Added standard delivery boot loader

This commit is contained in:
Rob McMullen 2017-05-09 17:53:28 -07:00
parent eee02b14cb
commit 48b77deda3
3 changed files with 162 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -453,3 +453,4 @@ Turns out there are a ton of Apple ][ disk imaging tools! I was pointed to the l
* `dos33fsprogs <>`_ (C)
* `apple2-disk-util <>`_ (Ruby)
* `dsk2nib <>`_ (C)
* `standard-delivery <>`_ (6502 assembly) Apple II single-sector fast boot-loader

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from .spartados import SpartaDosDiskImage
from .cartridge import AtariCartImage, get_known_carts
from .mame import MameZipImage
from .dos33 import Dos33DiskImage, ProdosDiskImage, Dos33BinFile
from .standard_delivery import StandardDeliveryImage
from .errors import *
import logging
@ -174,6 +175,17 @@ def iter_parsers(r):
return None, None
def parsers_for_filename(name):
matches = []
for mime in mime_parse_order:
parsers = mime_parsers[mime]
found = None
for parser in parsers:
print("parser: %s = %s" % (mime, parser))
return matches
mime_parsers = {
"application/vnd.atari8bit.atr": [

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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from .errors import *
from .segments import SegmentData
from .diskimages import BaseHeader, DiskImageBase
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StandardDeliveryHeader(BaseHeader):
file_format = "Apple ][ Standard Delivery"
def __init__(self, bytes=None, sector_size=256, create=False):
BaseHeader.__init__(self, sector_size, create=create)
if bytes is None:
data = bytes[0:5]
if np.all(data == (0x01, 0xa8, 0xee, 0x06, 0x08)):
log.debug("Found 48k loader")
raise InvalidDiskImage("No %s boot header" % self.file_format)
def __str__(self):
return "Standard Delivery Boot Disk (size=%d (%dx%dB)" % (self.file_format, self.image_size, self.max_sectors, self.sector_size)
def check_size(self, size):
if size != 143360:
raise InvalidDiskImage("Incorrect size for Standard Delivery image")
self.image_size = size
self.tracks_per_disk = 35
self.sectors_per_track = 16
self.max_sectors = self.tracks_per_disk * self.sectors_per_track
class StandardDeliveryImage(DiskImageBase):
def __str__(self):
return str(self.header)
def read_header(self):
self.header = StandardDeliveryHeader(self.bytes[0:256])
def new_header(cls, diskimage, format="DSK"):
if format.lower() == "dsk":
header = StandardDeliveryHeader(create=True)
raise RuntimeError("Unknown header type %s" % format)
return header
def check_size(self):
def get_boot_sector_info(self):
def get_vtoc(self):
def get_directory(self, directory=None):
def create_boot_image(cls, segments, run_addr=None):
raw = SegmentData(np.zeros([143360], dtype=np.uint8))
dsk = cls(raw, create=True)
if run_addr is None:
run_addr = segments[0].start_addr
chunks = []
for s in segments:
# find size in 256 byte chunks that start on a page boundary
# since the loader only deals with page boundaries
origin = s.start_addr
chunk_start, padding = divmod(origin, 256)
size = ((len(s) + padding + 255) // 256) * 256
chunk = np.zeros([size], dtype=np.uint8)
chunk[padding:padding + len(s)] = s[:]
chunks.append((chunk_start, chunk))
print("segment: %s, chunk=%s" % (str(s), str(chunks[-1])))
# break up the chunks into sectors
# NOTE: fstbt implied that the sector order was staggered, but in
# AppleWin, by trial and error, works with the following order
# index = 1 # on the first track, sector 0 is reserved for boot sector
# sector_order = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
index = 1
sector_order = [0, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 15]
track = 0
count = 0
sector_list = []
address_list = []
boot_sector = dsk.header.create_sector()
boot_sector.sector_num = 0
boot_sector.track_num = 1
for chunk_start, chunk_data in chunks:
i = 0
hi = chunk_start
while i < len(chunk_data):
sector = dsk.header.create_sector(chunk_data[i:i+256])
sector.sector_num = dsk.header.sector_from_track(track, sector_order[index])
count += 1
#sector.sector_num = count
#[0] = sector.sector_num
#[1] = hi
#[2:16] = 0xff
print("%s at %02x00: %s ..." % (sector_list[-1], address_list[-1], " ".join(["%02x" % h for h in chunk_data[i:i + 16]])))
index += 1
if index >= len(sector_order):
index = 0
track += 1
i += 256
hi += 1
print("address list %s" % str(address_list))
boot_code = get_fstbt_code(, address_list, run_addr)
return dsk
# fast boot code minus final jump address and sector address table
fstbt_64k = b'\x01\xa8\xee\x06\x08\xadM\x08\xc9\xc0\xf0?\x85\x27\xc8\xc0\x10\x90\t\xf0\x05 .\x08\xa8,\xa0\x01\x84=\xc8\xa5\x27\xf0\xdf\x8a {\xf8\t\xc0H\xa9[H`\xe6A\x06@ 6\x08\x18 ;\x08\xe6@\xa5@)\x03*\x05+\xa8\xb9\x80\xc0\xa90L\xa8\xfcL'
fstbt_64k_hgr = b'\x01\xa8,P\xc0,R\xc0,W\xc0\xee\x0f\x08\xadV\x08\xc9\xc0\xf0?\x85\x27\xc8\xc0\x10\x90\t\xf0\x05 7\x08\xa8,\xa0\x01\x84=\xc8\xa5\x27\xf0\xdf\x8a {\xf8\t\xc0H\xa9[H`\xe6A\x06@ ?\x08\x18 D\x08\xe6@\xa5@)\x03*\x05+\xa8\xb9\x80\xc0\xa90L\xa8\xfcL'
def get_fstbt_code(data, address_list, run_addr):
code = fstbt_64k_hgr
pointer = len(code)
data[0:pointer] = np.fromstring(code, dtype=np.uint8)
hi, lo = divmod(run_addr, 256)
data[pointer:pointer + 2] = (lo, hi)
address_list.append(0xc0) # last sector flag
data[pointer + 2:pointer + 2 + len(address_list)] = address_list