0x88: 'GR',
0x89: 'TEXT',
0x8a: 'PR#',
0x8b: 'IN#',
0x8c: 'CALL',
0x8d: 'PLOT',
0x8e: 'HLIN',
0x8f: 'VLIN',
0x90: 'HGR2',
0x91: 'HGR',
0x92: 'HCOLOR=',
0x93: 'HPLOT',
0x94: 'DRAW',
0x95: 'XDRAW',
0x96: 'HTAB',
0x97: 'HOME',
0x98: 'ROT=',
0x99: 'SCALE=',
0x9a: 'SHLOAD',
0x9b: 'TRACE',
0x9c: 'NOTRACE',
0x9d: 'NORMAL',
0x9e: 'INVERSE',
0x9f: 'FLASH',
0xa0: 'COLOR=',
0xa1: 'POP=',
0xa2: 'VTAB',
0xa3: 'HIMEM:',
0xa4: 'LOMEM:',
0xa5: 'ONERR',
0xa6: 'RESUME',
0xa7: 'RECALL',
0xa8: 'STORE',
0xa9: 'SPEED=',
0xaa: 'LET',
0xab: 'GOTO',
0xac: 'RUN',
0xad: 'IF',
0xae: 'RESTORE',
0xaf: '&',
0xb0: 'GOSUB',
0xb1: 'RETURN',
0xb2: 'REM',
0xb3: 'STOP',
0xb4: 'ON',
0xb5: 'WAIT',
0xb6: 'LOAD',
0xb7: 'SAVE',
0xb8: 'DEF',
0xb9: 'POKE',
0xba: 'PRINT',
0xbb: 'CONT',
0xbc: 'LIST',
0xbd: 'CLEAR',
0xbe: 'GET',
0xbf: 'NEW',
0xc0: 'TAB(',
0xc1: 'TO',
0xc2: 'FN',
0xc3: 'SPC(',
0xc4: 'THEN',
0xc5: 'AT',
0xc6: 'NOT',
0xc7: 'STEP',
0xc8: '+',
0xc9: '-',
0xca: '*',
0xcb: '/',
0xcc: '^',
0xcd: 'AND',
0xce: 'OR',
0xcf: '>',
0xd0: '=',
0xd1: '<',
0xd2: 'SGN',
0xd3: 'INT',
0xd4: 'ABS',
0xd5: 'USR',
0xd6: 'FRE',
0xd7: 'SCRN(',
0xd8: 'PDL',
0xd9: 'POS',
0xda: 'SQR',
0xdb: 'RND',
0xdc: 'LOG',
0xdd: 'EXP',
0xde: 'COS',
0xdf: 'SIN',
0xe0: 'TAN',
0xe1: 'ATN',
0xe2: 'PEEK',
0xe3: 'LEN',
0xe4: 'STR$',
0xe5: 'VAL',
0xe6: 'ASC',
0xe7: 'CHR$',
0xe8: 'LEFT$',
0xe9: 'RIGHT$',
0xea: 'MID$'
/** Map from keyword to token. */
export const STRING_TO_TOKEN: Record<string, byte> = {
'END': 0x80,
'FOR': 0x81,
'NEXT': 0x82,
'DATA': 0x83,
'INPUT': 0x84,
'DEL': 0x85,
'DIM': 0x86,
'READ': 0x87,
'GR': 0x88,
'TEXT': 0x89,
'PR#': 0x8a,
'IN#': 0x8b,
'CALL': 0x8c,
'PLOT': 0x8d,
'HLIN': 0x8e,
'VLIN': 0x8f,
'HGR2': 0x90,
'HGR': 0x91,
'HCOLOR=': 0x92,
'HPLOT': 0x93,
'DRAW': 0x94,
'XDRAW': 0x95,
'HTAB': 0x96,
'HOME': 0x97,
'ROT=': 0x98,
'SCALE=': 0x99,
'SHLOAD': 0x9a,
'TRACE': 0x9b,
'NOTRACE': 0x9c,
'NORMAL': 0x9d,
'INVERSE': 0x9e,
'FLASH': 0x9f,
'COLOR=': 0xa0,
'POP=': 0xa1,
'VTAB': 0xa2,
'HIMEM:': 0xa3,
'LOMEM:': 0xa4,
'ONERR': 0xa5,
'RESUME': 0xa6,
'RECALL': 0xa7,
'STORE': 0xa8,
'SPEED=': 0xa9,
'LET': 0xaa,
'GOTO': 0xab,
'RUN': 0xac,
'IF': 0xad,
'RESTORE': 0xae,
'&': 0xaf,
'GOSUB': 0xb0,
'RETURN': 0xb1,
'REM': 0xb2,
'STOP': 0xb3,
'ON': 0xb4,
'WAIT': 0xb5,
'LOAD': 0xb6,
'SAVE': 0xb7,
'DEF': 0xb8,
'POKE': 0xb9,
'PRINT': 0xba,
'CONT': 0xbb,
'LIST': 0xbc,
'CLEAR': 0xbd,
'GET': 0xbe,
'NEW': 0xbf,
'TAB(': 0xc0,
'TO': 0xc1,
'FN': 0xc2,
'SPC(': 0xc3,
'THEN': 0xc4,
'AT': 0xc5,
'NOT': 0xc6,
'STEP': 0xc7,
'+': 0xc8,
'-': 0xc9,
'*': 0xca,
'/': 0xcb,
'^': 0xcc,
'AND': 0xcd,
