Brad Grantham 604bf07b4f Partially implement floppy disks
Floppy disks partially work:
    apple2e -noaudio -fast -diskII disk2romfile {floppy1name,"none"} {floppy2name,"none"} apple2e.rom

Import nybblizer from Shamus but only DOS
Support floppy hardware
    track motor stepper
Add -noaudio (otherwise execution is throttled by waits once audio buffer is filled)
Only read ROM at D000 and E000 if C08X_read_RAM isn't turned on
RAMRD, RAMWRT, and ALTZP are implemented, note them as such in constructor
Correctly decode C08X soft switches
Implement a bunch more instructions
    INC abs
    LDY abs, X
    SBC abs, Y
    ADC abs
    ASL abs
    LSR abs, X
    ORA abs
    ORA abs, X
    AND abs, Y
    STA (ind, X)
    LDX abs
    CPX abs
    EOR (ind, X)
    EOR abs
    EOR abs, X
    STX abs
Throttle to actual number of clocks per instruction
Temporarily enable "Fake6502" instead of my CPU because there's an obvious difference
Better blink speed in interface.cpp
2016-11-27 17:10:03 -08:00

15 lines
208 B

#include <stdint.h>
extern "C" {
extern uint32_t clockticks6502;
void reset6502();
void nmi6502();
void irq6502();
void exec6502(uint32_t tickcount);
void step6502();
void hookexternal(void *funcptr);