
273 lines
10 KiB

import hashlib
import inspect
import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
from . import errors
from . import style_bits
from .utils import to_numpy, to_numpy_list, uuid
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DiskImageContainer:
"""Disk image data storage and unpacker for disk image compression.
Segments point to this container and refer to the container's data rather
than store copies.
Disk images may be stored as raw data or can be compressed by any number of
techniques. Subclasses of DiskImageContainer implement the `unpack_bytes`
method which examines the byte_data argument for the supported compression
type, and if valid returns the unpacked bytes to be used in the disk image
can_resize_default = False
base_serializable_attributes = ['origin', 'error', 'name', 'verbose_name', 'uuid', 'can_resize']
extra_serializable_attributes = []
def __init__(self, data, style=None, origin=0, name="All", error=None, verbose_name=None, memory_map=None):
self._data = None
self._style = None
self.set_data(data, style)
self.origin = int(origin) # force python int to decouple from possibly being a numpy datatype
self.error = error = name
self.verbose_name = verbose_name
self.uuid = uuid()
if memory_map is None:
memory_map = {}
self.memory_map = memory_map
self.comments = dict()
self.user_data = dict()
for i in range(1, style_bits.user_bit_mask):
self.user_data[i] = dict()
# Some segments may be resized to contain additional segments not
# present when the segment was created.
self.can_resize = self.__class__.can_resize_default
#### initialization
def set_data(self, data, style): = data = style
#### properties
def data(self):
return self._data
def data(self, value):
if self._data is not None:
raise errors.ReadOnlyContainer("Container already populated with data")
raw = value.tobytes()
unpacked = self.unpack_bytes(raw)
except EOFError as e:
raise errors.InvalidContainer(e)
self._data = to_numpy(unpacked)
def style(self):
return self._style
def style(self, value):
if value is None:
value = np.zeros(len(self._data), dtype=np.uint8)
self._style = to_numpy(value)
def sha1(self):
return hashlib.sha1(
#### dunder methods
def __len__(self):
return np.alen(self._data)
def __and__(self, other):
return self._data & other
def __iand__(self, other):
self._data &= other
return self
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._data[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self._data[index] = value
#### unpacking
def unpack_bytes(self, byte_data):
"""Attempt to unpack `byte_data` using this unpacking algorithm.
`byte_data` is a byte string, and should return a byte string if
successfully unpacked. Conversion to a numpy array will take place
automatically, outside of this method.
If the data is not recognized by this subclass, raise an
InvalidContainer exception. This signals to the caller that a different
container type should be tried.
If the data is recognized by this subclass but the unpacking algorithm
is not implemented, raise an UnsupportedContainer exception. This is
different than the InvalidContainer exception because it indicates that
the data was indeed recognized by this subclass (despite not being
unpacked) and checking further containers is not necessary.
return byte_data
#### packing
def pack_data(self, np_data):
"""Pack `np_data` using this packing algorithm
`np_data` is numpy data, as this function is xpected to be called from
the data held in a SourceSegment
return np_data
#### serialization
def __getstate__(self):
"""Custom jsonpickle state save routine
This routine culls down the list of attributes that should be
serialized, and in some cases changes their format slightly so they
have a better mapping to json objects. For instance, json can't handle
dicts with integer keys, so dicts are turned into lists of lists.
Tuples are also turned into lists because tuples don't have a direct
representation in json, while lists have a compact representation in
state = dict()
for key in self.base_serializable_attributes:
state[key] = getattr(self, key)
for key in self.extra_serializable_attributes:
state[key] = getattr(self, key)
r = self.rawdata
state['memory_map'] = sorted([list(i) for i in self.memory_map.items()])
state['comment ranges'] = [list(a) for a in self.get_style_ranges(comment=True)]
state['data ranges'] = [list(a) for a in self.get_style_ranges(data=True)]
for i in range(1, style_bits.user_bit_mask):
r = [list(a) for a in self.get_style_ranges(user=i)]
if r:
slot = "user style %d" % i
state[slot] = r
# json serialization doesn't allow int keys, so convert to list of
# pairs
state['comments'] = self.get_sorted_comments()
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
"""Custom jsonpickle state restore routine
The use of jsonpickle to recreate objects doesn't go through __init__,
so there will be missing attributes when restoring old versions of the
json. Once a version gets out in the wild and additional attributes are
added to a segment, a default value should be applied here.
self.memory_map = dict(state.pop('memory_map', []))
self.uuid = state.pop('uuid', uuid())
self.can_resize = state.pop('can_resize', self.__class__.can_resize_default)
comments = state.pop('comments', {})
for k, v in e['comments']:
self.comments[k] = v
ranges = state.pop('comment ranges')
if 'comment ranges' in e:
self.set_style_ranges(e['comment ranges'], comment=True)
if 'data ranges' in e:
self.set_style_ranges(e['data ranges'], user=data_style)
if 'display list ranges' in e:
# DEPRECATED, but supported on read. Converts display list to
# disassembly type 0 for user index 1
self.set_style_ranges(e['display list ranges'], data=True, user=1)
self.set_user_data(e['display list ranges'], 1, 0)
if 'user ranges 1' in e:
# DEPRECATED, but supported on read. Converts user extra data 0
# (antic dl), 1 (jumpman level), and 2 (jumpman harvest) to user
# styles 2, 3, and 4. Data is now user style 1.
for r, val in e['user ranges 1']:
self.set_style_ranges([r], user=val + 2)
for i in range(1, style_bits.user_bit_mask):
slot = "user style %d" % i
if slot in e:
self.set_style_ranges(e[slot], user=i)
#### style
def set_style_at_indexes(self, indexes, **kwargs):
style_bits = get_style_bits(**kwargs)
self._style[indexes] |= style_bits
def clear_style_at_indexes(self, indexes, **kwargs):
style_mask = get_style_mask(**kwargs)[indexes] &= style_mask
def get_style_at_indexes(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of start, end pairs that match the specified style
style_bits = self.get_style_bits(**kwargs)
matches = (self._style & style_bits) == style_bits
return self.bool_to_ranges(matches)
def fixup_comments(self):
"""Remove any style bytes that are marked as commented but have no
comment, and add any style bytes where there's a comment but it isn't
marked in the style data.
This happens on the base data, so only need to do this on one segment
that uses this base data.
style_base = self.rawdata.style_base
comment_text_indexes = np.asarray(list(self.rawdata.extra.comments.keys()), dtype=np.uint32)
comment_mask = self.get_style_mask(comment=True)
has_comments = np.where(style_base & style_bits.comment_bit_mask > 0)[0]
both = np.intersect1d(comment_text_indexes, has_comments)"fixup comments: %d correctly marked, %d without style, %d empty text" % (np.alen(both), np.alen(comment_text_indexes) - np.alen(both), np.alen(has_comments) - np.alen(both)))
style_base &= comment_mask
comment_style = self.get_style_bits(comment=True)
style_base[comment_text_indexes] |= comment_style
def find_containers():
containers = []
for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('atrcopy.containers'):
mod = entry_point.load()
log.debug(f"find_container: Found module {}={mod.__name__}")
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and DiskImageContainer in obj.__mro__[1:]:
log.debug(f"find_containers: found container class {name}")
return containers
def guess_container(r, verbose=False):
for c in find_containers():
if verbose:"trying container {c}")
found = c(r)
except errors.InvalidContainer as e:
if verbose:"found container {c}")
return found"image does not appear to be compressed.")
return DiskImageContainer(r)