'OR': 0xce,
'>': 0xcf,
'=': 0xd0,
'<': 0xd1,
'SGN': 0xd2,
'INT': 0xd3,
'ABS': 0xd4,
'USR': 0xd5,
'FRE': 0xd6,
'SCRN(': 0xd7,
'PDL': 0xd8,
'POS': 0xd9,
'SQR': 0xda,
'RND': 0xdb,
'LOG': 0xdc,
'EXP': 0xdd,
'COS': 0xde,
'SIN': 0xdf,
'TAN': 0xe0,
'ATN': 0xe1,
'PEEK': 0xe2,
'LEN': 0xe3,
'STR$': 0xe4,
'VAL': 0xe5,
'ASC': 0xe6,
'CHR$': 0xe7,
'LEFT$': 0xe8,
'RIGHT$': 0xe9,
'MID$': 0xea
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Zero page locations used by Applesoft. The names come from
* the commented decompilation produced by the Merlin Pro
* assembler, revision 4/27/84. There is evidence from
* https://www.pagetable.com/?p=774 that the original Microsoft
* BASIC source code used these names as well.
/** Start of program (word) */
export const TXTTAB = 0x67;
/** Start of variables (word) */
export const VARTAB = 0x69;
/** Start of arrays (word) */
export const ARYTAB = 0x6B;
/** End of strings (word). (Strings are allocated down from HIMEM.) */
export const STREND = 0x6D;
* End of program (word). This is actually 1 or 2 bytes past the three
* zero bytes that end the program.
export const PRGEND = 0xAF;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { initGamepad } from './gamepad';
import KeyBoard from './keyboard';
import Tape, { TAPE_TYPES } from './tape';
import ApplesoftDump from '../applesoft/decompiler';
import ApplesoftDecompiler from '../applesoft/decompiler';
import ApplesoftCompiler from '../applesoft/compiler';
import { debug } from '../util';
@ -90,14 +90,17 @@ let ready: Promise<[void, void]>;
export const driveLights = new DriveLights();
/** Start of program (word) */
const TXTTAB = 0x67;
export function dumpAppleSoftProgram() {
const dumper = new ApplesoftDump(cpu);
const decompiler = ApplesoftDecompiler.decompilerFromMemory(cpu);
debug(decompiler.list({apple2: _e ? 'e' : 'plus'}));
export function compileAppleSoftProgram(program: string) {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler(cpu);
const start = cpu.read(TXTTAB) + (cpu.read(TXTTAB + 1) << 8);
ApplesoftCompiler.compileToMemory(cpu, program, start);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
import ApplesoftCompiler from 'js/applesoft/compiler';
import RAM from 'js/ram';
import { Memory } from 'js/types';
// Zero page locations used by Applesoft. The names come from
// the commented decompilation produced by the Merlin Pro
// assembler, revision 4/27/84. There is evidence from
// https://www.pagetable.com/?p=774 that the original Microsoft
// BASIC source code used these names as well.
