2019-03-25 16:32:54 -07:00

389 lines
13 KiB

import hashlib
import inspect
import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
from . import errors
from . import style_bits
from .segment import Segment
from .utils import to_numpy, to_numpy_list, uuid
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
try: # Expensive debugging
_xd = _expensive_debugging
except NameError:
_xd = False
class Filesystem:
"""Base class for a "filesystem", which takes a source segment and
subdivides it into a set of segments where each represents a file. Some
auxiliary segments include a `VTOC` and a list of 'dirent's that point to
pretty_name = "Filesystem"
extra_serializable_attributes = []
def __init__(self, media):
self.check_media(media) = media
self.boot = self.calc_boot_segment()
self.vtoc = self.calc_vtoc_segment() = self.calc_directory_segment()
#### initialization
def check_media(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method to verify the media type is
supported by the filesystem.
Subclasses should raise IncompatibleMediaError if the filesystem is not
possible on this media, for instance attempting to use a disk
filesystem on a cassette media image.
def calc_boot_segment(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method to create a boot segment if
the filesystem supports one and it is present.
If it is present, return a single `Segment` instance comprising the
entire set of data, and use sub-segments if more detail is present.
If this feature is not present, return None.
Subclasses should raise the appropriate FilesystemError if the data is
incompatible with this filesystem.
def calc_vtoc_segment(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method to create a VTOC segment if
the filesystem supports one and it is present.
If it is present, return a single `Segment` instance comprising the
entire set of data, and use sub-segments if more detail is present.
If this feature is not present, return None.
Subclasses should raise the appropriate FilesystemError if the data is
incompatible with this filesystem.
def calc_directory_segment(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method to create a directory segment
if the filesystem supports one and it is present.
If it is present, return a single `Segment` instance comprising the
entire set of data, and use sub-segments if more detail is present.
If this feature is not present, return None.
Subclasses should raise the appropriate FilesystemError if the data is
incompatible with this filesystem.
def max_file_size(self):
return len(
def iter_segments(self):
if self.boot is not None:
yield self.boot
if self.vtoc is not None:
yield self.vtoc
if is not None:
class Dirent(Segment):
"""Abstract base class for a directory entry
def __init__(self, filesystem, parent, file_num, start, length):
self.filesystem = filesystem
self.file_num = file_num
Segment.__init__(self, parent, start, name=f"Dirent {file_num}", length=length)
def __eq__(self, other):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def in_use(self):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def extra_metadata(self, image):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def mark_deleted(self):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def parse_raw_dirent(self, image, bytes):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def encode_dirent(self):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def get_sectors_in_vtoc(self, image):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def start_read(self, image):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def read_sector(self, image):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
class Directory(Segment):
def __init__(self, filesystem):
self.filesystem = filesystem
offset, length = self.find_segment_location()
Segment.__init__(self,, offset, name="Directory", length=length)
# Each segment is a dirent
self.segments = self.calc_dirents()
def media(self):
def find_segment_location(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must define this to declare where the directory segment is located in the media image")
def calc_dirents(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must define this to generate a list of Dirent segments")
def set(self, index, dirent):
self.segments[index] = dirent
if _xd: log.debug("set dirent #%d: %s" % (index, dirent))
def get_free_dirent(self):
used = set()
d = list(self.segments.items())
if d:
for i, dirent in d:
if not dirent.in_use:
return i
if self.num_dirents > 0 and (len(used) >= self.num_dirents):
raise errors.NoSpaceInDirectory()
i += 1
i = 0
return i
def add_dirent(self, filename, filetype):
index = self.get_free_dirent()
dirent = self.dirent_class(None)
dirent.set_values(filename, filetype, index)
self.set(index, dirent)
return dirent
def find_dirent(self, filename):
if hasattr(filename, "filename"):
# we've been passed a dirent instead of a filename
for dirent in list(self.segments.values()):
