import CPU6502 from '../js/cpu6502'; import { TestMemory } from './util/memory'; import { bios, Program } from './util/bios'; var FLAGS = { N: 0x80, // Negative V: 0x40, // oVerflow DEFAULT: 0x20, // Default B: 0x10, // Break D: 0x08, // Decimal I: 0x04, // Interrupt Z: 0x02, // Zero C: 0x01 // Carry }; var DEFAULT_STATE = { cycles: 0, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT, sp: 0xff, a: 0x00, x: 0x00, y: 0x00, pc: 0x0400 }; var memory; var cpu; var program; function initState(initialState) { var state = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_STATE, initialState); cpu.setState(state); } function expectState(initialState, expectedState) { var state = Object.assign({}, initialState, expectedState); expect(cpu.getState()).toEqual(state); } function initMemory(memAry) { for (var idx = 0; idx < memAry.length; idx++) { var mem = memAry[idx]; var page = mem[0]; var off = mem[1]; var data = mem[2]; for (var jdx = 0; jdx < data.length; jdx++) { cpu.write(page, off++, data[jdx]); if (off > 0xff) { page++; off = 0; } } } } function expectMemory(expectAry) { var memAry = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < expectAry.length; idx++) { var mem = expectAry[idx]; var page = mem[0]; var off = mem[1]; var expectData = mem[2]; var data = []; for (var jdx = 0; jdx < expectData.length; jdx++) { data.push(, off++)); if (off > 0xff) { page++; off = 0; } } memAry.push([mem[0], mem[1], data]); } expect(memAry).toEqual(expectAry); } function expectStack(expectAry) { var state = cpu.getState(); expectMemory([[0x01, state.sp + 1, expectAry]]); } function testCode(code, steps, setupState, expectedState) { var initialState = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_STATE, setupState); var finalState = Object.assign({ pc: initialState.pc + code.length }, expectedState); program = new Program(0x04, code); cpu.addPageHandler(program); cpu.setState(initialState); cpu.stepN(steps); expectState(initialState, finalState); } describe('CPU6502', function() { beforeEach(function() { cpu = new CPU6502(); memory = new TestMemory(4); cpu.addPageHandler(memory); cpu.addPageHandler(bios); }); describe('#signals', function () { it('should reset', function () { cpu.reset(); expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, { cycles: 2 }); }); it('should irq', function () { cpu.irq(); expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, { cycles: 5, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, sp: 0xfc, pc: 0xff00 }); }); it('should not irq if I set', function () { initState({ s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I }); cpu.irq(); expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, pc: 0x400 }); }); it('should nmi', function () { cpu.nmi(); expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, { cycles: 5, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, sp: 0xfc, pc: 0xff00 }); }); }); describe('#misc', function () { it('should NOP', function () { testCode([0xEA], 1, {}, { cycles: 2 }); }); it('should BRK', function () { testCode([0x00, 0x00], 1, {}, { cycles: 7, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, sp: 0xfc, pc: 0xff00 }); }); it('should RTI', function () { initMemory([[0x01, 0xFD, [0xA0, 0x34, 0x12]]]); testCode([0x40], 1, { sp: 0xFC }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N, sp: 0xFF, pc: 0x1234 }); }); }); describe('#registers', function() { it('should LDA immediate', function () { testCode([0xA9, 0x44], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, a: 0x44 }); }); it('should TAX', function () { testCode([0xAA], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, x: 0x44 }); }); it('should TAY', function () { testCode([0xA8], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDX immediate', function () { testCode([0xA2, 0x44], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, x: 0x44 }); }); it('should TXA', function () { testCode([0x8A], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x44 }); }); it('should DEX', function () { testCode([0xCA], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, x: 0x43 }); }); it('should INX', function () { testCode([0xE8], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, x: 0x45 }); }); it('should LDY immediate', function () { testCode([0xA0, 0x44], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should TYA', function () { testCode([0x98], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x44 }); }); it('should DEY', function () { testCode([0x88], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, y: 0x43 }); }); it('should INY', function () { testCode([0xC8], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, y: 0x45 }); }); }); describe('#flags', function() { it('should SEC', function () { testCode([0x38], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should CLC', function () { testCode([0x18], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); it('should SEI', function () { testCode([0x78], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I }); }); it('should CLI', function () { testCode([0x58], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); it('should CLV', function () { testCode([0xB8], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.V }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); it('should SED', function () { testCode([0xF8], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D }); }); it('should CLD', function () { testCode([0xD8], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); }); describe('#stack', function() { it('should TXS', function() { testCode([0x9A], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, sp: 0x44 }); }); it('should TSX', function() { testCode([0xBA], 1, { sp: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, x: 0x44 }); }); it('should PHA', function() { testCode([0x48], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 3, sp: 0xfe }); expectStack([0x44]); }); it('should PLA', function() { initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [0x44]]]); testCode([0x68], 1, { sp: 0xfe }, { cycles: 4, a: 0x44, sp: 0xff }); }); it('should PHP', function() { testCode([0x08], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 3, sp: 0xfe }); expectStack([FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.B | FLAGS.N | FLAGS.C]); }); it('should