/* Copyright 2010-2019 Will Scullin * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ import CPU6502 from './cpu6502'; import { Card, Memory, MemoryPages, TapeData, byte, Restorable } from './types'; import { debug, garbage } from './util'; import { VideoModes } from './videomodes'; type slot = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7; type button = 0 | 1 | 2; type paddle = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; type annunciator = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; interface Annunciators { 0: boolean, 1: boolean, 2: boolean, 3: boolean, } export interface Apple2IOState { annunciators: Annunciators; cards: Array } export type SampleListener = (sample: number[]) => void; const LOC = { KEYBOARD: 0x00, // keyboard data (latched) (Read), STROBE: 0x10, // clear bit 7 of keyboard data ($C000) TAPEOUT: 0x20, // toggle the cassette output. SPEAKER: 0x30, // toggle speaker diaphragm C040STB: 0x40, // trigger game port sync CLRTEXT: 0x50, // display graphics SETTEXT: 0x51, // display text CLRMIXED: 0x52, // clear mixed mode- enable full graphics SETMIXED: 0x53, // enable graphics/text mixed mode PAGE1: 0x54, // select text/graphics page1 PAGE2: 0x55, // select text/graphics page2 CLRHIRES: 0x56, // select Lo-res SETHIRES: 0x57, // select Hi-res CLRAN0: 0x58, // Set annunciator-0 output to 0 SETAN0: 0x59, // Set annunciator-0 output to 1 CLRAN1: 0x5A, // Set annunciator-1 output to 0 SETAN1: 0x5B, // Set annunciator-1 output to 1 CLRAN2: 0x5C, // Set annunciator-2 output to 0 SETAN2: 0x5D, // Set annunciator-2 output to 1 CLRAN3: 0x5E, // Set annunciator-3 output to 0 SETAN3: 0x5F, // Set annunciator-3 output to 1 TAPEIN: 0x60, // bit 7: data from cassette PB0: 0x61, // game Pushbutton 0 / open apple (command) key data PB1: 0x62, // game Pushbutton 1 / closed apple (option) key data PB2: 0x63, // game Pushbutton 2 (read) PADDLE0: 0x64, // bit 7: status of pdl-0 timer (read) PADDLE1: 0x65, // bit 7: status of pdl-1 timer (read) PADDLE2: 0x66, // bit 7: status of pdl-2 timer (read) PADDLE3: 0x67, // bit 7: status of pdl-3 timer (read) PDLTRIG: 0x70, // trigger paddles ACCEL: 0x74, // CPU Speed control }; export default class Apple2IO implements MemoryPages, Restorable { private _slot: Array = new Array(7).fill(null); private _auxRom: Memory | null = null; private _khz = 1023; private _rate = 44000; private _sample_size = 4096; private _cycles_per_sample: number; private _buffer: string[] = []; private _key = 0; private _keyDown = false; private _button = [false, false, false]; private _paddle = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; private _phase = -1; private _sample: number[] = []; private _sampleIdx = 0; private _sampleTime = 0; private _didAudio = false; private _high = 0.5; private _low = -0.5; private _audioListener: SampleListener | undefined; private _trigger = 0; private _annunciators: Annunciators = [false, false, false, false]; private _tape: TapeData = []; private _tapeOffset = 0; private _tapeNext: number = 0; private _tapeCurrent = false; constructor(private readonly cpu: CPU6502, private readonly vm: VideoModes) { this.init(); } init() { this._calcSampleRate(); } _debug(..._args: any[]) { // debug.apply(this, arguments); } _tick() { const now = this.cpu.getCycles(); const phase = this._didAudio ? (this._phase > 0 ? this._high : this._low) : 0.0; for (; this._sampleTime < now; this._sampleTime += this._cycles_per_sample) { this._sample[this._sampleIdx++] = phase; if (this._sampleIdx === this._sample_size) { if (this._audioListener) { this._audioListener(this._sample); } this._sample = new Array(this._sample_size); this._sampleIdx = 0; } } this._didAudio = false; } _calcSampleRate() { this._cycles_per_sample = this._khz * 1000 / this._rate; } _updateKHz(khz: number) { this._khz = khz; this._calcSampleRate(); } _access(off: byte, val?: byte): byte | undefined { let result: number | undefined = 0; const now = this.cpu.getCycles(); const writeMode = val === undefined; const delta = now - this._trigger; switch (off) { case LOC.CLRTEXT: this._debug('Graphics Mode'); this.vm.text(false); break; case LOC.SETTEXT: this._debug('Text Mode'); this.vm.text(true); break; case LOC.CLRMIXED: this._debug('Mixed Mode off'); this.vm.mixed(false); break; case LOC.SETMIXED: this._debug('Mixed Mode on'); this.vm.mixed(true); break; case LOC.CLRHIRES: this._debug('LoRes Mode'); this.vm.hires(false); break; case LOC.SETHIRES: this._debug('HiRes Mode'); this.vm.hires(true); break; case LOC.PAGE1: this.vm.page(1); break; case LOC.PAGE2: this.vm.page(2); break; case LOC.SETAN0: this._debug('Annunciator 0 on'); this._annunciators[0] = true; break; case LOC.SETAN1: this._debug('Annunciator 1 on'); this._annunciators[1] = true; break; case LOC.SETAN2: this._debug('Annunciator 2 on'); this._annunciators[2] = true; break; case LOC.SETAN3: this._debug('Annunciator 3 on'); this._annunciators[3] = true; break; case LOC.CLRAN0: this._debug('Annunciator 0 off'); this._annunciators[0] = false; break; case LOC.CLRAN1: this._debug('Annunciator 1 off'); this._annunciators[1] = false; break; case LOC.CLRAN2: this._debug('Annunciator 2 off'); this._annunciators[2] = false; break; case LOC.CLRAN3: this._debug('Annunciator 3 off'); this._annunciators[3] = false; break; case LOC.PB0: result = this._button[0] ? 0x80 : 0; break; case LOC.PB1: result = this._button[1] ? 0x80 : 0; break; case LOC.PB2: result = this._button[2] ? 0x80 : 0; break; case LOC.PADDLE0: result = (delta < (this._paddle[0] * 2756) ? 0x80 : 0x00); break; case LOC.PADDLE1: result = (delta < (this._paddle[1] * 2756) ? 0x80 : 0x00); break; case LOC.PADDLE2: result = (delta < (this._paddle[2] * 2756) ? 0x80 : 0x00); break; case LOC.PADDLE3: result = (delta < (this._paddle[3] * 2756) ? 0x80 : 0x00); break; case LOC.ACCEL: if (val !== undefined) { this._updateKHz(val & 0x01 ? 1023 : 4096); } break; case LOC.TAPEIN: if (this._tapeOffset == -1) { this._tapeOffset = 0; this._tapeNext = now; } if (this._tapeOffset < this._tape.length) { this._tapeCurrent = this._tape[this._tapeOffset][1]; while (now >= this._tapeNext) { if ((this._tapeOffset % 1000) === 0) { debug('Read ' + (this._tapeOffset / 1000)); } this._tapeCurrent = this._tape[this._tapeOffset][1]; this._tapeNext += this._tape[this._tapeOffset++][0]; } } result = this._tapeCurrent ? 0x80 : 0x00; break; default: switch (off & 0xf0) { case LOC.KEYBOARD: // C00x result = this._key; break; case LOC.STROBE: // C01x if (off === LOC.STROBE || writeMode) { this._key &= 0x7f; } if (this._buffer.length > 0) { let val = this._buffer.shift() as string; if (val == '\n') { val = '\r'; } this._key = val.charCodeAt(0) | 0x80; } result = this._key & 0x7f; if (off === LOC.STROBE) { result |= this._keyDown ? 