Add counts and grapher for instruction progress

instructions_by_first_appearance_clock.csv is emitted from branch
"cpu_progression".  It contains the number of instructions processed
before the first time a particular instruction was encountered. emits an ASCII graph from that data,
linear or algorithmic depending on variable in the source.
This commit is contained in:
Brad Grantham 2017-01-05 15:19:40 -08:00
parent 2e7f809bc9
commit 49f098f6dc
2 changed files with 259 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
import csv
import math
mnemonics = {
0x69: "ADC #oper",
0x65: "ADC oper",
0x75: "ADC oper,X",
0x6D: "ADC oper",
0x7D: "ADC oper,X",
0x79: "ADC oper,Y",
0x61: "ADC (oper,X)",
0x71: "ADC (oper),Y",
0x29: "AND #oper",
0x25: "AND oper",
0x35: "AND oper,X",
0x2D: "AND oper",
0x3D: "AND oper,X",
0x39: "AND oper,Y",
0x21: "AND (oper,X)",
0x31: "AND (oper),Y",
0x0A: "ASL A",
0x06: "ASL oper",
0x16: "ASL oper,X",
0x0E: "ASL oper",
0x1E: "ASL oper,X",
0x90: "BCC oper",
0xB0: "BCS oper",
0xF0: "BEQ oper",
0x24: "BIT oper",
0x2C: "BIT oper",
0x30: "BMI oper",
0xD0: "BNE oper",
0x10: "BPL oper",
0x00: "BRK",
0x50: "BVC oper",
0x70: "BVC oper",
0x18: "CLC",
0xD8: "CLD",
0x58: "CLI",
0xB8: "CLV",
0xC9: "CMP #oper",
0xC5: "CMP oper",
0xD5: "CMP oper,X",
0xCD: "CMP oper",
0xDD: "CMP oper,X",
0xD9: "CMP oper,Y",
0xC1: "CMP (oper,X)",
0xD1: "CMP (oper),Y",
0xE0: "CPX #oper",
0xE4: "CPX oper",
0xEC: "CPX oper",
0xC0: "CPY #oper",
0xC4: "CPY oper",
0xCC: "CPY oper",
0xC6: "DEC oper",
0xD6: "DEC oper,X",
0xCE: "DEC oper",
0xDE: "DEC oper,X",
0xCA: "DEC",
0x88: "DEC",
0x49: "EOR #oper",
0x45: "EOR oper",
0x55: "EOR oper,X",
0x4D: "EOR oper",
0x5D: "EOR oper,X",
0x59: "EOR oper,Y",
0x41: "EOR (oper,X)",
0x51: "EOR (oper),Y",
0xE6: "INC oper",
0xF6: "INC oper,X",
0xEE: "INC oper",
0xFE: "INC oper,X",
0xE8: "INX",
0xC8: "INY",
0x4C: "JMP oper",
0x6C: "JMP (oper)",
0x20: "JSR oper",
0xA9: "LDA #oper",
0xA5: "LDA oper",
0xB5: "LDA oper,X",
0xAD: "LDA oper",
0xBD: "LDA oper,X",
0xB9: "LDA oper,Y",
0xA1: "LDA (oper,X)",
0xB1: "LDA (oper),Y",
0xA2: "LDX #oper",
0xA6: "LDX oper",
0xB6: "LDX oper,Y",
0xAE: "LDX oper",
0xBE: "LDX oper,Y",
0xA0: "LDY #oper",
0xA4: "LDY oper",
0xB4: "LDY oper,X",
0xAC: "LDY oper",
0xBC: "LDY oper,X",
0x4A: "LSR A",
0x46: "LSR oper",
0x56: "LSR oper,X",
0x4E: "LSR oper",
0x5E: "LSR oper,X",
0xEA: "NOP",
0x09: "ORA #oper",
0x05: "ORA oper",
0x15: "ORA oper,X",
0x0D: "ORA oper",
0x1D: "ORA oper,X",
0x19: "ORA oper,Y",
0x01: "ORA (oper,X)",
0x11: "ORA (oper),Y",
0x48: "PHA",
0x08: "PHP",
0x68: "PLA",
0x28: "PHP",
0x2A: "ROL A",
0x26: "ROL oper",
0x36: "ROL oper,X",
0x2E: "ROL oper",
0x3E: "ROL oper,X",
0x6A: "ROR A",
0x66: "ROR oper",
