/** @fileoverview Test for utils.ts. */ import { allocMem, allocMemPages, numToString, testables, toBinary, toHex } from '../../js/util'; describe('garbage', () => { it('returns 0 <= x <= 255', () => { for (let i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { expect(testables.garbage()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); } }); }); describe('allocMem', () => { it('returns an array of the correct size', () => { expect(allocMem(2048).length).toBe(2048); }); it('has 0xff and 0x00 patterns', () => { const memory = allocMem(2048); expect(memory[0]).toBe(0xff); expect(memory[1]).toBe(0xff); expect(memory[2]).toBe(0x00); expect(memory[3]).toBe(0x00); expect(memory[4]).toBe(0xff); }); it('has garbage in the right places', () => { const memory = allocMem(0x800); for (let i = 0; i < 0x800; i += 0x200) { const passed = memory[i + 0x28] !== 0xff && memory[i + 0x29] !== 0xff && memory[i + 0x68] !== 0xff && memory[i + 0x69] !== 0xff; if (passed) { return; } } fail('garbage not found'); }); }); describe('allocMemPages', () => { it('allocates 256 * the size', () => { expect(allocMemPages(5).length).toBe(5 * 256); }); }); describe('toHex', () => { it('converts an odd number of characters', () => { expect(toHex(0xfedcb, 5)).toEqual('FEDCB'); }); it('correctly guesses byte values', () => { expect(toHex(0xa5)).toEqual('A5'); }); it('correctly guesses word values', () => { expect(toHex(0x1abc)).toEqual('1ABC'); }); it('only uses the bottom work of larger values', () => { expect(toHex(0xabcdef)).toEqual('CDEF'); }); it('correctly prepends zeros', () => { expect(toHex(0xa5, 4)).toEqual('00A5'); }); }); describe('toBinary', () => { it('has 8 digits for zero', () => { expect(toBinary(0x00)).toEqual('00000000'); }); it('correctly sets bits', () => { expect(toBinary(0xa5)).toEqual('10100101'); }); }); describe('gup', () => { // untestable due to direct reference to window.location }); describe('hup', () => { // untestable due to direct reference to window.location }); describe('numToString', () => { it('packs a zero byte into a string of all zeros', () => { expect(numToString(0x00)).toEqual('\0\0\0\0'); }); it('packs a byte in the printable ASCII range into a zero-padded string', () => { expect(numToString(0x41)).toEqual('A\0\0\0'); }); it('packs a word into a string', () => { expect(numToString(0x4142)).toEqual('BA\0\0'); }); it('packs a 32-bit value into a string', () => { expect(numToString(0x41424344)).toEqual('DCBA'); }); it('ignores more than 32 bits', () => { expect(numToString(0x4142434445)).toEqual('EDCB'); }); });