Brad Grantham cabfe5191e Mostly rewrite graphics to use shaders
Move to GL 3.2
Draw a quad with shaders depending on the mode in that part of the screen
    HIRES shader reads from hires texture
    TEXTPORT shader reads from textpor texture and indirects through a font
      to get pixel values
MIXED now supported
Still to do: BLINK text, INVERSE text, LORES, gang up HGR memory updates
Why doesn't cursor flash the checkerboard?
2016-11-18 20:54:19 -08:00

52 lines
1.1 KiB

#include <tuple>
namespace APPLE2Einterface
const int LEFT_SHIFT = 340;
const int LEFT_CONTROL = 341;
const int LEFT_ALT = 342;
const int LEFT_SUPER = 343;
const int RIGHT_SHIFT = 344;
const int RIGHT_CONTROL = 345;
const int RIGHT_ALT = 346;
const int RIGHT_SUPER = 347;
const int ESCAPE = 256;
const int ENTER = 257;
const int TAB = 258;
const int BACKSPACE = 259;
const int INSERT = 260;
const int DELETE = 261;
const int RIGHT = 262;
const int LEFT = 263;
const int DOWN = 264;
const int UP = 265;
const int PAGE_UP = 266;
const int PAGE_DOWN = 267;
const int HOME = 268;
const int END = 269;
const int CAPS_LOCK = 280;
struct event {
EventType type;
int value;
event(EventType type_, int value_) :
void start();
void iterate(); // display
void shutdown();
bool event_waiting();
event dequeue_event();
enum DisplayMode {TEXT, LORES, HIRES};
void set_switches(DisplayMode mode, bool mixed, int page);
bool write(int addr, unsigned char data);