mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 23:29:06 +00:00
ported to pygame and added bit-accurate characters
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
# originally written 2001, updated 2011
import curses
import pygame
def signed(x):
if x > 0x7F:
@ -11,6 +12,113 @@ def signed(x):
return x
class Display:
characters = [
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b10111, 0b10110, 0b10000, 0b01111],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11111, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000],
[0b00000, 0b01111, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10011, 0b10001, 0b01111],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11111, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10010, 0b10100, 0b11000, 0b10100, 0b10010, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b11011, 0b10101, 0b10101, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11001, 0b10101, 0b10011, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b10010, 0b01101],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10100, 0b10010, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10000, 0b01110, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b10101, 0b11011, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b10000, 0b01000, 0b00100, 0b00010, 0b00001, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b01010, 0b01010, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b01010, 0b01010, 0b11111, 0b01010, 0b11111, 0b01010, 0b01010],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01111, 0b10100, 0b01110, 0b00101, 0b11110, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b11000, 0b11001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10011, 0b00011],
[0b00000, 0b01000, 0b10100, 0b10100, 0b01000, 0b10101, 0b10010, 0b01101],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b01000, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00010, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b10101, 0b01110, 0b00100, 0b01110, 0b10101, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b11111, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10011, 0b10101, 0b11001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b00001, 0b00110, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00110, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00010, 0b00110, 0b01010, 0b10010, 0b11111, 0b00010, 0b00010],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00111, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b01000, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b11100],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b01000, 0b00100, 0b00010],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b01000, 0b00100, 0b00010, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100]
def __init__(self):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((560, 432))
def update(self, address, value):
base = address - 0x400
hi, lo = divmod(base, 0x80)
row_group, column = divmod(lo, 0x28)
row = hi + 8 * row_group
# skip if writing to row group 3
if row_group == 3:
mode, ch = divmod(value, 0x40)
if mode == 0: # inverse
on = (0, 0, 0)
off = (0, 200, 0)
elif mode == 1: # flash
on = (0, 0, 0)
off = (0, 200, 0)
else: # normal
on = (0, 200, 0)
off = (0, 0, 0)
pixels = pygame.PixelArray(self.screen)
for line in range(8):
b = self.characters[ch][line]
for i in range(5):
x = 2 * (column * 7 + (5 - i))
y = 2 * (row * 9 + line)
bit = (b >> i) % 2
pixels[x][y] = on if bit else off
pixels[x + 1][y] = on if bit else off
del pixels
class RAM:
def __init__(self, start, size):
@ -63,7 +171,8 @@ class ROM:
class Memory:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, display):
self.display = display
self.rom = ROM(0xD000, 0x3000)
# available from http://www.easy68k.com/paulrsm/6502/index.html
@ -93,33 +202,7 @@ class Memory:
if address < 0xC000:
self.ram.write_byte(address, value)
if 0x400 <= address < 0x800:
self.write_screen(address, value)
def write_screen(self, address, value):
base = address - 0x400
hi, lo = divmod(base, 0x80)
row_group, column = divmod(lo, 0x28)
row = hi + 8 * row_group
# skip if writing to row group 3
if row_group == 3:
c = chr(0x20 + ((value + 0x20) % 0x40))
if value < 0x40:
attr = curses.A_DIM
elif value < 0x80:
attr = curses.A_REVERSE
elif value < 0xA0:
attr = curses.A_UNDERLINE
attr = curses.A_DIM
self.win.addch(row, column, c, attr)
except curses.error:
self.display.update(address, value)
class Disassemble:
@ -523,41 +606,13 @@ class CPU:
def reset(self):
self.program_counter = self.memory.read_word(self.RESET_VECTOR)
def dump(self, win, op):
win.move(10, 50)
win.addstr(10, 50, self.disassemble.disasm(self.program_counter - 1))
win.addstr(14, 50, "BUFFER:" +
" ".join("%02X" % self.memory.read_byte(m) for m in range(0x200, 0x210))
win.addstr(11, 50, "A=%02X X=%02X Y=%02X S=%02X V=%02X B=%02X D=%02X I=%02X Z=%02X C=%02X PC=%04X S=%02X" % (
self.program_counter - 1,
win.addstr(12, 50, "STACK:" +
" ".join("%02X" % self.memory.read_byte(self.STACK_PAGE + i) for i in range(255, self.stack_pointer, -1))
def run(self, win):
self.memory.win = win
while True:
def run(self):
update_cycle = 0
quit = False
while not quit:
op = self.read_pc_byte()
# self.dump(win, op)
func = self.ops[op]
if func is None:
print "UNKNOWN OP"
print hex(self.program_counter - 1)
print hex(op)
@ -565,18 +620,21 @@ class CPU:
key = ord(win.getkey())
if key == 0xA:
key = 0xD
elif key == 0x7F:
key = 0x8
# win.addstr(15, 50, hex(key))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
quit = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.unicode:
key = ord(event.unicode)
if key == 0x7F:
key = 0x08
self.memory.softswitches.kbd = 0x80 + key
except curses.error:
except TypeError:
update_cycle += 1
if update_cycle >= 1024:
update_cycle = 0
@ -959,7 +1017,8 @@ class CPU:
if __name__ == "__main__":
mem = Memory()
display = Display()
mem = Memory(display)
cpu = CPU(mem)
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