import { debug, toHex } from './util'; import { byte, word } from './types'; import { CPU6502, DebugInfo, flags, sizes } from '@whscullin/cpu6502'; export interface DebuggerContainer { run: () => void; stop: () => void; isRunning: () => boolean; } type symbols = { [key: number]: string }; type breakpointFn = (info: DebugInfo) => boolean; const alwaysBreak = (_info: DebugInfo) => { return true; }; export const dumpStatusRegister = (sr: byte) => [ sr & flags.N ? 'N' : '-', sr & flags.V ? 'V' : '-', sr & flags.X ? 'X' : '-', sr & flags.B ? 'B' : '-', sr & flags.D ? 'D' : '-', sr & flags.I ? 'I' : '-', sr & flags.Z ? 'Z' : '-', sr & flags.C ? 'C' : '-', ].join(''); export default class Debugger { private verbose = false; private maxTrace = 256; private trace: DebugInfo[] = []; private breakpoints: Map = new Map(); private symbols: symbols = {}; constructor( private cpu: CPU6502, private container: DebuggerContainer ) {} stepCycles(cycles: number) { this.cpu.stepCyclesDebug(this.verbose ? 1 : cycles, () => { const info = this.cpu.getDebugInfo(); if (this.breakpoints.get(info.pc)?.(info)) { debug('breakpoint', this.printDebugInfo(info)); this.container.stop(); return true; } if (this.verbose) { debug(this.printDebugInfo(info)); } else { this.updateTrace(info); } }); } break = () => { this.container.stop(); }; step = () => { this.cpu.step(() => { const info = this.cpu.getDebugInfo(); debug(this.printDebugInfo(info)); this.updateTrace(info); }); }; continue = () => {; }; /** * Restart at a given memory address. * * @param address Address to start execution */ runAt = (address: word) => { this.cpu.reset(); this.cpu.setPC(address); }; isRunning = () => this.container.isRunning(); setVerbose = (verbose: boolean) => { this.verbose = verbose; }; setMaxTrace = (maxTrace: number) => { this.maxTrace = maxTrace; }; getTrace = (count?: number) => { return this.trace .slice(count ? -count : undefined) .map(this.printDebugInfo) .join('\n'); }; printTrace = (count?: number) => { debug(this.getTrace(count)); }; getStack = (size?: number) => { const { sp } = this.cpu.getDebugInfo(); const stack = []; let max = 255; let min = 0; if (size) { if (sp - 3 >= 255 - size) { min = Math.max(255 - size + 1, 0); } else { max = Math.min(sp + size - 4, 255); min = Math.max(sp - 3, 0); } } for (let addr = max; addr >= min; addr--) { const isSP = addr === sp ? '*' : ' '; const addrStr = `$${toHex(0x0100 + addr)}`; const valStr = toHex(, addr)); if (!size || (sp + size > addr && addr > sp - size)) { stack.push(`${isSP} ${addrStr} ${valStr}`); } } return stack.join('\n'); }; setBreakpoint = (addr: word, exp?: breakpointFn) => { this.breakpoints.set(addr, exp || alwaysBreak); }; clearBreakpoint = (addr: word) => { this.breakpoints.delete(addr); }; listBreakpoints = () => { for (const [addr, fn] of this.breakpoints.entries()) { debug(toHex(addr, 4), fn); } }; addSymbols = (symbols: symbols) => { this.symbols = { ...this.symbols, ...symbols }; }; printDebugInfo = (info: DebugInfo) => { const { pc, cmd } = info; const symbol = this.padWithSymbol(pc); return [ toHex(pc, 4), '- ', symbol, this.dumpRegisters(info), ' ', this.dumpRawOp(cmd), ' ', this.dumpOp(pc, cmd), ].join(''); }; dumpPC = (pc: word) => { const b =; const op = this.cpu.getOpInfo(b); const size = sizes[op.mode]; let result = toHex(pc, 4) + '- '; result += this.padWithSymbol(pc); const cmd = new Array(size); for (let idx = 0, jdx = pc; idx < size; idx++, jdx++) { cmd[idx] =; } result += this.dumpRawOp(cmd) + ' ' + this.dumpOp(pc, cmd); return result; }; dumpRegisters = (debugInfo?: DebugInfo) => { if (debugInfo === undefined) { debugInfo = this.cpu.getDebugInfo(); } const { ar, xr, yr, sr, sp } = debugInfo; return [ 'A=' + toHex(ar), ' X=' + toHex(xr), ' Y=' + toHex(yr), ' P=' + toHex(sr), ' S=' + toHex(sp), ' ', dumpStatusRegister(sr), ].join(''); }; dumpPage = (start: byte, end?: byte) => { let result = ''; if (end === undefined) { end = start; } for (let page = start; page <= end; page++) { for (let idx = 0; idx < 16; idx++) { result += toHex(page) + toHex(idx << 4) + ': '; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 16; jdx++) { const b =, idx * 16 + jdx); result += toHex(b) + ' '; } result += ' '; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 16; jdx++) { const b =, idx * 16 + jdx) & 0x7f; if (b >= 0x20 && b < 0x7f) { result += String.fromCharCode(b); } else { result += '.'; } } result += '\n'; } } return result; }; /** * Reads a range of memory. Will wrap at memory limit. * * @param address Starting address to read memory * @param length Length of memory to read. * @returns Byte array containing memory */ getMemory(address: word, length: word) { const bytes = new Uint8Array(length); for (let idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) { address &= 0xffff; bytes[idx] =; } return bytes; } /** * Writes a range of memory. Will wrap at memory limit. * * @param address Starting address to write memory * @param bytes Data to write */ setMemory(address: word, bytes: Uint8Array) { for (const byte of bytes) { address &= 0xffff; this.cpu.write(address++, byte); } } list = (pc: word) => { const results = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < 20; idx++) { const b =; const op = this.cpu.getOpInfo(b); results.push(this.dumpPC(pc)); pc += sizes[op.mode]; } return results; }; private updateTrace(info: DebugInfo) { this.trace.push(info); if (this.trace.length > this.maxTrace) { this.trace.shift(); } } private padWithSymbol(pc: word): string { const padding = ' '; const symbol = this.symbols[pc]; let result: string = padding; if (symbol) { result = `${symbol}${padding.substring(symbol.length)}`; } return result; } private dumpRawOp(parts: byte[]) { const result = new Array(4); for (let idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { if (idx < parts.length) { result[idx] = toHex(parts[idx]); } else { result[idx] = ' '; } } return result.join(' '); } private dumpOp(pc: word, parts: byte[]) { const op = this.cpu.getOpInfo(parts[0]); const lsb = parts[1]; const msb = parts[2]; const addr = (msb << 8) | lsb; let val; let off; const toHexOrSymbol = (v: word, n?: number) => this.symbols[v] || '$' + toHex(v, n); let result = + ' '; switch (op.mode) { case 'implied': break; case 'immediate': result += `#${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)}`; break; case 'absolute': result += `${toHexOrSymbol(addr, 4)}`; break; case 'zeroPage': result += `${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)}`; break; case 'relative': { off = lsb; if (off > 127) { off -= 256; } pc += off + 2; result += `${toHexOrSymbol(pc, 4)} (${off})`; } break; case 'absoluteX': result += `${toHexOrSymbol(addr, 4)},X`; break; case 'absoluteY': result += `${toHexOrSymbol(addr, 4)},Y`; break; case 'zeroPageX': result += `${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)},X`; break; case 'zeroPageY': result += `${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)},Y`; break; case 'absoluteIndirect': result += `(${toHexOrSymbol(addr, 4)})`; break; case 'zeroPageXIndirect': result += `(${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)},X)`; break; case 'zeroPageIndirectY': result += `(${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)},),Y`; break; case 'accumulator': result += 'A'; break; case 'zeroPageIndirect': result += `(${toHexOrSymbol(lsb)})`; break; case 'absoluteXIndirect': result += `(${toHexOrSymbol(addr, 4)},X)`; break; case 'zeroPage_relative': val = lsb; off = msb; if (off > 127) { off -= 256; } pc += off + 2; result += `${toHexOrSymbol(val)},${toHexOrSymbol( pc, 4 )} (${off})`; break; default: break; } return result; } }