import { byte, KnownKeys, KnownValues, Memory, word } from '../types'; /** Map from keyword to token. */ const TOKENS = { 'END': 0x80, 'FOR': 0x81, 'NEXT': 0x82, 'DATA': 0x83, 'INPUT': 0x84, 'DEL': 0x85, 'DIM': 0x86, 'READ': 0x87, 'GR': 0x88, 'TEXT': 0x89, 'PR#': 0x8a, 'IN#': 0x8b, 'CALL': 0x8c, 'PLOT': 0x8d, 'HLIN': 0x8e, 'VLIN': 0x8f, 'HGR2': 0x90, 'HGR': 0x91, 'HCOLOR=': 0x92, 'HPLOT': 0x93, 'DRAW': 0x94, 'XDRAW': 0x95, 'HTAB': 0x96, 'HOME': 0x97, 'ROT=': 0x98, 'SCALE=': 0x99, 'SHLOAD': 0x9a, 'TRACE': 0x9b, 'NOTRACE': 0x9c, 'NORMAL': 0x9d, 'INVERSE': 0x9e, 'FLASH': 0x9f, 'COLOR=': 0xa0, 'POP=': 0xa1, 'VTAB': 0xa2, 'HIMEM:': 0xa3, 'LOMEM:': 0xa4, 'ONERR': 0xa5, 'RESUME': 0xa6, 'RECALL': 0xa7, 'STORE': 0xa8, 'SPEED=': 0xa9, 'LET': 0xaa, 'GOTO': 0xab, 'RUN': 0xac, 'IF': 0xad, 'RESTORE': 0xae, '&': 0xaf, 'GOSUB': 0xb0, 'RETURN': 0xb1, 'REM': 0xb2, 'STOP': 0xb3, 'ON': 0xb4, 'WAIT': 0xb5, 'LOAD': 0xb6, 'SAVE': 0xb7, 'DEF': 0xb8, 'POKE': 0xb9, 'PRINT': 0xba, 'CONT': 0xbb, 'LIST': 0xbc, 'CLEAR': 0xbd, 'GET': 0xbe, 'NEW': 0xbf, 'TAB(': 0xc0, 'TO': 0xc1, 'FN': 0xc2, 'SPC(': 0xc3, 'THEN': 0xc4, 'AT': 0xc5, 'NOT': 0xc6, 'STEP': 0xc7, '+': 0xc8, '-': 0xc9, '*': 0xca, '/': 0xcb, '^': 0xcc, 'AND': 0xcd, 'OR': 0xce, '>': 0xcf, '=': 0xd0, '<': 0xd1, 'SGN': 0xd2, 'INT': 0xd3, 'ABS': 0xd4, 'USR': 0xd5, 'FRE': 0xd6, 'SCRN(': 0xd7, 'PDL': 0xd8, 'POS': 0xd9, 'SQR': 0xda, 'RND': 0xdb, 'LOG': 0xdc, 'EXP': 0xdd, 'COS': 0xde, 'SIN': 0xdf, 'TAN': 0xe0, 'ATN': 0xe1, 'PEEK': 0xe2, 'LEN': 0xe3, 'STR$': 0xe4, 'VAL': 0xe5, 'ASC': 0xe6, 'CHR$': 0xe7, 'LEFT$': 0xe8, 'RIGHT$': 0xe9, 'MID$': 0xea } as const; const LOMEM = 0x69; const ARRAY_START = 0x6B; const ARRAY_END = 0x6D; const PROGRAM_START = 0x801; const STATES = { NORMAL: 0, STRING: 1, COMMENT: 2, DATA: 3 } as const; export default class ApplesoftCompiler { constructor(private mem: Memory) { } private writeByte(addr: word, val: byte) { const page = addr >> 8; const off = addr & 0xff; return this.mem.write(page, off, val); } private writeWord(addr: word, val: byte) { const lsb = val & 0xff; const msb = val >> 8; this.writeByte(addr, lsb); this.writeByte(addr + 1, msb); } compile(program: string) { const lineNos: { [line: string]: byte[]} = {}; function compileLine(line: string | null | undefined, offset: number) { if (!line) { return []; } let state: KnownValues = STATES.NORMAL; const result = [0, 0, 0, 0]; let curChar = 0; let character; let lineNoStr = ''; while (line.length) { character = line.charAt(curChar); if (/\d/.test(character)) { lineNoStr += character; curChar++; } else { break; } } while (curChar < line.length) { character = line.charAt(curChar).toUpperCase(); switch (state) { case STATES.NORMAL: if (character !== ' ') { if (character === '"') { result.push(character.charCodeAt(0)); state = STATES.STRING; curChar++; } else { let foundToken = ''; let tokenIdx = -1; for (const possibleToken in TOKENS) { if (possibleToken.charAt(0) == character) { tokenIdx = curChar + 1; let idx = 1; while (idx < possibleToken.length) { if (line.charAt(tokenIdx) !== ' ') { if (line.charAt(tokenIdx).toUpperCase() !== possibleToken.charAt(idx)) { break; } idx++; } tokenIdx++; } if (idx === possibleToken.length) { // Found a token if (possibleToken === 'AT') { const lookAhead = line.charAt(tokenIdx + 1).toUpperCase(); // ATN takes precedence over AT if (lookAhead === 'N') { foundToken = 'ATN'; tokenIdx++; } // TO takes precedence over AT if (lookAhead === 'O') { result.push(lookAhead.charCodeAt(0)); foundToken = 'TO'; tokenIdx++; } } foundToken = possibleToken; } } if (foundToken) { break; } } if (foundToken) { result.push(TOKENS[foundToken as KnownKeys]); curChar = tokenIdx; if (foundToken === 'REM') { state = STATES.COMMENT; } } else { result.push(character.charCodeAt(0)); curChar++; } } } else { curChar++; } break; case STATES.COMMENT: result.push(character.charCodeAt(0)); curChar++; break; case STATES.STRING: result.push(character.charCodeAt(0)); if (character == '"') { state = STATES.NORMAL; } curChar++; break; } } if (lineNoStr.length) { const lineNo = parseInt(lineNoStr, 10); if (lineNo < 0 || lineNo > 65535) { throw new Error('Line number out of range'); } if (lineNos[lineNoStr]) { throw new Error('Duplicate line number'); } lineNos[lineNoStr] = result; // Next line pointer result.push(0); const nextLine = offset + result.length; result[0] = nextLine & 0xff; result[1] = nextLine >> 8; // Line number result[2] = lineNo & 0xff; result[3] = lineNo >> 8; } else { throw new Error('Missing line number'); } return result; } let compiled: number[] = []; const lines = program.split(/[\r\n]+/g); while (lines.length) { const line = lines.shift(); const compiledLine = compileLine(line, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length); compiled = compiled.concat(compiledLine); } compiled.push(0, 0); for (let idx = 0; idx < compiled.length; idx++) { this.writeByte(PROGRAM_START + idx, compiled[idx]); } this.writeWord(LOMEM, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length); this.writeWord(ARRAY_START, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length); this.writeWord(ARRAY_END, PROGRAM_START + compiled.length); } }