/** * Converts a function type returning a `Promise` to a function type returning `void`. */ export type NoAwait Promise> = (...args: Parameters) => void; /** * Signals that the argument returns a `Promise` that is intentionally not being awaited. */ export function noAwait Promise>(f: F): NoAwait { return f as NoAwait; } /** * Calls the given `Promise`-returning function, `f`, and does not await * the result. The function `f` is passed an {@link Interrupted} function * that returns `true` if it should stop doing work. `spawn` returns an * {@link Interrupt} function that, when called, causes the `Interrupted` * function to return `true`. This can be used in `useEffect` calls as the * cleanup function. */ export function spawn(f: (abortSignal: AbortSignal) => Promise): AbortController { const abortController = new AbortController(); noAwait(f)(abortController.signal); return abortController; } /** * Utility class that allows a promise to be passed to a * service to be resolved. */ export class Ready { onError: (value?: unknown) => void; onReady: (value?: unknown) => void; ready: Promise; constructor(private errorHandler = console.error) { this.ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.onReady = resolve; this.onError = reject; }).catch(this.errorHandler); } }