const TXTTAB = 0x67; // start of program, word
const VARTAB = 0x69; // start of variables, word
const ARYTAB = 0x6B; // start of arrays, word
const STREND = 0x6D; // end of strings, word
const PRGEND = 0xAF; // end of program, word
function compileToMemory(ram: Memory, program: string) {
ApplesoftCompiler.compileToMemory(ram, program);
// Manual decompilation based on "Applesoft Internal Structure"
// by C.K. Mesztenyi/Washington Apple Pi, from Call—A.P.P.L.E.,
// January, 1982. Archived at:
// https://archive.org/details/DTCA2DOC-045_applesoft_internal
// Decompilation verified on the emulator by typing in the
// program, then:
// ]CALL -151
// *800.820
// and comparing the resulting bytes (starting at 801).
describe('ApplesoftCompiler', () => {
it('compiles a one-line hello world', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 PRINT "HELLO, WORLD!"');
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x16, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0xba, 0x22, 0x48, 0x45,
0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4f, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x57, 0x4f, 0x52,
0x4c, 0x44, 0x21, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
it('compiles a one-line hello world into memory', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 PRINT "HELLO, WORLD!"');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x01)).toBe(0x16); // pointer to next line low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x02)).toBe(0x08); // pointer to next line high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0xba); // PRINT
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x48); // H
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x45); // E
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x4F); // O
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0x2C); // ,
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0d)).toBe(0x20); // space
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0e)).toBe(0x57); // W
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0f)).toBe(0x4F); // O
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x10)).toBe(0x52); // R
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x11)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x12)).toBe(0x44); // D
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x13)).toBe(0x21); // !
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x14)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x15)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x16)).toBe(0x00); // end of program low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x17)).toBe(0x00); // end of program high
expect(ram.read(0x00, TXTTAB)).toBe(0x01); // start of program low
expect(ram.read(0x00, TXTTAB + 1)).toBe(0x08); // start of program high
expect(ram.read(0x00, VARTAB)).toBe(0x19); // start of variables low
expect(ram.read(0x00, VARTAB + 1)).toBe(0x08); // start of variables high
expect(ram.read(0x00, ARYTAB)).toBe(0x19); // start of arrays low
expect(ram.read(0x00, ARYTAB + 1)).toBe(0x08); // start of arrays high
expect(ram.read(0x00, STREND)).toBe(0x19); // end of strings low
expect(ram.read(0x00, STREND + 1)).toBe(0x08); // end of strings high
expect(ram.read(0x00, PRGEND)).toBe(0x19); // end of program low
expect(ram.read(0x00, PRGEND + 1)).toBe(0x08); // end of program high
it('uppercases normal-mode text, like variables', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 fori=xtoz');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x81); // FOR
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x49); // I
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0xd0); // = (token)
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x58); // X
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0xc1); // TO
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x5a); // Z
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('allows lower-case characters in strings', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 PRINT "Hello!"');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0xba); // PRINT
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x48); // H
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x65); // e
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x6C); // l
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x6C); // l
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x6F); // o
it('allows lower-case characters in comments', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 REM Hello!');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0xb2); // REM
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x20); // space
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x48); // H
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x65); // e
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x6C); // l
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x6C); // l
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x6F); // o
it('allows lower-case tokens', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 print "Hello!"');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0xba); // PRINT
it('accepts out-of-order lines', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '20 GOTO 10\n10 PRINT "HELLO');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x01)).toBe(0x0d); // pointer to next line low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x02)).toBe(0x08); // pointer to next line high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0xba); // PRINT
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x48); // H
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x45); // E
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x4F); // O
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0d)).toBe(0x15); // pointer to next line low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0e)).toBe(0x08); // pointer to next line high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0f)).toBe(0x14); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x10)).toBe(0x00); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x11)).toBe(0xab); // GOTO
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x12)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x13)).toBe(0x30); // 0
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x14)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x15)).toBe(0x00); // end of program low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x16)).toBe(0x00); // end of program high
it('prefers ATN to AT', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 X = ATN(20)');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x58); // X
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0xd0); // = (token)
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0xe1); // ATN
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x28); // (
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x32); // 2
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x30); // 0
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x29); // )