if dirent == filename:
return dirent
for dirent in list(self.segments.values()):
if filename == dirent.filename:
return dirent
raise errors.FileNotFound("%s not found on disk" % filename)
def save_dirent(self, image, dirent, vtoc, sector_list):
vtoc.assign_sector_numbers(dirent, sector_list)
dirent.add_metadata_sectors(vtoc, sector_list, image.header)
def remove_dirent(self, image, dirent, vtoc, sector_list):
def dirent_class(self):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def calc_sectors(self, image):
self.sectors = []
self.current_sector = self.get_dirent_sector()
self.encode_index = 0
d = list(self.segments.items())
# there may be gaps, so fill in missing entries with blanks
current = 0
for index, dirent in d:
for missing in range(current, index):
if _xd: log.debug("Encoding empty dirent at %d" % missing)
data = self.encode_empty()
if _xd: log.debug("Encoding dirent: %s" % dirent)
data = self.encode_dirent(dirent)
current = index + 1
def get_dirent_sector(self):
return self.sector_class(self.sector_size)
def encode_empty(self):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def encode_dirent(self, dirent):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def store_encoded(self, data):
while True:
if _xd: log.debug("store_encoded: %d bytes in %s" % (len(data), self.current_sector))
data = self.current_sector.add_data(data)
if len(data) > 0:
self.current_sector = self.get_dirent_sector()
def finish_encoding(self, image):
if not self.current_sector.is_empty:
def set_sector_numbers(self, image):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
class VTOC(Segment):
def __init__(self, filesystem):
self.filesystem = filesystem
offset, length = self.find_segment_location()
Segment.__init__(self,, offset, name="VTOC", length=length)
# sector map: 1 is free, 0 is allocated
self.sector_map = np.zeros([], dtype=np.uint8)
def media(self):
def find_segment_location(self):
"""Calculate the location on the media for the VTOC. Return either
sector number and count, or offset list
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must define this to declare where the directory segment is located in the media image")
# def __str__(self):
# return "%s\n (%d free)" % ("\n".join(["track %02d: %s" % (i, line) for i, line in enumerate(str(self.sector_map[self.header.starting_sector_label:(self.header.tracks_per_disk*self.header.sectors_per_track) + self.header.starting_sector_label].reshape([self.header.tracks_per_disk,self.header.sectors_per_track])).splitlines())]), self.num_free_sectors)
def unpack_vtoc(self):
"""Using the bit-encoded data, unpack it into the sector_map array
raise NotImplementedError()
def pack_vtoc(self):
"""Pack the sector_map array into the segment
raise NotImplementedError()
def num_free_sectors(self):
free = np.where(self.sector_map == 1)[0]
return len(free)
def iter_free_sectors(self):
for i, pos, size in
if self.sector_map[i] == 1:
yield i, pos, size
def assign_sector_numbers(self, dirent, sector_list):
""" Map out the sectors and link the sectors together
raises NotEnoughSpaceOnDisk if the whole file won't fit. It will not
allow partial writes.
num = len(sector_list)
order = self.reserve_space(num)
if len(order) != num:
raise errors.InvalidFile("VTOC reserved space for %d sectors. Sectors needed: %d" % (len(order), num))
file_length = 0
last_sector = None
for sector, sector_num in zip(sector_list.sectors, order):
sector.sector_num = sector_num
sector.file_num = dirent.file_num
file_length += sector.used
if last_sector is not None:
last_sector.next_sector_num = sector_num
last_sector = sector
if last_sector is not None:
last_sector.next_sector_num = 0
sector_list.file_length = file_length
def reserve_space(self, num):
order = []
for i in range(num):
if _xd: log.debug("Sectors reserved: %s" % order)
return order
def get_next_free_sector(self):
free = np.nonzero(self.sector_map)[0]
if len(free) > 0:
num = free[0]
if _xd: log.debug("Found sector %d free" % num)
self.sector_map[num] = 0
return num
raise errors.NotEnoughSpaceOnDisk("No space left in VTOC")
def calc_bitmap(self):
raise errors.NotImplementedError
def free_sector_list(self, sector_list):
for sector in sector_list:
self.sector_map[sector.sector_num] = 1
def find_filesystems():
filesystems = []
for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('atrcopy.filesystems'):
mod = entry_point.load()
log.debug(f"find_filesystems: Found module {}={mod.__name__}")
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and Filesystem in obj.__mro__[1:]:
log.debug(f"find_filesystems: found media_type class {name}")
return filesystems
def guess_filesystem(segment, verbose=False):
for f in find_filesystems():
if verbose:"trying filesystem {f}")
found = f(segment)
except errors.FilesystemError as e:
log.debug(f"found error: {e}")
if verbose:"found filesystem {f}")
return found"No recognized filesystem.")
return None