2019-03-25 15:32:18 -07:00

206 lines
6.8 KiB

import hashlib
import inspect
import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
from . import errors
from . import style_bits
from .segment import Segment
from .utils import to_numpy, to_numpy_list, uuid
from . import filesystem
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MediaType(Segment):
"""Base class for what is typically the root segment in a Container,
describing the type of media the data represents: floppy disk image,
cassette image, cartridge, etc.
pretty_name = "Raw Data"
can_resize_default = False
extra_serializable_attributes = []
def __init__(self, container):
self.header = self.calc_header(container)
self.header_length = len(self.header) if self.header else 0
size = len(container) - self.header_length
Segment.__init__(self, container, self.header_length, name=self.pretty_name, length=size)
if self.header is not None:
#### initialization
def calc_header(self, container):
"""Subclasses should override this method to verify the integrity of
any header information, if any.
If a header does exist, the subclass must return a `Segment` containing
the header.
Subclasses should raise the appropriate MediaError if the data is
incompatible with this media type.
def check_header(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method to verify that header data is
consistent with the media segment.
Subclasses should raise the appropriate MediaError if the header and
data are inconsistent.
def check_media_size(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method to verify that the payload
portion of the media (i.e. everything after the header) can be stored
in this media.
Subclasses should raise the appropriate MediaError if the data is
incompatible with this media type.
def check_magic(self):
"""Subclasses should override this method if there is some "magic"
values that can identify (or rule out) this disk image class as a
Subclasses should raise the appropriate MediaError if the data is
incompatible with this media type.
def guess_filesystem(self):
fs = filesystem.guess_filesystem(self)
if fs:
self.filesystem = fs
self.segments = list(fs.iter_segments())
class DiskImage(MediaType):
pretty_name = "Disk Image"
sector_size = 128
expected_size = 0
starting_sector_label = 1
def __init__(self, container):
self.num_sectors = 0
MediaType.__init__(self, container)
# def __str__(self):
# return f"{self.pretty_name}, size={len(self)} ({self.num_sectors}x{self.sector_size}B)"
#### verification
def check_media_size(self):
size = len(self)
if size != self.expected_size:
raise errors.InvalidMediaSize(f"{self.pretty_name} expects size {self.expected_size}; found {size}")
self.num_sectors = self.calc_num_sectors()
def calc_num_sectors(self):
size = len(self)
if size % self.sector_size != 0:
raise errors.InvalidMediaSize("{self.pretty_name} requires integer number of sectors")
return size // self.sector_size
#### sector operations
def label(self, index, lower_case=True):
sector, byte = divmod(index, self.sector_size)
if lower_case:
return "s%03d:%02x" % (sector + self.first_sector, byte)
return "s%03d:%02X" % (sector + self.first_sector, byte)
def is_sector_valid(self, sector):
return (self.num_sectors < 0) or (sector >= self.starting_sector_label and sector < (self.num_sectors + self.starting_sector_label))
def get_index_of_sector(self, sector):
if not self.is_sector_valid(sector):
raise errors.ByteNotInFile166("Sector %d out of range" % sector)
pos = (sector - self.starting_sector_label) * self.sector_size
return pos, self.sector_size
def get_contiguous_sectors_offsets(self, start, count=1):
index, _ = self.get_index_of_sector(start)
last, size = self.get_index_of_sector(start + count - 1)
return index, last + size - index
def get_contiguous_sectors(self, start, count=1):
start, size = self.get_contiguous_sectors_offsets(start, count)
return Segment(self, start, length=size)
def get_sector_list_offsets(self, sector_numbers):
offsets = np.empty(len(sector_numbers) * self.sector_size, dtype=np.uint32)
i = 0
for num in sector_numbers:
index, size = self.get_index_of_sector(num)
offsets[i:i+size] = np.arange(index, index + size)
i += size
return offsets
def get_sector_list(self, sector_numbers):
offsets = self.get_sector_list_offsets(sector_numbers)
return Segment(self, offsets)
def iter_sectors(self):
i = self.starting_sector_label
while self.is_sector_valid(i):
pos, size = self.get_index_of_sector(i)
yield i, pos, size
i += 1
class CartImage(MediaType):
pretty_name = "Cart Image"
expected_size = 0
# def __str__(self):
# return f"{len(self) // 1024}K {self.pretty_name}"
def check_media_size(self):
size = len(self)
k, rem = divmod(size, 1024)
if rem > 0:
raise errors.InvalidMediaSize("Cart not multiple of 1K")
if size != self.expected_size:
raise errors.InvalidMediaSize(f"{self.pretty_name} expects size {self.expected_size}; found {size}")
ignore_base_class_media_types = set([DiskImage, CartImage])
def find_media_types():
media_types = []
for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('atrcopy.media_types'):
mod = entry_point.load()
log.debug(f"find_media_type: Found module {}={mod.__name__}")
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and MediaType in obj.__mro__[1:] and obj not in ignore_base_class_media_types:
log.debug(f"find_media_types: found media_type class {name}")
return media_types
def guess_media_type(container, verbose=False):
for m in find_media_types():
if verbose:"trying media_type {m}")
found = m(container)
except errors.MediaError as e:
log.debug(f"found error: {e}")
if verbose:"found media_type {m}")
return found"No recognized media type.")
return MediaType(container)