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('prefers TO to AT', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 FORI=ATOZ');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x81); // FOR
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x49); // I
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0xd0); // = (token)
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0xc1); // TO
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x5a); // Z
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements that start with space', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATA 1,2,3');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x20); // space
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x2c); // ,
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x32); // 2
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x2c); // ,
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x33); // 3
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements with numbers', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATA1,2,3');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x2c); // ,
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x32); // 2
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x2c); // ,
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x33); // 3
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements with strings including lower-case', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATA"abc"');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x61); // a
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x62); // b
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x63); // c
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements with literals', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAHELLO');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x48); // H
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x45); // E
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x4C); // L
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x4F); // O
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements with literals including lower-case', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAHello');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x48); // H
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x65); // e
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x6C); // l
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x6C); // l
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x6F); // o
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements with literals including quotes', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAAA"B');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x42); // B
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('parses DATA statements with literals including spaces', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAA B');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x20); // space
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x20); // space
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x42); // B
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('terminates DATA statements at colons', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAAA:FORI=1TO1');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x3a); // :
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x81); // FOR
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x49); // I
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0xd0); // = (token)
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0d)).toBe(0xc1); // TO
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0e)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0f)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('does not terminate DATA statements with a literal with a quote at colon', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAA":FORI=1TO1');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x3a); // :
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x46); // F
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x4F); // O
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x52); // R
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0x49); // I
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0d)).toBe(0x3D); // =
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0e)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0f)).toBe(0x54); // T
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x10)).toBe(0x4F); // O
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x11)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x12)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('does terminate DATA statements with a literal with two quotes at colon', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0, 0xff); // 64K of RAM
compileToMemory(ram, '10 DATAA"":FORI=1TO1');
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x03)).toBe(10); // line number low
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x04)).toBe(0); // line number high
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x05)).toBe(0x83); // DATA
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x06)).toBe(0x41); // A
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x07)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x08)).toBe(0x22); // "
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x09)).toBe(0x3a); // :
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0a)).toBe(0x81); // FOR
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0b)).toBe(0x49); // I
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0c)).toBe(0xd0); // = (token)
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0d)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0e)).toBe(0xc1); // TO
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x0f)).toBe(0x31); // 1
expect(ram.read(0x08, 0x10)).toBe(0x00); // end of line
it('does not require a space after line number', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10PRINT"HELLO, WORLD!"');
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x16, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0xba, 0x22, 0x48, 0x45,
0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4f, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x57, 0x4f, 0x52,
0x4c, 0x44, 0x21, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
it('parses ? as PRINT', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 ?"HELLO, WORLD!"');
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x16, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0xba, 0x22, 0x48, 0x45,
0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4f, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x57, 0x4f, 0x52,
0x4c, 0x44, 0x21, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
it('skips spaces when reading tokens', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 T H E N');
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
it('skips spaces and ignores case when reading tokens', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 T h E n');
