
484 lines
17 KiB

import numpy as np
from errors import *
from utils import to_numpy, to_numpy_list
class SegmentSaver(object):
name = "Raw Data"
extensions = [".dat"]
def encode_data(cls, segment):
return segment.tostring()
def get_file_dialog_wildcard(cls):
# Using only the first extension
wildcards = []
if cls.extensions:
ext = cls.extensions[0]
wildcards.append("%s (*%s)|*%s" % (, ext, ext))
return "|".join(wildcards)
class OrderWrapper(object):
"""Wrapper for numpy data so that manipulations can use normal numpy syntax
and still affect the data according to the byte ordering.
Numpy's fancy indexing can't be used for setting set values, so this
intermediate layer is needed that defines the __setitem__ method that
explicitly references the byte ordering in the data array.
def __init__(self, data, byte_order):
self.np_data = data
self.base = data.base # base array for numpy bounds determination
self.order = byte_order
def __len__(self):
return np.alen(self.order)
def __and__(self, other):
return self.np_data[self.order] & other
def __iand__(self, other):
self.np_data[self.order] &= other
return self
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.np_data[self.order[index]]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self.np_data[self.order[index]] = value
def sub_index(self, index):
"""Return index of index so it can be used directly in a new
SegmentData object, rather than propagating multiple index lookups by
contructing a new OrderWrapper that calls parent OrderWrapper objects.
return self.order[index]
class SegmentData(object):
def __init__(self, data, style=None, comments=None, debug=False, order=None):
self.order = order
self.is_indexed = order is not None
if self.is_indexed: = OrderWrapper(data, order)
else: = to_numpy(data)
if style is None:
if debug: = np.arange(len(self), dtype=np.uint8)
else: = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=np.uint8)
if self.is_indexed: = OrderWrapper(style, order)
else: = style
if comments is None:
comments = dict()
self.comments = comments
def __len__(self):
return len(
def get_data(self):
def get_style(self):
def get_comments(self):
return self.comments
def byte_bounds_offset(self):
"""Return start and end offsets of this segment's data into the
base array's data.
This ignores the byte order index. Arrays using the byte order index
will have the entire base array's raw data.
if is None:
if self.is_indexed:
basearray =
basearray =
return 0, len(basearray)
data_start, data_end = np.byte_bounds(
base_start, base_end = np.byte_bounds(
return int(data_start - base_start), int(data_end - base_start)
def get_raw_index(self, i):
"""Get index into base array's raw data, given the index into this
if self.is_indexed:
i = self.order[i]
if is None:
return i
data_start, data_end = np.byte_bounds(
base_start, base_end = np.byte_bounds(
return int(data_start - base_start + i)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self.is_indexed:
order =
d =
s =
order = None
d =[index]
s =[index]
c = self.comments
return SegmentData(d, s, c, order=order)
def get_indexed(self, index):
index = to_numpy_list(index)
if self.is_indexed:
return self[index]
return SegmentData(,, self.comments, order=index)
class DefaultSegment(object):
savers = [SegmentSaver]
def __init__(self, rawdata, start_addr=0, name="All", error=None, verbose_name=None):
self.start_addr = int(start_addr) # force python int to decouple from possibly being a numpy datatype
self.error = error = name
self.verbose_name = verbose_name
self.page_size = -1
self.map_width = 40
def set_raw(self, rawdata):
self.rawdata = rawdata = rawdata.get_data() = rawdata.get_style()
self._search_copy = None
def get_raw(self):
return self.rawdata
def __getstate__(self):
state = dict()
for key in ['start_addr', 'error', 'name', 'verbose_name', 'page_size', 'map_width']:
state[key] = getattr(self, key)
r = self.rawdata
state['_rawdata_bounds'] = list(r.byte_bounds_offset())
if r.is_indexed:
state['_order_list'] = r.order.tolist() # more compact serialization in python list
state['_order_list'] = None
return state
def reconstruct_raw(self, rawdata):
start, end = self._rawdata_bounds
r = rawdata[start:end]
delattr(self, '_rawdata_bounds')
if self._order_list:
order = to_numpy_list(self._order_list)
r = r.get_indexed(order)
delattr(self, '_order_list')
except AttributeError:
def __str__(self):
s = "%s ($%x bytes)" % (, len(self))
if self.error:
s += " " + self.error
return s
def verbose_info(self):
name = self.verbose_name or
if self.rawdata.is_indexed:
s = "%s ($%04x bytes) non-contiguous file; file index of first byte: $%04x" % (name, len(self), self.rawdata.order[0])
s = "%s ($%04x bytes)" % (name, len(self))
if self.error:
s += " error='%s'" % self.error
return s
def __len__(self):
return len(self.rawdata)
def __getitem__(self, index):
def __setitem__(self, index, value):[index] = value
self._search_copy = None
def byte_bounds_offset(self):
"""Return start and end offsets of this segment's data into the
base array's data
return self.rawdata.byte_bounds_offset()
def get_raw_index(self, i):
"""Get index into base array's raw data, given the index into this
return self.rawdata.get_raw_index(i)
def tostring(self):
def get_style_bits(self, match=False, comment=False, selected=False, data=False):
""" Return an int value that contains the specified style bits set.