PLP', function() { initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [FLAGS.N | FLAGS.C]]]); testCode([0x28], 1, { sp: 0xfe }, { cycles: 4, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N | FLAGS.C, sp: 0xff }); }); }); describe('#jumps', function() { it('should JMP abs', function () { testCode([0x4C, 0x34, 0x12], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x1234 }); }); it('should JMP (abs)', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x34, 0x12]]]); testCode([0x6C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x1234 }); }); it('should JMP (abs) across page boundries with bugs', function () { initMemory([[0x02, 0xFF, [0x34, 0x12]], [0x02, 0x00, [0xff]]]); testCode([0x6C, 0xFF, 0x02], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0xFF34 }); }); it('should JSR abs', function () { testCode([0x20, 0x34, 0x12], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, sp: 0xFD, pc: 0x1234 }); expectStack([0x02, 0x04]); }); it('should RTS', function () { initMemory([[0x01, 0xFE, [0x34, 0x12]]]); testCode([0x60], 1, { sp: 0xFD }, { cycles: 6, sp: 0xFF, pc: 0x1235 }); }); }); describe('#branches', function() { // ********** bcs it('should BCS forward', function () { testCode([0xB0, 0x7F], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x0481 }); }); it('should BCS backward', function () { testCode([0xB0, 0xff], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x0401 }); }); it('should BCS across pages with an extra cycle', function () { testCode([0xB0, 0xfd], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 4, pc: 0x03FF }); }); it('should not BCS if carry clear', function () { testCode([0xB0, 0xfd], 1, {}, { cycles: 2, pc: 0x0402 }); }); it('should BCC forward', function () { testCode([0x90, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x0481 }); }); it('should BCC backward', function () { testCode([0x90, 0xff], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x0401 }); }); it('should BCC across pages with an extra cycle', function () { testCode([0x90, 0xfd], 1, {}, { cycles: 4, pc: 0x03FF }); }); it('should not BCC if carry set', function () { testCode([0x90, 0xfd], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 2, pc: 0x0402 }); }); }); describe('#read memory', function() { // ********** zp it('should LDY zp', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xA4, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDA zp', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xA5, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, a: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDX zp', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xA6, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, x: 0x44 }); }); // ********** zp,x it('should LDY zp,x', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xB4, 0x33], 1, { x: 3 }, { cycles: 4, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDA zp,x', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xB5, 0x33], 1, { x: 3 }, { cycles: 4, a: 0x44 }); }); // ********** zp,y it('should LDX zp,y', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xB6, 0x33], 1, { y: 3 }, { cycles: 4, x: 0x44 }); }); // ********** (zp,x) it('should LDA (zp,x)', function () { initMemory([ [0x00, 0x36, [0x33, 0x03]], [0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]] ); testCode([0xA1, 0x33], 1, { x: 3 }, { cycles: 6, a: 0x44 }); }); // ********** (zp),y it('should LDA (zp),y', function () { initMemory([ [0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x03]], [0x03, 0x36, [0x44]] ]); testCode([0xB1, 0x33], 1, { y: 3 }, { cycles: 5, a: 0x44 }); }); // ********** (zp),y it('should LDA (zp),y with an extra cycle on page cross', function () { initMemory([ [0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x02]], [0x03, 0x32, [0x44]] ]); testCode([0xB1, 0x33], 1, { y: 0xff }, { cycles: 6, a: 0x44 }); }); // ********** abs it('should LDY abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xAC, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, { cycles: 4, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDA abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xAD, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, { cycles: 4, a: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDX abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xAE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, { cycles: 4, x: 0x44 }); }); // ********** abs, x it('should LDY abs,x', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xBC, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 3 }, { cycles: 4, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDA abs,x', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xBD, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 3 }, { cycles: 4, a: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDY abs,x with extra cycle on page cross', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xBC, 0x33, 0x02], 1, { x: 0xff }, { cycles: 5, y: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDA abs,x with extra cycle on page cross', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xBD, 0x33, 0x02], 1, { x: 0xff }, { cycles: 5, a: 0x44 }); }); // ********** abs, y it('should LDX abs,y', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xBE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { y: 3 }, { cycles: 4, x: 0x44 }); }); it('should LDX abs,y with extra cycle on page cross', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xBE, 0x33, 0x02], 1, { y: 0xff }, { cycles: 5, x: 0x44 }); }); }); describe('#write memory', function() { // ********** zp it('should STY zp', function () { testCode([0x84, 0x33], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 3 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STA zp', function () { testCode([0x85, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 3 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STX zp', function () { testCode([0x86, 0x33], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 3 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** zp,x it('should STY zp,x', function () { testCode([0x94, 0x33], 1, { x: 3, y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STA zp,x', function () { testCode([0x95, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x44, x: 3 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** zp,y it('should STX zp,y', function () { testCode([0x96, 0x33], 1, { x: 0x44, y: 3 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** (zp,x) it('should STA (zp,x)', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x33, 0x03]]]); testCode([0x81, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x44, x: 3 }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** (zp),y it('should STA (zp),y', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x03]]]); testCode([0x91, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x44, y: 3 }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** abs it('should STY abs', function () { testCode([0x8C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STA abs', function () { testCode([0x8D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STX abs', function () { testCode([0x8E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** abs, x it('should STA abs,x', function () { testCode([0x9D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0x44, x: 0x03 }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STA abs,x with no extra cycle on page cross', function () { testCode([0x9D, 0x33, 0x02], 1, { a: 0x44, x: 0xff }, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]); }); // ********** abs, y it('should STA abs,y', function () { testCode([0x99, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0x44, y: 0x03 }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STA abs,y with no extra cycle on page cross', function () { testCode([0x99, 0x33, 0x02], 1, { a: 0x44, y: 0xff }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]); }); }); describe('#bit operations', function() { // ********** ASL it('should ASL A', function () { testCode([0x0A], 1, { a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0xAA, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should ASL A with carry out', function () { testCode([0x0A], 1, { a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x54, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should ASL abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x0E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); }); it('should ASL abs with carry out', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); testCode([0x0E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x54]]]); }); // ********** ROL it('should ROL A', function () { testCode([0x2A], 1, { a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0xAA, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should ROL A with carry out', function () { testCode([0x2A], 1, { a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x54, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should ROL A with carry in', function () { testCode([0x2A], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C, a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x55, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should ROL abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x2E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); }); it('should ROL abs with carry out', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); testCode([0x2E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x54]]]); }); it('should ROL abs with carry in', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); testCode([0x2E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); }); // ********** LSR it('should LSR A', function () { testCode([0x4A], 1, { a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x55 }); }); it('should LSR A with carry out', function () { testCode([0x4A], 1, { a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x2A, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should LSR abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); testCode([0x4E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); }); it('should LSR abs with carry out', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x4E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x2A]]]); }); // ********** ROR it('should ROR A', function () { testCode([0x6A], 1, { a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x55 }); }); it('should ROR A with carry out', function () { testCode([0x6A], 1, { a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C, a: 0x2A }); }); it('should ROR A with carry in', function () { testCode([0x6A], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C, a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C | FLAGS.N, a: 0xAA }); }); it('should ROR abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); testCode([0x6E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); }); it('should ROR abs with carry out', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x6E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x2A]]]); }); it('should ROR abs with carry in', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x6E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C | FLAGS.N }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); }); it('should AND', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x2D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0xA5 }, { cycles: 4, a: 0x05 }); }); it('should ORA', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x0D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0xA0 }, { cycles: 4, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N, a: 0xF5 }); }); it('should EOR', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x4D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0xA5 }, { cycles: 4, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N, a: 0xF0 }); }); it('should BIT zp', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x24, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 3, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.V }); }); it('should BIT abs', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]); testCode([0x2C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 4, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N | FLAGS.Z }); }); }); describe('#math', function() { // ********** ADC it('should ADC', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, { a: 0x23 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x78, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); it('should ADC with carry in', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, { a: 