0x76: "ROR oper,X",
0x6E: "ROR oper",
0x7E: "ROR oper,X",
0x40: "RTI",
0x60: "RTS",
0xE9: "SBC #oper",
0xE5: "SBC oper",
0xF5: "SBC oper,X",
0xED: "SBC oper",
0xFD: "SBC oper,X",
0xF9: "SBC oper,Y",
0xE1: "SBC (oper,X)",
0xF1: "SBC (oper),Y",
0x38: "SEC",
0xF8: "SED",
0x78: "SEI",
0x85: "STA oper",
0x95: "STA oper,X",
0x8D: "STA oper",
0x9D: "STA oper,X",
0x99: "STA oper,Y",
0x81: "STA (oper,X)",
0x91: "STA (oper),Y",
0x86: "STX oper",
0x96: "STX oper,Y",
0x8E: "STX oper",
0x84: "STY oper",
0x94: "STY oper,X",
0x8C: "STY oper",
0xAA: "TAX",
0xA8: "TAY",
0xBA: "TSX",
0x8A: "TXA",
0x9A: "TXS",
0x98: "TYA",
# 'a,'bs/ ..............\(.............\) \([0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]\).*/0x\2: "\1",/
logarithmic = False
maxm = 0
insns = []
for (time, insn) in csv.reader(open("instructions_by_first_appearance_clock.csv")):
time = int(time)
insn = int("0x" + insn.strip(), 16)
insns.append((time, insn))
maxm = max(maxm, time)
width = 52
if logarithmic:
print "logarithmic chart"
maxm = math.log(maxm)
print "linear chart"
maxm = 407 # XXX
for (time, insn) in insns:
if logarithmic:
bar = '*' * min(width, int(math.log(1 + time) * width / maxm))
bar = '*' * min(width, int(time * width / maxm))
print "%02X %-14s %6d : %s" % (insn, '"%s"' % mnemonics[insn], time, bar)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
0, D8
1, 20
2, A0
3, 84
4, 60
6, A9
7, 85
8, AD
12, F0
17, D0
18, 2C
19, 08
20, 8D
21, 4C
23, 88
24, 30
34, 48
38, 29
40, 98
41, 18
42, 69
45, A5
47, A4
48, CC
52, ED
53, B0
55, 8C
56, AC
63, 4A
65, 09
67, 68
69, 90
71, 0A
73, 05
78, 10
80, 65
84, A8
87, B9
128, 28
136, A2
141, 94
142, 95
216, B4
218, C0
231, B5
334, BD
335, DD
356, C9
366, EA
373, 6C
405, 38
407, E9
45341, 49
45342, CD
45409, 91
45410, C8
45411, C4
45573, C5
50104, 99
50142, 9D
50143, CA
50162, 86
50165, C6
50170, B1
50171, D9
50239, 9A
50404, 8A
50445, E6
50532, D1
52573, 25
52605, 4E
53708, 45
734811, AA
735117, E0
735129, 46
1 0 D8
2 1 20
3 2 A0
4 3 84
5 4 60
6 6 A9
7 7 85
8 8 AD
9 12 F0
10 17 D0
11 18 2C
12 19 08
13 20 8D
14 21 4C
15 23 88
16 24 30
17 34 48
18 38 29
19 40 98
20 41 18
21 42 69
22 45 A5
23 47 A4
24 48 CC
25 52 ED
26 53 B0
27 55 8C
28 56 AC
29 63 4A
30 65 09
31 67 68
32 69 90
33 71 0A
34 73 05
35 78 10
36 80 65
37 84 A8
38 87 B9
39 128 28
40 136 A2
41 141 94
42 142 95
43 216 B4
44 218 C0
45 231 B5
46 334 BD
47 335 DD
48 356 C9
49 366 EA
50 373 6C
51 405 38
52 407 E9
53 45341 49
54 45342 CD
55 45409 91
56 45410 C8
57 45411 C4
58 45573 C5
59 50104 99
60 50142 9D
61 50143 CA
62 50162 86
63 50165 C6
64 50170 B1
65 50171 D9
66 50239 9A
67 50404 8A
68 50445 E6
69 50532 D1
70 52573 25
71 52605 4E
72 53708 45
73 734811 AA
74 735117 E0
75 735129 46