Available styles for each byte are:
match: part of the currently matched search
comment: user commented area
selected: selected region
data: labeled in the disassembler as a data region (i.e. not disassembled)
style_bits = 0
if match:
style_bits |= 1
if comment:
style_bits |= 2
if data:
style_bits |= 4
if selected:
style_bits |= 0x80
return style_bits
def get_style_mask(self, **kwargs):
return 0xff ^ self.get_style_bits(**kwargs)
def set_style_ranges(self, ranges, **kwargs):
style_bits = self.get_style_bits(**kwargs)
s =
for start, end in ranges:
if end < start:
start, end = end, start
s[start:end] |= style_bits
def clear_style_ranges(self, ranges, **kwargs):
style_mask = self.get_style_mask(**kwargs)
s =
for start, end in ranges:
if end < start:
start, end = end, start
s[start:end] &= style_mask
def get_style_ranges(self, **kwargs):
style_bits = self.get_style_bits(**kwargs)
matches = ( & style_bits) > 0
return self.bool_to_ranges(matches)
def bool_to_ranges(self, matches):
w = np.where(matches == True)[0]
# split into groups with consecutive numbers
groups = np.split(w, np.where(np.diff(w) != 1)[0] + 1)
ranges = []
for group in groups:
if np.alen(group) > 0:
ranges.append((int(group[0]), int(group[-1]) + 1))
return ranges
def get_rect_indexes(self, anchor_start, anchor_end):
# determine row,col of upper left and lower right of selected
# rectangle. The values are inclusive, so ul=(0,0) and lr=(1,2)
# is 2 rows and 3 columns. Columns need to be adjusted slightly
# depending on quadrant of selection because anchor indexes are
# measured as cursor positions, that is: positions between the
# bytes where as rect select needs to think of the selections as
# on the byte positions themselves, not in between.
bpr = self.map_width
r1, c1 = divmod(anchor_start, bpr)
r2, c2 = divmod(anchor_end, bpr)
if c1 >= c2:
# start column is to the right of the end column so columns
# need to be swapped
if r1 >= r2:
# start row is below end row, so rows swapped as well
c1, c2 = c2, c1 + 1
r1, r2 = r2, r1
elif c2 == 0:
# When the cursor is at the end of a line, anchor_end points
# to the first character of the next line. Handle this
# special case by pointing to end of the previous line.
c2 = bpr
r2 -= 1
c1, c2 = c2 - 1, c1 + 1
# start column is to the left of the end column, so don't need
# to swap columns
if r1 > r2:
# start row is below end row
r1, r2 = r2, r1
c2 += 1
anchor_start = r1 * bpr + c1
anchor_end = r2 * bpr + c2
r2 += 1
return anchor_start, anchor_end, (r1, c1), (r2, c2)
def set_style_ranges_rect(self, ranges, **kwargs):
style_bits = self.get_style_bits(**kwargs)
s =
for start, end in ranges:
start, end, (r1, c1), (r2, c2) = self.get_rect_indexes(start, end)