0x80 : 0x00; } break; case LOC.TAPEOUT: // C02x // this._phase = -this._phase; // this._didAudio = true; // this._tick(); break; case LOC.SPEAKER: // C03x this._phase = -this._phase; this._didAudio = true; this._tick(); break; case LOC.C040STB: // C04x // I/O Strobe break; case LOC.PDLTRIG: // C07x this._trigger = this.cpu.getCycles(); break; } } if (val !== undefined) { result = undefined; } return result; } start() { return 0xc0; } end() { return 0xcf; } ioSwitch(off: byte, val?: byte) { let result; if (off < 0x80) { result = this._access(off, val); } else { const slot = (off & 0x70) >> 4; const card = this._slot[slot]; if (card && card.ioSwitch) { result = card.ioSwitch(off, val); } } return result; } reset() { for (let slot = 0; slot < 8; slot++) { const card = this._slot[slot]; if (card) { card.reset?.(); } } this.vm.reset(); } blit() { const card = this._slot[3]; if (card) { return card.blit?.(); } return undefined; } read(page: byte, off: byte) { let result: number = 0; let slot; let card; switch (page) { case 0xc0: result = this.ioSwitch(off, undefined) || 0; break; case 0xc1: case 0xc2: case 0xc3: case 0xc4: case 0xc5: case 0xc6: case 0xc7: slot = page & 0x0f; card = this._slot[slot]; if (this._auxRom != card) { // _debug('Setting auxRom to slot', slot); this._auxRom = card; } if (card) { result = card.read(page, off); } else { result = garbage(); } break; default: if (this._auxRom) { result = this._auxRom.read(page, off); } break; } return result; } write(page: byte, off: byte, val: byte) { let slot; let card; switch (page) { case 0xc0: this.ioSwitch(off, val); break; case 0xc1: case 0xc2: case 0xc3: case 0xc4: case 0xc5: case 0xc6: case 0xc7: slot = page & 0x0f; card = this._slot[slot]; if (this._auxRom != card) { // _debug('Setting auxRom to slot', slot); this._auxRom = card; } if (card) { card.write(page, off, val); } break; default: if (this._auxRom) { this._auxRom.write(page, off, val); } break; } } getState(): Apple2IOState { // TODO vet more potential state return { annunciators: this._annunciators, cards: this._slot.map((card) => card ? card.getState() : null) }; } setState(state: Apple2IOState) { this._annunciators = state.annunciators; state.cards.map((cardState, idx) => this._slot[idx]?.setState(cardState)); } setSlot(slot: slot, card: Card) { this._slot[slot] = card; } keyDown(ascii: byte) { this._keyDown = true; this._key = ascii | 0x80; } keyUp() { this._keyDown = false; } buttonDown(b: button) { this._button[b] = true; } buttonUp(b: button) { this._button[b] = false; } paddle(p: paddle, v: byte) { this._paddle[p] = v; } updateKHz(khz: number) { this._updateKHz(khz); } getKHz() { return this._khz; } setKeyBuffer(buffer: string) { this._buffer = buffer.split(''); // split to charaters if (this._buffer.length > 0) { this._keyDown = true; const key = this._buffer.shift() as string; // never undefined this._key = key.charCodeAt(0) | 0x80; } } setTape(tape: TapeData) { debug('Tape length: ' + tape.length); this._tape = tape; this._tapeOffset = -1; } sampleRate(rate: number, sample_size: number) { this._rate = rate; this._sample_size = sample_size; this._sample = new Array(this._sample_size); this._sampleIdx = 0; this._calcSampleRate(); } tick() { this._tick(); for (let idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++) { this._slot[idx]?.tick?.(); } } addSampleListener(cb: SampleListener) { this._audioListener = cb; } annunciator(idx: annunciator) { return this._annunciators[idx]; } cycles() { return this.cpu.getCycles(); } }