0x23, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x79, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); it('should ADC with overflow out', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, { a: 0x2B }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x80, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N | FLAGS.V }); }); it('should ADC with carry out', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, { a: 0xBB }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x10, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); // ********** ADC BCD it('should ADC BCD', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x16], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D, a: 0x25 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.V, a: 0x41 }); }); it('should ADC BCD with carry in', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.C, a: 0x23 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT| FLAGS.D | FLAGS.V, a: 0x79 }); }); it('should ADC BCD with carry out', function () { testCode([0x69, 0x10], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D, a: 0x91 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x01, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.C }); }); // ********** SBC it('should SBC', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C, a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x32, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should SBC with borrow in', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT, a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x31, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should SBC with borrow out', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x55], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C, a: 0x23 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0xCE, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should SBC with overflow out', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x7F], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C, a: 0xAF }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x30, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.V | FLAGS.C }); }); // ********** SBC BCD it('should SBC BCD', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.C, a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x32, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should SBC BCD with borrow in', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D, a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x31, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should SBC BCD with borrow out', function () { testCode([0xE9, 0x55], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D | FLAGS.C, a: 0x23 }, { cycles: 2, a: 0x68, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D }); }); // ********** INC it('should INC zp', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xE6, 0x33], 1, { }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x45]]]); }); it('should INC zp,x', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x043, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xF6, 0x33], 1, { x: 0x10 }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x43, [0x45]]]); }); it('should INC abs', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xEE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x45]]]); }); it('should INC abs,x', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x043, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xFE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 0x10 }, { cycles: 7 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x45]]]); }); // ********** DEC it('should DEC zp', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xC6, 0x33], 1, { }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x43]]]); }); it('should DEC zp,x', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x043, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xD6, 0x33], 1, { x: 0x10 }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x43, [0x43]]]); }); it('should DEC abs', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xCE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { }, { cycles: 6 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x43]]]); }); it('should DEC abs,x', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x043, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xDE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 0x10 }, { cycles: 7 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x43]]]); }); }); describe('#comparison', function() { // ********** CMP it('should CMP less than', function() { testCode([0xc9, 0x44], 1, { a: 0x33 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should CMP equal', function() { testCode([0xc9, 0x44], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.Z | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should CMP greater than', function() { testCode([0xc9, 0x44], 1, { a: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); // ********** CPX it('should CPX less than', function() { testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, { x: 0x33 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should CPX equal', function() { testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.Z | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should CPX greater than', function() { testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, { x: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); // ********** CPY it('should CPY less than', function() { testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, { y: 0x33 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should CPY equal', function() { testCode([0xc0, 0x44], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.Z | FLAGS.C }); }); it('should CPY greater than', function() { testCode([0xc0, 0x44], 1, { y: 0x55 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.C }); }); }); }); describe('65c02', function() { beforeEach(function() { cpu = new CPU6502({'65C02': true}); memory = new TestMemory(4); cpu.addPageHandler(memory); cpu.addPageHandler(bios); }); describe('#signals', function() { it('should clear D on IRQ', function() { initState({ s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D }); cpu.irq(); expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, { cycles: 5, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, sp: 