# Numpy tricks!
# >>> c1 = 15
# >>> r = 4 # r2 - r1
# >>> c = 10 # c2 - c1
# >>> width = 40
# >>> np.arange(c)
#array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
# >>> np.arange(r) * width
#array([ 0, 40, 80, 120])
# >>> np.tile(np.arange(c), r) + np.repeat(np.arange(r)*width, c)
#array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 40, 41, 42,
# 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85,
# 86, 87, 88, 89, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129])
# >>> np.tile(np.arange(c), r) + np.repeat(np.arange(r)*width, c) + c1
#array([ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 55, 56, 57,
# 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
# 101, 102, 103, 104, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144])
r = r2 - r1
c = c2 - c1
indexes = np.tile(np.arange(c), r) + np.repeat(np.arange(r) * self.map_width, c) + start
s[indexes] |= style_bits
def rects_to_ranges(self, rects):
ranges = []
bpr = self.map_width
for (r1, c1), (r2, c2) in rects:
start = r1 * bpr + c1
end = (r2 - 1) * bpr + c2
ranges.append((start, end))
return ranges
def clear_style_bits(self, **kwargs):
style_mask = self.get_style_mask(**kwargs) &= style_mask
def set_comment(self, ranges, text):
self.set_style_ranges(ranges, comment=True)
for start, end in ranges:
rawindex = self.get_raw_index(start)
self.rawdata.comments[rawindex] = text
def get_comment(self, index):
rawindex = self.get_raw_index(index)
return self.rawdata.comments.get(rawindex, "")
def get_first_comment(self, ranges):
start = reduce(min, [r[0] for r in ranges])
rawindex = self.get_raw_index(start)
return self.rawdata.comments.get(rawindex, "")
def clear_comment(self, ranges):
self.clear_style_ranges(ranges, comment=True)
for start, end in ranges:
rawindex = self.get_raw_index(start)
if rawindex in self.rawdata.comments:
del self.rawdata.comments[rawindex]
def label(self, index, lower_case=True):
if lower_case:
return "%04x" % (index + self.start_addr)
return "%04X" % (index + self.start_addr)
def search_copy(self):
if self._search_copy is None:
self._search_copy =
return self._search_copy
class EmptySegment(DefaultSegment):
def __init__(self, rawdata, name="", error=None):
DefaultSegment.__init__(self, rawdata, 0, name, error)
def __str__(self):
s = "%s (empty file)" % (, )
if self.error:
s += " " + self.error
return s
def verbose_info(self):
s = "%s (empty file)" % (, )
if self.error:
s += " error='%s'" % self.error
return s
def __len__(self):
return 0
class ObjSegment(DefaultSegment):
def __init__(self, rawdata, metadata_start, data_start, start_addr, end_addr, name="", **kwargs):
DefaultSegment.__init__(self, rawdata, start_addr, name, **kwargs)
self.metadata_start = metadata_start
self.data_start = data_start
def __str__(self):
count = len(self)
s = "%s $%04x-$%04x ($%04x @ $%04x)" % (, self.start_addr, self.start_addr + count, count, self.data_start)
if self.error:
s += " " + self.error
return s
def verbose_info(self):
count = len(self)
name = self.verbose_name or
s = "%s address range: $%04x-$%04x ($%04x bytes), file index of first byte: $%04x" % (name, self.start_addr, self.start_addr + count, count, self.data_start)
if self.error:
s += " error='%s'" % self.error
return s
class RawSectorsSegment(DefaultSegment):
def __init__(self, rawdata, first_sector, num_sectors, count, boot_sector_size, num_boot_sectors, sector_size, **kwargs):
DefaultSegment.__init__(self, rawdata, 0, **kwargs)
self.boot_sector_size = boot_sector_size
self.num_boot_sectors = num_boot_sectors
self.page_size = sector_size
self.first_sector = first_sector
self.num_sectors = num_sectors
def __str__(self):
if self.num_sectors > 1:
s = "%s (sectors %d-%d)" % (, self.first_sector, self.first_sector + self.num_sectors - 1)
s = "%s (sector %d)" % (, self.first_sector)
if self.error:
s += " " + self.error
return s
def verbose_info(self):
name = self.verbose_name or
if self.num_sectors > 1:
s = "%s (sectors %d-%d)" % (name, self.first_sector, self.first_sector + self.num_sectors - 1)
s = "%s (sector %d)" % (name, self.first_sector)
s += " $%x bytes" % (len(self), )
if self.error:
s += " error='%s'" % self.error
return s
def label(self, index, lower_case=True):
boot_size = self.num_boot_sectors * self.boot_sector_size
if index >= boot_size:
sector, byte = divmod(index - boot_size, self.page_size)
sector += self.num_boot_sectors
sector, byte = divmod(index, self.boot_sector_size)
if lower_case:
return "s%03d:%02x" % (sector + self.first_sector, byte)
return "s%03d:%02X" % (sector + self.first_sector, byte)