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
it('smashes tokens together', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 NOT RACE A THEN B');
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x0c, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x9c, 0xc5, 0x48, 0x45,
0x4e, 0x42, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
it('parses 10ATOZ correctly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x09, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x5a, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00,
it('parses a bunch of crazy correctly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
'10 A THEN B',
'30 A TO Z',
'40 AT N',
'50 A TN',
'60 N O T R A C E',
'70 NOT RACE'].join('\n'));
expect(compiler.program()).toEqual(new Uint8Array([
0x0b, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x48, 0x45,
0x4e, 0x42, 0x00, 0x13, 0x08, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x41,
0xc1, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x1a, 0x08, 0x28, 0x00, 0xc5,
0x4e, 0x00, 0x20, 0x08, 0x32, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x00,
0x26, 0x08, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x2c, 0x08,
0x46, 0x00, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
import ApplesoftDecompiler from 'js/applesoft/decompiler';
import ApplesoftCompiler from 'js/applesoft/compiler';
import RAM from 'js/ram';
import { Memory } from 'js/types';
function decompileFromMemory(ram: Memory): string {
const decompiler = ApplesoftDecompiler.decompilerFromMemory(ram);
return decompiler.list();
describe('ApplesoftDecompiler', () => {
it('decompiles one-line program from memory', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0x00, 0xff); // 64K
ApplesoftCompiler.compileToMemory(ram, '10 PRINT "Hello, World!"');
const program = decompileFromMemory(ram);
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n');
it('decompiles REM statements correctly', () => {
const ram = new RAM(0x00, 0xff); // 64K
ApplesoftCompiler.compileToMemory(ram, '10 REMNo space before\n20 REM with space');
const program = decompileFromMemory(ram);
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 REM No space before\n 20 REM with space\n');
it('lists a one-line program', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 PRINT "Hello, World!"');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list();
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n');
it('lists a program with a long line', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n'
+ '20 PRINT "Hello, again, with a much longer line this time."\n'
+ '30 REM1234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list();
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n'
+ ' 20 PRINT "Hello, again, with a \n'
+ ' much longer line this time."\n'
+ ' \n'
+ ' 30 REM 123456789012345678901234\n'
+ ' 5678901234567890\n');
it('lists a program with a long line Apple ][+-style', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n'
+ '20 PRINT "Hello, again, with a much longer line this time."\n'
+ '30 REM1234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list({ apple2: 'plus' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n'
+ '20 PRINT "Hello, again, with a m\n'
+ ' uch longer line this time."\n'
+ '30 REM 1234567890123456789012345\n'
+ ' 678901234567890\n');
it('lists a range of lines', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n'
+ '20 PRINT "Hello, again, with a much longer line this time."\n'
+ '30 REM1234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list({}, 10, 20);
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 PRINT "Hello, World!"\n'
+ ' 20 PRINT "Hello, again, with a \n'
+ ' much longer line this time."\n'
+ ' \n');
it('lists weird code correctly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 NOT RACE A THEN B');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list();
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 NOTRACE AT HENB\n');
it('lists 10ATOZ correctly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list();
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 A TO Z\n');
it('wraps correctly in 80-column mode', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 ?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.list({ columns: 80 });
expect(program).toEqual(' 10 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT : '
+ 'PRINT \n');
it('decompiles compactly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 ?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'compact' });
it('when decompiling compactly, adds a space after the line', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 12345');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'compact' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 12345');
it('when decompiling compactly, adds a space after AT for token', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 AT NEXT');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'compact' });
expect(program).toEqual('10AT NEXT');
it('when decompiling compactly, adds a space after AT for literal', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 AT n');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'compact' });
expect(program).toEqual('10AT N');
it('when decompiling compactly, decompiles 10ATOZ correctly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'compact' });
it('when decompiling compactly, adds a space to disambiguate tokens', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
'10 A THEN B',
'30 A TO Z',
'40 AT N',
'50 A TN',
'60 N O T R A C E',
'70 NOT RACE'].join('\n'));
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'compact' });
'40AT N',
it('when decompiling prettily, formats reasonably well', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 FORI=1TO10:PRINTI:NEXT');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'pretty' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 FOR I = 1 TO 10 : PRINT I : NEXT');
it('when decompiling prettily, formats relations', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 IFA<BORA>=BORB<=AORB=A THEN');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'pretty' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 IF A < B OR A >= B OR B <= A OR B = AT HEN');
it('when decompiling prettily, decompiles 10ATOZ correctly', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'pretty' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 A TO Z');
it('when decompiling prettily, does not insert extra spaces in strings', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'pretty' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 A = "::::" : B = ","');
it('when decompiling prettily, inserts space after comma', () => {
const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler();
compiler.compile('10 HPLOTX,Y:GOTO10');
const decompiler = new ApplesoftDecompiler(compiler.program());
const program = decompiler.decompile({ style: 'pretty' });
expect(program).toEqual('10 HPLOT X, Y : GOTO 10');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user