0xfc, pc: 0xff00 }); }); it('should clear D on NMI', function() { initState({ s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D }); cpu.nmi(); expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, { cycles: 5, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, sp: 0xfc, pc: 0xff00 }); }); it('should clear D on BRK', function () { testCode([0x00, 0x00], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.D }, { cycles: 7, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.I, sp: 0xfc, pc: 0xff00 }); }); }); describe('#stack', function() { it('should PHX', function() { testCode([0xDA], 1, { x: 0x44 }, { cycles: 3, sp: 0xfe }); expectStack([0x44]); }); it('should PLX', function() { initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xFA], 1, { sp: 0xfe }, { cycles: 4, x: 0x44, sp: 0xff }); }); it('should PHY', function() { testCode([0x5A], 1, { y: 0x44 }, { cycles: 3, sp: 0xfe }); expectStack([0x44]); }); it('should PLY', function() { initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [0x44]]]); testCode([0x7A], 1, { sp: 0xfe }, { cycles: 4, y: 0x44, sp: 0xff }); }); }); describe('#jumps', function() { it('should JMP (abs)', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x34, 0x12]]]); testCode([0x6C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x1234 }); }); it('should JMP (abs) across page boundries without bugs', function () { initMemory([[0x02, 0xFF, [0x34, 0x12]], [0x02, 0x00, [0xff]]]); testCode([0x6C, 0xFF, 0x02], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x1234 }); }); it('should JMP (abs, x)', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x34, 0x12]]]); testCode([0x7C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 0x10 }, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x1234 }); }); }); describe('#other addressing mode fixes', function () { it('should INC abs,x', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x043, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xFE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { x: 0x10 }, { cycles: 7 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x45]]]); }); }); describe('#branches', function() { it('should BRA forward', function () { testCode([0x80, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x0481 }); }); it('should BRA backward', function () { testCode([0x80, 0xFF], 1, {}, { cycles: 3, pc: 0x0401 }); }); }); describe('#read memory', function() { // ********** (zp) it('should LDA (zp)', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x33,0x03]], [0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0xB2, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, a: 0x44 }); }); }); describe('#write memory', function() { // ********** (zp) it('should STA (zp)', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x03]]]); testCode([0x92, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); }); it('should STZ abs', function () { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]); testCode([0x9C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 4 }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x00]]]); }); }); describe('#logical operators', function() { it('should BIT imm and effect other flags', function() { testCode([0x89, 0x33], 1, { s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.N, a: 0x44 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.Z | FLAGS.N }); }); it('should BIT imm', function() { testCode([0x89, 0x33], 1, { a: 0x03 }, { cycles: 2, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT }); }); // ******** TRB it('should TRB zp', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x14, 0x33], 1, { a: 0xA5 }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x50]]]); }); it('should TRB abs', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x1C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.Z }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); }); // ******** TSB it('should TSB zp', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x04, 0x33], 1, { a: 0xA5 }, { cycles: 5 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF5]]]); }); it('should TSB abs', function() { initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]); testCode([0x0C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, { a: 0xAA }, { cycles: 6, s: FLAGS.DEFAULT | FLAGS.Z }); expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); }); }); describe('Branch bit set/reset', function () { // ******** BBR it('BBR0 should branch if bit 0 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]); testCode([0x0F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR0 should branch backward', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]); testCode([0x0F, 0x33, 0xFF], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0402 }); }); it('BBR1 should branch if bit 1 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFD]]]); testCode([0x1F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR2 should branch if bit 2 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFB]]]); testCode([0x2F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR3 should branch if bit 3 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF7]]]); testCode([0x3F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR4 should branch if bit 4 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xEF]]]); testCode([0x4F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR5 should branch if bit 5 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xDF]]]); testCode([0x5F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR6 should branch if bit 6 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xBF]]]); testCode([0x6F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR7 should branch if bit 7 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x7F]]]); testCode([0x7F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBR0 should not branch if bit 0 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]); testCode([0x0F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR1 should not branch if bit 1 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x02]]]); testCode([0x1F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR2 should not branch if bit 2 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x04]]]); testCode([0x2F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR3 should not