2011-08-15 23:11:21 -04:00

441 lines
17 KiB

# ApplePy - an Apple ][ emulator in Python
# James Tauber /
# originally written 2001, updated 2011
import numpy
import pygame
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
class Display:
characters = [
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b10111, 0b10110, 0b10000, 0b01111],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11111, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000],
[0b00000, 0b01111, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10011, 0b10001, 0b01111],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11111, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10010, 0b10100, 0b11000, 0b10100, 0b10010, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b11011, 0b10101, 0b10101, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11001, 0b10101, 0b10011, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b10010, 0b01101],
[0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10100, 0b10010, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10000, 0b01110, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b10101, 0b11011, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b10001, 0b10001],
[0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b10000, 0b01000, 0b00100, 0b00010, 0b00001, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b00011, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b01010, 0b01010, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b01010, 0b01010, 0b11111, 0b01010, 0b11111, 0b01010, 0b01010],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01111, 0b10100, 0b01110, 0b00101, 0b11110, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b11000, 0b11001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10011, 0b00011],
[0b00000, 0b01000, 0b10100, 0b10100, 0b01000, 0b10101, 0b10010, 0b01101],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b01000, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00010, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b10101, 0b01110, 0b00100, 0b01110, 0b10101, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b11111, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10011, 0b10101, 0b11001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b01100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b00001, 0b00110, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b11111],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00110, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00010, 0b00110, 0b01010, 0b10010, 0b11111, 0b00010, 0b00010],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b00001, 0b00001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b00111, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b01000, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01111, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b11100],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000, 0b10000, 0b01000, 0b00100, 0b00010],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00000, 0b00000],
[0b00000, 0b01000, 0b00100, 0b00010, 0b00001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b00010, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00100]
lores_colours = [
(0, 0, 0), # black
(208, 0, 48), # magenta / dark red
(0, 0, 128), # dark blue
(255, 0, 255), # purple / violet
(0, 128, 0), # dark green
(128, 128, 128), # gray 1
(0, 0, 255), # medium blue / blue
(96, 160, 255), # light blue
(128, 80, 0), # brown / dark orange
(255, 128 ,0), # orange
(192, 192, 192), # gray 2
(255, 144, 128), # pink / light red
(0, 255, 0), # light green / green
(255, 255, 0), # yellow / light orange
(64, 255, 144), # aquamarine / light green
(255, 255, 255), # white
def __init__(self):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((560, 384))
self.mix = False
self.flash_time = time.time()
self.flash_on = False
self.flash_chars = [[0] * 0x400] * 2
self.chargen = []
for c in self.characters:
chars = [[pygame.Surface((14, 16)), pygame.Surface((14, 16))],
[pygame.Surface((14, 16)), pygame.Surface((14, 16))]]
for colour in (0, 1):
hue = (255, 255, 255) if colour else (0, 200, 0)
for inv in (0, 1):
pixels = pygame.PixelArray(chars[colour][inv])
off = hue if inv else (0, 0, 0)
on = (0, 0, 0) if inv else hue
for row in range(8):
b = c[row] << 1
for col in range(7):
bit = (b >> (6 - col)) & 1
pixels[2 * col][2 * row] = on if bit else off
pixels[2 * col + 1][2 * row] = on if bit else off
del pixels
def txtclr(self):
self.text = False
def txtset(self):
self.text = True
self.colour = False
def mixclr(self):
self.mix = False
def mixset(self):
self.mix = True
self.colour = True
def lowscr(self): = 1
def hiscr(self): = 2
def lores(self):
self.high_res = False
def hires(self):
self.high_res = True
def update(self, address, value):
if == 1:
start_text = 0x400
start_hires = 0x2000
elif == 2:
start_text = 0x800
start_hires = 0x4000
if start_text <= address <= start_text + 0x3FF:
base = address - start_text
self.flash_chars[ - 1][base] = value
hi, lo = divmod(base, 0x80)
row_group, column = divmod(lo, 0x28)
row = hi + 8 * row_group
if row_group == 3:
if self.text or not self.mix or not row < 20:
mode, ch = divmod(value, 0x40)
if mode == 0:
inv = True
elif mode == 1:
inv = self.flash_on
inv = False
self.screen.blit(self.chargen[ch][self.colour][inv], (2 * (column * 7), 2 * (row * 8)))
pixels = pygame.PixelArray(self.screen)
if not self.high_res:
lower, upper = divmod(value, 0x10)
for dx in range(14):
for dy in range(8):
x = column * 14 + dx
y = row * 16 + dy
pixels[x][y] = self.lores_colours[upper]
for dy in range(8, 16):
x = column * 14 + dx
y = row * 16 + dy
pixels[x][y] = self.lores_colours[lower]
del pixels
elif start_hires <= address <= start_hires + 0x1FFF:
if self.high_res:
base = address - start_hires
row8, b = divmod(base, 0x400)
hi, lo = divmod(b, 0x80)
row_group, column = divmod(lo, 0x28)
row = 8 * (hi + 8 * row_group) + row8
if self.mix and row >= 160:
if row < 192 and column < 40:
pixels = pygame.PixelArray(self.screen)
msb = value // 0x80
for b in range(7):
c = value & (1 << b)
xx = (column * 7 + b)
x = 2 * xx
y = 2 * row
if msb:
if xx % 2:
pixels[x][y] = (0, 0, 0)
# orange
pixels[x + 1][y] = (255, 192, 0) if c else (0, 0, 0)
# blue
pixels[x][y] = (0, 192, 255) if c else (0, 0, 0)
pixels[x + 1][y] = (0, 0, 0)
if xx % 2:
pixels[x][y] = (0, 0, 0)
# green
pixels[x + 1][y] = (0, 255, 0) if c else (0, 0, 0)
# violet
pixels[x][y] = (255, 0, 255) if c else (0, 0, 0)
pixels[x + 1][y] = (0, 0, 0)
pixels[x][y + 1] = (0, 0, 0)
pixels[x + 1][y + 1] = (0, 0, 0)
del pixels
def flash(self):
if time.time() - self.flash_time >= 0.5:
self.flash_on = not self.flash_on
for offset, char in enumerate(self.flash_chars[ - 1]):
if (char & 0xC0) == 0x40:
self.update(0x400 + offset, char)
self.flash_time = time.time()
class Speaker:
def __init__(self):
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1)
def toggle(self, cycle):
if self.last_toggle is not None:
l = (cycle - self.last_toggle) / Speaker.CPU_CYCLES_PER_SAMPLE
self.buffer.extend([0, 0.8] if self.polarity else [0, -0.8])
self.buffer.extend((l - 2) * [0.5] if self.polarity else [-0.5])
self.polarity = not self.polarity
self.last_toggle = cycle
def reset(self):
self.last_toggle = None
self.buffer = []
self.polarity = False
def play(self):
sample_array = numpy.array(self.buffer)
sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(sample_array)
def update(self, cycle):
if self.buffer and (cycle - self.last_toggle) > self.CHECK_INTERVAL:
class SoftSwitches:
def __init__(self, display, speaker):
self.kbd = 0x00
self.display = display
self.speaker = speaker
def read_byte(self, cycle, address):
assert 0xC000 <= address <= 0xCFFF
if address == 0xC000:
return self.kbd
elif address == 0xC010:
self.kbd = self.kbd & 0x7F
elif address == 0xC030:
if self.speaker:
elif address == 0xC050:
elif address == 0xC051:
elif address == 0xC052:
elif address == 0xC053:
elif address == 0xC054:
elif address == 0xC055:
elif address == 0xC056:
elif address == 0xC057:
pass # print "%04X" % address
return 0x00
class Apple2:
def __init__(self, options, display, speaker):
self.display = display
self.speaker = speaker
self.softswitches = SoftSwitches(display, speaker)
args = [
"--rom", options.rom,
if options.ram:
"--ram", options.ram,
self.core = subprocess.Popen(
def run(self):
update_cycle = 0
last_update_cycle_time = time.time()
last_update_cycle_cycles = self.cycles
quit = False
while not quit:
op =
cycle, rw, addr, val = struct.unpack("<IBHB", op)
if rw == 0:
self.core.stdin.write(chr(self.softswitches.read_byte(cycle, addr)))
elif rw == 1:
self.display.update(addr, val)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
quit = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
key = ord(event.unicode) if event.unicode else 0
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
key = 0x08
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
key = 0x15
if key:
if key == 0x7F:
key = 0x08
self.softswitches.kbd = 0x80 + key
update_cycle += 1
if update_cycle >= 1024:
if self.speaker:
update_cycle = 0
print (self.cycles - last_update_cycle_cycles) / (time.time() - last_update_cycle_time)
last_update_cycle_time = time.time()
last_update_cycle_cycles = self.cycles
def usage():
print >>sys.stderr, "ApplePy - an Apple ][ emulator in Python"
print >>sys.stderr, "James Tauber /"
print >>sys.stderr
print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: [options]"
print >>sys.stderr
print >>sys.stderr, " -R, --rom ROM file to use (default A2ROM.BIN)"
print >>sys.stderr, " -r, --ram RAM file to load (default none)"
print >>sys.stderr, " -q, --quiet Quiet mode, no sounds (default sounds)"
def get_options():
class Options:
def __init__(self):
self.rom = "A2ROM.BIN"
self.ram = None
self.quiet = False
options = Options()
a = 1
while a < len(sys.argv):
if sys.argv[a].startswith("-"):
if sys.argv[a] in ("-R", "--rom"):
a += 1
options.rom = sys.argv[a]
elif sys.argv[a] in ("-r", "--ram"):
a += 1
options.ram = sys.argv[a]
elif sys.argv[a] in ("-q", "--quiet"):
options.quiet = True
a += 1
return options
if __name__ == "__main__":
options = get_options()
display = Display()
speaker = None if options.quiet else Speaker()
apple = Apple2(options, display, speaker)