import sys try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup execfile('atrcopy/') with open("README.rst", "r") as fp: long_description = if sys.platform.startswith("win"): scripts = ["scripts/atrcopy.bat"] else: scripts = ["scripts/atrcopy"] setup(name="atrcopy", version=__version__, author=__author__, author_email=__author_email__, url=__url__, packages=["atrcopy"], include_package_data=True, scripts=scripts, description="Utility to manage file systems on Atari 8-bit (DOS 2, DOS 3) and Apple ][ (DOS 3.3) disk images.", long_description=long_description, license="GPL", classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: Utilities", ], install_requires = [ 'numpy', ], tests_require = [ 'pytest', ], )