branch if bit 3 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x08]]]); testCode([0x3F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR4 should not branch if bit 4 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x10]]]); testCode([0x4F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR5 should not branch if bit 5 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x20]]]); testCode([0x5F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR6 should not branch if bit 6 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x40]]]); testCode([0x6F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBR7 should not branch if bit 7 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x80]]]); testCode([0x7F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); // ******** BBS it('BBS0 should branch if bit 0 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]); testCode([0x8F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS0 should branch backward', function () { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]); testCode([0x8F, 0x33, 0xFF], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0402 }); }); it('BBS1 should branch if bit 1 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x02]]]); testCode([0x9F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS2 should branch if bit 2 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x04]]]); testCode([0xAF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS3 should branch if bit 3 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x08]]]); testCode([0xBF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS4 should branch if bit 4 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x10]]]); testCode([0xCF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS5 should branch if bit 5 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x20]]]); testCode([0xDF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS6 should branch if bit 6 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x40]]]); testCode([0xEF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS7 should branch if bit 7 set', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x80]]]); testCode([0xFF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 6, pc: 0x0482 }); }); it('BBS0 should not branch if bit 0 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]); testCode([0x8F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS1 should not branch if bit 1 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFD]]]); testCode([0x9F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS2 should not branch if bit 2 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFB]]]); testCode([0xAF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS3 should not branch if bit 3 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF7]]]); testCode([0xBF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS4 should not branch if bit 4 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xEF]]]); testCode([0xCF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS5 should not branch if bit 5 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xDF]]]); testCode([0xDF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS6 should not branch if bit 6 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xBF]]]); testCode([0xEF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); it('BBS7 should not branch if bit 7 clear', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x7B]]]); testCode([0xFF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0403 }); }); }); describe('Bit set/reset', function () { it('RMB0 should reset bit 0', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x07, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]); }); it('RMB1 should reset bit 1', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x17, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFD]]]); }); it('RMB2 should reset bit 2', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x27, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFB]]]); }); it('RMB3 should reset bit 3', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x37, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF7]]]); }); it('RMB4 should reset bit 4', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x47, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xEF]]]); }); it('RMB5 should reset bit 5', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x57, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xDF]]]); }); it('RMB6 should reset bit 6', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x67, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xBF]]]); }); it('RMB7 should reset bit 7', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]); testCode([0x77, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x7F]]]); }); it('SMB0 should set bit 0', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0x87, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]); }); it('SMB1 should set bit 1', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0x97, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x02]]]); }); it('SMB2 should set bit 2', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0xA7, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x04]]]); }); it('SMB3 should set bit 3', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0xB7, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x08]]]); }); it('SMB4 should set bit 4', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0xC7, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x10]]]); }); it('SMB5 should set bit 5', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0xD7, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x20]]]); }); it('SMB6 should set bit 6', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0xE7, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x40]]]); }); it('SMB7 should set bit 7', function() { initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]); testCode([0xF7, 0x33], 1, {}, { cycles: 5, pc: 0x0402 }); expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x80]]]); }); }); describe('#math', function() { // INC A it('should INC A', function() { testCode([0x1A], 1, { a: 0x44 },{ cycles: 2, a: 0x45 }); }); // DEC A it('should DEC A', function() { testCode([0x3A], 1, { a: 0x44 },{ cycles: 2, a: 0x43 }); }); }); });